EVER Amber 2012

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C ana d a ’ s number 1 J e w e l l er y M a g a z ine

T he E x p erience o f Per s ona l T ran s f ormation an d I d entit y

A M B E R 201 2

NOU V E AU R I C H E FALL 12 $ 5 .9 9 D i s p l a y u n t i l D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 2



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fa l l / w i n t e r j e w e l l e ry t r e n d s


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Š 2011 Malo, Inc. Made in Canada.


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i s

p r o b a b l y

m y

f a v o u r i t e

t i m e

o f

t h e

y e a R . The last

vestiges of summer warmth collide with the early briskness of October air, as the days start to grow shorter. I actually think it’s a romantic time of the year, mostly at the beginning of the season when it is just cold enough to wear a nice light jacket but not too hot where you can pull on a nice pair of boots.

This is also the time of year where people focus more on fashion. Fashion Week events are happening all over

the globe, including in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, where designers are showcasing their work. With the eyes on fashion comes even more of a heightened focus on jewellery, diamonds and watches. They take on even more of a special meaning. The right piece to complement the right outfit can make all the difference.

It could be yellow earrings, with a matching ring, that captures the “feel” of the Fall season. Maybe you

are taking out some of your nice brown leather strap watches to match the belt and boots you are wearing. Or

p u b l i s h e r ’ s l e t t e r __ 0 8

maybe you reach for that nice pair of cufflinks to impress that colleague at the office.

Remember, jewellery is about how it makes you feel. And for me, Fall is a time to feel romantic. That’s why we

went for the cover we did, for this issue. Jewellery starts with a kiss.

Actually, let me re-name the season, and call it “Amber,” because the colours make me feel warm.

Olivier Felicio Founder and Editor-in-Chief

ever maga zine.ca


F a l l

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c on-


S TA RWAT C H Hol ly wood st a r s g la m it up

RO U G H C U T S F r o m t h e r u n w ay t o yo u r w ay, s t y l i n g yo u r s e l f u p f o r Fa l l


CHEERS A chat w ith Frank Biskupek, ambassador of Scotch


P E AC E O F M I N D I n s u r i n g y o u r j e we l l e r y should be an essential par t o f a n y t r ave l p l a n


B R A N D. JA M E S B R A N D. The lu xur y legacy of James Bond

44 DRESSED FOR SUCCESS Fo r C a n a d i a n T V s t a r G a b r i e l l e M i l l e r, f i n d i n g t h e r i g h t j e we l l e r y c h o i c e s t o c o m p l e m e n t a n ove r a l l look i s key

46 B E AU T I F Y Mu si ngs of a ma keup a r t i st – t h e r e i s a s t o r y b e h i n d e ve r y subject

52 C AT C H M E I F YO U C A N Fa s h i o n a n d j e we l l e r y p h o t o spread, a tip of the hat to the B on n ie a nd Clyde era

60 SHOE SHINE Fa l l f o o t we a r m e e t s t r e n d y j e we l l e r y c h o i c e s , f o r a t r u e fashion statement


ever maga zine.ca

STYLE-MAKER Fa s h i o n Te l e v i s i o n’s G l e n B a x t e r o n h ow t h e r i g h t w a t c h c a n e n h a n c e a m a n’s look, not r uin it

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70 FUTURE FILE Actor Charlie Carrick, n a m e d o n e o f t h e To r o n t o I n t e r n a t i o n a l F i l m Fe s t i v a l ’s “ r i s i n g s t a r s ,” g e t s a r e d car pet fash ion and watch m a k e o ve r

74 M O O D M AC H I N E The new BM W 6 Series Gran C o u p e s t e p s i n t o t h e f r ay w ith character istic swag ger

76 D E S I G N E R P RO F I L E B u l ov a i s i n g o o d h a n d s w i t h Ta d a s h i N a k a m u r a

78 FA S T C O M PA N Y T he need for speed ha s t a ken ove r o u r l i ve s , a n d i t t a k e s the precision of a high-end chronograph to record our pace

c on-

t E NT S 80

TIME FLIES The origin of some of the w o r l d ’s f i n e s t t i m e p i e c e s c a n be fou nd i n the r ich h istor y o f av i a t i o n


M E A N I N G F U L J E W E L L E RY With the increase in popularity of auctions comes a demand for pieces w ith a histor y or stor y attached to them


T R AV E L A t r i p t o Te l Av i v, t h e “c i t y o f c o o l ”


ON THE SCENE E ve r M a g a z i n e ’s T I F F -we e k party

98 ever maga zine.ca

L A S T WO R D U n i n h i b i t e d s e l f- e x p r e s s i o n

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Find an authorized retailer at ELLEJEWELRY.COM

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J e w e l l e r y: T h e e x p e r i e n c e o f p e r s o n a l t r a n sf o r mat i o n & i d e n t i t y am b e r 2 0 1 2 Founder/Editor- in - Chief

A d v e r t i s i n g i n f o r mat i o n

Olivier Felicio Mark Keast

Olivier Felicio 416-203-7900 x6107 Olivier@evermagazine.ca

A r t D i r e c t ION & DE S I G N

sa l e s

Paul Sych

Joanne M. Brathwaite

Mark Harrison 416-203-7900 x6136 Mharrison@gorgmgo.com Jeff Yamaguchi 416-203-7900 x6122 Jeff@gorgmgo.com Lucy Holden 416-203-7900 x6117 Lucy@rivegauche media.com


c r e at i v e b u s i n e ss c o o r d i n at o r

Alex Hofberg Barbara Kingstone Bonnie Siegler David Carr E.Z. Guler-Tuck Geoff Pevere Kathy Renwald Lulu Vibert Marielle de Spa

Erin Poredos 416-203-7900 x6128 Erin@evermagazine.ca

fas h i o n s t y l i s t

f i n a n c e a d m i n i s t r at o r

Donovan Whyte

Henry Fonseca


g r a p h i c DE S I G N

Gillian Sych Scott Jordan E d i t o r i a l C OORDIN ATOR

Irina Lytchak p r o d u c t i o n c o o r d i n at o r

Erin Booth C OP Y EDITOR

v i c e p r e s i d e n t o f o p e r at i o n s

Frank Shoniker 416-203-7900 x6109 Frank@gorgmgo.com c o n t r o l l e r & o p e r at i o n s

Melanie Seth

O n t h e c o v e r : “ M o o d mac h i n e �, pag e 74 , p h o t o g r a p h y b y sa i s i va n e sa n

Photogr aphers

Babar Khan Christopher Stevenson Erich Saide Erin Riley Sai Sivanesan Yulia Gorbachenko Ha i r & M a k e u p

Michael Bonneville Makiko Nohara evermagazine.ca


Breanne Gary Goba

Masthead_2version_re.indd 14

S u b sc r i p t i o n e ma i l

Subscriptions@ evermagazine.ca Send your cover label and new address to: Ever Magazine 55 Bloor St. West P.O. Box 19501 Toronto, Ontario M4W 3T9

12-10-16 5:01 PM

Why pay more for stunning jewellery? Get great deals direct from the manufacturer online from the convenience of your own home

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12-10-11 5:55 PM


C O N T R I B U T O R S __ 1 6


Toronto-based wardrobe stylist Donovan Whyte has been in the business of dressing people for more then 15 years. Whyte’s latest work can be seen in the new Fall/Winter Sharp Book for Men. The talented fashion guru has also worked with Grammy Award-winner Melanie Fiona, Kelly Rowland, Marianas Trench and Keshia Chante. Whyte, who is currently represented by Judy Inc., styled the dangerously sexy Bonnie & Clyde on page 52.


David Carr is a freelance writer specialising in transport issues. He is a columnist for Wings, Canada’s leading aviation authority. He is also the author of Candymaking in Canada, a history of the Canadian confectionery industry. Carr was born in England and raised in Toronto, and is a former political assistant and speechwriter. He explores the aviation industry’s ties to the world’s finest timepieces on page 80.


ever maga zine.ca

Celebrity hair and makeup artist Michael Bonneville trained in London at Vidal Sassoon. He’s worked at the Toronto International Film Festival on celebrities such as Cate Blanchett, Vanessa Williams and Annie Lennox. Bonneville made up the sexy models in our Bonnie & Clyde shoot on page 52.

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Alex Hofberg lives, eats and breathes watches. Founder of Watchworks, a retail outlet specializing in fine timepieces in Portland, Oregon. Hofberg has established a reputation for expertise in both modern vintage and antique horology. He has also been bitten by the motor-sports bug, collecting both vintage British cars and motorcycles. That’s why Hofberg is most suited to write about the ravenous need for speed, spanning technology, sports and everything in between, on page 78.

12-10-12 1:08 PM

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The weather may be cooling down but t h e c e l e b r i t y c r o w d a p p a r e n t l y i s n’ t , judging by their chic and elegant

j e w e l l e r y c h o i c e s . H e r e’s a s a m p l i n g :

S o f i a

V e r g a r a always dazzles, shown here

shopping in New York’s Soho neighbourhood, where she wore Sutra all diamond round doughnut Jali earrings ($11,250), a Vahan 14k yellow gold diamond love knot bracelet ($18,000), an Amrapali 18k gold snake bracelet with diamond and turquoise ($9,5000) and a Tresor Dazzle 18k yellow gold ruby slice and diamond cocktail ring ($4,625).

A n n a

K e n d r i c k sparkled in

Norman Silverman’s 18k white gold diamond stud earrings ($25,876) at a premiere for

ever maga zine.ca

What To Expect When You’re Expecting.

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12-10-11 5:48 PM

L O OK S t e r l i n g S i l ve r Melody Necklace ( E L L E J e we l r y, $ 16 9 )

she’s not afraid to s how h e r ro c k e r s i d e . e ve ry e l e m e n t - t h e c h a i n , t h e wat c h , the ring - adds a touch of edge to a n ot h e rw i s e

R O U G H C U T S __ 2 0


14 k W h i t e & R o s e Gold Ring (Zeghani, $2 ,400)

classic, feminine

B u r b e r ry, Fa l l / W i n t e r 2012/2013

ever maga zine.ca

M i r a d o r Wa t c h ( B u l ov a , $ 1,995 )

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Powered by Movado


©2012 movado group, inc.

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1 8 k S t r aw b e r r y G o l d E a r r i n g s ( L eV i a n , $ 3 0 , 2 4 7 )

R O U G H C U T S __ 2 2

J e a n Pau l Gau lt i e r ,

L i n i o Wa t c h ( M ov a d o , $ 7 9 5 )

Fa l l / W i n t e r 2012/2013

she redefines the meaning of l u x u ry, w i t h a l e v e l


of opulence measured by fur, di a monds a nd gold. look but don’t touch - she is a dmir ed from a di sta nc e .

ever maga zine.ca

Bridal Band (Ca nad ia n Ice Dia monds, price upon request)

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Gold Diamond Engagement R ing (Malo, $2 , 500)



14 k W h i t e G o l d Y Necklace (Bcouture, $795)

ever maga zine.ca

R O U G H C U T S __ 2 4



FA L L / W I N T E R


C i e n a Wa t c h (Citi zen, $ 495)

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she’s a t h row bac k to the gl a morous f l a pp e r g i r l

1920s, w ith a touch of r ac i n e s s .


of the

her fa s h i o n i s dr a m at ic and out

14 k W h i t e G o l d & A m e t h y s t Earrings (Zeghani, $2 ,000)


R O U G H C U T S __ 2 6

Floating Diamond Penda nt (Ca nad ia n Ice Diamonds, price upon request)

J e a n Pau l Gau lt i e r , Fa l l / W i n t e r

ever maga zine.ca


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Black Pearl & Blueberr y Diamonds R i n g ( L eV i a n , $ 4 , 74 7. 5 0 )

12-10-11 4:38 PM

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refined Scotch enthusiast who enjoys a glass, or more. Both are deeply intertwined with such characteristics as patience, experience and affluence. It goes without saying that both are associated with the finer things in life, those evermaga zine.ca

things that are just not worth giving up,

Skotch_re.indd 28

no matter the economic crisis or credit crunch. >

a n d c u lt u r e o f t h i s f i n e s pi r i t

t ion

w ith us the rooted tr a dition, etiqu et te

a finely aged Scotch whisky and the

c u lt u r e a n d t r a d i t i on o f s c ot c h , s h a r e s

A perfect parallel can be drawn between

s c ot sm a n a n d a m ba s sa d or of t h e ag e- ol d

pillars of unapologetic sophistication.

