KINO@Macau Program Booklet

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Presented by/主辦/

Co-curated by/聯合節目策劃/


Photo: Fukushima, mon Amour

29.09. – 10.10.2016

In collaboration with 協辦:

Venue and Ticketing Services sponsored by 場地及售票服務贊助:

Supported by 支持:


LEARNING GERMAN? Sprache. Kultur. Deutschland.


Photo: 13 Minutes

KINO 在香港

KINO@HongKong 日期 Dates:29.09. – 10.10.2016

地點 Venues:Hong Kong Science Museum (SM), The Grand Cinema (GC), UA Cine Moko (MO) 詳情 票價 Ticket price:HK$85/ $70 學生及長者八折優惠 20% discount to students and senior citizens 門票由 2016 年 8 月 29 日起公開發售 Tickets available from Aug 29 2016 onwards


29/9 7:30pm GC │ 8/10 7:30pm MO  中英文字幕

開幕電影・OPENING FILM 決命 13 分鐘  13 Minutes (Elser) 導演・Director:

奧利華希舒碧基・Oliver Hirschbiegel  德國・ Germany, 2015, 114 分鐘・mins

獎項・Award: 2015 巴伐利亞電影獎最佳製作 Bavarian Film Awards – Best Production 正所謂「生於亂世有種責任」,一個平凡小人物,憑一 己之力,差一點就改寫了世界歷史。導演奧利華希舒碧 基繼《希特拉的最後 12 夜》後,再次回到納粹時期, 翻開幾乎被世人遺忘的一頁。大戰爆發,希特拉到慕尼 黑啤酒館發表演說,因事提早離場,十三分鐘後,場館 被炸毀。青年工人佐治艾爾沙被捕,蓋世太保嚴刑逼 供,追究幕後主腦,沒料到暗殺行動竟是由他獨力策 劃。受刑期間,種種記憶湧上心頭,念念不忘畢生最愛, 只因眼見獨裁政權肆虐,於是自製炸彈,實行「自己國 家自己救」。 Georg Elser was a man who could have changed world history and saved millions of human lives. If only he had had 13 more minutes. With 13 more minutes, the bomb he had personally assembled would have torn apart Adolf Hitler and his henchmen. But this was not to be, and on 8 November 1939, Hitler left the scene of the attempted assassination earlier than expected – leaving Elser to fail catastrophically. Who was this man who recognized the danger emanating from Hitler sooner than many others, who took action when everybody else, including the German generals, meekly followed orders or kept silent? 4

導演・Director: 奧利華希舒碧基 2001 年憑《死 亡實驗》贏盡口碑與票房,成為 備受國際影壇關注的德國導演。 其後他又憑《希特拉的最後 12 夜》提名 2005 年奧斯卡最佳外 語片,2007 年他跟妮歌潔曼及 丹尼格爾合作,將科幻小說《The Body Snatcher》拍成電影《無恐不入》。電影以外, 希舒碧基亦活躍於電視製作。其他作品包括《DIANA》 (2013)、《FIVE MINUTES OF HEAVEN》(2009)、 《EIN GANZ GEWÖHNLICHER JUDE》(2005)及《MY LAST FILM》(2002)等。 Oliver Hirschbiegel scored a sensational success with the award-winning feature film THE EXPERIMENT (2001). His third feature DOWNFALL (2004) was nominated for an Academy Award in 2005 in the category Best Foreign Language Film. Also active in television, a selection of his other features includes: DIANA (2013), FIVE MINUTES OF HEAVEN (2009), EIN GANZ GEWÖHNLICHER JUDE (2005), and MY LAST FILM (2002).

鳴謝 Acknowledgement:

29/9 9:45pm GC│ 9/10 4:30pm MO  中英文字幕

30/9 7pm SM │ 8/10 2pm GC  英文字幕

希魔回來了  Look Who’s Back (Er ist wieder da)

四大癲王  4 Kings (4 Könige)


大衛韋能・David Wnendt  德國・Germany, 2015, 116 分鐘・mins

提名・Nominations: 2016 德國電影大獎四項提名 German Film Awards - Four nominations 希特拉一覺醒來,見到自己身處今天的柏林,七十年前 他沒有死去,「他的」德國人民沒有隨着二戰敗陣玉石 俱焚,周圍卻多了許多外族人。失業的電視台導演發現 這個奇人,覺得他演得形神俱似,把他推薦給電視台, 令收視急升,電視成為宣揚極右思想的最佳舞台。觀眾 當笑話看,但等等,他是好戲之人,還是想再次征服世 界的真・希特拉?追貼德國難民問題及歐洲極右思想抬 頭,不用虛構「波叔」出來搞搞震,只要將希魔還魂, 揮之不去的排外思想立刻無所遁形。 Der Führer is back. It is present day summer and Adolf Hitler suddenly wakes up on the site of his former bunker, now a residential area of Berlin, 70 years after his presumed demise. The war is over, his party is no more, his beloved Eva is not there to console him and the present German society is so multicultural he does not recognize it. But, against all the odds, Adolf Hitler begins a new career on television because he is universally mistaken for a brilliant comedian – even though he is indeed the genuine article and his intentions have not changed…

