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Annual Campaign - so close to our goal
RIVERDALE SCHOOL FOUNDATION – The Riverdale School Foundation and Riverdale School District are incredibly thankful for the generosity of all donors to the 2018–2019 annual campaign. So far, 76 percent of student families have joined with many alumni, staff and community members to raise $1.35 million for Riverdale students. This significant number brings us so close to our $1.5 million goal, which we will continue working toward in the upcoming months.
The Riverdale community has a long history of supporting its schools, and we are very fortunate that so many families make exceptional education a priority in their household budgets and in their giving. A list of all families who contributed to the annual campaign will be published in January, with an updated list distributed in June to account for additional donations received throughout the rest of the year. For over 25 years, donors to the annual campaign have been, and continue to be, the bedrock for Riverdale schools by supplementing state school funding in an effort to matintain our tradition of educational excellence.
It’s not too late to give! You can help us reach our goal. The Riverdale School Foundation is still accepting pledges and donations at RiverdaleFoundation.org. Pledges do not need to be redeemed until April 30, 2019. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated; what is important is that every family participates in some way. Please check if your employer offers corporate matching. Last year, this led to an additional $90,000 in matched donations.
"All in all, I was so grateful for the support of my incredible call-captain team and the foundation board," says the campaign chair, Amber Hillman. "Everyone stepped up in a way that was remarkable, with so much eagerness to educate, and so much enthusiasm for Riverdale schools."
She also expressed gratitude to the Riverdale High School student volunteers who called community members and alumni this year in support of the campaign.
Thank you again to all those families who donated. It is encouraging to have so many friends of Riverdale stepping up to sustain our small district in the face of demanding state budgets that don’t provide enough for education. Please thank donors on this list as you see them. Giving to the annual campaign is the community-wide investment we can make for our children.