Frank biskupek, a

E d u c a-


A s p i r i t s __ 2 8

Scotch remains one of the last standing

B y E . Z . G u l e r -Tu c k

P h o t o g r a p h y b y C h r i s t o p h e r S t e ve n s o n

12-10-12 12:45 PM

G R A N D E U R 1 0 AT M ( T W S T E E L , $ 7 5 0 )

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Frank Biskupek believes that patience is what defines both Scotch whisky and those who enjoy it. “You have to wait to make your money in life; to find your place in life,” he says. “If you want it all up front, boy are you going to be disappointed when you have it all. You have to experience life in order to know the good parts. If you haven’t had bad parts, how are you going to know what the good parts are?”

Patience, among other qualities, is the main ingredient that goes

into making Scotch a luxury item. Biskupek explains: “The idea of

s p i r i t s __ 3 0

Scotch whisky is that it must sit a minimum of three years in a cask,”

The idea of


w h i s k y i s t h at i t m ust s i t a

m i n I m u m o f t h r e e y e a r s i n a c a s k ,” t o s ta r t i t s pat h t o b ecom i ng a n ag e d scotc h , or e v e n a to start its path to becoming an aged Scotch, or even a blend.


The fact that this beverage waits patiently in a fragrant cask for its debut, since most single malts are

12, 15, 16 or 18 years old, says something about the consumer of this fine spirit.

There is a certain class associated with something that you have to wait for and something that is

only available from one source in the world. Scotland is the main producer of Scotch whisky in the world, and the Scottish are extremely proud of it.

Scotch whisky, “is only done in Scotland, because single malts can only be produced in Scotland,”

says Biskupek. “The great climate, the available barley and the great water for whisky,” are the simple

ever maga zine.ca

ingredients that contribute to the hearty taste of this fine spirit.

Skotch_re.indd 30



When asked about the etiquette involved in drinking and enjoying Scotch for those wanting to affirm their dedication to the spirit, or even for those on their way to becoming Scotch aficionados, Biskupek has a short and concise list of DOs and DON’Ts: >

12-10-12 12:45 PM

P R E C I S I O N I S T, L O N G W O O D C O L L E C T I O N (B U L O VA , $ 4 9 5 )

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s p i r i t s __ 3 2

You c a n k e e p you r

a s l o n g a s yo u wa n t


D O s

D O N ’ T s

• “Don’t add anything more than a drop of water or a piece of ice.” Especially not pop. • Don’t expect it to age with time. “Whisky is not like wine, so it won’t mature in the bottle. It only matures in the cask.” • Don’t fear the finish. “The tradition of age is where you get that great, long finish.” T H E




• To bring out all the flavours in a glass of Scotch whisky,

“We live in a world that is pretty well off. Young people have

add one drop of water. “Basically, when you taste it, you are

much more aspiration,” Biskupek begins, when asked about

not getting all the flavour. It’s a drop of water that you need

why the cigar and Scotch cultures are so intermingled. “It’s

in your whisky to extract the complexities. The water will

about pairing life’s luxuries,” he says, “a little like good food

take a bit of the bite out. Some people like it straight, but

and good wines, a great suit and an expensive automobile,

neither God nor your mother can tell you how to take your

and although it appears it’s more ‘a guy thing,’ many females,

Scotch. Although your mother might.”

as they aspire to climb the ladder to more and more success,

• Drink it in – first through your nose. “When you nose a

are also enjoying the ‘fruits’ of their accomplishments, such

whisky, which you do with wine, you bring it to your nose

as enjoying premium Scotches and cigars, it’s a statement

and breathe through your mouth so it doesn’t burn. That’s a

that you ‘have arrived.’”

good way to start. And now your palette is ready. Then you sip it and as long as it’s on your tongue, you are going to get what you get.” • Savour the tradition — a tradition that was first recorded in 1494, and which is most enjoyable as a social experience. “With the single malt, the whole idea is to sip it, identify what it is you get from it, then talk about it.” • “With whisky, after it’s been bottled and then opened, you won’t lose [or gain] anything when you put it into a decanter. Whether it’s been put into a glass decanter or stays in the bottle, it tastes the same.” • Scotch whisky lasts forever. “You can keep your whisky as long as you want. As long as you don’t put it near a radiator or fire. And if your granddad likes to drink it, lock it away!”

ever maga zine.ca

s p e e d m a s t e r , ta c h y m e t r e c h r o n o g r a p h (o m e g a )

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12-10-12 12:46 PM

master retrograde moonphase (lo n g in e s, $ 3,6 0 0)

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12-10-12 12:47 PM

One of the things we must protect is the tr a dition of

s p i r i t s __ 3 4

s i ng l e m a lt


W H I S K Y.




The purity of the simple ingredients that go into distilling a bottle of single malt whisky are very similar to the simple details that colour a life of elegance and splendour that no longer costs what it used to. Enjoyed in small quantities at a time, it is the crème de la crème of the drinking culture, and has deeply rooted tradition as its calling card.

“One of the things we must protect is the tradition of

single malt whisky. It’s so much a part of the culture,” Biskupek remarks. It is almost as though Scotch whisky has a character of its own; one with a strong legacy, one that demands respect and hard work; a highly nationalistic, proud and enduring custom. And when done right, just like Christmas morning or a cozy arm chair by a crackling fire, even a promotion or a sports car, this long-standing tradition can bring a great sense of accomplishment and an unrivalled life experience, especially when shared with others.

Frank Biskupek, brand ambassador of “The Glenlivet”

Single Malt at Pernod Ricard, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland and moved to Canada in 1981. An LCBO alumnus, he is a prominent figure in the Scottish community in and around Toronto, Ontario and loves to share his passion for and commitment to the culture and ceremony of Scotch whisky. ****

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eco - drive , world chronogr aph A -T (c i t i z e n , $ 7 5 0 )

Skotch_re.indd 8

12-10-15 1:27 PM

Gc is a registered trademark of GUESS?, Inc. Art Dir. Paul Marciano

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12-10-16 11:19 AM



When on vacation, take a few basic steps

VACA T ION __ 3 6

to ensure your jeweller y is protected

W i t h

w i n t e r right around the corner, there’s still time to squeeze in a fun fall getaway.

According to the most recent data available in the Canadian Year Book, more than eight million Canadians take a trip over-

seas every year, with thousands more traveling within Canada.

While excitement for an upcoming vacation can make something like protecting your jewellery seem mundane, it should

ever maga zine.ca

be an essential part of any travel plan. T O P I M A G E : P r e c io u s T emptatio n s E a r r i n g s (C h opa r d)

T h e se c t ion i s a n E v e r M ag a z i n e spe c i a l promot ion

Travel Tips_re.indd 36

12-10-12 9:29 AM

According to a recent survey conducted by Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company – provider of Perfect CircleTM Jewelry

Insurance – around 63 percent of people bring their jewellery with them on vacation, and for good reason.

Vacations are a special occasion, and wearing your favourite jewellery can make you look and feel your best. Unfortunate-

ly, nearly 28 percent of these people have also lost a piece while on vacation.

“A fun vacation can be ruined by a loss or damage. Insurance can give you peace of mind at home and while you are away”

says Patrick Drummond, vice president of sales and marketing at Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company.

Whether the piece is a family heirloom or your favourite new purchase, jewellery loss can be devastating. Luckily, there

are steps you can take to keep your jewellery safe before, during and after travel. B E F O R E






While travelers may be very conscious of keeping their jewellery safe and protected once they arrive at their destination, there are many opportunities to lose your valuables while you are en route to your destination.

Before you leave, carefully assess your jewellery needs. Will you be spending most of your time hiking or camping? You

probably won’t need your new diamond tennis bracelet. >

Travel Tips_re.indd 37

12-10-12 9:29 AM

V A C A T I O N __ 3 8

As important as selecting appropriate jewellery for the oc-

casion is to consolidate as much as possible. A strand of pearls that goes with everything is a much safer option than bringing a different necklace for every outfit.

Once you have decided what to bring, write it down. Make

two copies of the list of jewellery you’ll bring with you. Take one copy with you, storing it separately from your jewellery and leave the other at home.

Use the list you brought to make sure you have all of your

pieces before packing up, and the one at home to make sure everything made the return trip with you.

A D e l i c at e D i a m o n d & Precious Gem N e c k l a c e (C h o pa r d)

At the airport, a loss can occur at any time. Keep a close eye

on your carry-on – it is easy to get distracted when checking in or going to the restroom. Don’t be the person who lost their favourite watch or ring because they weren’t keeping an eye on their belongings.

“Never put jewellery in a checked bag,” says Drummond. “The chances of you never seeing your pieces again are much greater once they’re out of your sight.”

When traveling, the safest place to store your jewellery is

on your person. If you are only bringing a small amount, wear



it. Be sure to hide pendants under your shirt and turn rings


J E W E L L E R Y ?

backwards so the gems aren’t visible in high traffic areas.

Any extra jewellery can be stored safely in the pocket of

your carry-on bag, but make sure to hold the bag the entire



Unfortunately, more than 68 percent of the people who lost a valuable piece of jewellery had no insurance.

time — never leave it unattended, and do not allow anyone else

While you can take considerable steps to prevent your

jewellery from disappearing while on vacation and at home,

to carry it for you.

nothing can give you complete security. W H I L E

Y O U ’ R E


Properly insuring your jewellery is the only way to ensure

Just because you and your jewellery arrived safely does not

you will recover something from your loss. So how do you

mean you should stop being vigilant. Take a moment once you

know if you’re protected? The only way is to look closely at

arrive to consider the safest place to store your jewellery when your coverage. you’re not wearing it. Nearly one quarter of people surveyed

simply store their jewellery in their luggage, which is an easy

pieces like engagement rings, the protection may not always

way to lose a treasured piece or have it stolen.

be as complete as you might assume.

When it is not being worn, always keep your jewellery in

your hotel room safe. The extra few minutes to take out and

While some homeowner’s policies cover more important

Jewellery is one of the most commonly stolen items, so a

standard policy is likely to have a fairly low limit of liability.

put away your valuables will be worth it when you bring them These policies sometimes only cover against theft, not myssafely home with you.

terious disappearance, the most commonly reported cause of jewellery loss.

A personal jewellery insurance policy will be much more

comprehensive. Perfect Circle Jewelry Insurance by Jewelers Mutual, for example, offers replacement of the lost piece in the event of theft, loss or mysterious disappearance with the ever maga zine.ca

same kind and quality of the piece.

Travel Tips_re.indd 38

Whatever type of coverage you choose, make sure you

know the ins and outs of your policy so you are not adding to the stress of the loss. Once you know you are covered you can relax and enjoy your vacation. ****

12-10-12 9:29 AM

Your most treasured pieces of jewellery mark life’s most cherished moments and memories. Perhaps none more so than your engagement ring. Insure it with the jewellery insurance experts. And enjoy a lifetime of happiness together.

For a free quote to safeguard your new jewellery, visit PerfectCircleInsurance.ca/Ever Or call us, 888.884.2424


PC_CoupleBridge_Ever_9x10.875.indd 1 EVERSEPT2012_Jewellers Mutual_FP.indd 1




7/18/12 2:52 PM 12-10-11 3:24 PM

bon d

B y G e o f f P e ve r e

C O L U M N __ 4 0

bra nd

F i l m b u f f s d i g 0 07 f o r t h e c o o l n e s s o f h i s s u r f a c e , n o t t h e d e p t h o f h i s s o u l E a r l i e r t h i s y e a r , an uproar occurred over James Bond’s choice of beer. I know

what you’re thinking: “Beer? Bond doesn’t drink beer. He drinks vodka, and Smirnoff at that.”

