Western farm, Ranch, & Dairy - West-Southwest, Summer/Fall 2022

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Ritz WESTERN FAR M, RANCH, & DAIRY www.FarmRanchDairy.com FREE Stainless Steel Air Seeder Parts Rockfish –A fresh Way to Find Water West-Southwest • Summer/Fall Edition 2022 THE VITAL SOURCE OF THE AG INDUSTRY

3 www.FarmRanchDairy.com WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY Ritz www.HaydenOutdoors.com | 866.741.8323 Murphy Flat Farm 2,554 Acres • $16,200,000 Owyhee County, ID Austin Callison 208.870.1757 West Surprise Arizona Ac. Property 69 Acres • $4,600,000 Maricopa County, AZ DJ Calvin 970.371.9900 | Jim Riggs 602.708.1503 Ever After Ranch 108 Acres • $4,500,000 Cochise County, AZ DJ Calvin 970.371.9900 Eloy Farm Ground 85 Acres • $1,231,000 Pinal County, AZ DJ Calvin 970.371.9900 Succor Creek Cattle Ranch 1,052 Acres • $5,800,000 Malheur County, OR Austin Callison 208.870.1757 Poe Valley Retreat 2,625 Acres • $2,625,000 Klamath County, OR Austin Callison 208.870.1757 NewListingNewListing NewListing NewListing Now serving California!

Ritz WESTERN FAR M, RANCH, & DAIRY Table of Contents AGRICULTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is the Place for You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Fertilizer-Cost-and-Availability Crisis Requires Farmers to Practice Precision Farming to Stay in Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Stukenholtz Laboratory Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Most Affordable Sprayer Boom Height Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Rockfish Aquifer Imaging, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Stainless Steel Air Seeder Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ubly Bean Knife and Ubly Peanut Digger Blades Give You the Advant-EDGE! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 A “Helping Hand” For Zero-Turn Mowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Northern Livestock Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Catch A Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 On The Feed Train® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Nebraska’s Advantage – Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 MARKETPLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Advertisers Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 West-Southwest • Summer/Fall Edition 2022 4 Ritz WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY www.FarmRanchDairy.com

5 www.FarmRanchDairy.com WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY Ritz Corporate Office Ritz Family Publishing, Inc. 714 N Main Street Meridian, ID 83642 Saleswww.ritzfamilypublishing.com For all sales inquiries, call toll free 1-800-330-3482 or Subscriptionsinfo@ritzfamilypublishing.com1-208-955-0124 For a subscription or to change your mailing address, call toll free: 1-800-330-3482 or info@ritzfamilypublishing.com1-208-955-0124 Design & Layout By iRockimages.com, Boise, ID Printed By Owyhee Publishing, Homedale, ID Copyright© 2022. All rights reserved. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this publication, however, the publisher does not assume responsibility for omissions or typographical errors. The publisher does not assume responsibility or is liable for the contents of any advertising herein. Publisher’s liability for errors in an advertisement is limited to a correct insertion in the next publication. In the event of a misprint, the publisher must be informed of such error prior to printing of the next publication. Ritz WESTERN FAR M, RANCH, & DAIRY a Ritz Family Publication President/CEO Michael Ritz – mikeritz@ritzfamilypublishing.com General Manager Brenda Stoner – brenda@ritzfamilypublishing.com Sales Keven Davis – kevin@farmranchdairy.com Pat Drury – pat@ritzfamilypublishing.com Ritz FAMILY PUBLISHING,INC.

AGRICULTURE Image by Lino Lombardi 6 Ritz WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY www.FarmRanchDairy.com

University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is the Place for You , g gy Watershed Management. We also offer master ’ s and doctoral degrees to complement a bachelor ’ s degree. We support over 20 student clubs, organizations and nationally competitive teams. Visit us at uwyo.edu/uwag | 307 766 4135