導演・Director: 杜麗莎馮艾芷・Theresa von Eltz  德國・Germany, 2015, 99 分鐘・mins Bluray

提名・Nominations: 2016 德國電影大獎三項提名 German Film Awards - Three nominations Fedja 被欺凌 Lara 反叛 Alex 躲藏 Timo 狂躁,四人的字 母大寫拼起來就出了 FLAT,蕭條的意思。他們情緒心 理的問題都爆發過,被「關」在少年精神科急症中心度 過聖誕,心中有股對家人、世界的恨意。然而不苟言笑 的 Dr. Wolff 將他們湊合起來,自發給他們攝錄機互訪。 關連與自愛慢慢建立,卻還是遇上傲慢的成人目光。若 然觀眾想起《早餐俱樂部》的話,這則是一個心血來潮、 不歡而散,而又讓少年人終身銘記的聖誕夜留堂。馮艾 芷第一部作品擁有獨到的冷靜、敏銳和關懷,不獨淨化 出角色的內心狀態,還在尋常處境推敲危機,呈現失控 的張力及人間的惋惜。 Christmas is coming, and all Alex wants is harmony, beauty, light and hope. But it seems all her parents want to do is fight. She sees only one way out. The next day, she finds herself in the teen psychiatric emergency unit. There she meets Lara, the striking daughter of an academic family who’s having acid flashbacks; shy Fedja, who is being bullied at school; and violent Timo, who has just been moved from the locked ward. Under the care of young psychiatrist Dr. Wolff, the four teens, who could hardly be more different, have to deal with each other at Christmas, whether they want to or not.


1/10 2pm MO │ 8/10 4pm GC  英文字幕

2/10 7pm GC │ 9/10 1:50pm MO  中英文字幕

懷孕 24 週  24 weeks (24 Wochen)

愛在獨裁恐怖時  Colonia


安佐哈貝哈切特・Anne Zohra Berrached  德國・ Germany, 2016, 102 分鐘・mins

獎項・Award: 2016 柏林影展德國藝術影院公會獎 Berlin Film Festival – Prize of the Guild of German Art House Cinemas

提名・Nomination: 2016 柏林影展金熊獎 Berlin Film Festival – Golden Berlin Bear 在台上,阿思緹以棟篤笑逗人開心,在台下,卻要面對 令人笑不出的困難處境。正當她與同居男友歡天喜地迎 接第二胎小孩的來臨,腹中兒子竟被驗出有先天缺陷, 極可能是唐氏綜合症嬰兒,而且患有心漏病。要把他帶 到人間,還是提前了結他的生命?尤其她是公眾人物, 更感到異常壓力。導演安佐哈貝哈切特曾在前作《十種 懷孕的方法》探討女同性伴侶的生育權利,這次討論墮 胎抉擇。憑《蘇菲最後的五天》贏得柏林影后的尤莉亞 嫣琪,在手搖鏡頭前,細膩表現出主角複雜而痛苦的心 理掙扎。 The stage lights, the applause – Astrid loves being a cabaret performer, and loves her tolerant and supportive husband Markus. Every decision is taken together, and this one is no different: what will they do with the child that Astrid is carrying, now, six months into the pregnancy, that she learns it will be severely disabled? She and Marcus have a choice, but little time… A strong nature with a witty answer to everything, Astrid now feels lost. Ultimately, only she who is bearing the child can take this weighty decision. What will she do? Who decides whether the child will have a life worth living?



傅里安加倫伯格・Florian Gallenberger 德國 / 盧森堡 / 法國・Germany/Luxembourg/France 2015, 110 分鐘・mins

提名・Nominations: 2016 德國電影大獎五項提名 German Film Awards – Five nominations 真 人 真 事 改 編, 愛 瑪 屈 臣 妙 麗 大 個 女 演 空 姐 Lena, 1973 年在智利聖地牙哥與男友熱血青年 Daniel,雙雙 親歷皮諾切特推翻民主政府的 911 政變。男友被認出是 總統阿連德的支持者被捕,嬌柔女生沒有魔法,卻為愛 情隻身潛入虎穴。虎穴是新教派的農作公社「莊嚴墾 地」(Colonia Dignidad),實際是為秘密警察服務的 高設防勞改集中營,由撒旦式人物 Paul Schäfer 打理。 他以播道為名邪說洗腦,拷打政治犯、性侵兒童。德國 大使館究竟有害群之馬,抑或根本是獨裁者的朋友?導 演加倫伯格不是一味追求緊張驚險而忽略批判世情,他 要觀眾深思背後勾連。 The Chilean coup of 1973. The masses are out on the streets, protesting against General Pinochet. Amongst them, Daniel and Lena, a young couple, which, like many others, get arrested by Pinochet’s secret police. Shortly thereafter, Daniel finds himself trapped in a secret interrogation camp located underground, beneath the infamous Colonia Dignidad, a German sect following the leadership of the notorious Paul Schäfer. The Colonia presents itself as a charitable mission while, in fact, it is a place nobody ever escaped from. Desperate to rescue her boyfriend, Lena joins the mysterious cult, hoping to find Daniel there and make their way out.

