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PORTFOLIO Ritu Choudhary -2020-

“I was always fascinated by beautiful houses and further the planning. I wished if I could just move the walls around my own house and reconfigure the space to be more open, there I realized this is what holds my interest. Architecture is more than just brick, glass, steel and concrete, it is about solving problems and understanding the context of a puzzle beyond the defined borders of the site. It is the living story of how societies values are reflected and affected by the built environment. It’s the practices of giving birth to form and function from concept and purpose. Outside architecture I am a person who loves to take part in different activities other than academics and have organized a fest in my third year of college, which further have increased my capabilities in management. Successful design not only requires good ideas, but also the practicality that allows the design to be ultimately carried out. I am an aspirant who is eager to become acquainted with different design styles, techniques and further the practical knowledge. This six month training programme will allow me to learn about a wide range of styles, characteristics from general appearance to smallest details; this in itself is valuable for my future career.�

CONTENT 01. Curriculum Vitae 02. Misshape / Residence Design academic project_january 2018

03. Adaptive Reuse of Police Commissionarate academic project_february 2020

04. Kehkasha / Resort Design

competition entry_august 2019

05. Studio Apartment / Interior Design academic project_august 2019

06. Miscellaneous

E D U C AT I O N Ba c h e lor i n A rchi t ect ure / 2 0 17 - pre s e nt Malaviya Nati on a l I ns t i t ut e of Te c hn olog y, J aipur CGPA 8.3 (on the scale of 10) Se nio r Se c o n dar y S ch ool / 2 0 17 D elhi P ublic S c h ool, J a i p ur Central Board of Secondary Education 89%



Se c on dar y Sch ool / 2 0 15 Mah araja Sum e r S i n g h Pub li c S c h ool, Ki s h a n g a rh Central Board of Secondary Education CGPA 9.4


PROFILE H ello , I a m a 1 9 y e ar o ld B.A rch stu de nt c urre nt ly i n my fo u r t h y ear o f stu d ies a t M N IT, Jai pur. My a i m i s t o co nti n u ally ex pa n d an d i m prove my kn ow l e d g e . I believe i n h ard wor k, de dic a tion a n d pu n ctu a lity.

WORK EXPERIENCE VisArc (Visio n of Archi t ect ure) / M ay 2 0 19 Architectural Internship, Jaipur E P Solu tions/ M arch 2 0 19 Graphic Designing Internship, Jaipur

C O N TA CT phone email a d d res s

I nve nto r y o f bui l t cu l t ural h er i t a g e / M arch 2 0 2 0 Ghat Chowkdi, Jaipur for Intach

+91 960 24 124 95 r itu 1 122365 @g m ai l .c om 1 0 5 , sh i v co lo ny , Kish an g ar h, R ajast h a n , I n dia

PA R T I C I PAT I O N Fi n an c e Se c ra t o r y CAC S , M N IT J ai pur


E xe c uti ve of F i n e A r t s S o ci e ty , M N IT J ai pur He ade d Re u b e ns Tro phy , A n nual an d Zo n al NASA


Uttam Bir l a Archi t e ct Award

En g lish

I n n ova ti n g for I nf ras t r uct ure by J K ce m e nt lt d . AN D C D e sig n Tro phy


Tr a v e l l i n g



61st Zon al an d A n nual NASA








MS Office

S ke t c h u p








S ke t c h i n g

MISSHAPE academic project | Individual | Semester IV Residence Design for a family Jaipur, India The design problem was supervised under Prof. Alok Ranjan and Ms. Kalpana Pandit. The brief was to design a house for a diamond merchant and his family of five in Jaipur. The challenge was to design it using basic shapes like cube, cuboid or cylinder while making it liveable and lovable. The solution was to be achieved by taking in consideration the requirement of the family and their activities. The requirements were; a room for elderly parents, a master bedroom, a room for the only child and an exhibition space for the wife.


The Residence

Everyone’s dream home is different and often they includes some pretty crazy features or has a design that’s fantastic in a fictional sense.


