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One-Call of Wyoming
811 was established in 2007 nationwide to provide one, easy to remember number, to call before you dig. One-Call of Wyoming is a non-profit organization that administers the 811 notification center within the state of Wyoming. Any entity within the state that owns/operates any underground facilities shall, by statute, register their location and contact information with the notification center, there are few exceptions to this requirement. If a person is involved in any activity in which earth, rock or other materials on or below the ground is moved or otherwise displaced by means of hand or power tools, power equipment, explosives or other means, and includes grading, trenching, digging, ditching, auguring, tunneling, boring, plowing-in, pulling-in, ripping, scraping and pipe installing, EXCEPT TILLING OF SOIL AND GARDENING OR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. They must call the notification center (811) at least 2 full business days, and not more than 14 full business days, prior to beginning their excavation.
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Once the notification center (811) has been contacted, the center will send out notifications to our member, operators/ owners, to let them know of your intended excavation activity near their underground facilities within the next 2 to 14 business days. The members must respond to the excavator within the 2 full business days and either clear the described dig area or mark their facilities within the described dig area in some fashion within 2 feet of the actual facility location.
PLEASE , for your safety and for the safety of the general public, and the protection of our vital underground infrastructure. DIAL 811 or submit your request online @onecallofwyoming.com at least 2 full business days prior to beginning, ANY excavation activity. e Submitted by One-Call of Wyoming’s Administration Office Locate Number 1-800-849-2476

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Located in Berlin, behind the Farmstead