2013 summer conference training packet

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Purdue University Residences Summer Conference Handbook

2013 #PurdueConfs13


Table of Contents Conferencing Basics.........................................................................................................Page 3 1. Conference Overview 2. SharePoint Training ○ Schedules ○ Staff Contact Info ○ HFS Dining 3. TimeLink 4. Steps Before and After Conference 5. Check-ins and Check-outs 6. Lost Key and Conference Card Procedure 7. Shift Substituting 8. Organizational Charts & Job Descriptions RCA/SSOA Training...........................................................................................................Page 8 1. Primary Hall Desk Training and Certifications 2. Residential Conferencing Assistant (RCA) Training ○ Duties and Responsibilities ○ RCA On Duty Expectations 3. Summer Student Office Assistant (SSOA) Training 4. Dress Expectations Customer Relations.........................................................................................................Page 11 1. Customer Service and Hospitality 2. Diversity with Conference Guests Policy and Procedure......................................................................................................Page 12 1. Clery Act 2. Youth Safety 3. Bloodborne Pathogens & Right to Know 4. Emergency Preparedness 5. Policies 6. Situational Scenarios 7. Incident Protocols Appendix A……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 19


Conferencing Basics 1. Conference Overview Purdue University has been hosting conferences since the 1950’s. Throughout the summer we will host as many as 135-150 groups ranging from youth athletic camps, religious groups, elderly groups, and academic organizations. Conferences are able to bring in a great deal of revenue for Purdue Housing and Food Services. We are also able to employ over 90 students as well as full time employees during the summer creating opportunity for student growth and development. 2. SharePoint Training SharePoint link: https://sp.hfs.purdue.edu/UR/Conferences Each tab on the left of the SharePoint homepage has a multitude of resources and we encourage you to explore the system. Below is a summary of each tab to give you an introduction to the system. ○ Schedules ■ CP5: This is the system that all of the conference guests are entered into so that we know who is living where (Heads on Beds). If any changes need to be made to where a conference attendee is living, or change their information in CP5 then you will need to contact your biller with the appropriate change. ■ Student Staff Schedules: This is where you can look up Hall Specific schedules and see who is working where. On the schedule you will see the office schedule, RCA schedule, what conferences are currently in that hall, and the conference check in and out schedule. ■ Exception Log for Timelink: Here you will enter any hours that you were unable to log via Timelink following the steps listed below. Please be very cognizant of the using these logs. Each one has to be approved and sent to the billing office. ● Exception Log ○ Add new Item ○ Then you will need to fill in: ■ Time in ■ Time out ■ Explanation ○ Staff Contact Information ■ Contact List: This tab will give you the contact information for all parties involved in Purdue University Residences Conferences 3

■ Student and Staff Contact List: Here you find all RCA’s, SSOA’s and Interns contact information ■ RCA and SSOA Sub Request: This is where you will be able to put in a request for a sub if unable to find one on your own and where you will need to document all schedule changes (even if you found a replacement on your own) Please follow these steps. ● Requesting for a Sub: ○ Add new Item ○ Fill in ■ “RCA/SSOA” Sub request ■ Current date ■ Your name ■ Shift location ■ Shift start date/time and end date/time ■ Reason for sub request ■ Person filling your sub request (If applicable) ● Filling a Sub Request: ○ Click on the shift you want to fill ○ Click on the Edit item tab at the top of the screen ○ Fill in the “Yes I will cover this Shift” with your name ■ Facilities After Hours Call Tree: This document is where you will find the contact information and protocol for after-hours issues. ○ HFS Dining Tab: This tab has extra information that you might need in to help accommodate our guests such as... ■ Purdue Memorial Union Hours ■ Dining hours and location ■ Catering information ■ Hall info sheets ■ Hall floor charts ■ Pizza Delivery information ■ Conference Card Information 3. TimeLink ○ Use the Office/Mailroom Computer ■ Login with designated username and password ■ Click on TimeLink icon on desktop; answer prompts ■ Web Clock ● ● ●

Start Work OK End Work after shift is complete


If you forget to clock in/out: You will need to create an “Exception Log.” Refer to “Section 2: SharePoint Training, Schedules, Exception Log for TimeLink” for the procedure.