Site Location and Planning

Coordinates of site location - 26.8545159, 75.8776740 Site area- 1800 meter square The site exists in the city of Jaipur, Rajasthan and near JNU Campus. It was just in front of the hospital with near to no buildings on the other three sides of the site. The size of land provided was with dimensions 30mX60m and 30m being along the main road i.e. in the north-west direction. Location was accessible only through one main road that is the hospital road. The challenge was to provide the resident of the house with utmost privacy as the location was close to a public place with high traffic of people, further to provide peace to the residents. The design and planning was also to be done considering the hot and dry climate of the place. Choosing the twisted form provided shading to most of the house during summers.





00 LEVEL 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08.

Main Enterance Foyer Formal Living Area Exhibition Area Office Formal Dining Area Informal Living Area Powder Room

01 LEVEL 09. Laundary Room 10. Pooja Room 11. Parent’s Bedroom 12. Toilet 13. Lift 14. Informal Dining Area 15. Store Room 16. Kitchen

17. Toilet 18. Servant Quarter 19. Toilet 20. Exhibition Entry 21. Deck 22. Pool 23. Garage 24. Guard Room

1. Masterbedroom 2. Toilet 3. Art Studio 4. Living Area 5. Kid's Room 6. Toilet 7. Pantry 8. Lift


02 LEVEL 1. Guest Bedroom 1 2. Toilet 3. Guest Bedroom 2 4. Toilet 5. Bar 6. Play Area 7. Library 8. Lift



Section AA'

Section BB'



Front Elevation

North East Elevation


Digital Illustrations


ADAPTIVE REUSE OF HERITAGE academic project | Individual | Semester VI adaptive reuse of heritage site into art gallery and exhibition space, Jaipur, India The design problem was supervised under Ms. Kalpana Pandit. The brief was to adaptively reuse a heritage building into something useful for modern time so that it can be conserved and people can see the beauty of our valuable heritage. The site chosen was Police Commissionerate, Jaipur. The building dates back to ‘Indo-Saracenic’ style of architecture. It is an exhibit of elements such as arcades, chajjas and intricate patterns. It is currently being used as headquarters for police of Jaipur city. The thought was to transform the space into “exhibit place” by retaining the character of heritage.


POLICE COMMISSIONERATE, JAIPUR The structure is composed of thick stone masonry walls and stone ‘patti’ slabs, lime mortar has been used to plaster the walls. During the phase of conversation, some of the walls were broken down and the spans were achieved by using steel girders. The site is located in between the city hub and hence can be used for many cultural activities. The planning was to be done such that the original structure doesn’t lose its beauty as well as strength.

Site Plan

Existing Building Images


Existing FLoor Plans

Ground Floor Plan

FIrst Floor Plan


Zonning and Proposed Placement


Admin Area

Exhibit Area

Souvenir Shop




Proposed Floor Plans

Proposed Ground Floor Plan

Proposed First Floor Plan


Main Jharokha



Coloumn Base







KEHKASHA competition entry | group of 4 | Semester V resort design, Agra, India

The brief was to design a resort which is inspired from heritage of agra but not replicated. A resort must be able to evoke such an emotion within the people. Our design intends to transform this emotion into a sensory experience such that the user leaves with the satisfaction of spending time and money on a place that brings calm and peace to the mind. The perfection, godliness and spirituality associated with a circle leads us to the idea of sacred geometry. From this emerged the Mughal Geometric Patterns.


Site Location and Planning

Site Location The site is located in Agra, in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is located on the banks of the River Yamuna. Site area is 65371.91 sq.m. On the opposite side of river in the eastern direction Taj Mahal whereas in west Agra Fort are located which are easily seen from site. Site contains countour which can be considered in planning to get views of the Taj.

Site Planning As one circulates within the ensemble and it’s cleverly designed level changes, one realizes that each building within is different yet somehow extremely well connected to the rest. The dynamics of space within is aided by shifting axes that in some respects provide practical adjustments to the contoured terrain for each piece of the ensemble while gesturing the eye to move on to another potential vista or vantage point.


Site Plan

Mughal Geometrical pattern is incoporated into the planning. Dividing the pattern into half, cottages are placed while the center space is converted into infinity pool.

form evolution of restaurant from pattern t resort was made from the m

to final building, similarly each block of the mughal geometric patterns


The pattern from Akbar’s tomb was chosen to be used in the restaurant’s design. The form of the restaurant is evolved by rotating the pattern at the right angle and arranging it to achieve semi-open and covered spaces. The building block is made of red sandstone to provide it a Mughal touch. The openings at the very same time are made out of glass to give it a contemporary look by creating transparency which was earlier done by jalis.