Many people think precisely this. Millions, perhaps. That is why, when it was announced that

Bond would be quaffing Heineken in the new Bond film – official number: 23; official title: Skyfall – the backlash occurred on two fronts. First, to the very idea that the world’s most famous vodka drinker outside of the Politburo would even deign to permit beer anywhere near what creator Ian Fleming called Bond’s “cruel mouth,” and second, that the brand should be so nakedly name-

ever maga zine.ca

checked and displayed. I mean, even Pussy Galore had more class. Didn’t she?

Bond_re.indd 40

12-10-12 9:11 AM

One heart Three legends end




With its Manufacture Caliber 01, Breitling has created the most reliable, accurate and top-performance of all selfwinding chronograph movements – entirely produced in its own workshops and chronometercertified by the COSC. A perfectly logical accomplishment for a brand that has established itself as the absolute benchmark in the field of mechanical chronographs.


EVER_Grigoros Breitling.indd 1

12-10-11 5:33 PM

As inane pop cultural brouhahas go, this was one of

the more brouhaha-iest. It came largely on the heels of the

tainly good-looking. Rather like Hoagy Carmichael in a way.

announcement that the producers of Skyfall – the third to

That black hair falling down over the right eyebrow. Much

feature the cruel-mouthed Daniel Craig as Ian Fleming’s

the same bones. But there was something a bit cruel in the

Special Services Commander James Bond – were seeking

mouth, and the eyes were cold.”

a cool $45-million (U.S.) in product placement deals for

the movie. That’s the highest product placement yield in

Lauren Bacall in To Have and Have Not? Who composed

movie history, and it’s why Craig’s Bond will be drinking

‘Stardust’? Yes, that Hoagy Carmichael, and that’s about as

Heineken whether we shaken-not-stirred purists like it

specific as Fleming ever got. At least in terms of Bond’s fea-

or not (Craig is also the brand ambassador for Omega).

tures. Significantly, however, no such vagueness prevailed in

Fleming’s descriptions of Bond’s taste in accoutrements: we

If Smirnoff – or Finlandia, or Absolut or whomever –

Hoagy Carmichael? The guy who played the piano for

had ponied up as much as the Dutch brewery, it would

knew what he liked to drive (a Mark II Continental Bentley),

still be martini time in Bond world. Let’s just be grateful

smoke (a Balkan and Turkish blend made by Moorland’s

then that it wasn’t Mountain Dew that burped up the big-

of Grosvenor Street), splash on (Floris No. 89 and, of course,

gest cheque. Or Budweiser even. At least there’s a certain

drink (Bollinger Champagne, Wolfschmidt – not Smirnoff –

style to Heineken.


And let’s face it. Bond is all about style. In fact, Bond is style, pure and simple. That the secret to his success and lon

C O L U M N __ 4 2

a character named – dig this – “Gala Brand,” Bond is “cer-

We knew what sort of suit and cut he favoured, what his

favourite firearm was, what and when he preferred to eat.

Meanwhile, we knew almost nothing about what he felt,

gevity, which now adds up to 59 years as a literary figure,

thought, worried about or wondered. It didn’t matter: we

a half-century in movies, 23 official movie adaptations, six

didn’t love James Bond for the depth of his soul. We dug him

official actors in the role, and the second-most lucrative

for the coolness of the surface. And still do.

pop cultural franchise in history. (The first?

Ask Yoda.)

world he defended was as threatened by the diminishing of

consumer choice as it was the elimination of votes. Commu-

And you don’t get that kind of traction because you’re

Bond was a shameless wallower in luxury, and the “free”

too deep, idiosyncratic or particular. You get it because

nism’s assault on democracy was one thing, but its eradica-

you’re superficial, shallow and infinitely capable of being

tion of luxury was the real horror. A classless society was

all things to all people in all eras. Bond is still with us

Ian Fleming’s idea of hell.

because, when you get right down to it, he’s the sturdiest

mannequin anyone has ever built.

as the upcoming exhibition at the Bell Lightbox in Toronto

Let’s return to the way Ian Fleming described James

will no doubt shamelessly confirm. Originating at the Barbi-

Bond, way back in his 1955 novel Moonraker. Observed by

can Centre in London, it’s called “Designing 007: 50 Years of

B o n d wa s a shameless

Bond Style.” The exhibit features all manner of artifacts from the half century of Bond movies, but the heart of the show will be what Bond – and his women and enemies – wore.

w a l l o w e r i n ever maga zine.ca

lu x u ry

Bond_re.indd 42

This is why so much of Bond’s legacy is a matter of design,

It’s long been said that clothes make the man, but in the

case of James Bond, it’s even simpler than that. Clothes are the man. Therefore, if you’ve ever wondered why the actor who plays Bond in the movies is so interchangeable, just ask the nearest mannequin. ****

12-10-12 9:11 AM

EVERSEPT2012_Toy Watch Canada_10085_FP.indd 1

12-10-11 3:20 PM

P R O F I L E __ 4 4



ever maga zine.ca

F o r C a n a d i a n a c t r e s s G a b r i e l l e M i l l e r, f i n d i n g t h e r i g h t j ew e l l e r y t o c o m p l e m e n t a n o u t f i t i s key

Gabriel Miller_re.indd 44

12-10-12 9:04 AM

g a b r i e l l e

towards cuts that suit my body type and I lean towards the

m i l l e r is sipping her

beloved coffee in the Toronto condo she shares with

classic more than not.” Ultimately, Miller says it’s how a

her five-year-old son.

woman looks in something and how it makes her feel that

guide her choices.

The busy working mom – she has won two Gemini

ing on Season 3 of Call Me Fitz and says that finding overall

“If you feel confident and beautiful in something, then you’re going to look beautiful,” she says.

balance in her life is a real challenge.

Awards and three Leo awards – is probably best known for her roles on Corner Gas and Robson Arms. She’s now work-

“When I brought my son home, I didn’t work for two

With extensive travel, Miller has mastered the art of pack-

ing light.

years. We developed a morning and an evening routine

that we still keep no matter if we’re in New York [where

es and fabrics that aren’t too bulky,” she says. “In winter,

she appeared on Broadway for three months], traveling [she

it’s more of a challenge. But I try to keep it simple and low

just returned from Germany serving as a film judge], or in

maintenance. I find things I can mix and match. So I pack


two nice blazers that work with a few dresses or jeans.

Buzzing around the globe, the 5-foot-6, raven-haired

“During the summer I bring a series of easily rolled dress-

“Jewellery is really important because that can complete-

beauty says she does make time for herself with exercise and

ly change an entire outfit.” Depending upon the wardrobe,

good eating habits, having been a lifelong vegetarian.

recently the Canadian actress has been accessorizing with

And a testament to Miller’s charm and good looks is her

Kara Ross’ cuff bracelets and chunky bangles.

ever-evolving fashion sense.

“I try and stay true to amazing Canadian designers,”

Miller. “I also love Sugarlime, a company out of Vancouver.

Gabrielle says on how she picks out event and award ward-

I’ve worn her designs for a long time – it’s great transitional

robes. “It’s the piece that speaks to me. I definitely lean to-

jewellery to go from daytime to nighttime. Pyra is another

wards solid colours more than patterns. I go towards shades

favourite of mine and I love Swarovski crystal jewellery too.”

that suit my colouring too. I’m fair and have dark hair so

Having been an actress for 20 years, Miller is aware her

rich, saturated tones are good for me.”

fashion sense has evolved and matured over the past two


Lucian Matis, Carrie Hayes, Rachel Sin, Vawk and Pink

“She also has substantial earrings in great colours,” says

Tartan are amongst her recent fashion favourites.

“Pink Tartan’s colours this year are delicious, beauti-

experimentation while growing up, which is super fun. But

ful and classic,” she says. “Lucian works with incredible

over time, you hopefully get a better understanding of what

fabrics. Vawk is stunning. I do love vintage clothing too. For

feels comfortable and what suits me. Comfort is a priority.”

me, I don’t go with the current trends. I definitely gravitate


“It’s become simpler,” she says. “I definitely did a lot of

J e w e l l e ry i s r e a l ly i m p o r ta n t b e c au s e t h at c a n c o m p l e t e ly c h a n g e a n e n t i r e o u t f i t. By Bonnie Siegler

Gabriel Miller_re.indd 45

Photography by Er ich Saide

12-10-12 9:05 AM

B E AU T I F Y Musings of a makeup ar tist: There is a stor y behind ever y subject

L I F E S T Y L E __ 4 6


M o d e l , H e n r y at n e w y o r k m o d e l m a n a g e m e n t; Wh i t e s h i r t, s u i t j a c k e t a n d t i e all by Lois Diran; Girard P e r r e g a u x v i n ta g e r o s e g o l d w at c h


1 . V i n ta g e A l f a R o m e o G i u l i e t ta w w w. a l f a r o m e o . c o m 2 . Th e A r t o f Sh av i n g P o w e r Sh av e C o l l e c t i o n , $ 4 5 0 , w w w.t h e a r t o f s h av i n g . c o m 3. Haider Ackermann L aser Cut Oxf ord, $1 , 1 20, w w w. h a i d e r a c k e r m a n n . c o m



is a real estate developer, based in Vancouver. Never in one spot for long, he travels the world, usually by private jet. He loves pops of colour in his spring wardrobe, which drifts towards the sleek. He likes a clean shave. He loves vintage cars and a good cigar. His shoes? They’re a little on the unconventional

ever maga zine.ca

side. Harold has a bit of edge to him. He told me once that he likes to brush his

Beautify_re.indd 46

teeth with licorice toothpaste. Stor y Created by Lulu Viber t P h o t o g r a p h y b y Yu l i a G o r b a c h e n ko M a k e u p b y A n d i e M a r ko e - B y r n e f o r To m Fo r d B e a u t y

12-10-16 11:40 AM

Please visit www.seikocan.com to view the Technology collection & a full range of Seiko watches.

sk ad0512.indd 1 EVERSEPT2012_Odyssey time 10077_FP.indd 1

14/05/12 5:15 PM 12-10-11 5:56 PM

L I F E S T Y L E __ 5 0


is a glamorous socialite. You’ll find her shopping around Bloor St. West, in Toronto, at least twice a week, decked out in the latest and greatest, most notably a pair of jewel-coloured Louboutin shoes. She has a love for Porsche sportscars, and frequents boutique hotels for the trendy and stylish. These days you’ll catch her at the Hazelton Hotel. Fashion Week is when she shines, in the front row at the shows.


2 M o d e l , A m at m u s e m o d e l m a n a g e m e n t, n e w y o r k ; Manicure by Uslu Airlines i n GRZ ; M a k e u p b y T o m Ford; Lipstick in Flamingo; Eyeshadow quad in Burnished Amber; Blush in F r a n t i c P i n k , I l l u m i n at i n g highlight pen in bronze; Brow sculptor in Expresso; Dress by Dolce & Gabbana; Stephen Dweck Ring.

1 . c h a r l o t t e o ly m p i a pa n d o r a s i r e n c l u t c h box , $ 875, w w w. c h a r l o t t e o ly m p i a . c o m 2. The new Porsche 911 Carrera w w w. p o r s c h e . c o m 3 . M a r c J a c o b s “ K u m q u at ” fragrance , zest y citrus f lor al , f izz y and r e f r e s h i n g s e n s at i o n , 1 0 0 ml , $49, w w w. m a r c j a c o b s . c o m

ever maga zine.ca


Beautify_re.indd 48

12-10-12 9:37 AM


888.ZEGHANI | 888.934.4264 | www.zeghani.com

EVERMAR2012_8633_Simon_J_Jewellery_Zaghani_FP.indd 1

12-10-11 5:51 PM

L I F E S T Y L E __ 5 0



is all about Montreal. The hotelier has a penthouse in Le Germain. There you’ll see him at the market, grabbing fresh lobster and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot. Jack is known around town for his impeccable style, a freshly groomed beard, fashion from the Etro Collection, and the hottest in men’s accessories from head to toe. His favourite fragrance is Jaipur Homme by Boucheron. Jack enjoys a good read while traveling to his favourite hotspot, in Cuixmala, in Mexico, at least once a year.