T he University of Wyoming’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources has a program for you! With 8 different Bachelor’s degree program options and Graduate and Doctoral programs to compliment Bachelor’s degrees, there is a place for everyone. The programs we offer include agriculture business, agriculture communications, plant production and protection, animal and veterinary science, family and consumer science, microbiology, molecular biology, and rangeland & watershed management. In addition to top-notch academic programs there are many ways to enrich your time here at UW. With over 20 different clubs, organizations, and nationally competitive teams, there is always something to fill your schedule. If you’re one for competition, we have teams for livestock, meat, and wool judging, equestrian and rodeo. Looking to extend your professional network? Check out Wyoming Collegiate Cattle Association, UW Block and Bridle, Wyoming Collegiate Wool Growers or Pre-Veterinary Club. Gain hands on skills and experience through ACRES Student Farm, Food Science Club, Ranch Horse Team or apply to be a Cowboy Joe pony handler. We also have agricultural based Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity and Sigma Alpha Sorority to really round out your collegiate experience. To top it all off, we have excellent and affordable tuition. The University of Wyoming was ranked 2nd in the nation among landgrant universities and #5 overall in the Wall Street Journal’s 2020 “Is Your College Worth the Cost.” The College of Agriculture has a great selection of scholarships as well, with over $900,000 awarded to students last year. With diverse degree programs and a club for everyone, the UW College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is the place for you. We will get you ready for a career in a multitude of agricultural fields.

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• The use of biological inoculants and bio-stimulants, such as amino acids, growth hormones and other beneficial products that may not be essential for plant growth.

• Not using bio-stimulants to improve crop performance and its resistance to disease and insects.

• Ignoring irrigation and spray water quality.

• Acceptable irrigation and spray water quality.

Noel Garcia, CCA – Chief Operating Officer & Senior Consultant, TPS Lab

• The key issues in efficient crop production are:

About “Precision Farming”: This term has implied mechanical means of precise seed and fertilizer placement, variable-rate fertilizer applications based on grid soil sampling and nearinfrared ærial surveys, metered applications of fertilizers through irrigation systems and GPS guidance of tractors and sprayers. But realistically, these approaches address only a modest part of achieving maximum crop performance with the most efficient use of money and resources. Whether or not precision mechanical means are used, here some of the most important considerations when attempting to get the most out of the least:

• The correct fertilizer for your soil type, the crop and its stage of development.

The FarmingFarmersAvailabilityFertilizer-Cost-and-CrisisRequirestoPracticePrecisiontoStayinBusiness Efficient

• The wrong fertilizer for the soil type or crop.

• Timing and placement of fertilizer applications.

• Not planning beyond this year’s crop using the “Regenerative Agriculture” approach.

• Ignoring soil health/life.

S ince the onset of 2020, fertilizer prices have been exploding. But now, simply the availability in addition to evermore outrageous cost of fertilizer due to a variety of well-publicized reasons has become very seriously problematic. Presently, there seems to be no ceiling to cost escalation or foreseeable end to limitations on supplies. This means that every pound or gallon of fertilizer applied must be utilized by the crop to the greatest extent possible.

• “Traditional” practices have got to go! Here are the biggest mistakes I’ve seen farmers make over and over again during my 30-plus years with TPS Lab:

• Not keeping up with the latest advances and discoveries in crop nutrition.

– Many farmers apply the bulk of their fertilizers at the onset of the season. This is colossally wasteful, as plants develop their appetites and tastes with growth, much of the fertilizer has been dissipated by the time the plants start needing it the most. This is particularly true with N. Remember that crop nutritional needs change throughout the growing season, so applying the wrong fertilizer at the wrong time for your particular crop wastes much of your money. As to placement, with row crops, side-dressing can require much less fertilizer and starter “popup” fertilizer is astonishingly effective in getting crops off to fast vigorous starts. After emergence, the use of foliar sprays is the most efficient method of getting nutrients into plants.

• The major application of fertilizer being made at the start of the growing season, expecting it to suffice for the entire season.

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About Foliar Sprays – In some areas of the country, particularly the Corn Belt, foliar sprays of plant-beneficial and nutritional agents are typically seldom used, as this area of the country has been historically known as having the highest-producing capacity of corn and soybeans per acre. Unfortunately, the Midwest’s rich soil nutrient pool is declining due to reduction of soil organic matter (soil carbon) much like the rest of the country. This leads to nutrient deficiencies, especially micronutrients, that limit plant genetic potential resulting in reduced yields and quality. As a result, increased disease and insect pressure Fertilization Practice is now a necessity!

• Ignoring existing soil nutrients which are plantunavailable, especially in calcareous, high-pH soils.