4. Steps Before and After Conference: ○ Before Conference ■ Put together key packets if not completed already ■ Put up appropriate signage if not completed already ■ Set up check in table with materials one hour beforehand ■ Walk hall and floor that guests will be staying on to ensure that everything is ready for their arrival ○ After Conference ■ Check out ■ Key audit ■ Report charges for lost keys/damages to ADO, Hall biller 5. Check-ins and Check-outs: ○ Check-ins ■ Key packet- with key and conference card ■ Information Sheet ■ Use Alpha- Order check in sheet and checkmark that the guest has checked in and received their packet with room key and conference card. Please be consistent in markings (check mark vs. line etc.) ■ Please See Appendix A ○ Check-out ■ Checkmark the box that they have checked out ■ Make sure key is in packet with their name ■ Cut and throw away conference cards ■ Charge for any lost keys ■ Please See Appendix A 6. Lost Key and Conference Card Procedure: ○ Lost Key Procedure ■ Get name and room number ■ Charge student $35 ● Micros- Miscellaneous Sales Button ● Lost Key Sum Conf. Button ● Pay a. If they cannot pay now, tell them that their conference coordinator will be billed, and they will have to contact them about paying b. Mark that they did not pay on the check-in/out sheet


■ Give student spare key from drawer ■ File a report for a core change ● Purdue HFS website ● Under Faculty & Staff- click HFW Staff Work Request ● Click “Click Here” ● Follow the procedure on screen ● Description: “Core change room #, Conference Group, Paid/Unpaid” ■ Print Screen BEFORE clicking Submit! ■ Place paper on Clerk desk ■ SUBMIT!

○ Lost Conference Card Procedure ■ Charge student $25 ● Micros- Miscellaneous Sales Button ● Conference Card ● Pay ● If they cannot pay now, tell them that their conference coordinator will be billed, and they will have to contact them about paying

● Mark that they did not pay on the check-in/out sheet ● Give them a new card and write the new conference card number next to their name on the check-in sheet ● Email Demetrius Coleman (colema47@purdue.edu) and Jordyn Wellman (jwellma@purdue.edu) with the conferees name and conference they are with, new card number and old card number. ■ If unable to provide another card, the Conference Coordinator should have a dining card provided to them. The conferee must see the coordinator at the time of the meal to be swiped into the Dining Court.

7. Shift Substituting ○ First try to find a substitute from your Zone ■ Refer to “Section 2: SharePoint Training, Staff Contact Information, RCA and SSOA Sub Request” for the procedure. ○ Filling a Substitute Request: ■ If you are able to fill a request please follow these steps: ● Click on the shift you want to fill ● Click on the Edit item tab at the top of the screen ● Fill in the “Yes I will cover this Shift” with your name ○ If you are unable to find a substitute then you will need to email confstaf@purdue.edu with the date/time that you need coverage. They will do the best they can to help you find a replacement from another Zone.


8. Org Charts & Job Descriptions


RCA/SSOA Training 

Primary Hall Desk Training and Certifications 1. Click here for link 2. Sign in with Purdue account login and password. 3. Click on The Office of Treasury Operations 4. Click on the PCI DSS line 5. Click Enter Test if ready to take the quiz or click PCI DSS Training Materials to review the material 6. Under Enterprise Certifications you will take the FERPA, GLBA and Data Handling 7. Once complete you will get an e-mail with the confirmation that you have completed the certifications. Email PCI DSS confirmation and your PUID number to hfssysadmin@purdue.edu. That department will verify and add you to Micros.