M o d e l , a r t h u r k e l l e r at r e d m o d e l m a n a g e m e n t, n e w y o r k ; W h i t e s h i r t, s u i t jacke t and tie all by Lois Diran; Girard - Perregaux v i n ta g e r o s e g o l d w at c h .

1 . Casa L a Loma , a luxury house in Cuixmal a , Me xico, o v e r l o o k i n g t h e Pa c i f i c O c e a n , w w w. c u i x m a l a . c o m 2 . J a ï p u r H o mm e , 1 0 0 m l , $ 1 2 5 , w w w. b o u c h e r o n . c o m 3. Rado HyperChrome A u t o m at i c C h r o n o g r a p h w at c h , $ 4 , 3 8 0 , w w w. r a d o . c o m

ever maga zine.ca


Beautify_re.indd 50

12-10-12 9:37 AM

Live precisely in the moment with Lady Precisionist.

Time is precious. It’s what you do with it that makes all the difference. Make the most of each moment with Lady Precisionist from Bulova — the world’s most accurate watch designed with a continuously sweeping second hand.


BU_96R167_EVER.indd 1 EVERSEPT2012_Bulova_FP-1.indd 1

8/15/12 1:38 PM 12-10-11 4:44 PM


F A S H I O N __ 5 2


O n t h e r u n f r o m t h e l a w, f l u s h w i t h c a s h , a n d h e a d i n g s t r a i g h t

Y O U into a bright future. Or so they thought.


ever maga zine.ca

S t o r y C r e a t e d & D i r e c t e d b y O l i v i e r Fe l i c i o

Bonnie & Clyde_re.indd 52

Photography by Babar K han S t y l i n g b y D o n ov a n W h y t e Ma keup & Ha i r by M ichael B on nev i l le

12-10-11 3:27 PM

o n h e r : s h i r t (s a n d , $ 3 9 5 ), s k i r t (c h a n e l $ 4 5 0 ), v i n ta g e b e r e t, w at c h ( f r e d e r i q u e c o n s ta n t, $ 1 , 9 9 5 ), l i d o r i n g ( h e r a , $ 1 , 2 9 5 ), l u n a r i n g ( h e r a , $ 8 2 5 ), n e c k l a c e s ( n i s h i , $ 6 3 9 & $ 7 7 9 ), E t h e r e a l R i n g ( E l l e J e w e l r y, $ 1 2 9 ), C u f f ( E l l e J e w e l r y, $ 6 9 9 ), e a r r i n g s (s a k o ) o n h i m : j a c k e t (j . l i n d b e r g , $ 9 9 5 ), s u i t & s h i r t ( e r m e n e g i l d o z e g n a ), t i e (b o s s b l a c k ), d av i d c o u lt h a r d w at c h ( t w s t e e l , $ 1 , 0 9 5 ), u n k a g e d ta p e r e d r i n g (s c o t t k ay, $ 4 9 5 ), u n k a g e d d i s t r e s s e d b a n d (s c o t t k ay, $ 2 4 5 ), g u a r d i a n b r a c e l e t (s c o t t k ay, $ 1 , 8 2 5 ), k o d i a k b r a c e l e t (s c o t t k ay, $ 74 5 )

Bonnie & Clyde_re.indd 53

12-10-11 3:27 PM

s u i t & s h i r t ( e r m e n e g i l d o z e g n a ), t i e (b o s s b l a c k ), f e d o r a (b i lt m o r e h at s ), a d v e n t w at c h (b u l o va , $ 3 2 5 ), r i n g (s c o t t k ay, $ 4 9 5 ), u n k a g e d r o u n d c r o s s r i n g (s c o t t k ay, $ 57 5 ), b l a c k s a p p h i r e l e at h e r b r a c e l e t (s c o t t k ay, $ 3 6 5 ), d o b e r m a n b r a c e l e t (s c o t t K ay, $ 8 2 5 )

Bonnie & Clyde_re.indd 54

12-10-11 3:27 PM

s w e at e r (s a n d , $ 2 2 5 ), s k i r t (s a n d , $ 2 5 0 ), b e lt (b c b g ), s h o e s ( y s l , $ 4 5 0 ), s c a r f ( h e r m Ăˆ s , $ 2 5 0 ), v i n ta g e b e r e t , a u t o m at i c d o u b l e h e a r t b e at w at c h ( f r e d e r i q u e c o n s ta n t, $ 2 , 6 9 5 ), s i g n at u r e d e s i g n l e a f r i n g ( h e r a , $ 1 , 5 9 5 ), s i lv e r d e s i g n r i n g (b r e u n i n g , $ 1 2 5 ), s i lv e r d e s i g n e a r r i n g s ( B r e u n i n g , $ 1 3 5 ), s i lv e r d e s i g n b r a c e l e t (b r e u n i n g , $ 3 4 5 )

Bonnie & Clyde_re.indd 55

12-10-11 3:28 PM

o n h i m : j a c k e t (j . l i n d b e r g , $ 7 9 5 ), s u i t & s h i r t ( e r m e n e g i l d o z e g n a ), t i e (b o s s b l a c k ), f e d o r a (r oya l s t e t s o n ), b o o t s (b o s s b l a c k ), w at c h (g u e s s , $ 8 7 5 ), u n k a g e d o n y x r i n g (s c o t t k ay, $ 5 9 5 ) r i n g (s c o t t k ay, $ 2 2 5 ), a d o n i s b r a c e l e t (s c o t t k ay, $ 1 , 6 0 0 ), k o d i a k b r a c e l e t (s c o t t k ay, $ 6 9 5 ) o n h e r : j a c k e t ( ta l u l a b a b at o n , $ 2 0 0 ), s k i r t (c h a n e l , $ 3 5 0 ), v i n ta g e b e r e t, a b r i e l l e s h o e s (k e l s i d a g g e r , $ 1 3 0 ), w at c h (g u e s s , $ 1 9 5 ), s i lv e r d e s i g n r i n g s (b r e u n i n g , $ 1 2 5 & $ 1 3 5 ), s i lv e r e a r r i n g s (b r e u n i n g , $ 2 1 5 ), l u n a r i n g ( h e r a , $ 8 2 5 ), r i n g ( PAJ J e w e l r y, $ 2 0 0 ), b r a c e l e t ( E l l e j e w e l r y, $ 2 4 9 )

Bonnie & Clyde_re.indd 56

12-10-11 3:28 PM

negildo t s (b o s s o t t k ay, o t t k ay, y, $ 6 9 5 ) n , $ 2 0 0 ), e shoes s , $ 1 9 5 ), arrings g , $ 2 1 5 ), r ace le t y, $ 2 4 9 )

Bonnie & Clyde_re.indd 57

12-10-11 3:28 PM

s u i t & s h i r t ( e r m e n e g i l d o z e g n a ), r a i d c h r o n o g r a p h w at c h (o r i s , $ 4 , 4 0 0 ), u n k a g e d d e e p r e l i e f b a n d (s c o t t k ay, $ 3 4 5 ), u n k a g e d c h i s e l e d e b o n y c r o s s r i n g (s c o t t k ay, $ 6 2 5 ), u n k a g e d g o t h i c b r a c e l e t (s c o t t k ay, $ 1 , 2 5 0 ), l e at h e r t w i s t e d b r a c e l e t (s c o t t k ay, $ 5 0 0 )

Bonnie & Clyde_re.indd 58

12-10-11 3:28 PM

o n h e r : s h i r t (b a l m a i n , $ 6 0 0 ), t r o u s e r s (s a n d , $ 3 5 0 ), v i n ta g e b e r e t, a b r i e l l e s h o e s (k e l s i d a g g e r , $ 1 3 0 ), a u t o m at i c l o v e h e a r t b e at w at c h ( f r e d e r i q u e c o n s ta n t, $ 2 , 9 0 0 ), M i c r o Pav e R i n g ( E l l e J e w e l r y, $ 2 3 9 ), P e r i m e t e r R i n g ( E l l e J e w e l r y, $ 1 5 9 ), R h o d i u m P l at e d B r a c e l e t ( PA J J e w e l r y, $ 1 6 0 ), R o s e G o l d P l at e d B r a c e l e t ( PA J J e w e l r y, $ 1 6 0 ), w h i t e s a pp h i r e e a r r i n g s (b r e u n i n g , $ 1 9 5 ), s i lv e r d e s i g n b r a c e l e t s (b r e u n i n g , $ 3 9 5 & $ 4 0 0 ) o h h i m : s u i t (s a n d , $ 9 9 5 ), s h i r t & t i e (b r o o k s b r o t h e r s ), f e d o r a (b i lt m o r e h at s ), s h o e s ( h u g o b o s s ), c e o g o l i at h w at c h ( TW S t e e l , $ 6 5 0 ), u n k a g e d m e n s b a n d (s c o t t k ay, $ 2 4 5 ), e n g r av e d g u a r d i a n (s c o t t k ay, $ 1 , 5 0 0 )

Bonnie & Clyde_re.indd 59

12-10-11 3:28 PM

S T Y L E __ 6 0


Tr e n d y, f a l l f o o t w e a r, m a t c h e d u p w i t h t h e r i g h t

j e w e l l e r y, i s a l l a b o u t m a k i n g a s t a t e m e n t

P h o t o g r a p h y b y C h r i s t o p h e r S t e ve n s o n S t y l i n g b y D o n ov a n W h y t e

“ I f yo u ’ r e g o n na b e t wo fac e d at l e a s t m a k e o n e o f t h e m p r e t t y.”

S h o e s (G i u s e p p e Z a n o t t i , $ 8 9 8 ) W a t c h (M o v a d o , $ 6 5 0 ) S u n g l a s s e s (M a d i s o n) R i n g ( L eV i a n , $ 1 , 1 9 9 ) N e c k l a c e ( L eV i a n , $ 1 , 0 9 0 ) C u f f ( Ta t t o o e d S t e e l , $ 6 9 . 9 9 ) E a r r i n g s (B r e u n i n g , $ 2 2 5 )

evermaga zine.ca

Mar i ly n Mon roe

Shoe Shine 1_re.indd 60

12-10-11 3:41 PM

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in t h e w o r k .� A r istot le

S h o e s (J o h n Va r v a t o s , $ 2 9 5 ) P e n d a n t (S c o t t K a y, $ 3 7 5 ) L e a t h e r b r a c e l e t (S c o t t K a y, $ 3 2 5 ) Sterling silver bracelets (S c o t t K a y, $ 7 0 0 - $ 1 , 0 5 0 ) R i n g s (S c o t t K a y, $ 2 2 5 - $ 2 9 5 ) W a t c h (B o s s O r a n g e , $ 17 5 )

Shoe Shine 1_re.indd 61

12-10-11 3:41 PM

S T Y L E __ 6 2

S h o e s (J o h n Va r v a t o s , $ 2 2 5 ) B el t (Na ke d Fa m ou s, $1 4 6) Wa tch (Fr é d ériq u e C o n sta n t , $1 ,99 5) C r o s s p e n d a n t (S c o t t K a y, $ 3 8 5 ) D o g t a g (S c o t t K a y, $ 4 6 5 ) R i n g (S c o t t K a y, $ 4 2 5 ) S u n g l a s s e s (I l l e s t e v a , $ 2 6 4)

“I don’t k now the k ey to success, but the key to fa i lu r e i s t ry i n g t o p l e a s e e v e ry o n e .”

evermaga zine.ca

Bill Cosby

Shoe Shine 1_re.indd 62

12-10-11 3:42 PM

“Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy a huge yac h t t h at s a i l s r i g h t n e x t t o i t .” Dav id L ee Rot h