Timing and Placement of Fertilizer Applications Is Crucial

The forms of other nutrients are equally important – for example, MAP or DAP? Choosing the best fertilizer for your specific soil conditions or foliar fertilizer for specific stage of growth can save huge amount of money and increase ROI. This is the reason why some have not seen much success from the use of foliar sprays. The wrong product, mixing incompatible or antagonistic products together, wrong application rates, missing critical stages of growth and inadequate water quality are quite common mistakes.

Plant Sap Tests at critical stages of crop development during the season are crucial to determining the nutritional needs of the crop so that no more than necessary of what is applied, thus saving money and limited supplies. Plants eat and drink every day and their tastes and appetites change with time. Those changing needs (but no more than needs) must be accommodated to have some assurance of a profitable outcome. Advances and Discoveries in crop nutrition and health are being made all the time – particularly in the chelated forms of micronutrients, resulting in a much higher efficiency of plant uptake and utilization. This means using less to produce more. A fairly recent discovery is foliarly-applied water-soluble silicon. Si stiffens and hardens cell walls, thereby discouraging piercing and gnawing insects and resist disease – and lodging. Si forms a very thin hard layer that resists nematodes and soil pathogens on roots. A very recent tool is nanoparticles that encapsulates the inputs you already use into tiny nanoparticles that glide through foliar and root barriers, thereby improving efficiency and speed of uptake and reducing the energy required by the plant to get nutrients into its cells. Bio-Stimulants – There is more to crop health and nutrition than just chemistry. These game-changers include organic acids, growth hormones and biological inoculants that can dramatically improve crop performance, nutrient uptake efficiency and resistance to disease and insects - thus reducing or eliminating entirely the need for costly pesticides and fungicides. Encourage the plants, microbes and other soil life to do much of the heavy lifting! Already Existing Soil Nutrients – Particularly in calcareous soils, many of the metal nutrients exist as carbonate and bicarbonate chemical compounds often in abundance – all very insoluble and therefore unavailable to plants. The standard soil treatment is sulfur but the latest method also includes the use of bio-stimulants. These break the chemical bond by chelating the nutrients into bioavailable forms. Humic/Fulvic Acids, Amino Acids, Enzymes and beneficial soil bacteria from additions of soil inoculants all play a vital role to access this nutrient pool. Additions of these bio-stimulants to your existing fertility program can increase your fertilizer efficiency by more than 20% in most cases, allowing you to cut back on fertilizer in times of high cost and limited availability, and have long-term cumulative benefits.

– Here is where a Soil Test is really important! If you have calcareous soils and buy micronutrients in the oxide form, you have literally thrown money on the ground with no benefit at all. When it comes to nitrogen, there can be a huge difference between anhydrous ammonia, urea, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate as to its longevity, its utilization by the plant and its impact on native soil chemistry and soil life. Is it nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen or organic nitrogen?

Bottom Line – Maintaining balanced nutrition and vigorous soil life at every stage of your plants’ life cycle will ensure that no matter what challenge Mother Nature sends, your crops will have the best chance of making you money. Soil, Water and Sap Testing is one of the best investments a grower can make, especially during these times of uncertainty with exorbitant fertilizer prices so you can apply only what your crop needs, where it needs it and when it needs it!

Regenerative Agriculture – Planning beyond this year to reduce costs and increase crop performance by regenerating soil structure and health/life, thereby increasing long-term nutrient availability and carbon sequestration, reducing future costs and resources. Reduction of soil disturbance and continuous vegetation cover on soil as much as possible increases the amount of diversity of organic residues to maximize nutrient and water use efficiency by plants. Restoring overall microbial life is essential to soil/ plant health and biodiversity. This sustainable approach is a long road to travel but it must be initiated if farmers want to be successful over prolonged challenging times.

Don’t guess and hope for the best!

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increases input costs of additional fungicides and pesticides which reduces return on investment. Here, foliar sprays of bio-stimulants, micronutrients and trace elements can have big, faster and longer-term impacts on crop health, performance andTypeeconomics.ofFertilizer

Water Quality Test – Irrigating with hard or salty water can have dramatic impacts on soil chemistry and structure, because What’s In Your Water Becomes Part Of Your Soil ®. As aquifer levels fall, natural dissolved minerals become more concentrated. There are several methods to remediate soil. Using hard water for the spray mix can change the chemistries of spray agents to the extent of making them ineffective and possibly damaging plants. Appropriate water treatment is needed to offset or remediate these problems.