Residential Conferencing Assistant (RCA) Training ○

Duties and Responsibilities ■ Fulfill duty responsibilities on average 3-5 nights per week, which may include weekends. Fulfill on-call responsibilities for the operation as part of a scheduled rotation with other staff members. ■ Be accessible in person to address questions or emergencies. ■ Communicate with staff and groups as assigned. Attend all staff meetings and training sessions. ■ Respond to emergencies per established procedures. ■ Report policy violations. ■ Distribute information and act as a resource to conference participants. ■ While on rounds, check the facility/grounds and correct or report any problems found.

RCA Duty Expectations o Two RCA’s are scheduled On-Duty per night. The schedule says “RCA coverage.” This is the same thing. Between 7pm-7am, both RCA’s must stay in the building in which they are On-Duty in. o One person from the duty pair will be the "Primary RCA" and is responsible for holding the Duty Phone. This is up to you to decide. Sign out the Duty Phone on the Duty Phone log out sheet which is located in the Main Office- this is so Office Staff knows who has the phone for the night. o Procedure for Master Keys will depend on the building in which you are On-Duty. Some will have you sign them out for the night and others will have you pick them up only when you need them. Ask the Office Staff if you are unsure what the procedure is. o If you are On-Duty in a building that you are not living in, a room will be provided. If both people On-Duty live in a different building, both of you will have separate rooms provided. Pick up your key to this room 8

at the Main Office- you will have to sign this key out and sign it back in the next morning. The standard linen package used during conferences will be provided. If for some reason the linens are not in the room, you can collect them from the extra linen supplies in the Main Office, or where they are stored for that location. o Determine what time you will be doing rounds with the other RCA OnDuty. There should be two sets of rounds, one between 8-9pm and one between 10-11pm. o The duty phone should be set to 'Loud' volume and the Primary RCA must answer as quickly as possible or return a missed call immediately. Primary RCA will answer the duty phone: "RCA On-Call, this is _____". o A Rounds Log Book is kept in the Main Office. Make sure to fill this out every night, even if nothing happened. o Return the Duty Phone after 7am the next morning. The phone should be charged during the day so it is ready to go for the next night. o If the go-phone is low on minutes, or is lost or damaged contact an Intern ASAP. o If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask another RCA or Intern! o Emergency Protocol: o In case of serious emergency (i.e. fire, serious injury, fight, shooter, etc.): o The Main Office/RCA staff should call 911 first and then the Intern OnCall. If you do not know which Intern is On-Call, a schedule is located in the binder in the office. o Intern On-Call will notify ADO/FM if necessary. In case of non-emergency situation: o Main Office/RCA Staff will call the Primary RCA via the Duty Phone with issues. o The Primary RCA will respond to incident and determine if the Intern On-Call needs to be called. The Intern will use best judgment to determine whether ADO/FM needs to be called that night or notified the next day. Documentation: o After an incident, RCA will document the incident using third person narrative. o Document the incident in chronological order. Include all individuals involved, details of the incident, any communication that occurs, and the response or actions taken. Add any pictures if necessary. o E-mail this to the Intern on call ASAP and cc the ADO. Also cc the FM if necessary.


3. Summer Student Office Assistant (SSOA) Training ○ Duties and Responsibilities ■ Assemble and distribute conference material ■ Prepare check-in area one half hour prior to check-in time ■ Assist with check-in/check-out and requested inspections ■ Create and place proper conference signage including door decorations ■ Complete and submit repair requests online via Fix My Home ■ Handle room key distribution and collection; reconcile keys after

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conferences depart according to guidelines, report any issues to appropriate staff Distribute pertinent information to conference attendees and summer residents regarding upcoming events (i.e. bulletins, programs, and messages) Attend all scheduled staff meetings to gain pertinent conference and zone information Maintain confidentiality and exhibit professional conduct when handling sensitive personal information Report injuries and job hazards in a timely fashion to the Zone Management Team Respond to emergencies according to established zone procedures Report policy violations and/or University Residences regulation violations Provide coverage at the hall’s main office working scheduled hours that will include evenings, weekends, and holidays Maintain competency in the operation, running the cash register, proper check-in/check-out procedures for conferees and checking out equipment as appropriate Exercise accountability for the proper handling and security of all issued keys, safe access, as well as hall property, i.e. hall equipment Other duties as assigned

