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Krauma, at the heart of Iceland’s nature

After a spending time in the hot tub, guests can rest in the relaxation room as music plays and the fire in the centre of the room can be lit

Krauma is a natural baths to the north of the Deildartunga springs in Borgarfjörður. There are six baths in all, five hot and one cold. ‘We use hot water from the Deildartunga springs, which have the highest flow of springs anywhere in Europe. No additives are put into the water, as the cleanliness is assured simply by the high flow rate,’ said Krauma’s managing director Jónas Friðrik Hjartarson.

Steam baths and relaxation

The Deildartunga springs produce roughly 180 litres if 100°C water every second which flows through Krauma’s baths, and is tempered with sparkling clean water from the edges of the Ok glacier. ‘When guests have

enjoyed a dip in the baths, they can rest in the relaxation room where gentle music is played and a fire can even be lit in the room’s hearth. This has been extremely popular with guests, spending time in a hot or a cold pool or tub, and then going to the relaxation room. This is a fantastic way to relax. ’Guests also have the opportunity for a sauna at Krauma, and there are two of these in separate buildings. Spring water sprays under the wooden benches inside these spaces.

Fresh local ingredients

A magnificent restaurant occupies part of the main building at Krauma, where the emphasis is on fresh local ingredients. ‘In

designing the restaurant the focus was on making the most of the surroundings and that the building would integrate into the environment around it,’ Jónas Friðrik said, adding that there has been a a strong demand ever since Krauma opened. ‘Krauma has attracted a lot of attention and we’ve had some fantastic reviews from discerning visitors, not least from overseas. We offer everyone a welcome in the summer, not least Icelandic visitors who intend to spend this year’s holidays at home. Krauma is genuinely an experience for everyone.’ www.krauma.is

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