Laboratory Inc .

In 1970, there were no commercial soil and plant testing laboratories in Idaho. Farmers applied fertilizers based upon educated guesswork. Dr. Dale Stukenholtz and his wife Joyce saw an opportunity to build a business and started a soil and plant testing laboratory and field consulting service based in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Paul has nearly completed his own. Consulting agronomists include J.P. Kruckeberg of American Falls, a 43 year veteran of field consulting and the most successful single agronomist in the state, and Bart Kunz. The Laboratory and office staff are equally Stukenholtzgood.Laboratory continues with research and improvement. In conjunction with the Idaho Crop Production Association and University of Idaho CFEP research project, Stukenholtz Laboratory has helped to ensure that fertilizer recommendations in Idaho are the most cost efficient possible and produce the maximum economic yield while protecting the environment. Stukenholtz Laboratory personnel have conducted field research on over 40 different products and continue to be the experts at “cutting edge” agricultural technology. As we end our first 50 years of business and begin our next, we would like to thank our current and former employees for their dedicated work and our customers and clients for their years of support. Analysis room at Stukenholtz Laboratory Inc.

Dr. Stukenholtz had an unusually diverse background as an educator at the University of Nebraska, an agronomist in the fertilizer industry, and a farmer, and he saw a need for more modern fertilizer recommendations to produce greater yields at less cost. His clients were the growers, so he could make unbiased recommendations that maximized economic return to the farmer. After extensive field research, he developed these improved fertilizer recommendations that quickly became popular with growers and form the basis for nearly all fertilizer applications in the intermountain west area. Stukenholtz Laboratory clients include growers from all neighboring states and several foreign countries including Australia, Canada, Egypt, Russia, Mexico and New Zealand. Stukenholtz Laboratory provides 1 to 2 day service, including picking up and delivery time, across Southern Idaho from St. Anthony and Grace to Parma and Homedale. Results can be delivered, mailed, faxed, or pulled from the Laboratory’s webpage: www.stukenholtz.com. To improve their service, Joyce and Dale Stukenholtz expanded the laboratory 25 years ago, installed the latest in computerized instrumentation and quality control, and made it the most modern and well equipped agricultural laboratory in their market area. Critical to the success of Idaho’s most efficient laboratory and largest field consulting firm has been its personnel. Dr. Stukenholtz has had a PhD in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition since 1964 and his son and Laboratory Manager

STUKENHOLTZ LABORATORY Inc. Agricultural Consulting & Testing • Soil Testing • Irrigation Scheduling • Feed Analysis • Contract Research • Tissue Testing • Pest Management • Field Research • Grid Sampling • Variable Rate Fertilization • International Testing • Agronomic and CCA Seminars • Nematode Testing Contact: Paul Stukenholtz, Consulting Agronomist Agronomists: JP Kruckeberg, Bart Kunz, Cameron Brower, Antone Christensen, Wess Gibson, Cody McCoy, Kevin Victor 208-734-3050 • 800-759-3050 • Fax 208-734-3919 P.O. Box 353 • 2924 Addison Ave E. • Twin Falls, ID 83301 E-mail: frontoffice@stukenholtz.com Website: www.stukenholtz.com Celebrating 52 Years of Agricultural Testing

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RiteHeight® is adaptable and works on any type of new or used trailed, or self-propelled sprayer with electric-over-hydraulic solenoid valves. It works with all common hydraulic designs and requires no additional hydraulics. Once installed, use the TEST menu to check connections. Then move the sprayer to a safe spot outside, unfold the booms, and run the auto SELF CALIBRATION step. This allows the computer to learn your sprayer’s behavior. At spray time, set the optimal target height. Choose the operating mode: Bare Ground, Partial Canopy, or Full Canopy. RiteHeight® allows operators to make on-the-go adjustments to target height. The RiteHeight® system is easy to over-ride and constantly monitors for operator input. Headland Mode allows for quick & safe Greentronicsturns.


