Deo Reddite Dei Give back to God what belongs to God
MISSION STATEMENT St John Fisher School seeks to help and encourage pupils to develop individually, collectively and freely a way of life modelled on Christ, in accordance with the Faith of the Roman Catholic Church. Deo Reddite Dei – Give back to God what belongs to God
WELCOME It is my pleasure to welcome you to St John Fisher Catholic Secondary School, an aspirational school where there are high expectations for everyone within our community. It is our vision to provide our young people with a safe and secure environment where they can explore and strengthen their Catholic faith, becoming confident and productive members of the community. We are an outward looking school who believe in developing strong partnerships with our students, parents, parishes, local and international communities and schools in order to create the very best opportunities for our students.
The needs of all individuals are important to us and we pride ourselves in meeting the needs of students of all abilities. Students at St John Fisher School are set high aspirational targets and are provided with a wide range of opportunities which will enable them to use and extend the skills and talents they have been blessed with. Catherine Burnett – Headteacher
“Judged OUTSTANDING in every category.” Section 48 July 2014 Inspection
“The Headteacher’s leadership is inspirational.” Section 48 July 2014 Inspection
“The Headteacher and the Leadership team are passionate about driving up standards at the school.” OFSTED, March 2013
YOUR CHILD, OUR CHILD Care, guidance and support at St John Fisher School are strong. Our principle, that every child is a unique individual, underpins the work that we do. Our pastoral care team are central to this, providing full time access to welfare, mediation, counselling and guidance. Each student has a learning profile which is monitored by their year group progress leader alongside key members of staff involved in your child’s learning, social and spiritual development. Our additional educational needs and inclusion departments extend to the provision of a turnaround centre, providing structured support for any students needing focussed intervention. Teams of students have been trained to support younger students within the community, including sixth formers assisting teachers, peer mentors, peer mediators, prefects and buddies. We are privileged to have a chapel based on each site with a lay chaplain who works with the local deanery to ensure spiritual education permeates all that we do. Our Catholic faith is fundamental to our work. The school was founded by, and is part of, the Catholic Church. Religious education is taught throughout the school in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, discipline and general norms of the Catholic Church. Celebrations of our faith are joyous occasions embraced by all members of our community.
“Every opportunity is used by the school, not
only to listen to the student voice but also to embed its distinctive Catholic character.”
Section 48 July 2014 Inspection
“The school actively promotes the development of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness through the numerous enrichment activities offered at the start and end of each school day and the ethos that underpins the whole school.” OFSTED, March 2013 Deo Reddite Dei – Give back to God what belongs to God
“Collective worship is outstanding.” Section 48 July 2014 Inspection
“The leadership and management of the Catholic life of the school are outstanding.” “Pastoral care is a strong feature throughout the school” Section 48 July 2014 Inspection
PARTNERSHIPS AND COMMUNITY St John Fisher School has developed strong partnerships with local schools, parishes, other local secondary schools and higher education institutions. Parents’ views and support are welcomed and encouraged by the school.
This has enabled us to take advantage of the extensive learning opportunities that these links provide. The continuous improvement of the school is underpinned by the support and development opportunities afforded to the school by maintaining productive partnerships within and beyond the school community.
There are regular opportunities for our primary schools to experience life at St John Fisher School; including visits, taster days, discovery days and workshops.
Students regularly engage in charity and fund raising activities such as CAFOD, Water Aid and local charities.
St John Fisher students also lead events in our local community and parishes.
We work closely with parents with an understanding that a positive ethos and values need to be embedded in all aspects of a young person’s life.
“The Headteacher has successfully improved links with parents and the wider school community, as shown by the positive views expressed by parents and staff. They feel that the school is well led.” OFSTED, March 2013 “All pupils feel safe and are happy in their learning. Throughout the community at Sir John Fisher there is a mutual respect and a common purpose.” Section 48 July 2014 Inspection Deo Reddite Dei – Give back to God what belongs to God
Students of all ages and abilities are given opportunities to develop their leadership skills. From Year 7 they can join the peer mediation or peer mentor scheme. Prefects, buddies and chaplaincy monitors wear ties or badges which allow them to be easily identified. The school has a proactive group of sixth formers who form the student leadership team, taking responsibility for many areas across the school including charity work, pastoral, environment and liturgy leadership groups. Our school council meets regularly and plays a proactive part in the decision making of the school.