S h o e s (5 t h A v e n u e) N e c k l a c e (B r e u n i n g , $ 2 1 5 ) E a r r i n g s (B r e u n i n g , $ 1 3 5 ) B a n g l e (B r e u n i n g , $ 3 4 5 ) B r a c e l e t (B r e u n i n g , $ 3 2 5 ) W a t c h (M o v a d o , $ 9 9 5 ) R i n g (Z e g h a n i , $ 2 , 5 0 0 ) Sungla s se s(Victoria B eckha m, $ 310)

Shoe Shine 1_re.indd 63

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S T Y L E __ 6 4

“A da m e t h at C l u t c h (R e b e c c a M i n k o f f , $ 2 7 0 ) B o ot s (David D ixo n, $2 95) S u n g l a s s e s (K a r e n W a l k e r, $ 2 5 4) W a t c h (J u s t C a v a l l i , $ 1 6 0 ) B r a c e l e t (B r e u n i n g , $ 4 9 5 ) E a r r i n g s (B r e u n i n g , $ 17 5 ) R i n g (B r e u n i n g , $ 9 5 ) B a n g l e (B r e u n i n g , $ 3 9 5 )

k nows the ropes isn’t l i k e ly t o g e t t i e d u p.”

evermaga zine.ca

M a e We s t

Shoe Shine 1_re.indd 64

12-10-11 3:42 PM

“i am a millionaire. t h a t i s m y r e l i g i o n .” G eorge B er na rd Shaw

B a g (B e n M i n k o f f , $ 57 5 ) S h o e s (B a s e L o n d o n , $ 1 8 9 ) B r a c e l e t s (S c o t t K a y, $ 3 1 5 - $ 3 7 5 ) R i n g (S c o t t K a y, $ 4 6 5 ) P e n d a n t (S c o t t K a y, $ 6 2 5 ) Wa tch (Fr é d ériq u e C o n sta n t , $1 ,99 5)

Shoe Shine 1_re.indd 65

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S T Y L E __ 6 6

S h o e s (R o s e t t e , $ 9 9 ) N e c k l a c e ( L eV i a n , $ 1 , 2 4 9 ) Sung la s se s (L uella , $ 378) Par a di se Rin g (H er a , $1 ,595) At hena E arrin g s (H er a , $1 ,595) L id o Cu f f B a n g le (H er a , $1 , 1 95) W a t c h (M o v a d o , $ 9 9 5 )

“ I t’ s not t ru e t h at I had nothing on. I had t h e r a d i o o n .”

evermaga zine.ca

Mar i ly n Mon roe

Shoe Shine 1_re.indd 66

12-10-11 3:42 PM

EVERSEPT2012_Movado Tommy Ever Mag Tommy FP Ad.indd 1 Hillfiger_FP.indd 1

12-10-12 12-09-21 3:02 2:46 PM PM

By Mark Keast Photography by Babar K han

Glen Baxter_re.indd 2


should complement your look, not ruin it

F o r F a s h i o n Te l e v i s i o n ’ s G l e n B a x t e r, a g o o d w a t c h

ever maga zine.ca

S T Y L E-

P R O F I L E __ 6 8

M a k e u p b y M a k i ko N o h a r a

As soon as the Frederique Constant watch was presented, Glen Baxter started to loosen up.

As the subject of a photo shoot, you wouldn’t assume that to

be the case. Baxter has spent twenty years covering the fashion industry, next to some of the top photographers of the day, as

12-10-11 3:45 PM

a television journalist. He is currently a host of CTV’s In Fashion and a reporter for Fashion Television Channel.

We are in the living room at his stylish condo in Toronto’s tony King West neighbourhood.

Baxter is dressed impeccably. That’s his brand – he is seemingly a fixture on various “Best Dressed” lists. For the past 15 years Baxter has been dressed head to toe exclusively in the red label HUGO by Hugo Boss.

“I have covered many photo shoots over the years,” he says. “We’d go on set and interview

photographers, models, creative directors, stylists, and we’d do a whole behind-the-scenes segment. Being in front of the lens is much harder for me. I have so much respect for models. People think this is easy, but it’s not.”

Baxter is asked to loosen his tie, and open his shirt a bit, and that’s when the fun starts.

Next he’s unbuttoning the sleeves of his dress shirt, rolling it up, showing off the watch. Baxter doesn’t do “crazy”; this is as wacky as it will get.

“Most people, when they see a picture of themselves, they cringe,” he says. “I am like most people that way. I cringe a lot.” Baxter says he owns a few high-end watches. He’s not into owning a lot, just a few special ones. A man should own the right ones, for the right occasions, he says.

“I have a couple of everyday watches, with metallic bands,” he says. “And I have a dressier

watch that I like to wear with a nice suit.”

He believes it is important for men to really think about the watch they choose to comple-

ment a particular look. “As guys we don’t have too many options as far as fashion accessories go, so watches are key,” he says. “They must complement the look, not ruin it.”

Baxter says he doesn’t dress informally that much.

“I have male friends who have told me they’ve given up,” he says, laughing. “I have a life-

style where I can enjoy the clothes, and the watches, and go out in a great city with friends, and enjoy the lifestyle. It’s all about feeling good about yourself.”

An accomplished photographer, Baxter has traveled extensively throughout Asia, Africa

and the Middle East. His photos have been displayed in solo exhibitions sponsored by Hugo Boss, with 100 per cent of the proceeds benefitting various charities, most recently Right To Play (www.RightToPlay.com). ****

Glen Baxter_re.indd 3

12-10-11 3:45 PM

P R O F I L E __ 7 0

FUTURE C h a r l i e

C a r r i c k

c e 4 0 0 2 d av i d c o u lt h a r d s p e c i a l e d i t i o n w at c h (t w ste e l)

a r r i v e s at downtown

Toronto’s Gotstyle men’s clothing shop dressed down, in summer shorts

Being named a rising star has actor Charlie

and a t-shirt, but there’s no denying he has that “it” factor.


Carrick focusing more on style

One can see it when he models the TW Steel watch at a fashion photo

shoot of which he is the subject. “I just like classic kinds of pieces,” he says.

This year, Carrick grabbed one of four spots in the Toronto Interna-

tional Film Festival Rising Star program, an initiative that shines the spotlight on up-and-coming Canadian talent.

“I think it’s a great honour,” he says. “And I think I am quite comfortably the least famous of the four rising stars.”

Carrick just wrapped up filming the lead role in Molly Maxwell, his first feature film. He is also set to star alongside Jeremy Irons in the acclaimed historical television series, The Borgias.

With his natural good looks and laid-back temperament, Carrick

Charlie Carrick_re.indd 2

S t y l i n g b y M a x i m E f i m ov

Photography by Er in R iley

B y I r i n a Ly t c h a k

ever maga zine.ca

should have no problem schmoozing with the crème de la crème at TIFF or any other major film festivals. And given that the film festivals are a hotbed of style, fashion will be more of a priority for him looking ahead, as his career grows. >

12-10-11 3:48 PM

FOR ME. Onde, new from EBEL. Steel, 18K rose gold & diamonds.

©2012 EBEL – REF 1216097



12-10-01 12-10-11 10:34 5:29 PM AM

The trendy Gotstyle boutique in downtown Toronto is the perfect set-

ting for the rising star to prep for red carpet outings. Upon arrival, Carrick paired up with Gotstyle’s resident fashion guru, Maxim Efimov, and the two collaborated on a few gala-worthy looks.

“I think, like most actors, I definitely had a stage where I was super into James Dean, Marlon Brando and Montgomery Cliff,” says Carrick. “I really like that older kind of time – like Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson’s looks in the sixties.”

That clearly translates into his final suit selection, an all-navy ensem-

ble of a button-up shirt, dress pants and jacket that brings out his striking blue eyes.

The look is accessorized with an ultra-modern watch from TW Steel.

The CE 4002 David Coulthard Special Edition boasts a precision chrono movement and a masculine titanium coated steel bezel, adding a hint of boldness to Carrick’s wrist.

“I used to care more about clothes when I was younger,” he says. “It’s

funny to me to think that now. But I was very specific about the stuff that

P R O F I L E __ 7 2

I would wear before. Now, not so much.”

Carrick’s simple taste in clothes is clearly evident when he reminisces about his first big purchase as a teen.

“I have this Diesel t-shirt that I bought when I was like, 16 or 15,” he says. “I spent my own money on it and I remember

it was 45 pounds [Carrick’s roots are northeastern England]. My mum was furious that I spent that much on a t-shirt. I still have it to this day and it’s in perfect condition.”

Today, buying a tee for more than it’s worth may be the least of Carrick’s worries.

“I’ve always loved movies but I find being on the red carpet – networking and all that stuff – to be tough,” admits Carrick.

ever maga zine.ca

“I’m really facing my fears with this but I’m looking forward to it. It’s a new experience for me.” ****

Charlie Carrick_re.indd 4

12-10-11 3:49 PM

YOUR Y OUR B BR BRIGHT R IIGHT G HT E ST ST ST TAR. AR . . . maximumbrilliance.ca m a xim u mbrilliance.ca ma axi mu umbrilliance.ca mumbrilliance.ca

Ethically E thically hically Mined Diamond hically Diamonds s Buy Confidence Bu uy With Wi h Co C onfi nfid dence


EVERMAR2012_XXXX_Maximum Brilliance_1-2_Vert.indd 1

12-10-16 10:37 AM

MOOD M AC H I N E By Kathy Renwald

R e a l l u x u r y i s a b o u t ex p e r i e n c e . I t ’s h o w i t m a k e s y o u f e e l .

A U T O S __ 7 4

And it star ts with the car you drive. C o u p e

s t y l i n g ,

f o u r

d o o r s .

N o

s a c r i f i c e .

BMW’s new 2013 6 Series Gran Coupe is magic on wheels. A swoosh of a roofline makes it look like a sleek coupe, but rear seat passengers get their own doors.

The four-door coupe is a place where car designers can show their chops. Already mo-

toring around are the lovely Audi A7 and the Mercedes CLS. Now the 6 Series Gran Coupe shows BMW designers have sharp pencils too, a wonderful complement to luxury lifestyle. It’s a gorgeous beast of a car. A long hood slinks down to that all-business BMW front end. New LED headlights that give the car a searing identity at night, flank the kidney grille and a new chrome blade brightens the black louvers low down on the front bumper.

The rear view is even better -- low, wide, with just the hint of an uplift at the trunk lid,

it ties the big Gran Coupe into a neat performance package. At the top of the rear window, t t 3 c h r o n o g r a p h w at c h (o r i s , $ 3 , 5 0 0 )

the third brake light runs in a wide slash, which will be another standout signature of the Gran Coupe at night.

The long wheelbase increases the length over the

2-door coupe by 111 mm, but designers have housed it in a muscular profile.

More doors, more power right? If the Gran Coupe is

squiring four, maybe five adults, then it’s just prudent to add ponies. The twin turbo 4.4 litre V8 650i xDrive, which will be the only version of the Gran Coupe available in Canada, produces 445 horsepower, up 38 hp from the 2012

ever maga zine.ca

two-door coupe.

BMW_re.indd 2

Photog raphy by Sa i Siva nesa n S t y l i n g b y K i r s t e n R e a d e r/J u d y I n c . M o d e l s : J u d e , Fo r d M o d e l s ; K ay l i n , S p o t 6

12-10-11 3:56 PM

manually. BMW claims the Gran Coupe will sprint from 0 to 100km/h in a remarkable 4.5 seconds. Fuel consumption is predicted to be an impressive 8.6 l/100km in combined driving. Brake energy regeneration and auto start-stop, which cuts engine power when idling, contributes to fuel efficiency ratings.

Each new BMW showcases advanced technology features, and the Gran

Coupe has a raft of them. Lane departure warning, active blind spot detection and rear and top view camera are there to assist the driver. BMW night vision

C o u p e h a s a r a f t o f t h em

paddle shifters, mounted on the steering wheel, let the driver select gears

f e at u r e s , a n d t h e G r a n

An eight-speed automatic transmission is fast-shifting and smooth, and

a d va n c e d t e c h n o l o g y

E ac h n e w BM W s howc a s e s

and pedestrian detection are technologies that impressed me when I tested the 650i Cabriolet earlier this year. The heads-up display with 3D graphics makes following navigation maps easier and less distracting from driving functions.