30/9 9pm SM │ 10/10 7:30pm GC  中英文字幕

2/10 9:30pm GC │ 9/10 7pm SM  中英文字幕

福島之戀  Fukushima, Mon Amour (Grüsse aus Fukushima)

大數據大民主  Democracy (Democracy - im Rausch der Daten)



桃麗絲杜莉・Doris Dörrie  德國・Germany, 2016, 104 分鐘・mins Bluray

獎項・Awards: 2016 柏林影展歐洲藝術影院國際聯盟獎、Heiner Carow 大獎、面面觀觀眾大獎第二名 Berlin Film Festival – C.I.C.A.E.Award, Heiner Carow Prize, Panorama Audience Award 2nd place 桃麗絲杜莉繼《快樂的傷逝》,再以德國目光看日本。 上次以櫻花景象描畫生命盡頭,這次則以福島災區的荒 涼,歌頌生命頑強。一老一嫩的德國小丑來到福島,為 住在臨時房屋的災民表演。年輕壯丁早已走清光,只剩 無處可去的老人。年青女小丑火喉未夠,換來老婆婆 (桃井黛)一聲 bullshit。但老婆婆第二天卻請求女小 丑開車,送她入隔離區的老家。老婆婆堅持不走,女小 丑幫她執拾,老婆婆是福島最後的藝伎,女小丑也有自 己的傷痛,兩人一起在浩劫重生的土地上彼此療傷。 Doris Dörrie shot the film right in the heart of Fukushima’s Exclusion Zone only months after the catastrophe, telling the story of a young German woman Marie, who escapes to Fukushima to change her life. Working with the organization Clowns4Help, Marie hopes to bring joy to the nuclear disaster survivors. She soon realizes she is absolutely unsuited to the task. But instead of running away, she decides to stay with Satomi, the last geisha of Fukushima, who has decided to retreat to her ruined house in the formerly radioactive Exclusion Zone. The young girl and the older woman gradually get to know each other and both find themselves confronted by the ghosts of their respective pasts.

大衛伯納・David Bernet  德國/法國/比利時/意 大利・Germany/France/Belgium/Italy, 2015, 100 分鐘・mins Bluray

提名・Nomination: 2016 德國電影大獎最佳紀錄片 German Film Awards – Best Documentary 數據是二十一世紀的黃金,就像上世紀的石油。社交媒 體及搜尋器賺大錢,難道是大家每次使用付費而賺來的 嗎?本片深入布魯塞爾歐盟總部,追擊歐盟數據保護 法案的草擬過程。法案草擬者 Jan Philipp Albrecht 貌 似宅男,實為德國綠黨的歐洲議會議員,他和比他更 宅的網絡專家 Ralf Bendrath 勇闖布魯塞爾,和各國議 員、部長,大企業派出的律師、說客交手。三十出頭的 Albrecht 登上國際大舞台,西裝外套底下仍是個黃毛小 子,但見他沒忘初衷,和不同立場的持份者磋商,表現 出年輕人一樣可以務實幹練地改變世界。 There are a few things that are more unwieldy and lacking in transparency than European politics. Who’s really running the show in Brussels? What’s the true role of the European Parliament or the Council of Ministers? How do the new laws and regulations that apply to all 28 member states get made? For two years, DEMOCRACY followed several key figures behind the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, a controversial issue among European policymakers. The film starts in 2014 with the European Parliament approving the new regulation, and then leaps two years back to the start of the negotiations. After two and a half years of following the legislative process, the documentary brings complex power structures to life and offers a snapshot of democracy today.

* 導演將出席 10 月 10 日之放映 The director will join the screening on 10.10.


1/10 4pm MO │ 8/10 9:40pm MO  英文字幕

3/10 9:30pm GC │ 7/10 7:30pm GC  英文字幕

神職謊言  The Culpable (Verfehlung) 導演・Director:

自由初體驗  Transit Camp Friedland (Friedland)


謝德舒奈達・Gerd Schneider  德國・Germany, 2015, 95 分鐘・mins

獎項・Award: 2016 聖塔芭芭拉國際電影節最受觀眾歡迎獎 Santa Barbara International Film Festival – Audience Choice Award 小鎮無風起浪,多明力神父矢口否認性侵男孩,奧利華 神父為大局力撐,抵擋居民口誅圍攻。雅各神父則由不 相信到發現不止一個受害人,十五年共侍天父的好友原 來活在大謊話裏,給自己腐壞行徑情不自禁人性化的藉 口。友誼面對現實盤算煙消雲散,雅各神父走到信念崩 潰邊緣,重建信心是一條痛苦而清高的荊棘路。謝德舒 奈達修讀神學,卻不當神僕改做導演,第一部劇情片便 將內心信仰矛盾打爛沙盤問到篤,在《焦點追擊》和《神 父俱樂部》之間提供局中人辯證角度,沒有協商餘地, 主張勿忘初衷的自我救贖,事關有預言說,方濟各是末 代教宗啊。 “There is a truth we welcome and there is a truth we fear, about which we tend to fall silent.” The life of Jakob, a Catholic prison minister, is fundamentally troubled when Dominik, his best friend and hieratical colleague, is taken in custody under suspicion of sexual abuse. What Jakob is beginning to suspect becomes a crucial test for his faith and his self-conception as a priest. As Jakob begins to turn against that silence within the church, he is taught a lesson: the church is a mother, and one does not beat a mother. Gerd Schneider, the director who studied Theology before turning to film studies, gives an insider’s view on church hierarchy.