“The school promotes opportunities for students to take on leadership responsibilities whenever possible.� OFSTED, March 2013
NURTURE, CARE AND PROVIDE At St John Fisher School we understand that for our younger students, the move to secondary school is one of the biggest transitions in a child’s life. To ensure that all our children are supported through this exciting development in their life, we start our contact with them from Year 5. From this time children from our partner primary schools participate in taster days and a range of partnership projects working with our current students. There is a comprehensive programme of transition and support in place. This is enhanced by our highly skilled
pastoral care team who work alongside your child’s primary school to ensure that all their needs are met. Year 7 and 8 are taught at the lower site based on the Maidstone Road. This site provides a safe and secure environment for our younger students where a specialist and dedicated team of staff are able to individualise a programme of study best suited to your child’s needs.
“The school has clear expectations of students’ behaviour, which are consistently applied by all staff.” OFSTED March 2013 “Arrangements for keeping students safe are good.” OFSTED March 2013 Deo Reddite Dei – Give back to God what belongs to God
“The staff have given my child responsibilities and praise which has made her confident and mature in her first year.” PARENT “St John Fisher is a very welcoming learning community which lives out the mission statement in its everyday life.” Section 48 July 2014 Inspection
“Students benefit from a school-wide focus on improving literacy and numeracy standards.” OFSTED, March 2013
‘‘St John Fisher is a very welcoming learning community which lives out the mission statement in its everyday life.” Section 48 July 2014 Inspection
Deo Reddite Dei – Give back to God what belongs to God
LEARNING BEYOND THE CLASSROOM At St John Fisher School, we view education as a life long process that continues beyond the classroom experience. We provide a wide range of extra curricular activities for our students. Enrichment activities are on offer before and after school. The school participates in local and regional events and team activities. Students can also take part in subject specific enrichment across a wide range of areas. As part of the educational programme and to enhance learning in the classroom, trips and visits take place throughout the year. These include travel and tourism visits to Malta as well as more local places of interest such as the Film Museum, theatres and places of local historical interest. Regular retreat opportunities are available throughout the year. Our library and computer facilities are available for students to extend and develop their learning, interests and homework at lunchtime and before and after school.
At St John Fisher School, we place great emphasis on every student having high aspirations – we want each individual student to be able to have a variety of life choices, made possible by successful examination results. When students join us in Year 7 they are grouped for teaching according to their needs and abilities. Academically able students are taught in separate groups by staff who know how to stretch the Gifted and Talented. Students with identified learning needs are provided with support and guidance both in and out of the classroom. All students follow a broad and balanced curriculum at key stage 3 which provides the foundation for learning at examination level. At key stage 4 students have an opportunity to study vocationally based learning alongside more traditional courses.
Pathways for vocational subjects continue though to level 3 courses in the sixth form. Student progress is carefully and regularly tracked and parents informed at 5 stages during the year. Student targets are individually set and are purposefully demanding. Additional intervention programmes are available as appropriate to stretch and challenge. The focus on reward is strong. Students who model good behaviour and give of their best, both in and out of their lessons, are rewarded through our ‘Behaviour Watch’ system.
Deo Reddite Dei – Give back to God what belongs to God
“The curriculum provides an appropriate balance of academic, practical and vocational subjects that match the needs and abilities of students.” “Students and their parents receive clear information, advice and guidance to help them with their choice of curriculum pathway.” OFSTED, March 2013
RAISING ASPIRATIONS, DELIVERING EXCELLENCE Every possibility is available for students through our sixth form: academic and vocational qualifications leading to university, apprenticeships or further study. We work in partnership with our local schools to create a collegiate approach to the sixth form provision. These highly successful partnerships have enabled us to extend the opportunities on offer to all our students who choose to extend their studies post 16. In the sixth form students are encouraged and supported to become independent learners and thinkers who can take control of their own destinations. Our sixth form students take a proactive role within the school forming our student leadership team, peer mediators, mentors and buddies. Students from our school go on to a wide variety of professions and higher education institutions including some of the premier universities in the United Kingdom: such as Cambridge University, Exeter University and University of Kent.
“The sixth form is good. Students achieve good results in a variety of subjects.”
“Pupils appreciate the fact that staff make time;
time to listen, time to talk to them, and time to care.
All teachers have high expectations.” Section 48 July 2014 Inspection
Deo Reddite Dei – Give back to God what belongs to God
ST. JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC SCHOOL Deo Reddite Dei – Give back to God what belongs to God
St. John Fisher
Ordnance Street, Chatham, Kent ME4 6SG Upper Site: 01634 335757 lower Site: 01634 335787 Fax: 01634 335833 Email:
Deo Reddite Dei Give back to God what belongs to God