T he Greentronics RiteHeight® system uses from two to five ultrasonic sensors to measure and control the distance from the sprayer boom to theUserstarget.find it very easy to operate and straightforward to install. In fact, more than 75% of endusers install their own RiteHeight® systems. Installation is simple because there are just four main items: 1) Console with display and keypad, 2) Junction Box, 3) Sensors, and 4) Cables.

offers optional ISOBUS compatibility to operate RiteHeight® directly from the Universal Terminal screen on many tractor and sprayer displays. Some users move RiteHeight® sensors from the booms to their Y-Drop systems where correct boom height is necessary to optimize placement of liquid fertilizer in rowSincecrops.2007, Greentronics has taken great pride in offering this high quality product at the most reasonable price on the market. Customer input has driven many improvements over the years and operators with older RiteHeight® systems are advised to contact Greentronics about upgrade options. or call Greentronics Ltd. at 519-669-4698 Height Better spray job, less drift, less chance of equipment much easier on the operator.

Most Affordable Sprayer Boom








~ Leonardo Da Vinci. t Rockfish Aquifer Imaging, our team of experienced geoscientists helps clients find new well locations with the highest-volume potential. We survey your property utilizing aquifer-imaging technology to provide a 2D image of the subsurface with incredible accuracy. Our images are used to identify the thickest and coarsest sand/gravel beds, fractured bedrock aquifers, porous limestone formations, and fresh vs. salty/brackish water. This allows us to target the most productive areas with the freshest water possible beneath the property. Our imaging system is portable to allow surveying in difficult terrain with a flexible design. It can image up to 4,500 feet below the surface to view all available aquifers and is safe to survey near livestock and crops with little to no impact on the environment. have conducted thousands of surveys domestically and internationally with extensive experience in most aquifers West of the Mississippi River. a test hole blindly can become costly. With RAI, can look underground before you drill to improve prospect of a successful well. would like to let us help you to find highest-yielding irrigation, stock, municipal or domestic well, contact us today! 918-982-4004 Cell


If you



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A Fresh Way To Find Water is true that “water is the driving force of all nature.”

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EQUIPMENT 14 Ritz WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY www.FarmRanchDairy.com Image by David Jenne

HOW IT STARTED - Back in 2012 Ronald Kornelsen left his job as a designer and started a small family business with his wife, Marcela, and their family, doing welding, machining, and repair work for the local agricultural and cattle ranching community.

Soon local as well as distant customers came to them to have their machinery repaired and/ or improved. New ideas were offered, designed, built, and tested.

For more information on our stainless steel air seeder parts, our light weight yet durable boom for ditch sprayer trucks, our alfalfa seed sieves for combines (reduces the curls among your alfalfa seed by at least 50 per cent), or if you have a project of your own you need help with, visit our website at www.Romafa.com , or call Jim Kinnaman at 204-364-2244

Ronald, with his experience with designing and prototypes in the metalwork industry, also offered these skills to fill the needs of his customers and help bring their ideas to fruition. Romafa (from the first two letters each of ROnald, MArcela, and FAmily) Metal Works very quickly became known as a productive and venturesome business.

R omafa Metal Works realized the enormity of the problem that exists of the many corroding air seeder parts and farmers’ and ranchers’ desperate needs for a solution. Romafa, through careful planning, designing, and testing, developed stainless steel replacement air seeder parts for multiple brands of air seeders.

Romafa Metal Works found by using stainless steel for the replacement part those parts are stronger and more durable. The parts can handle a lot more stress before showing signs of wear and tear. Plus in addition to being more rust resistant, the replacement parts are also more resistant to staining, and – well, let’s face it – they look better too. You no longer need throw money at a relatively temporary solution only to see it rust away almost before your eyes. Instead, replacing your corroded air seeder parts with Romafa’s parts made of stainless steel will be a lasting improvement and solution.

For Romafa, this created many opportunities for growth as a business, and with the help and expertise of their innovative employees, they have grown to be a business with many different products and projects.

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Stainless Steel Air Seeder Parts The solution to your corrosion problems!