In press previews of the Gran Coupe, journalists praised the luxurious interior, and driver-oriented cockpit. Backseat

room was pretty palatial for those under NBA regulation sizes.

These are exciting times in car production, more power but better fuel consumption, bigger cars that drive like smaller

cars, luxury paired with sportiness. The BMW 6 Series Gran Coupe, starting at $99,800, steps right in to the fray with its characteristic swagger. ****

BMW_re.indd 3

12-10-11 3:56 PM

nat u ra l

curate or exact measurement.” It also refers to a precision tool or something “made so as to vary minimally from a set standard,” in other words, precision components. Both definitions can be aptly applied to Bulova’s Precision Chronograph watch, which will debut in the United States, Canada and Europe in October 2012. Tadashi Nakamura, creative director at Bulova for the last three years, says, “architectural designs were my thoughts and inspiration behind designing the Precision Chronograph.” Nakamura studied at Tokyo University of Art and Design, specializing in industrial design before solidifying his place among top


f o r t h i s t r a n s f o r m a t i o n i s Ta d a s h i N a k a m u r a o f j a p a n

The Bulova brand has truly redefined precision in timepieces, and the designer that can be credited


D E S I G N E R P R O F I L E __ 7 6

Precision is most commonly defined as, “used or intended for ac-

watchmakers. Prior to joining the Bulova family, Nakamura was design manager for Citizen Japan for several years, laying claim to many OEM brands for Europe and Japan.





Nakamura also headed the design team for Paul Smith watches marketed in Japan. It was during those years that Nakamura honed his skills and passion for detail in the watch-making business, thus bringing the Chronograph to life.

“We always begin with rough sketches by hand, as I

do with all my designs,” says Nakamura. “Then I begin to design the features, ultimately with a 2D CGI (twodimensional computer generated image, which is created

By Bonnie Siegler

through the use of design software) interpretation,” he explains, as he continues this time-keeping journey. “Every little element and detail that goes into the watches

ever maga zine.ca

makes them unique and superior.” >

Designer Profile_re.indd 2

12-10-11 4:20 PM

dising and product development at Bulova. “We especially focused on Precisionst, which is our proprietary technology. This is a major reason we did not go outside of our company’s design team.” The Chronograph is said to be the most accurate watch on the market today,


was headed by Mr. Nakamura,” explains James Chan, senior VP of merchan-

for rough

“When Citizen Japan bought Bulova, they assigned a team of designers, which

i n s pi r at ion s

The inclusion of Nakamura into the Bulova brand happened rather seamlessly.

gives me my


b e au t y t h at


of nat u r e ’ s


It ’ s s o m e


with a continuously sweeping second hand that beats 16 times per second, compared to other standard quartz watches that beat only one time per second. Proud of their proprietary expertise, the Precisionist “P” logo is on the tail of every second hand,” says Chan. The precision technology in this watch addresses temperature changes and vibration frequency, two important factors that can affect accuracy in quartz watches. “This watch has a multi-layered dial and the surface quality is excellent,” says Nakamura when referring to the elements that also contribute to making the Precisionist Chronograph different from other timepieces. “There’s a bracelet, case and layered dial that other watches do not have.” Chan adds that, “the Champlain and Longwood bracelets are constructed by five individually milled links of various profiles.

T h i s wat c h h a s a m u lt i - l ay e r e d d i a l

a n d t h e s u r fac e q ua l i t y i s e xc e l l e n t Designer Profile_re.indd 3

This gives a very clean line to each link on one hand, while having separate links will provide a crisp aesthetic appeal.”

N A T U R E ’ S


When not perfecting his watch skills, Nakamura enjoys surfing, scuba diving and beach activities. “It takes 10 minutes to walk to the beach, which I do often,” says the creative designer who has his home in Kanagawa, right outside of Tokyo. “It’s some of nature’s beauty that gives me my inspirations for rough sketches. I put those life inspirations into watch-making and the process itself. It’s a definite concept. For example, the orbit of the stars in the night sky embodies the beautiful and precise stream of time.” It seems that Nakamura has breathed life into the Bulova line of watches with the Precisionist and has redefined the watch industry with a new sense of dynamism and excitement. Over 50 years ago, the company introduced its Accutron product line which, at the time, was the most comprehensive and revolutionary watch of its era. Today, Nakamura says the Precisionist watch has given Bulova a superior presence. “It has balance, quality and gives one the pleasure of ownership. I’d describe this specific watch as high spec, high-quality and good design.” ****

precisionist c h r o n o g r a p h w at c h (b u l o va )

12-10-11 4:20 PM

S P E E D M A S T E R __ 7 8

A n i n s a t i a b l e t h i r s t f o r s p e e d h a s t a k e n o v e r a l l a r e a s o f o u r l i v e s , a n d t o d a y, i t t a k e s the precision of high - end chronographs to record our pace


By Alex Hof berg


P h o t o g r a p h y: G e t t y I m a g e s

The need for speed is a unif ying obsession all around t h e wo r l d ; o n e t h a t b i n d s p e o p l e o f d i f f e r e n t c u l t u r e s , dif ferent regions and dif ferent faiths. Speed of communications, speed of commerce, speed of travel, speed in sports, speed for speed’s sake – it all feeds into

ever maga zine.ca

the culture of speed.

With that comes competitive advantage: keep up or you will fall behind. We like to race, to compete, and we love to win.

This passion for speed explains our collective fascination and love affair with automobiles and automotive racing. That’s

probably because our lives are so intertwined with cars. That includes our shared history of coveting them (at least the luxury ones) and riding in them. We love to drive fast, and we like to watch others drive even faster. Professional racing circuits around the world continue to grow in popularity.

Autos_re.indd 2

12-10-11 4:04 PM

Automobiles and timepieces have a great deal

prove, record and celebrate these experiences.

in common. Just listen to a conversation of watch

enthusiasts about technical differences between

Though some watches are merely timepieces, many are specifically

designed to capture the essence of speed. There are countless reasons

certain movement calibres and their relative

why chronographs have become such an important segment of the

strengths, accuracy, power reserves and complica-

watch industry, but one of the most significant is the romance and

tions, and then supplant the words “horsepower”,

thrill of measuring and recording how much faster we are moving

“torque”, “fuel-to-air ratio” and you are on your

compared to the next guy.

way to having your first conversation with car

The first chronograph was designed to please French King Louis

aficionados. You may even aspire to the “gearhead”

XVIII, who was an avid horseracing enthusiast. By the late 1800s, as

moniker, which refers to either a watch collector or

watches became widely available to the average consumer, manu-

a mechanic.

facturers and inventors endeavoured to create watches that not only

displayed the accurate time, but also included the ability to stop time.

fascination with watches and cars. In terms of styl-

However, while time didn’t stop, the hand on the watch did, allow-

ing and aesthetics, the language is universal – from

ing the user to measure any event from start to finish, make notes, or

the graceful, streamlined curves of a car’s profile to

compare with other timed events.

the way a fine timepiece can take your breath away

as you take in its elegance or technical details, or

The word chronograph comes from the Greek words “chronos,”

meaning “time,” and “graph,” meaning “to write.” The earliest models



Connected to all this is our obsession for devices that allow us to

What is under the hood is just a small part of our

simply the fine hand-stitching of a genuine

actually used a stylus to mark the length of the event on the dial

crocodile strap.

rather than using an indicating hand.

in the world of racing – car or otherwise – is still

From these simple beginnings grew a love affair with chrono-

The phenomenon of watch brand positioning

graphs that has captured the imagination of enthusiasts the world

quite popular in the 21st century. Nearly every


camera shot at the recent Olympic Games showed

As professional racers used these timepieces, many of their fans fol-

an Omega symbol somewhere on the screen. The

lowed the trend by purchasing them.

Daytona 500 has for years been sponsored by Rolex,

the Reno air races by Breitling, the Kentucky Derby

Why the popularity? One explanation is the universal idea that we

can all race at some level, even if we are nowhere near able to compete

by Longines, the list goes on.

with the pros. We can at least try, practice, improve and mark our im-

provement. Secondly, and just as important to some − if you can’t own

the Swiss watch industry in 2011, there is no doubt

Jo Siffert’s Ferrari, you can own the watch he wore while he drove to

that the appetites of the watch connoisseurs of the

victories on pro racing circuits.

world are insatiable.

Siffert (the popular Swiss driver from the 1960s) was the first

With over $19 billion in gross sales reported by

A Heuer “Monaco” watch worn by Hollywood

professional driver sponsored by the Heuer Watch Company. Siffert’s

icon Steve McQueen in the movie Le Mans recently

arrangement with Heuer − having the Heuer logo on his driving suit

fetched nearly $800,000 at an auction. That was a

and on his car − was the start of one of the most important and endur-

record, and further evidence of the romance be-

ing relationships between pro motor sports and watch manufacturers.

tween watch collectors and motor sports enthusi-

It was not long before dozens of professional drivers began sporting


Heuer chronographs.

one of those afflicted with the hunger. There is,

Though Siffert’s partnership was a catalyst for the watch industry’s

While I can’t collect at that level, I am proudly

association with motor racing, his career was tragically cut short in

however, room in my garage for one more fast car -

1971 when the BRM he was driving at Brands Hatch in Great Britain

and maybe a motorcycle, too. ****

burst into flames. Siffert died at the scene. A crowd of 50,000 attended his funeral in Fribourg, Switzerland.

Autos_re.indd 3

12-10-11 4:04 PM



c h a r l e s l i n db e r g h a r r i v e s at c r oy do n a i r f i e ld , e n g l a n d , 1927

The origins and history behind s o m e o f t h e w o r l d ’s f i n e s t timepieces can be found in the aviation industry

AV I A T I O N __ 8 0

B y D av i d C a r r

O n e c a n b e f o r g i ve n f o r b e l i ev i n g m o d e r n - d ay a v i a t i o n r u n s o n a ny t h i n g b u t t i m e . B u t eve r s i n c e L o u i s C a r t i e r d e s i g n e d t h e f i r s t m e n’s w r i s t w a t c h i n 1 9 0 4 f o r h i s f r i e n d S a n t o s D u m o n t , a B r a z i l i a n a v i a t i o n p i o n e e r l i v i n g i n P a r i s , s o m e o f t h e w o r l d’s f i n e s t t i m e p i e c e s h a ve b e e n a l o n g f o r t h e r i d e d u r i n g a v i a t i o n’s g r e a t e s t t r i u m p h s .

For early aviators, a precise and functional timepiece was essential

equipment to aid navigation, gauge distance and calculate fuel consumption. The wristwatch relieved Dumont from the frustration of removing his hands from the airplane controls to check his pocket watch. Commander Richard Byrd relied on an A. Wittnauer Company (now Bulova) for the first flight over the North Pole in 1926. Earlier, Wittnauer had seized on aviation to demonstrate the resilience of the world’s first shockproof watch by hurling timepieces out of airplanes.

It is not clear which brand Charles Lindbergh wore on his historic May

1927 solo flight across the Atlantic; Ardé Bulova would pay tribute to the

ever maga zine.ca

airman with a cheque for $1,000 and a Bulova Lone Eagle wristwatch.

Aviation 4_re.indd 2

But ‘Lucky Lindy’ would give up his hard-earned secrets for a pilot’s navigation watch in a detailed letter to rival Longines upon his return from Paris.

12-10-11 4:08 PM

Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic,

insisted on an Omega watch and clocks in the instrument panel of her single-engine Lockheed Vega 5B. The Omega Speedmaster is the only watch to have landed on the moon. The wristwatch was no longer an essential instrument in the flight deck - or so it was thought. In 1970, the Speedmaster was used to manually time the precise engine boost needed for the crippled Apollo 13 space module to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

On occasion, the evolution of aeronautical and watch craftsmanship

happened in reverse. Abraham-Louis Breguet founded his watch company in Paris in 1775. In 1909, his great-great grandson would build his first fixed wing aircraft and go on to design and build a World War I reconnaissance aircraft and day bombers for the French air force. Aviation is a fast, romantic and technology-driven industry with the precision, lifestyle and thundering thrills that luxury watch brands want to be associated with. Cartier still has a line of Santos Dumontinspired watches and sunglasses.

