How To Start Your Own Hedge Fund – Understanding The Basics There are many misconceptions and assumptions related to the hedge fund industry that are actually believed by people. They say that starting your own hedge fund is one of the easiest ways to make money. They say this is the sure shot way to get rich quick and you really wouldn’t be required to put in too much effort for it either. Just a few good connections between wealthy people and a keen eye on the market is all that is need. What most people teaching you about how to start your own hedge fund will not tell you is that the job isn’t as easy as people believe it to be. While it's true that hedge funds traders and managers have some of the highest earnings potentials, a great deal of work goes into this job, and you won't necessarily make a six-figure salary. You will of course, need to have credibility in the market that speaks of your success and a strong understanding of the market’s movements. You will also need to have a strong network of people who are willing to bank their money on your skills as a trader. And most of all, you will need to have a track record to prove your worth. Starting your own hedge fund is a task that will require you to be constantly on your toes. The trading world moves at a faster pace than anything else you might have experienced in the business world. Plus, as a start up entity in the market, building your reputation will require a great deal of work. It isn’t easy to get people to whip out their wallets and hand over their money to you. No matter how many times people will say they are interested, no checks will be written nor wires will be sent. Patience and perseverance is the key here.