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Ubly Peanut Digger Blade Manufacturing, Inc., a subsidiary of Ubly Bean Knife Mfg., Inc., received a patent for the Ubly Lifting Fingers, stainless steel lifting fingers that are flat and curved upward to better guide peanuts up on to the top of the elevator during the digging process. Used with their patented Ubly Digger blades, which have a thin, hard-faced edge to stay sharp and always cut the tap root, the lifting fingers and the smaller diameter Ubly 6-inch Bottom Elevator Idler Wheels raise the peanuts without turbulence and in a smooth, uniform ribbon to the top of the elevator. For more information, please call 1-888-723-3244 or visit our website at www.ublybean.com

H undreds of hard edible bean farmers have been taking advantage of the Ubly bean knife for over sixty years. Attention bean, seed and organic farmers While maintaining the highest standard of quality, Ubly bean knives are still the best way to cut the tap roots and get a higher quality bean while producing fluffier windrows, reducing labor, reducing stones and dirt in windrows, and aiding in your combine’s overall performance.Therehas been some speculation about the acceptability of the direct harvest system due to the high losses of beans, therefore keep using the Ubly Bean Knife for the best possible cut and quality for your money. Do what hundreds have already done. Make Ubly Your Advant-EDGE.

Ubly Bean Knife and Ubly Peanut Digger Blades Give You the Advant-EDGE!

Peanut farmers rejoice!

For over 30 years, Fay Ranches has provided quality brokerage services coast to coast. We specialize in the purchase and sale of large land and agricultural assets. From accurately pricing your land to the final sale, our brokers will be with you every step of the way. fayranches.com/ag to learn how we can meet your land needs. VISIT US AT : fayranches.com | 800.238.8616 | info@fayranches.com

17 www.FarmRanchDairy.com WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY Ritz A “Helping Hand” For Zero-Turn Mowers

G etting on and off a zero-turn mower can be tricky, our support bar known as the DONBAR makes it easier for operators of all ages. Originally developed to aid our father who was struggling with Parkinson’s disease, the bar gave him the needed stability to get on and off his zero turn mower, allowing him years of enjoyment, being able to get out and continue to mow his own lawn. The DONBAR provides stability and balance for people of all ages to safely mount and dismount their zero-turn mower by offering an extra point of contact when climbing on and off, or moving from a sitting to a standing position. From a professional mowers point of view, use of the DONBAR reduces fatigue from climbing off & on the mower each time you need to move a hose, sprinkler or debris. An additional benefit is on those early mornings that bring a bit of moisture, having the additional point of contact helps the operator to avoid slipping on the wet grass. The DONBAR works just like a handrail, giving an extra point of contact for better balance and stability. The DONBAR mounts directly to the footplate of a zero-turn mower. It uses existing deck holes (some applications require additional dwrilling) and attaches with lock nuts that resist loosening under vibration andThetorque.DONBAR Adjustable ($94.95) and the NEW DB Deluxe with Bucket Holder ($144.95) can be ordered online at: www.dbmower.com

Used Tractor ChangingInventoryDaily New Vermeer Forage Equipment In Stock Call for Updated Inventory Cadman Irrigation Reels Available (360) 815-1597

LIVESTOCK Image by Emilio GO 18 Ritz WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY www.FarmRanchDairy.com

N orthern Livestock Video, headquartered at Billings Livestock Commission, Billings, MT is engaged in the livestock auction business through Video Satellite & Internet Marketing and is produced by a capable Northern Livestock staff.

Pat Goggins introduced the video concept of selling livestock to the industry years ago and conducted the first in the world sales during the mid-1970s. Video & Internet marketing has since become a viable, legitimate tool for merchandising feeder cattle and breeding cattle.

The sale is conducted just like an ordinary auction sale only the livestock are not on the premises. Most of the sales will be physically held at the Billings Livestock Commission in Billings, MT where television monitors will be set of for viewing, or you can view the sale in the comfort of your home or office. Buyers will be on the seats to bid and a bank of phones will be manned to take the call-in bids from the video broadcast. They are fast paced auctions with nationwide bidding. Keep in mind when you consign your livestock to a Northern Livestock Sale, it will be broadcast across the North America continent on Satellite as well as on the Internet. Anyone who has a “dish” or computer at home, in the office or feedlot can view the sale and bid on the livestock in “real time.”

Northern has on staff the best group of knowledgeable Representatives of any video sales company in America. They come with excellent qualifications and have firsthand knowledge of cattle breeding, feeding & carcass quality. You can work knowing they will personally represent you from the moment you sign the consignment form until the day your cattle are delivered. They are bonded, reputable, conscientious cattlemen with many years of experience in the industry. But most important they understand marketing at all levels. They will become your best friend!