Hamilton, the first watch worn for the inaugural US airmail service

between Washington and New York, and in the 1930s the official watch of pioneer legends such as TWA and United, is the official timekeeper at many international air events. The largest is the AirVenture air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, attracting over 10,000 aircraft and 500,000 AMELIA EARHART (av iati o n p i o n eer a n d a u th o r )

aviation enthusiasts from around the world. Hamilton also has an association with several of the world’s most prestigious formation teams, including Canada’s Snowbirds.

Still, no watchmaker has so tightly strapped its brand to aeronau-

tics than Breitling. The Swiss manufacturer’s aviation roots may not stretch as far back as some, but they are planted as deep. In the early 1930s, Breitling produced onboard chronographs that would equip the cockpits of famous World War II fighters, including airplanes flown by the Royal Air Force. In tribute, a full-sized RAF Spitfire is anchored to the rooftop of Breitling’s headquarters in Grenchen, Switzerland.

Every year, Breitling thrills crowds at aviation shows and other

sporting events with aerobatics, wing walkers and the world’s largest professional civilian jet formation team.

c harle s li n d b er g h (av iat o r )

Aviation 4_re.indd 3

P h o t o g r a p h y: G e t t y I m a g e s

The Breitling fleet hits all the glory marks of aviation from the barn-

storming 30s to the golden age of air travel with one of the world’s last airworthy Lockheed Super Constellations, the grand lady of the skies during the 1940s and 50s.

Breitling refuses to put a price tag on its aero-activities, but the

message is clear: it is one thing to showcase a watch in front of an aviation backdrop. To fly the brand, a timepiece belongs in the cockpit. ****

12-10-11 4:09 PM

M E A N I N G F U L J E W E L L E R Y __ 8 2 ever maga zine.ca

e l i z a b e t h tay l o r f l a s h e s t h e 3 3 . 1 9 - c a r at krupp diamond ring given to her by husband richard burton

Meaningful Jewelery 2_re.indd 82

12-10-11 4:35 PM


Possessing unique jeweller y pieces with a rich histor y behind them provides an


emotional resonance for the collector who buys them

I n Nov e m b e r of 2 010,

a l l i t t o o k wa s t w o minutes to set the

By Marielle de Spa

wor l d r ecor d for t h e most expensive gem e v e r s o l d at auc t ion. O n

t h a t

d a y , an extraordinary and mysterious gem, a stunning

24.78-carat pink diamond, became the most valuable jewel in the world, reaching the staggering sum of 45.5 million Swiss Francs ($45.2 million CDN) - an exhilarating and unprecedented sale soon to become the envy of any reputable jewellery house.

Beyond its splendid pink hue and its exceptional cut and purity, this magnificent

diamond owes its rarity and value to its chemical properties: a rare Type IIA which make up less than two per cent of existing cut diamonds, the purest form of all crystal gems presenting a most exceptional optical clarity.

This superb gem left its 60 years of secrecy to become a historical landmark. Its new

owner, Sir Laurence Graff proudly admitted: “It is the most fabulous diamond I’ve seen in my career and I’m delighted to have bought it.” In just a few seconds, this unforeseen gem made history, and was soon renamed the Graff Pink.

tay l o r 9 - c a r at nd ring usband burton

How does one resist the temptation of any of these legendary jewels, objets de culte

and religious talismans, heritage pieces, or simply fascinating treasures with a story to tell? >

Meaningful Jewelery 2_re.indd 83

12-10-11 4:35 PM

Where cannons P h o t o g r a p h y: G e t t y I m a g e s

fa i l t o f o rc e a n e n t ry, w e s hou l d t ry i n f i lt r at i ng

e l i z a b e t h tay l o r and richard burton at t h e 4 2 n d a c a d e m y awa r d s i n a pr i l 1 970

M E A N I N G F U L J E W E L L E R Y __ 8 4

w ith gold.

Illustrious gems, such as the Tavernier Blue, better

By his own words, Danton confessed, “Where cannons

known as the Hope Diamond - having once belonged to

fail to force an entry, we should try infiltrating with gold.”

famed crowns such as Louis XIV’s, and renowned gem col-

Truth or myth, the existence of “an important blue

lectors such as Harry Winston - are now showcased or jeal-

diamond” in the Brunswick family collection remains a

ously treasured, part of the most fabulous collections in

documented fact.

the world.

upon his death in 1806, supposedly included a very large

Some of them have traveled through centuries, eventu-

Some historians cite an inventory of Brunswick’s jewels

ally re-cut and renamed by their successive owners, or by

blue diamond - a stunning 45-carat gem.

the circumstance under which they were formed. There are

A timeless and bewitched jewel carrying an ancient legend-

many splendid amulets which have followed the course of

ary curse, the Hope Diamond had changed hands numerous

history, or directly acted at the centre of social conflict or po-

times on its way from India to France, and later to the United

litical unrest -- shrouded in mystery and steeped in intrigue.

States when Pierre Cartier sold it to rich American heiress

Evalyn Walsh McLean.

Who would have imagined, according to legend, that the

“French Blue” or “Bleu du Roi” might have possibly been

ever maga zine.ca

used by the famous revolutionary Danton to bribe the Duke of Brunswick and thus possibly have ignited the French Revolution?

Meaningful Jewelery 2_re.indd 84

12-10-11 4:35 PM

More and more clients are turning to h i g h- qua l i t y d i a m on d s , f i n e-colou r e d g e mston e s , a n d a l s o v i n tag e j e w e l s a s a n a lt e r nat e b u t v e ry s e c u r e fo r m o f


Lineage symbols, family treasures, and faithful witnesses of passionate liaisons and historic

episodes, these notorious jewels sporadically make their appearances for special celebrations or important events, outliving their successive owners from one generation to the next.

Possessing any one of these unique pieces has become an absolute obsession in the minds of

most indulgent collectors such as Graff, leading to a growing demand for celebrity jewellery collections, as well as for exceptional gems.

Are they guided by passion or vision? Whatever their underlying motive might be, this trend is

as present as ever.

Rahul Kadakia, Christie’s Head of Jewellery in New York, said: “More and more clients are turn-

ing toward high-quality diamonds, fine-coloured gemstones, and also vintage jewels as an alternate but very secure form of investment.”

Said Francois Curiel, International Jewellery Director and President of Christies Asia: “It’s part

of a general movement where, at the moment, works of art and jewellery attract a lot of customers. It’s no longer the best-kept secret. Financial markets are not very attractive at the moment. If you give money to your bank they give you one percent a year, if that. The fact that the art market, over the past five to 10 years, performed extremely well — not only in jewellery, but in Impressionist and modern art as well as post-war and contemporary — also gives new buyers courage to enter the market. I think it is mostly the lack of confidence in the monetary system which pushes people to works of art and jewellery.”

Investors and collectors realize the long-term stability that comes with these investments.

“A fine diamond or an exceptional colour gem not only retains its value but will appreciate over time, even through crisis periods such as 2009,” says Henri Barguirdjian, Graff President and CEO for the Americas.

As an investment, jewels with iconic signatures such as Cartier and Van Cleef remain the most

appealing. A bracelet circa 1930 made by one of these reputable houses, set with sapphires, rubies, onyx and diamonds, doubled its estimate to reach a staggering $338,500 USD at auction.

In a similar fashion, a diamond Cartier bracelet circa 1952, adorned with 62 carats of rubies,

recently went for $590,000 USD, more than double its original estimate.

Another successful sale was that very famous pearl necklace acquired by Calvin Klein for his

wife Kelly, which would certainly not have been as attractive to him, had it not once belonged to the Duchess of Windsor. >

Meaningful Jewelery 2_re.indd 85

12-10-11 4:35 PM

When referring to the 2011 Elizabeth Taylor Estate sale,

Francois Curiel elaborates: “Jewels attract passionate people. But had the collection of Elizabeth Taylor not belonged to Elizabeth Taylor, we certainly wouldn’t have sold 25,000

M E A N I N G F U L J E W E L L E R Y __ 8 6

tickets at $30 a piece for people to come to the exhibition, and we certainly would not have had 39,000 people around the world look at the exhibition. Her name drew the crowd.

“There are quite interesting statistics [about the jewellery market]. The Elizabeth Taylor Diamond was purchased by Richard Burton for her for $300,000. That, corrected for inflation, comes to $1.95 million. We sold it for $8.8 million. There are many examples like

e l i z a b e t h tay l o r ’ s krupp diamond ring, which she wore almost e v e r y d ay,w a s a u c t i o n e d o f f a f t e r h e r d e at h

that, and we see the publicity that the auction houses now give to their reserves. I think it gives a lot of confidence to new collectors to enter a market that 10 years ago was prob-

general demand for vintage pieces, those with a value that

ably the best-kept secret, or reserved for a small group of

went far beyond brand and financial recognition and now


widely coveted for their rarity, craftsmanship, and their

“provenance,” as referred to by jewellery experts.

Other superb masterpieces include adored artifacts once

This phenomenon has allowed for a very strong demand

the property of historical figures such as Queen Marie An-

toinette of France or Catherine the Great of Russia, or those

and the reappearance of magnificent pieces by Suzanne

passionate gifts to women such as Marilyn Monroe or the

Belperron, Paul Flato, Verdura, Lalique or Rene Boivin on the

Duchess of Windsor. There are also iconic collections, like

auction block.

that of Lucia Moreira Salles, and her Art Deco bracelets de-

signed by Verdura in 1990, as well as the recently auctioned

coveted clientele, contemporary designers are coming up

Huguette Clark heritage and Lily Safra’s unique JAR collec-

with collections of vintage jewels or reproductions of signa-


ture pieces, adorned with precious antique gems.

Objects of love, passion and vanity, such as Gloria Swan-

As a reaction, in an attempt at preserving their much-

This was seen in the sphere of high jewellery, with Carti-

son’s diamond, crystal quartz and platinum bracelets by

er’s extraordinary “Inde Mysterieuse” gem collection, or the

Cartier, or Marlene Dietrich’s famed ruby bracelet by Jean

“Tradition” collection with 64 exclusive pieces presented at

Gabin, are other examples.

the Biennale des Antiquaires in 2010.

Financial considerations aside, this trend seems to be

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ever-expanding. It has also translated into an increasing

Meaningful Jewelery 2_re.indd 86

On the fashion scene, historical pieces are making a state-

ment, as seen with Buccelati’s elaborate designs and their impressive comeback. Pieces with a true Victorian and Art

12-10-11 4:35 PM

tay l o r ’ s nd ring, e almost uctioned e r d e at h

g lo r ia swa n s o n (a c t r e s s a n d f a s h i o n i c o n )

Nouveau flair have taken over the minimalist rave: chandelier pendants, lace designs, brooches and hair adornments, all clearly reminiscent of 18th- and 19th-century trends.

When spending significant sums on jewellery, customers

are also increasingly willing to get a sense of purpose - not only value for their money. They also expect some type of emotional resonance.

Beauty and design are no longer sufficient; important

jewels need to reflect their singularity and the owner’s personality as well.

As explained by Stanislas de Quercize, President and global CEO of Van Cleef & Arpels (soon to be head of Cartier worldwide): “People are buying with their hearts and their brains.”

Objects with a soul will always prevail over less signifi-

cant possessions. A jewel should provide the same satisfaction as the acquisition of a masterpiece; when a collector desires an objet d’art, or feels inclined to possess his/her own relic of the past, by obtaining it, they become an active part of its history.

In a time of unpredictable financial markets and eco-

nomic uncertainty, a short-term demand for cash has significantly advanced estate jewellery sales, and boosted private collection auction venues.