方琪珊迪・Frauke Sandig  德國・Germany, 2015, 85 分鐘・mins

極權統治與戰爭是雙生兒,黎民百姓吃苦難民問題無 日無之。在德國下薩克森的弗里德蘭難民中轉營早在 1945 年成立,七十年如一日,堅持宗旨以人道主義為 「待客之道」。它與別不同的地方是從來不設鐵絲網, 難民未獲身份証已初嚐自由的味道。營中過客訴說走難 經歷,未來縱令人擔憂,眼前實在,生活銜接工夫已開 展,人間看到希望;方琪珊迪的鏡頭格外關心女性和小 孩,邀來中轉營首批住客之一 Annelie Keil 重遊弗里德 蘭見證生命。她是退休大學教授,二戰後從波蘭來到只 得八歲,眼下敘利亞難民孩子讓她看見當年自己。 The idyllic town in Lower Saxony has experienced many periods of escape stories. In September 1945, the British Military Government opened the camp to process millions of German expellees and war returnees. Today Friedland is an initial reception center for asylum seekers and refugees. Frauke Sandig follows refugees from Syria, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Pakistan during their stay in the camp - and also talks with Germans who came in the early days when Friedland first opened. Their dramatic stories allow us to see both differences and similarities in the feelings, experiences and aspirations of the people at this place where so many stories of flight intersect.

3/10 7:30pm GC │ 10/10 9:45pm GC  英文字幕

9/10 9:15pm SM  中英文字幕

講價講嫁  Marry Me!

德國短片選  Short Export 2016


德國・Germany, 2015, 95 分鐘・mins

妮勒莎芭達・Neelesha Barthel  德國・Germany, 2015, 94 分鐘・mins

這部圍繞「假」結婚的街坊喜劇,背後充滿女性自省。 Kissy 言行像西方女人,但膚色樣貌就是印度,目前人 生不過不失,樓上收租及自住地鋪做便餐,女兒前夫及 前夫女友都住在這棟家族獨立樓房裏。外婆駕到要搞清 楚契約,著令她結婚才讓她承繼目前擁有的物業,她 不得已擺個再嫁前夫的婚禮。她其實一直走着母親遠 離母土的舊路,從來過着身份一半一半的彆扭人生, Mr Right 是懂燒印度菜的新廚帥哥,他要她勇敢接受 Kishori 本名。導演妮勒莎芭達是德印混血兒,城市喜 感不忘寶萊塢歌舞動感,薄餅橄欖味道中有禁不住的咖 喱香。 Marriage? Eternal Love? Forget about it! But, what if suddenly, as a convinced single, you would need to stage your own Bollywood-style wedding? Kissy, a German-Indian woman in her late twenties, living happily with her seven-year-old daughter Meena in Berlin, while overseeing a building of rented apartments in Berlin-Kreuzberg. In the same house she also runs her cosy Café Devi. Everything is just tickety-boo, if it were not for her megatraditional grandmother, who has travelled all the way from India to Germany with the express intention of ensuring that Kissy is married, or the building, along with the café, will be sold!

德國製造,包羅萬有,十部精選表現多元精神。〈沒有 曼陀林的女人〉︰破碎的面容,如炬的目光。〈雲中 室〉︰有一毒居男子,每天高空轟炸,如何走下來豁出 去?。〈不和諧音〉︰鋼琴家活在自己的圓球世界,只 想為一個人表演。〈壯麗工藝品 3 號〉︰泥膠重現索拉 納斯槍擊安迪華荷,又可愛又迷亂。〈我是宇宙〉︰讓 我們齊來記起宇宙的秘密﹗〈一個浴缸三兄弟〉︰幾經 辛苦重演兒時一幕,只為博媽一粲。〈疲倦手記〉︰一 些關於疲倦的隨想。〈她的兒子〉︰在僅餘的時光,母 子能否打開長久的隔膜?〈誰來埋單?〉︰所有動物生 來平等,但有些動物比其他動物更平等。〈霍耶斯韋達 文件〉︰ 25 年前發生於東德的排外事件,是否今日難 民景況的借鑑? Since 2006, the successful German-French collaborative project once called “Soiree Allemande” has been presenting outstanding current German short films. Now under the new name SHORT EXPORT, 10 short films are selected from over 400 German entries, ranging from bizarre and exciting to warm-hearted and hilarious stories, told as fiction, documentary or animation films.