4. Dress Expectations ○ ○ ○ ○

Please wear your University Residences Nametag While working the main office/check-ins please wear your issued University Residences polo You may wear jeans/khaki bottoms. Knee-length shorts or a skirt are acceptable. RCA’s on rounds- Wear name tag, no sweats or pajamas, and preferably Purdue Apparel


Customer Relations 1. Customer Service and Hospitality ○ Customer Service ■ Be attentive ■ Listen ■ Be prepared- Know information about the conferences and look at their schedule to direct questioning guests. ■ Use clear communication - avoid Purdue specific acronyms (RCA, SSOA, PMU, etc.) ■ Be okay with “I don’t know” - It’s okay to say this, but find someone who will have an answer. ○ Hospitality ■ Be welcoming ■ Feel comfortable ■ “Have a great day!”- Goes a long way ■ Smile ■ Use please/thank you ○ Communication ■ Verbal ● When answering the telephone: “Hello, thank you for calling Your Hall, this is Name, how can I help you?” ● Smile even when on the phone. Your positive tone will carry through your voice. ■ Written ● Email/notes/messages ○ Use correct grammar/spelling ○ Be detailed and clear (no acronyms) ■ Non-Verbal ● Body language ● Attitude ■ Tips ● Ask Questions ● Don’t use Acronyms ● Talk to each other when switching shifts ● Watch tone ● Watch out for the guest

2. Diversity with Conference Guests ○ Don’t be afraid to ask someone to slow their speech ○ Be inclusive ○ Be open minded 11

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Learn from each other Age range:10-Elderly See things through their eyes Reach out to people

Policy and Procedure 1. Clery Act ○ Purpose: To collect crime report information in good faith and report them to higher education officials or campus security/police ○ Crimes underneath the Clery Act ■ Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter (suicides, accidental death are excluded) ■ Sex Offenses ● Rape, Forcible Sodomy, Sexual Assault with an object, Forcible Fondling ■ Sex Offenses- Non-forcible ● Incest, Statutory Rape ■ Robbery ■ Aggravated Assault ■ Burglary ■ Motor Vehicle Theft ■ Arson ■ Weapon Law Violations ■ Drug Abuse ■ Liquor Law Violations (excludes driving under the influence) ■ Hate Crimes ○ Information to ask if one of the above is violated: ■ Type of Crime ■ Location ■ Time (Date and time incident occurred; when it was reported to you) ■ Name of victim if they wish to be identified ■ Identities of any known suspects or witnesses (if applicable) ■ Description of the incident or crime ■ You don’t have to prove what happened or who was at fault ■ You are not supposed to find the perpetrator, report it the police ○ Please contact Purdue Police at 765-494-8221 | 205 South Martin Jischke Dr.

2. Youth Safety ○ Never be left in a confined closed off space with a minor, ever. ○ Possible Situations: ■ Young camper being picked on 12

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Notify counselor Keep them busy Talk to Conference Coordinator Follow Up ■ Homesick ● Comfort and distract ● Contact chaperone

3. Bloodborne Pathogens & Right to Know ○ Bloodborne Pathogens ■ ALWAYS wear gloves and place materials in a Biohazard bag. ■ Put any sharp object in a sharps container/or designated area (not trash) ■ Properly clean anything exposed to bodily fluids ■ If you are exposed to blood you need to report it to your supervisor and get the proper testing ■ Three Bloodborne Pathogens- information provided by livestrong.com ● Hepatitis B- a viral blood borne pathogen, causes serious liver disease. It is found in the blood and body fluids of infected individuals; it is transmitted by sexual contact and intravenous drug use. ● Hepatitis C- a viral blood borne pathogen, causes serious liver disease with symptoms similar to HBV. It is found in the blood and body fluids of infected individuals; it is transmitted by intravenous drug use and rarely by sexual contact. ● HIV- a viral blood borne pathogen, attacks the immune system, causing the patient to be susceptible to opportunistic infections and cancer. It is found in the blood, semen or vaginal fluid of an infected person. HIV is transmitted through sex (anal, vaginal or oral) with someone infected with HIV; needles shared with someone infected with HIV

○ Right to Know ■ Legislation or regulation that requires an employer or producer to disclose full information on hazardous materials disposed, emitted, produced, stored, or used in a work environment or community (Business Dictionary.com).

