APPLYING FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS EVR your event through The Link! (If you are applying for SG funding don’t forget to put that in your event submission) Submit an Application for Additional Funds Include: Description of the event Breakdown of costs (specifically what you are requesting from SG Finance Committee) Copy of current bank statement
Things we DONʼT fund: Food Mileage on Personal Vehicles T-shirt purchases Cash Prizes Tax on reimbursement Reimbursement of advisor, faculty or staff Donations to charity directly Events created for profit
Things we DO fund: Events open to the entire RIT Community. Cultural food Up to $500 for banquets Travel to a group or individual representing RIT directly Prizes, Gifts, Awards
Finance Committee Loves: Groups that engage in active fundraising throughout the year. Groups that are looking at other organizations to find funding Events that benefit many students Groups that plan ahead Tech Crew, FMS, RIT Catering, The Hub For Further information on Finance Committee please read the SG Finance Committee bylaws: (Finance Committee bylaws are pg. 29-40)