1 minute read
A Winning Strategy Against Soybean White Mold and SDS
If your fields have had disease in the past, you’re at higher risk of that disease reoccurring.
According to Dr. X.B. Yang, Plant Pathologist at Iowa State University, fungus from white mold (sclerotia) and sudden death syndrome can survive in soil for up to seven years. Rotating crops can reduce the amount of pathogen, but it is unlikely to be eliminated. Yield losses can be as high as 50 percent in fields having severe infestation.
While there is no silver bullet approach for eliminating white mold or SDS, they can be effectively managed through a multiple step process to limit yield loss. Practices for reducing severity include rotating to non-host crops, using resistant varieties of seed, and having your seed dealer apply Heads
Up® Seed Treatment.
The full list of mitigation strategies is available on HeadsUpST.com/manage
What is Heads Up®?
Family owned and operated since 1999, Heads Up® is a biological seed treatment registered for conventional and organic use, offering protection against both white mold and SDS. Key Benefits Include: • Low use rate and compatible with other treatments • 15+ years of trials and third-party research • Full-season protection from a broad spectrum of disease • EPA and PMRA registered. • Increased yield and lower overall incidence of disease • Fewer infected plants, which reduces the spread of disease and lessens the amount of sclerotia returning to the soil – positively impacting future planting. • Can apply well in advance of planting. Speak with a Heads Up® representative today for help in developing a winning strategy against white mold and SDS in 2022. Call 1-866-368-9306 or visit HeadsUpST.com for more information. e