■ In every hall there is a binder that gives you the appropriate information that you might need to know about each chemical the hall uses.

■ If there was an instant where a guest or worker was exposed to this material you would need to refer to the binder for proper treatment and clean up


4. Emergency Preparedness ○ Non-Emergency Phone number ● 765-494-8221 ● Emergency text messages ○ www.purdue.edu/police ○ Always Call 911 first! ■ Purdue Call Boxes ■ Purdue Phone ■ Cell phone- state location first, so they transfer your call correctly ○ Tell them your information ■ Name ■ Phone number ■ Location (Building and Room) ■ Problem ■ How many people involved ■ Remain on the line until they say you can hang up ○ Injury v. Illness ■ Examples of Injury- broken leg, hit head ■ Examples of Illness- heart attack, stroke ○ Have someone meet the ambulance- hold the doors for EMT


Remember: There is No Charge for ambulance services at Purdue and taxi vouchers for a ride back.

○ St. Elizabeth or IU Medical Center ○ Other information ■ Do not move patient unless you have to ■ Red Ford vehicle - command center - relay all information ■ Do not put yourself in harm ■ Use gloves/protective gear ○ Things to do while waiting for an ambulance ■ Bleeding ● Use gloves ● Cover with gauze/T-Shirt ● Sit them down and raise injury above heart ● For spurting blood ○ Block the artery ○ Apply ice to slow bleeding ■ Falls ● Remain still and do not move patient ■ Seizures ● Move away objects ● Time length of the seizure ● Roll them onto their side and Support head ● Do NOT put anything into their mouth ■ Diabetics ● May be confused/disoriented ● Give them juice/soda/cookie (sugar), no diet soda/coffee ● Note the time ■ Choking ● Heimlich Maneuver ■ Burns ● Use water to cool ● Keep area sterile ● Blisters mean 2nd degree burn ■ Eye injuries ● Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) ● Rinse eyes ■ Heart Attack ● Signs include chest pains ■ Belly for men ■ Back for women ● CPR/AED 15

● Defibrillator ■ Stroke- clot that blocks brain ● One side of body does not function ● To test ○ Ask patient to smile and/or lift arms (looking for differences) ■ Difficulty Breathing(asthma attack/choking/allergic reaction) ■ Heat ● Hydration is key ● Three types of Heat Related illnesses (heat exhaustion/cramps/stroke)

5. Policies: ○ If bodily fluid clean-up is required after 3:30pm, please take the appropriate

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actions and dispose of waste since facilities team will be gone for the day. ■ Please document the situation by taking photographic evidence and sending an email to the interns, ADO and biller for specific zone. If you come upon an incident where backup is needed, please contact the RCA on-call and/or intern for assistance. If there are any check-in issues there should an administrator and biller on site. Please submit any maintenance requests to Fix My Home on HFS website. PUSH will be open from 8:30am-5pm M-F, outside of these times please refer guests to the hospital if necessary. All other University Housing policies apply. http://www.housing.purdue.edu/ResidentialLife/urguidelines.html

6. Situational Scenarios A conference guest arrives from out of state. His/her travel plans were delayed several hours and he/she is now late meeting up with the group. They seem very overwhelmed and confused to if they are in the right location. They ask where to park and where there group is and how to walk there. ○ Keep them calm and assure them you will be as helpful as possible ○ Give them all the proper information they need. They may try to rush you, but you still need to be thorough. ○ Explain that they can park in any parking spot marked with a white University Residences sign. ○ Give them walking directions and a map to take with them. Two middle-school aged children have removed the screens from the lobby windows and are throwing trash outside. Once confronted, they are apologetic and say they were unaware of the policy. ○ Approach the students and state who you are/why you are confronting them. ○ Even if they say they didn’t know about the policy, you still need to document it. ○ Explain that their safety is important and taking off screens can be dangerous. 16

