Historical romance books are one of the world's most popular forms of literature. There are also numerous writers and titles and, of course, these are not all of the same high standard. To provide some assistance in sorting and selecting the works which merit your attention, the bestselling lists of the world's largest bookstore have been explored to bring you a selection of their top selling items. These historical romances are full of intrigue, adventure, passion and romance. They are by some of the leading writers in this genre; authors who have produced many successful books of romantic fiction. Some writers are represented more than once. Diana Gabaldon, for instance, has three books listed. Although her book covers must be among the dullest to be found in romance novels, readers speak glowingly of her work and buy millions of her books. Readers vote with their purses and wallets and that's what counts! Madeline Hunter also has a couple of books listed, for much the same reason. You'll find time travel, the Civil War, Regency Scotland and England, the American revolution, gothic romance, and more. The authors are tremendously imaginative. So, for the best steamy romance novels, romance books cheap romance books romance books for young adults 50 shades of grey epub 50 shades of grey trilogy harlequin blaze books harlequin presents books harlequin gift cards harlequin romance books best romance novels paranormal romance books best romance books free romance books online (http://www.cheapromancebooks.net) Some writers of historical romance novels are extremely prolific, with dozens of novels to their credit. As well, not wanting to be restrained with their creativity, a shift in the genre which is being targeted may also give rise to a new "author" - a new penname for an already established writer. These different names will often be readily disclosed on the sales page for a particular work, to gain some flow-on benefit from a reputation already earned. The content for the historical romance genre reveals an abundance of Lords - Dukes, Earls, and other nobles - along with a range of military officers, soldiers and assassins.
Historical background is often painstakingly researched and reading these novels is, in many ways, an entertaining history lesson. Most importantly, the leading characters in historical romance books experience emotions that build to a crescendo and may be expressed with great passion. Important characters are often shown to care deeply and not always wisely. for more information likes us on facebook http://facebook.com/RomanceBooksUnlimited