節目時間表・Screening Schedule Date

Venue -

13 Minutes 決命 13 分鐘 7:30pm

● 29 Sep(Thu)

30 Sep(Fri)

4 Kings 四大癲王 7pm

1 Oct(Sat)

24 Weeks 懷孕 24 週 2pm

The Culpable 神職謊言 4pm

2 Oct(Sun)

3 Oct(Mon)


Transit Camp Friedland 自由初體驗 9:30pm


Transit Camp Friedland 自由初體驗 7:30pm


13 Minutes 決命 13 分鐘 7:30pm (MO)

The Culpable 神職謊言 9:40pm (MO)


Short Export 2016 德國短片選 9:15pm (SM)


Marry Me! 講價講嫁 9:45pm


8 Oct(Sat)

4 Kings 四大癲王 2pm(GC)

24 Weeks 懷孕 24 週 4pm (GC) ● Look Who’s Back 希魔回來了 4:30pm (MO)

● -


Marry Me! 講價講嫁 7:30pm

10 Oct(Mon)

Fukushima, Mon Amour 福島之戀 9pm


9 Oct(Sun)


● Democracy 大數據大民主 9:30pm

7 Oct(Fri)

Colonia ● 愛在獨裁恐怖時 1:50pm (MO)

Colonia ● 愛在獨裁恐怖時 7pm

● Look Who’s Back 希魔回來了 9:45pm

Democracy 大數據大民主 7pm (SM) Fukushima, Mon Amour 福島之戀 7:30pm

所有電影備有英文字幕(英語對白除外)│ All films are shown with English subtitles(except English dialogue) ● 附加中文字幕│ With Chinese subtitles

與導演會面│ Meet the Director

節 目 或 會 更 改, 詳 情 請 瀏 覽 │ Schedule subject to change, please refer to www. for more information 本單張付印時,部份影片仍未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查,將來如有影片被分類為第三級者,未滿十八 歲的持票人士可獲退票。│ At the time this leaflet goes to print, some of the films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In the event that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years old. 10

購票須知・Ticketing Information 香港科學館演講廳


│ Hong Kong Science Museum Lecture Hall (SM) │ 2 Science Museum Road, TST East

門票由二零一六年八月二十九日起於城市售票網發售│Tickets available at URBTIX from Aug 29 2016 onwards 票務查詢・Ticketing Enquiries : 3761 6661 信用卡電話購票・Credit Card Telephone Booking Hotline : 2111 5999 網上訂票・Internet Booking : 流動購票應用程式 Mobile Ticketing App: 使用信用卡電話購票或網上購票均會收取手續費│Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased via Credit Card Telephone Booking and Internet Online Booking

票價・Ticket price: HK$70/HK$56* * 全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士│ full time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients 全日制學生及綜援受惠人士優惠票數量有限,先到先得。優惠票持有人士入場時,必須出示可以證明身份或年齡的有效證件│ Tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first served basis. Concessionary ticket holders must produce evidence of their identity or age upon admission # 香港科學館不設城市售票網售票處,選擇領票服務的顧客可於館內的自助取票機領取門票│ There is no URBTIX counter service at the Hong Kong Science Museum. Ticket collection service is available at the Ticket Dispensing Machine in the Museum

The Grand Cinema (GC)

尖沙咀柯士甸道一號圓方 2 樓(港鐵九龍站)│Level 2, Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui(Kowloon Station)

門票由二零一六年八月二十九日起經以下途徑發售│ Tickets available from Aug 29 2016 onwards via: 親臨 The Grand Cinema 票房│ The Box Office of The Grand Cinema 網上訂票・Online Booking 手機程式訂票・Mobile Apps Booking :The Grand Cinema 票務查詢・Ticketing Enquiries:2196 8170 凡經網上及手機程式購票均會收取手續費│ Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or mobile apps

票價・Ticket price : HK$85/HK$68 (學生 / 小童 / 長者│ Student/Child/Senior) THE CIRCLE 會員及其他 The Grand 伙伴信用卡之持有人可享八折優惠│ 20% discount to THE CIRCLE member and holders of credit cards issued by The Grand’s bank promotion partners(詳情請參閱・For details pls visit

UA Cine Moko (MO)

旺角新世紀廣場 L4 樓層 (港鐵旺角東站 D 出口)│Level 4, MOKO, Mongkok (Mong Kok East MTR Exit D)

門票由二零一六年八月二十九日起經以下途徑發售│ Tickets available from Aug 29 2016 onwards via: 親臨 UA Cine Moko 票房│ The Box Office of UA Cine Moko 網上訂票・Online 手機程式訂票・Mobile Apps Booking:UA Cinemas 電話購票・Phone Ticketing Enquiries:2317 6666

票價・Ticket price : HK$85/HK$68(學生 / 小童 / 長者│ Student/Child/Senior) HK$76 (UA Loyalty Club Regular member)/ HK$68(UA Loyalty Club Star member) 香港歌德學院學生憑有效優惠信可享八折優惠(開幕電影除外)│ 20% discount to Goethe-Institut Hongkong’s students with a valid proof(not applicable to Opening film)


