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Amber Waves Inc. Baker Angus Beefmaster Breeders United Bestway Sales LLC Blevins Angus Ranch Brown Weight Valve CleanFix North America, Inc. College of Agriculture -
University of Wyoming Cowboy’s Bar & Museum DB Mower Innovations Easy Way Cattle Care Elston Manufacturing, Inc. Fairly Reliable Bob’s Feed Train LLC Greentronics LTD H & M Gopher Control International Ag Labs Interwest Supply Co Modern Printers Never Spill Spout, Inc. Parrish AgriTurf RCO Pest Control Products Romafa Metal Works Inc. Sloan Express Southwest Fence and Supply Stukenholtz Laboratory Inc. Sweet Pro 3H Simmental Ranch, LLC Thunderbird Irrigation of Idaho Tire Town, Inc TJ Equipment LLC TJ’s Fencing Company TPS Lab Virden Perma-Bilt Co. WaterTec Wilger Inc. www.amberwavesinc.com 10 www.bakerangus.com 22 www.beefmasters.org 21 www.bestwayag.com 25 www.blevinsangus.com 23 www.brownweightvalve.com 22 www.cleanfix.org 15
www.uwyo.edu/uwag 7 20 www.dbmower.com 9 www.easywaycattlecare.com 26 www.elstonmfg.com 5 www.fairlys.com 24 www.feedtrain.com 20 www.greentronics.com 3 www.handmgophercontrol.com 3 www.aglabs.com 10 www.interwestsupply.com 24 www.modernprinters.net 24 www.neverspillspout.com 27 www.parrishagriturf.com 16 www.rodent-baits.com 13 www.romafa.com 17 www.sloanex.com 2 southwestfenceandsupply.com 12 www.stukenholtz.com 8 www.sweetpro.com 19 24 www.thunderbirdirrigation.com 5 24 www.tjequipmentllc.com 16 www.tjsfencingcompany.com 11 www.tpslab.com 28 www.virdenproducts.com 24 www.watertecna.com 9 www.wilger.net 15
The Tanker, from Bestway Ag, is an in-field fuel solution engineered to be more than a simple pit stop for hungry machinery. Equipped with a long list of standard features, it is ready to work long hours, just as you do. Fuel. When you need it, where you need it. Spray Fie Like Pld A RO
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Made in the U.S.A.
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