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Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Pyramid Lake -
Pyramid Lake is located about 50 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada, and has been designated as one of the first 5 National Scenic Byways in the country. The Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation is comprised of 476,728 acres, with three communities within. The tribal membership are direct descendants of the Northern Paiute People who occupied the vast areas of the Great Basin, but more specifically, the Kooyooe Tukaddu band (named for the unique prehistoric fish found only in Pyramid Lake.) Today, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe is one of the largest tribes in Nevada, with roughly 2,500 Tribal Members living on the Reservation.
Pyramid Lake occupies 112,000 surface acres inside the reservation boundary, and has a shoreline of approximately 175 miles. The endorheic salt lake is a residual body remaining from the Pleistocene Lake Lahontan, which had covered most of the Northern Nevada areas 9,000 years ago. The lake is now fed primarily by the Truckee River, which serves as an outlet of Lake Tahoe. Pyramid Lake was given its name for the pyramid shaped tufa-rock formation on the southeastern part of the lake, which is accompanied by the Stone Mother. Fish species of Pyramid Lake occupying the lake includes the worldwide famous Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, Sacramento Perch, Tui-Chub, Tahoe sucker and Cui-ui, which is on the endangered species list.
Recreation –
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic that is currently gripping the world, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Council has new restrictions in place that have changed recreation at the lake. Permits are now available online ONLY at plpt.nagfa.net/ online, and the Ranger Station, located at 2500 Lakeview Dr, in Sutcliffe. Permit prices have also changed – you may now find these changes at our website, PyramidLake.us, under the ‘Permits’ tab. Masks are required at each of our three stores; customer limits are posted at all three store locations. Pertinent store information is posted on the Pyramid Lake Tribal Enterprises Facebook Page, or Pyramid Lake Marina Store.
Fireworks are sold year-round at each of these store locations, and each purchase comes with a permit which allows customers to discharge at select Pyramid Lake Beaches. Case sales are available online at: www.i80casesales.com. On social media, you can find us at - i80fireworks on Instagram; I-80 Fireworks on Facebook, and on firework specific website, www.pyramidlakefireworks.com. Up to date information can be found on Facebook at Pyramid Lake Enterprises and Pyramid Lake, as well as at Twitter @ plpt.
Fishing –
As Pyramid Lake is known for its prized Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, fishing season is as follows: trout fishing is open from October 1 to June 30th of each year. Trout season is closed from July 1st through September 30th. From July 1st to September 30th, the open waters of Pyramid Lake will be open to fishing to all species, excluding trout and cui-ui, and is limited to shore fishing only. Wading is permitted, but no boats, ladders or flotation devices may be used to fish. Any trout or cui-ui must be immediately released. Truckee River fishing on the Pyramid Lake Reservation is open from June 1st through February 28th, and will be closed to fishing from March 1st, through and including May 31st. Legal Fishing Hours are one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset. For more information on fishing, please feel free to contact our amazing Ranger Station team at 775-476-1155. They are open every day of the week, 8-4 pm.