│ Programme Enquiries:2802 0088 /



In Collaboration with

日期・Date: 11. – 14.10.2016 時間・Time: 7pm 地點・Venue: Global Lounge, G/F, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre, HKU 查詢・Enquiries: Kelvin Wong (Tel: 5615 0303) German Association, A.A.H.K.U.S.U.: 免費入場・Free Admission 配有英文字幕・All Films are shown with English subtitles

11/10, 7pm

Parents (Eltern) Director: Robert Thalheim, 2013 96 mins For years, their roles were simply reversed. Theatre director Konrad took care of the household and their two children, while his wife Christine worked her way up as an anaesthetist. But that’s about to come to an end. Konrad has a career breakthrough, and an au pair from Argentina is to take care of the kids. But nothing goes as planned…

12/10, 7pm

About a Girl Director: Mark Monheim, 2014 104 mins Just like every teenager, 16-year-old Charleen has lots of doubts about herself. Unlike many teenagers, she tends to think way too much. One day, she decides to end her life prematurely. Fortunately, her suicidal attempt ends in failure. What follows is a complete intervention of her life from her family, social worker, therapist and friends...

13/10, 7pm

West (Westen) Director: Christian Schwochow, 2013 102 mins Two suitcases, a schoolbag, a cuddly toy – that’s all Nelly and her son Alexej take with them to start their new lives in the West. Nelly’s boyfriend died in a car accident, and she wants to start afresh. But over the other side of the Wall, the first place awaiting them is the cramped Emergency Refugee Center...

14/10, 7pm

Hotel Lux Director: Leander Haussmann, 2011 103 mins Berlin, 1933: Zeisig and Meyer are a comedy act: They do a brilliant parody of Hitler and Stalin - unperturbed by initial attempts to intimidate them. But that will not go on for much longer. Meyer goes into hiding in the Resistance, gets caught and is taken to a concentration camp. Zeisig is forced to flee with a false passport…


Photo: Wings of Desire

協辦 In Collaboration with:

KINO 在澳門


日期 Dates:8,9,15,16.10.2016 地點 Venue:戀愛.電影館(澳門戀愛巷 13 號,鄰近大三巴) Cinematheque.Passion(13 Travessa da Paixao, Macau) 詳情 Details: 票價 Ticket price:MOP$50/$25 (學生及 65 歲或以上長者優惠 / Half price for students and senior citizens aged 65 or above)

購票 Ticketing:易易票 / 边度有書 Pin-to Livros / 戀愛.電影館售票處(只適用於放映當日)Box Office at Cinematheque.Passion

(Opens on screening dates only.) 13

焦點導演・Director-in-Focus: 雲溫達斯・Wim Wenders

8/10(Sat) 8pm  中文字幕  In Chinese Subtitles

16/10(Sun) 8pm  中文字幕  In Chinese Subtitles

德州巴黎 Paris, Texas

柏林蒼穹下 Wings of Desire

1984, 139 分鐘・mins

1987, 122 分鐘・mins



1984 康城影展金棕櫚獎、國際影評人費比西獎、天主教 人道精神獎 Cannes Film Festival - Palme d’Or, FIPRESCI Prize & Prize of the Ecumenical Jury

1987 1988

崔佛斯失蹤四年,終於被發現精神迷亂地遊走在美國與 墨西哥邊境的高速公路旁。他被弟弟帶回洛杉磯,跟失 散多時的兒子見面。這些年來,到底發生了什麼事?他 那漂亮神秘的太太又去了哪兒,過著怎樣的生活? Travis vanished for four years. Now he returns as a lonely wanderer in the desert, crossing into the US over the Mexican border, silent and withdrawn. His brother takes him to Los Angeles; Travis meets his young son, Hunter, slowly wins back his trust and sets off with him in search of Jane, Travis’s estranged wife and Hunter’s estranged mother.

康城影展最佳導演 Cannes Film Festival Best Director 歐洲電影大獎最佳男配角、最佳導演 European Film Awards Best Supporting Actor, Best Director

雲溫達斯的成名之作,1987 年憑此榮獲康城影展的最 佳導演獎。達繆與卡繆是芸芸看顧柏林蒼生的天使,他 們每天傾聽著世人的心事,感受他們的樂與悲。漸漸, 達繆愛上了美麗的馬戲班藝人馬莉安。只是,要接近愛 人,天使必需放棄一切,落入凡間。 Damiel and Cassiel are two angels in Berlin who, from lofty vantage points, watch over the fate of the people below. Damiel falls in love with Marion, and has an ever-growing desire to be near her; but to truly realize his love, he must become human.

8/10(Sat), 3pm, 電影沙龍講座 Movie Salon

淺談德國電影 Brief Talk on German Cinema (粵語進行,英語翻譯 In Cantonese, with English interpretation.)