○ Explain that they will be responsible for any damages. ○ Ask for their names and what group they are with. Write them down. A worried parent approached you saying that their son forget their bag. They want to bring it to the son’s room, and when you tell them no, they want you to deliver the bag for them. ○ Tell the parent you cannot let them bring the bag to the room due to security reason. ○ They may insist that you take the bag, don’t take it. You do not want to be liable for their property. ○ Call the conference coordinator and help coordinate a way for the parent to give the bag to them. Two female conference attendees approach you at the check-in table saying that they were supposed to room together. They are very demanding. ○ (We do not grant roommate requests unless it is okayed by the Conference Coordinator) Ask the conferees if they think there was a mix-up in the room assignment or if they want to switch because they are friends. If situation a, the request should be granted after it is okayed by the conference coordinator and relay information to the biller to change in CP5. If situation b, can check with conference coordinator, but there are guarantees. ○ If the situation is an ADA issue, Adult with Youth, or Gender issue please work the conference coordinator and biller to correct the issue. These are requests that we can grant. You come across a visitor that is a Purdue Alumni. They are wandering around and look confused. ○ Your safety is important. Approach him/her slowly if you feel comfortable doing so. ■ Explain who you are and why you are ■ Ask him/her name and who they are. ■ Ask him/her what their intentions are and how you can help them You come across intentionally piled up furniture in a lounge or find noticeable damage to an area in the residence hall. ○ Take photo documentation of the damage and email the ADO/Biller ○ Document the situation and submit Fix My Home requests ○ This includes bodily fluids (blood, vomit, etc.) ○ If a weekday before 3:30pm, notify the facilities crew

7. Incident Protocols ○

Alcohol: Alcohol is not permitted in the Res Halls, even if the conferees are of age. They sign a paper when they come here that says they know this. ■ In the case of alcohol, you are NEVER to touch it. ■ If you smell alcohol or hear people talking about drinking or have some other reason to suspect alcohol in a residence hall room, you may knock on the door.


If they do not open the door, you may knock again and say “RCA keying in,” and key into the door. (Usually they will open it.) ■ If you see alcohol, have them place all the alcohol in the room in the middle of the floor. You can ask them to open fridges, closets, drawers, but you may not touch anything but the door and the light. ■ After it has all been collected, one RCA can take someone to the bathroom to pour the alcohol out. The other RCA should stay in the room and write down names and what conferences they are with. Drugs: Drugs are not allowed in the Res Halls, conferees also sign a paper when they come here that says they know this. ■ If you smell, hear about, or see drugs, DO NOT approach the situation, instead leave the area, call Purdue Police and let them know about the situation and then call your intern. Smoking: There are smoking areas between Meredith/Shreve and behind Hillenbrand. If you see someone smoking outside of that area, tell them Purdue is a non-smoking campus and they must go to one of those designated areas. Injured Conferee: We are not authorized to give any medical materials, advice or assistance. ■ Locate a chaperone from the program or your Intern, if possible. ■ Let the conferee know that we can call the Purdue police number for an ambulance and paramedics. (You can let them know it is a free service and it never hurts to at least get checked out.) ■ Exception is medications we are storing in the fridge in the main office for a conferee. At check in clearly labeled medications can be placed in the fridge and the RCA on duty might get called to allow a chaperone/counselor access the medication if the office is not open. Vandalism: If the vandals are still there, tell them to stop. ■ Ask for their names and what conference they are with. ■ Take a picture of the vandalism for billing records. ■ Contact your Intern, who will contact the conference coordinator. ■

When in doubt, call your Intern or your fellow RCAs! We are all in this together!


Appendix A


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