A larger scope of consumers can now access the enchant-

ment of an Art Nouveau jewel or the timeless modernism of an Art Deco design, either through magnificent signature pieces, or more anonymous pieces but just as gracious and

veiled some of the secrets jealously kept by the large jewel-


lery houses and their historically steep margins.

Indeed, not everyone can afford the Duchess of Windsor’s

The expansion of e-markets and a proper jewellery advi-

much-cherished collectibles, or even one of the very popular

sor can provide greater access to this category of jewels and

Belperron pieces, but a similar emotional experience is read-

help facilitate interesting deals both on the buying and sell-

ily accessible by acquiring a singular jewel. A fascinating and

ing fronts.

surprising piece, with its own story to tell, one modeled to

your own taste and mood, adds to the pleasure of owning a

access to the kinds of precious treasures once only dreamt

unique item.

about, without having to settle for a contemporary - yet

perhaps less meaningful and unique piece. ****

With internet auctions becoming such fast growth

As such, the collectible-savvy consumer is now afforded

venues, more transparency around fair market value has un-

Meaningful Jewelery 2_re.indd 87

12-10-11 4:35 PM

evermaga zine.ca

and a daz zling global diamond market

headquar ters of one of the youngest republics in the world features a cool contemporar y culture,

Donning the footprints of ancient civilizations, the bustling modern

By Barbara Kingstone

Photography cou r tesy of Seren Diamonds and W EIL L

Travel-Tel Aviv 7a_re.indd 88

12-10-11 3:55 PM

Av i v :


T r av e l __ 8 8

W i t h a p opu l at ion o f o n ly 7. 4 m i l l i o n , lo c at e d i n a r e g ion of t h e wor l d t h at never seems to be a t p e a c e , T e l Av i v i s considered a major c u lt u r a l h u b a n d

t h e c i t y o f “ c o o l .” T h e

W h i t e

C i t y

Israel’s history is never far or forgotten; every inch of the city holds a piece of its past. Case in point is Israel’s first train station in the once tired looking district of Hata Chana, which has now been transformed into a swanky area to eat and shop. A large freight car and some rail tracks stand like sculptures, front and centre, among Israeli designer boutiques, and the Soho neighbourhood is a knockout place for fashion, filled with many clothing stores and jewellery designer shops. A good example of the eye candy featured in this area is at Hella Ganon’s, which takes computer-assisted gold jewellery design to a whole new level. >

Travel-Tel Aviv 7a_re.indd 89

12-10-11 3:55 PM

W l n

For architectural beauty, Rothschild Boulevard can’t be beat; filled with many of the 1,500 Bauhaus buildings scat-

tered across the city, these structures are what gave Tel Aviv the moniker, “The White City.” Now a UNESCO heritage site, the past meets present as the middle of the boulevard on this wide street is flooded with kiosks, some with outdoor tables and chairs, all serving great coffee and the most delectable pastries. M O M A - e s q u e

T r av e l __ 9 0

The new addition to the Tel Aviv Art Museum is a perfect example of the high quality that comes with new architecture. While I was there, the exhibit of famous contemporary German artist, Anselm Kiefer, reminded me of the atmosphere of New York’s Museum of Modern Art: filled with parents and their kids, teenagers discussing the canvases, sculptures, and seniors mesmerized by these new concepts. Ea t ,

s h o p

a n d

b e

m e r r y

Few cities offer the opportunity to enjoy a mid-day concert at Tel Aviv University followed by a swim at one of the many beaches, perhaps Jerusalem Beach. This seaside location is where locals and tourist alike enjoy the main event: a feast of freshly caught fish at Manta Ray. Top this busy day with a world-class contemporary dance performance in the Suzanne Dallal Dance Theatre located within the historic district of Newe Tzedek.

Market places conjure up memories of the early days of

the republic. Nachalat Binyamin, open only Tuesdays and Fridays, is a pedestrian area filled with cafés, shops and stalls selling just about any item you can imagine. The city’s

For a rchitectu r a l

large open-air market, Shuk Ha-Carmel, is steps away.

b e a u t y, R o t h s c h i l dD

i v i n e

d i amo n d s

For high-end shopping, schmoozing at a café and taking in

B o u l e v a r d c a n ’ t b e the local atmosphere, Kikar Ha Medina, nestled in a district b e a t ; f i l l e d w i t h m a n y flooded with luxurious condos, European brand name boutiques and private homes, is well worth a visit. This is where

o f t h e 1 , 5 0 0 B a u h a u s ingenious Israeli jewellery creators convene to offer one-ofb u i l d i n g s s c a t t e r e d a-kind, oddly shaped and burnished gold jewellery, often

studded with diamonds or other precious and semi-precious

a c r o s s t h e c i t y , gemstones.

The stylish shops cater to everyone from soon-to-be

engaged folk to those who have survived decades of married life. Diamonds, like some marriages, are forever and Tel Aviv

ever maga zine.ca

is known for these popular precious stones. >

Travel-Tel Aviv 7a_re.indd 90

12-10-11 3:55 PM



12-10-11 5:42 PM

T h e

B o u r s a

Security was present when I visited the Boursa, the renowned Israel Diamond Centre, in Ramat Gan. It’s easier to get into Fort Knox.

Opened in 1986, the Boursa is considered one of the largest diamond

exchanges in the world, although India is now a close second after learning the craft from the Israelis. In this major complex - a village within a village - is the 240-metre Moshe Avi Tower - the “Golden Gate,” where a handshake seals the deal.

Luckily, I have an acquaintance who is a member. Connections are

important. With my passport in hand, I go through my first security check. I am photographed for a must-have visitor’s tag and my fin-

T r av e l __ 9 2

gerprints are taken - now forever on their computers. Here you can purchase loose or set diamond items from the purest white to fancy coloured; round diamonds are still the most popular sellers. This is where traditional designs compete with the most innovative, unique creations.

Cutting, finishing and polishing is handled in a very secured much

smaller, less flashy set of buildings.

S c h o o l

o f

r o c k s

Naturally, a lesson with one of the super mavens in the Boursa centered around the four Cs (cut, clarity, carat and colour), then about discussions as to why one diamond sparkles more than another. Faceting is referred to as “hearts and arrows.” Through intricate and precise facets, a perfectly cut stone shines brighter than a lower grade stone. The light enters the top (or table) then reflects it from one side to the other and exits from the top again.

Proportions and symmetry establish brilliance. Cut captures the light. Colour

is a matter of choice, from pure, colourless white (the most valuable and costly) to light yellow, cognac, brown black, pink, blue, green and rare red. As carat size increases, so does the price tag. As for clarity, this means the absence of flaws, either on the surface or inside, and often can only be seen with a jeweller’s loupe. However, most diamonds contain inclusion such as pits, chips, cracks, air bubbles, feathering and non-diamond minerals. M u s e u m

o f

d i a m o n d s

With my head spinning, I am overjoyed to see the nearby Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum, where there’s a short film explaining where diamonds come from. There are a few rooms filled with well-secured, actual pieces on display and some that are replicas of the largest and most rare jewellery in the world.

In a country with only 65 years under its belt, Tel Aviv’s youthful ode to the

diamond culture, through its Boursa, museum and rich culture, is sure to keep

ever maga zine.ca

this uber popular stone at the core of the international diamond trade. ****

Open ed in 1986, the Bou rsa is consider ed on e of the l a rg e st di a mon d e xc h a ng e s i n t h e wor l d

Travel-Tel Aviv 7a_re.indd 92

12-10-11 3:55 PM

e x p e rie n c e M O re AT C a r m e n C o.C o m

[2012.09.20] KC Ad for Canadian Jeweller.indd 1



12-10-11 5:34 PM


T o p : S t e v e R e a l e (J S N / C a n a d i a n Ic e S VP ) w i t h S h ay n e C o rs o n (O w n e r o f Ta p p o & f o r m e r N HL p l ay e r )


Sponsored by Ever magazine, Movado and Canadian Ice, this night of style and music

O N T H E S C E N E __ 9 4

saw the jewellery industry’s heavy-hitters


and some of Canada’s most prominent celebs mix it up at Tappo in Toronto’s Distillery District.

4 E Ta r a S p e nc e r N a i rn (sta r o f C o rn e r G a s ) shows off her M o va d o w atc h

Z i nn i a C r a w f o r d (M o va d o M a r k e t i n g & A d v e rt i s i n g D i r e ct o r ), A m y M at y s i o (sta r o f L i tt l e M o s q u e & C o rn e r G a s ) & O l i v i e r F e l i c i o ( P u b l i s h e r & E d i t o r in - Chief of E ver magazine)

ever maga zine.ca

N i c k Gr e c o (M o va d o) & T r a c y M o o r e ( h o st o f C i t y l i n e )

Events2_REGre.indd 94

O l iv i e r F e l i c i o (P u b l i s h e r & Editor-in - Chief of Ever magazine) with Gabrielle M i l l e r (sta r o f C o rn e r G a s )

S ta c e y McK e n z i e (s u p e r m o d e l ) & G a b r i e l l e M i l l e r (sta r o f C o rn e r G a s ) share a l augh

12-10-12 3:27 PM

Sp e n c e r (s ta r o f n e r G a s) s off her d o w at c h

N i c k G r e c o (M o va d o) & J o h n C a s s i n i (s ta r o f T h e Bridge)

H e at h e r W a h l q u i s t (s ta r of The Notebook) & Olivier F e l i c i o ( P ub l i s h e r & E d i t o r in - Chief of E ver magazine)


kyra zagorsky & s t e p h a n i e b e l d i ng (s ta r o f w at c h m e n )

An t o n i o Cup o (s ta r o f B o mb G i r l s ) w i t h O l i v i e r F e l i c i o ( P ub l i s h e r & E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f o f E v e r m a g a z i n e )

N ata l i e G l e b o va (M i s s U n i v e r s e 2 0 0 5 & C a n a d i a n I c e a mb a s s a d o r ) J u s t y n W a r n e r , O l u s e y i Sm i t h & G av i n Sm e l l i e (C a n a d i a n O ly mp i c R e l ay T e a m )

P h o t o g r a p h y: F i l C a n P h o t o g r a p h y, T h o m a s R ay P h o t o g r a p h y, C h a n t a l Rya n ne, Robi n Ku n isk i

Events2_REGre.indd 95

12-10-12 3:27 PM



12-10-11 5:39 PM

for T W Steel TW Steel unveiled of its newest line of watches, the Kelly Rowland CEO Tech Special Edition, with a VIP event at The Standard in New York. Kelly Rowland, guest of honour and global brand ambassador, and Jordy Cobelens, CEO and co-owner of TW Steel, treated guests to a night of music and fireworks over the Hudson River.

K e l ly R o w l a n d a s guest of honour

K e l ly R o w l a n d (g l o b a l brand ambassador f o r TW S t e e l )

Th e n i g ht wa s ca ppe d off with an impressive fire works show over the Hudson River

Events2_REGre.indd 97

K e l ly Row l a n D

K e l ly Row l a n D

j o r dy c o b e l e n s ( t w s t e e l c e o) & K e l ly R o w l a n d (g l o b a l b r a n d a m b a s s a d o r f o r TW S t e e l )

12-10-12 3:27 PM


Y o u r

j e w e l l e r y is the perfect chance to step out of the ordinary, stand out in a

crowd. A bold piece of jewellery allows you to break the rules and defy the order of the norm.

This breathtaking Nomade Bracelet from Fabergé’s Les Fabuleuses Collection, set in 18k gold and silver, features pebble-like paneling embroidered in 1,268 white diamonds. Inspired by Prokofiev’s orchestral Scythian Suite, first performed in 1916, this pièce de résistance combines elements of the primitive with the elegance of Russia’s great Silver Age, in

Last Word_re.indd 98

B y I r i n a Ly t c h a k

ever maga zine.ca

the 19th century, and into the early 20th. The House of Fabergé was at the centre of all that. Once considered the ultimate gift presented by the Tzar himself, this Fabergé creation now has a place to glimmer on your wrist. ****

12-10-12 1:39 PM

©2012 movado group, inc.


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12-10-12 2:12 PM

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