講者 SPEAKER:梁怡安 Leong I On (澳門影評人・本澳電影文化推廣組織拍板視覺藝術團成員 Film Critic from Macau・A Member of Audio-Visual CUT)


親子電影之選  Families' Choices

8/10(Sat) 4:30pm  英文字幕  In English Subtitles

15/10(Sat) 4:30pm  中文字幕  In Chinese Subtitles

流離父子 Babai

意粉小偵探 The Pasta Detectives

導演・Director: 韋沙莫連拿・Visar Morina , 2015, 104

導演・Director: 尼爾科曼・ Neele Vollmar, 2014, 96





2015 卡羅維發利國際電影節最佳導演 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival – Best Director 2015 慕尼黑電影節一種未來導演獎、劇本及演出新秀 獎 Munich Film Festival – One Future Prize for Direction, Young German Cinema Award for Screenwriting and Acting

2015 2015

故事發生在 90 年代的科索沃,十歲的 Nori 和父親相依 為命,寄居在親戚的大家庭。生活艱苦,父親把心一橫, 扔下兒子偷渡德國碰運氣,殊不知 Nori 不怕危險,獨 個兒偷偷到德國找爸爸。 Set in the 1990s, the film tells the moving story of a young boy embarking on a journey from pre-war Kosovo to Germany in order to find his father who has fled there. Ten-year-old Nori and his father Gezim earn their living by selling cigarettes in pre-war Kosovo. Gezim is an expert at escaping the past and now he wants to flee Kosovo, without Nori. But the boy tries everything in his means to stop his dad from leaving.

巴伐利亞電影獎最佳兒童片 Bavarian Film Awards – Best Children’s Film 德國電影大獎傑出兒童片 German Film Awards – Outstanding Children or Youth Film

改編自德國暢銷兒童文學,小力高個性有點獨特,朋友 不多。直至遇上奧斯卡,小力高的生活才變得多采多 姿。一天,奧斯卡突然爽約並失蹤,小力高懷疑是近期 肆虐的拐子佬所為,他誓要救出好友。 Little Rico lives in Berlin-Kreuzberg with his mother, who doesn’t have much time for him. His loneliness changes when he meets the gifted Oskar. The friendship is put to test when Oskar doesn’t turn up at an agreed meeting. Rico learns that his new friend was kidnapped, and manages to free him and expose the perpetrator.


福島之戀 Fukushima, Mon Amour 9/10(Sun) 4:30pm 影片詳情請參閱第 7 頁 Please refer to P.7 for details of the film * 與導演會面.Meet the director

四大癲王 4 Kings 9/10(Sun) 8:00pm 影片詳情請參閱第 5 頁 Please refer to P.5 for details of the film

15/10(Sat) 8pm  中英文字幕  In Chi & Eng Subtitles

圍牆守不守 ? Bornholmer Straße

德國短片選 Short Export 2016

導演・Director: 基斯頓舒胡祖・Christian Schwochow,

16/10(Sun) 4:30pm 影片詳情請參閱第 9 頁 Please refer to P.9 for details of the films

2014, 89 分鐘・mins

獎項・Awards: 2015 2014

阿杜夫格美獎最佳劇情片 Adolf Grimme Awards – Fiction 巴登巴登電視電影節特別表現獎 Baden-Baden TV Film Festival – Special Performance

1989 年 11 月 9 日 23 時 30 分, 邦 賀 爾 馬 街。 這 一 刻 前這個東柏林關卡紀錄完美,但當官方廣播傳出取消境 內出入管制,數以萬計市民集結要求自由到西柏林那邊 去,關員如臨大敵。事過境遷,導演以喜劇角度,描述 一群官僚制度下按章辦事、沒有獨立思考的小關員。 9 November 1989. Günter Schabowski announces that all citizens of the German Democratic Republic are allowed to leave the country as they wish. Harald Schäfer, the commanding officer at the border checkpoint in Bornholm Street learns the news while sitting in the canteen at work. Soon, masses of Eastern Berliners line up at the Bornholm Street checkpoint…

節目時間表・Screening Schedule 日期 Date




8 Oct(Sat)

Movie Salon 電影沙龍講座

Babai 流離父子

Paris, Texas 德州巴黎

9 Oct(Sun)

Fukushima, Mon Amour 福島之戀 *

4 Kings 四大癲王

15 Oct(Sat)

The Pasta Detectives 意粉小偵探

Bornholmer Straße 圍牆守不守?

16 Oct(Sun)

Short Export 2016 德國短片選

Wings of Desire 柏林蒼穹下

* 設映後座談-與導演會面:桃麗絲杜莉 Post-screening talk - Meet the Director: Doris Dörrie 16

與導演會見:桃麗絲杜莉 Meet the Director: Doris Dörrie 9/10(Sun) 4:30pm 澳門戀愛.電影館 Cinematheque.Passion, Macau 10/10(Mon) 7:30pm 香港 The Grand Cinema, Hong Kong 《福島之戀》是知名作家、導演桃麗絲杜莉首部完全在日本拍 攝的黑白作,以詩意的影像細味人生。 FUKUSHIMA, MON AMOUR—A universal and poetic tale about life and letting go, from acclaimed writer-director Doris Dörrie. For the first time, one of her feature films has been shot entirely in Japan and in breathtaking black and white.

