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Manchester Manufacturing Company

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Manchester Manufacturing Company has been engineering grain harvesting innovations since 1919. Force Feed Feeder Chains, Hillside Raddles, Plastic Inserts, and Weed Wipers are available. We can help your grain feeding problem. Available for ALL

Celebrating 100 Years Manufacturing the following products: s&ORCE&EED&EEDER#HAINS * s'RAIN2ADDLES * Available For All Combines s7EED7IPERSs&RONT-OUNT"OOM3YSTEMS s#USTOM"UILT4RAILERS &ORMOREINFOPLEASECALL   -ANCHESTER-ANUFACTURING#O -AIN(WYs0/"OXs-ANCHESTER /+  WWWMANCHESTERMFGCOM combines. If your combine won’t feed at the auger, especially in short, weedy or tangled crops, it’s because it isn’t feeding at the cylinder. We solved the problem by designing a slat with a flap on it. Each slat on our Force Feed Feeder Chain works like a beater to feed material into the cylinder.

Our Hillside Raddle holds grain while harvesting on a hillside. The Hillside Raddle has patented lugs attached to the steel slats. These lugs prevent grain from sliding to the downhill side of the raddle pan before it reaches the chaffer, thus preventing overloading of the lower side of the chaffer sieve and cleaning shoe. We can replace your wooden slat raddles with steel slat raddles on all Gleaners built before 1971.

The Plastic Inserts convert the Force Feed Feeder Chain to an all-purpose chain to harvest all crops. They are ideal for grain stripping headers, handling only the grain and not the stalk and straw. They prevent wear on the feeder house floor, splitting, cracking, crushing of grain.

The Manchester Weed Wiper is the perfect solution for eliminating nuisance weeds from your crops. It works excellent on rye, weeds, Johnson grass, or any growth above your crop to be harvested. Available in self-propelled units or a front mount boom system.

For more information, please call: 580-694-2292, or visit: www.manchestermfg.com e

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