. 2022 EARLY SUMMER SPECIAL June 23rd & 24th 2022 SUMMERTIME CLASSIC July 18th - 20th 2022 EARLY FALL PREVIEW August 22nd & 23rd 2022 FALL SeptemberPREMIER19th 2022 SALE SCHEDULE LivestockNorthern Video

The most important factor is to receive national competitive bidding on your livestock. The Northern Livestock Video Sales are broadcast on Satellite and Internet. In addition, the sales are aggressively promoted nationwide in the best read livestock publications around the country and nationally recognized auctioneers’ will sell the sale. As a consignor, being involved in one of our Video events affords your herd more exposure than you could possibly gain on your own efforts. This is buying power.

Remember, we started the video way of selling livestock, the first in the world, back in the 1970s. We know what we are doing and we would like to prove it to you. When you make the important decision to consign to Northern, call us at 1-866-616-5035

19 www.FarmRanchDairy.com WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY Ritz

Catch A Ride On The Feed Train® I n his previous career, before becoming a manufacturer, Bob Lutz was a cattle farmer. As such, he was always looking for ways to save time and money and make life a little easier. Since he was running a rotational grazing system to conserve his pastures, he was spending a lot of time moving feed bunks. Thus the dream of the time and labor saving mobile feed bunk system came into existence.Inorder for this system to work properly, a special steering mechanism was necessary to cope with the hilly terrain here in northern Missouri. Bob kept experimenting until he came up with the correct formula and put it into action for his own use. He then applied for and was granted a patent on the steering system. The high quality construction of the Feed Train® mobile bunk led to requests for stationary bunks of the same quality and those were added to the product line. Next we were receiving customer requests for creep feeders and these were designed so that no tools are required for set up, thus avoiding the “lost screwdriver syndrome.”Customer requests for bulk bin storage followed and two sizes in portable bulk bins were developed – a 1.5-ton bin and a 3-ton bin. These sizes are also available as stationary units as well as a 5-ton bin. These bulk bin products are also used as seed tenders. And since most cattle farmers now use ATV or UTV units in their operations, we have created u nits for feeding from the seat of yourPull-behindvehicle. units come in 500- and 1000-pound capacity. And the UTV unit that sits in the back of the vehicle holds 600 pounds. Scales are available for any of these units. Take a look at our website at www. FeedTrain.com or call us at 888-5922351 for additional information or to find a dealer near you.

PRODUCTSADDITIONAL  ATV Feeders  Bulk Bins  Creep Feeders  Seed Tenders  Feed Bunks Unionville, MO (888) feedtrain@yahoo.com592-2351 for additional information visit: www.feedtrain.com Great fromBuiltProductstoLastFeedTrain Capacity1000#ScaleOptionalNowAvailableNowAvailable NEW UTV FEEDER  600 lb capacity  Unloads in less than 2 minutes  Translucent tank makes feed visible  4” auger services several different types of feed  Large lid opening for easy fill LLC

If interested in learning more about dairying in Nebraska contact AFAN at becomeAFAN.org or call 402.421.4472

N E B R A S K A L A N D . W A T E R . O P P O R T U N I T Y . P c t u r e p r o v d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y o f N e b r a s k a a t L i n c o l n # 1 I n i r r i g a t e d a c r e s T h e H i g h P l a i n s A q u i f e r u n d e r N e b r a s k a h a s 5 X t h e a m o u n t o f w a t e r a s L a k e E r i e G r o u n d W a t e r i s m a n a g e d b y l o c a l N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e D i s t r i c t s w i t h a l o n g t e r m g o a l o f s u s t a i n a b l i t y C o n t a c t A F A N t o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t w h y N e b r a s k a i s t h e s t a t e t o d a i r y i n ! B e c o m e a f a n o r g o r 4 0 2 4 2 1 4 4 7 2

The management of Nebraska’s aquifers is delegated to our local Natural Resource Districts (NRDs) to ensure the water is used in a manner that is sustainable. The NRDs are continuously monitoring groundwater levels and making policy recommendations that ensure we have water for irrigation but also ensures the long-term viability of the aquifers. The NRDs take a long view of the ups and downs of the water level which allows pumping more water on dry years which is balanced by less pumping on wet years. This system of governance, which is by locally elected boards, is very flexible for the benefit of agricultural production.