桃麗絲杜莉 1975 年開始於慕尼黑電影電視大學就讀,同一時間為當地的報紙撰寫影評。 完成學業後她以自由身為不同的電視台工作,拍攝紀錄片。1985 年,她的作品《男人…》 為她帶來了聲名與獎項。接下來,她繼續製作出多部出色之作如 1986 年的《天堂》與 1988 年的《我與他》。 杜莉自 1987 年起開始創作小說及短篇故事,又自 1997 年起在其母校任教。2001 年至 2006 年間,她更嘗試 歌劇的創作。不過,杜莉在電影方面的成就始終最為人稱道,她是出色的編劇與導演,她的作品時刻給予觀 眾驚喜。她較近期的作品包括:《福島之戀》(KINO/16)、《污泥中的小情人》(KINO/12)、《理髮師》及《快 樂的傷逝》(KINO/08) 等。 Doris Dörrie commenced studies at the University of Television and Film Munich in 1975 whilst concurrently writing film reviews for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. After completing her studies, Dörrie worked as a freelancer for various television broadcasters and made documentary films. She won fame in 1985 with the sensational success of MEN…, for which she was awarded numerous prizes. It was followed by many other successful films such as PARADISE (1986) and ME AND HIM (1988) Since 1987, Dörrie has been publishing novellas and short stories. She has also been lecturing since 1997 at her alma mater. Between 2001 and 2006, Dörrie staged several operas. But above all, Dörrie is an exceptional director and writer who perpetually fascinates and surprises her public. Her more recent films include: FUKUSHIMA, MON AMOUR (KINO/16), BLISS (KINO/12), THE HAIRDRESSER, CHERRY BLOSSOM – HANAMI (KINO/08).


Open Air Screenings at Berlin Fest Berlin Fest 露天放映

地點 Venue: Marketplace, PMQ 元創方 ( 中環鴨巴甸街 35 號 / 35 Aberdeen Street, Central) 座位先到先得 First come, first served 7/10(Fri) 8:30pm

浪蕩美少年  Oh Boy 導演・Director: 楊奧利加斯達・Jan Ole Gerster, 2012, 88 分鐘・mins

獎項・Awards: 2013 德國電影大獎最佳導演、最佳男主角、最佳劇 本、傑出劇情片金獎、最佳男配角、最佳音樂 German Film Awards: Film Award in Gold – Best Direction, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Screenplay, Outstanding Feature Film 這部低成本率直作品沒有特技,只是簡單跟著尼高 這個時下柏林年輕人走一天:女朋友動氣說拜拜, 心理導師評估他情緒不穩沒資格駕車,老豆罵他沒出 息關他水喉,他窮到搭霸王地鐵。周圍碰到的人都在 批評他,或積極向他建議生活方向,然而他都無辭以 對,只感到莫名難堪。以為加斯達自我批評這一代 男生無承擔無目的無理想,但慢慢卻發覺,世界不 與我同步,問題不在己,請細心留意城中的負能量 在那裡發放。還是一部學生畢業作,卻在德國電影 大獎上創造大衛擊倒巨人歌利亞的神話,加斯達打 敗千萬鉅製《雲圖》的湯泰華勇奪最佳導演獎。 Niko is in his late 20’s and recently dropped out of college. He lives for the moment, drifting through the streets of his city, observing the people around him. One day, everything changes, and Niko is forced to confront the consequences of his inaction. His girlfriend ends their relationship, his father cuts off his allowance and a psychiatrist confirms his “emotional imbalance”. Meanwhile, his new neighbor tries to get to know him and a peculiar beauty from his past confronts him with the emotional wounds he inflicted. And all Niko wants is a decent cup of coffee.


8/10(Sat) 8pm

竊聽者  The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) 導演・Director: 科倫漢基當奴馬克・Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006, 137 分鐘・mins

獎項・Awards: 2007 奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片 Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film 2006 巴伐利亞電影獎最佳男演員、最佳導演、最佳 劇本 Bavarian Film Award – Best Actor, Best Direction & Best Screenplay 1984 年的東柏林,離圍牆倒下還有五年,白色恐 怖不停漫延,秘密警察的明搜暗查已成為人民生活 的一部份。被視為黨中精英的 Wiesler 上尉監視異 見人士屢建功績,但工作以外並沒有生活可言。直 至他接手調查劇作家 Dreyman 的謀反證據,枯燥 生活竟突然出現變化。電影乃 2006 年德國最賣座 本土電影之一,男主角由已故德國演員烏列謬希演 出,他憑此贏得多項最佳男主角殊榮。 East Berlin, 1984. Five years before its downfall, the former East-German government ensured its claim to power with a ruthless system of control and surveillance. Party-loyalist Captain Gerd Wiesler hopes to boost his career when given the job of collecting evidence against the playwright Georg Dreyman and his girlfriend. What he didn’t anticipate, however, was that submerging oneself into the world of the target also changes the surveillance agent.

香港歌德學院 香港灣仔港灣道二號 香港藝術中心十四字樓 電話:+852 2802 0088 傳真:+852 2802 4363

GOETHE-INSTITUT HONGKONG 14/F Hong Kong Arts Centre 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai Hong Kong

Telephone: +852 2802 0088 Fax: + 852 2802 4363 Goethe-Institut Hongkong 19


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