Spa and Gym

The pattern used in gym and spa is taken from the tomb of itnad-ud-daula, in Agra. The hexagonal pattern helps to have more number of opening surfaces. These openings also follow the same hexagonal pattern. Beside these body conditioning centers, gym and spa is placed the soul conditioning center, the yoga area. This yoga area has a raised platform following the topography of the site and also depicting the idea of soul above body.


Gaming Zone

The pattern of the gaming zone is taken from the Akbar’s tomb. The four activities namely, kids play zone, table-tennis, squash, and snooker are placed on the four corners of the pattern. The central space thus created is filled by the reception area. The openings in the roof of the reception are fitted with horizontal bars to create different shadow patterns at different hours of the day.


Servant Quarter

For planning servant quarters a grid pattern is followed. Servants will stay in resort for a longer period of time so it’s important that they should be provided with a comfortable environment. Adequate light and ventilation is stressed upon while designing the quarters and accordingly planned. The quarters contain semi open, open and closed spaces. As per hierarchy in resort, similarly rooms are placed from manager to bell boy in quarters thus breaking the monotony.



The pattern in the bar is taken from one of those in the Akbar’s tomb. The use of red sandstone and marble to replicate the pattern provide it a traditional look. Being placed in front of the water fountain it provides the bar with a good scenic view.



The two types of resorts are distinguished on the basis of their size and placement on site: The smaller ones are placed on the highest part of this uneven site. The planning of these cottages involves their placement on the site based on a Mughal pattern. The centrally created space of this pattern is filled by an infinity pool. The second or the bigger type of cottages are placed at the end of the resort’s main axis.


STUDIO APARTMENT academic project | Individual | Semester V interior design of a studio apertment, Jaipur, India The design problem was supervised under Ms. Meenu Varshney. The brief was to design interiors of a studio apartment of a young aspirant. The size of the apartment can be chosen as per suitability. The style of interior was selected as per the individual’s preferences or liking.


Mood Board

Colour theme being modern earthy materials, inspired from natural earthy elements. Use of shades of grey, white, beige and using blue as combining elements for all other colours. Use of light and solid colours to make the space look bigger. The area for the apartment is 9mX3m that is 27sqm.



Material Palette



Section AA'

Section BB'

Section CC'

Section DD'



MISCELLANEOUS model making | photography | inspirations skillset or interest generated during the course


Model Making




A Corner About Self

WHAT TRAVELLING TAUGHT ME? Travelling broadens your mind in so many ways. You meet new people, share new experiences, and let down your guard much more than when back at home caught up in the mundane day to day routine of life that we think is normal. I get to see how the world lives. I see the sun and smiles. I learn about the differences and embrace the similarities. I am not there to complain about how it is so different than back home, but rather to appreciate these dissimilarities. Till now I was fortunate enough to explore few places. Diu, India

Udipur, India

Agra, India

Dharamshala, India


A BOOK THAT INSPIRED ME “A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN by Betty Smith” This story follows an impoverished family in the early 1900s as they try to navigate through life in Brooklyn. Through the struggles of getting enough to eat, to the little enjoyments of getting a Christmas tree. Of one’s ability to persist, to live and push onward, even through difficult times. This book changed my perspective on many things. On just how powerful getting an education is, on how important reading is, on how challenging life can be – even when working your absolute hardest. When I read something that changes how I view life, it immediately registers as something substantial.

A MOVIE THAT INSPIRED ME “THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNES” When you search for best motivational movie this one is probably the one which appears on top, because it is! The movie highlights the father and son bond also has the message of never giving up. A scene from the movie where, “at the lowest point of his life, when he was sleeping with his son on the restroom floor of a subway station, he maintained the illusion that he was just as much a viable candidate as the other interns who had homes and all the luxuries.” He proves that perception really is everything, and how you make people perceive you is a major part of the recipe of success.


Thank You Ritu Choudhary ritu1122365@gmail.com +91- 9602412495

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