Nebraska’s Advantage – Water N ebraska is with water. We have extensive aquifer systems under the entire state and more than 80,000 miles of rivers and streams, which is the most miles of rivers and streams of any state in the lower U.S.! Water is the lifeblood of agriculture and Nebraska is in a blessed position. We have plentiful water for irrigation, in fact Nebraska is the number one state in the U.S. for irrigated acres and our Midwest location means that we get good rainfall. Put that all together and our agriculture system is rainfed with irrigation to supplement dryer times.

In Nebraska we value our Good Life. We know that the sustainability of our state is tied to the sustainability of the Nebraska Aquifer. As the dairy industry grows in Nebraska, we have the feed, the people, and the water to make new dairy growth a success now and far into the future.

In livestock production, especially dairy, having high quality and consistent feedstuffs is critical to consistent output. With our rainfed+irrigated cropping system Nebraska farmers produce high quality feed at a consistent level year after year. The state of Nebraska overlays the High Plains or Ogallala Aquifer. While much of the national news about the High Plains aquifer has been very negative it is not the whole story. The Nebraska part of the story is that the Nebraska aquifer remains at basically the same level as when irrigation began in the 1950s. That is an incredible feat, one that is unmatched by any of the states that we share the High Plains aquifer with. Our goal with the Nebraska share of the aquifer is long term sustainability.

22 Ritz WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY www.FarmRanchDairy.com 714 North Main P.O. Box 556 Meridian, Idaho 83680 Phone: 208-888-5682 Fax: 208-288-1946 Cell: 283-3567 Email: greg@modernprinters.net www.modernprinters.net COPIES PRINTING • FAX MARKETPLACE Irrigation Supplies and Caldwell,20488RentalsPintoLn,ID83607 (208) 453-9155 | www.interwestsupply.com Rural Real Estate - the way it ought to be 6237 NM-209, Tucumcari, NM 88401 (575) 403-6903 | sidwellfarmandranch.com REAL ESTATE TANK COATINGS ROOF COATINGS Available for METAL, composition shingles or tar roofs. Long lasting and easy to apply. We also manufacture tank coatings for concrete, rock, steel, galvanized or mobile tanks. Call for our free catalog: VIRDEN PERMA-BILT (806) 352-2761 www.virdenproducts.com

23 www.FarmRanchDairy.com WESTERN FARM, RANCH, & DAIRY Ritz ADVERTISERS INDEX www.fairlys.com Boise,800.246.7879208.342.77772301MainSt.ID83702 Afan www.becomeafan.org 21 Baker Angus www.bakerangus.com 21 CleanFix North America, INC. www.cleanfix.org 24 College of Agriculture - University of Wy www.uwyo.edu/uwag 7 Cowboy’s Bar & Museum 20 DB Mower Innovations - DONBAR Grab Bar www.dbmower.com 17 Elston Manufacturing, Inc. www.elstonmfg.com 23 Fairly Reliable Bob’s Farm listing www.fairlys.com 23 Fay Ranch Management see Arm www.fayranches.com 16 Feed Train LLC www.feedtrain.com 20 Greentronics LTD www.greentronics.com 13 Hayden Outdoors www.haydenoutdoors.com 3 International Ag Labs www.aglabs.com 11 Interwest Supply Co www.interwestsupply.com 22 Jim Wells Farm Equipment 22 Marci Goats 22 Modern Printers farm listing www.modernpr i nters.net 22 Northern Livestock Video www.northernlivestockvideo.com 19 RCO Pest Control Products www.rodent-baites.com 5 Rockfish Aquifer Imaging www.Rockfishai.com 13 Romafa Metal Works Inc. www.romafa.com 15 Sidwell Farm and Ranch Realty www.sidwellfarmandranch.com 22 Stukenholtz Laboratory Inc www.stukenholtz.com 10 Thunderbird Irrigation of Idaho www.thunderbirdirrigation.com 3 TJ Equipment LLC www.tjequipmentllc.com 17 TPS Lab www.tpslab.com 2 Ubly Bean Knife Mfg, Inc www.ublybean.com 16 Virden Perma-Bilt Co www.virdenproducts.com 22 Wilger Inc www.wilger.net 24

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