Information Technology Handbook

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RIVERMONT COLLEGIATE Information Technology Handbook

The Quad Cities’ only Private College Prep School for PreSchool through 12th Grade WWW.RIVERMONTCOLLEGIATE.ORG

JUNE 2014


Information Technology Handbook

Purpose: This handbook outlines the information technology policies of Rivermont Collegiate. This includes, but not limited to our school’s student 1:1 program, social media policy, network and acceptable use policy. While this handbook will be updated periodically, given the rapidly changing nature of technology, there may be items that it does not specifically address. In all cases our guiding principle will be the safety and well-being of our students.

Table of Contents Overview …………………………………………………………………

Page 2

Authority ….….…………………………………….................................

Page 2

Delegation of Responsibility……………………………………………..

Page 3

Guidelines ……………………..…………………………………………

Page 3

Procedures ……………………………………………………….

Page 3

General Prohibitions …………………………………………….

Page 4

Etiquette …………………………………………………………………

Page 5

Security …………………………………………………………………..

Page 5

Consequences of Inappropriate Use ……………………………………..

Page 6

Safety …………………………………………………………………….

Page 7

Rivermont’s 1:1 Technology Strategy …………………………………..

Page 8

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program .……………………

Page 9

Minimum System Requirements………………………....

Page 9

Frequently Asked Questions – Parents.…………………..

Page 9

Frequently Asked Questions - Students…………………..

Page 10

Appendix I: Laptop Loan Agreement …………………………………….

Page 12

Appendix II: Technology Use Agreement (Early/Lower School) ………..

Page 13

Appendix III: Technology Responsible Use, COPPA and Privacy Policy .. (Middle /Upper School) Appendix IV: Technology Acceptable Use Policy (Faculty & Staff) ……..

Page 15


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Information Technology Handbook

Overview Rivermont Collegiate supports use of the Internet and other computer networks in the school’s instructional and operational programs in order to facilitate learning, teaching and daily operations through interpersonal communications and access to information, research and collaboration. It is the intent of Rivermont Collegiate to promote responsible, ethical, and appropriate use of information technology and network resources. With internet and e-mail access comes the availability of material that may not be considered appropriate in a school setting. While Rivermont strives to employ measures to restrict or deny access to such inappropriate material, we also realize the impossibility of absolutely regulating and monitoring all the information received or sent by persons who use our network, internet or e-mail. We believe, however, that the availability and value of an integrated network, internet and e-mail far outweigh the possibility that users may procure inappropriate or offensive materials. With this stated, access to the Rivermont’s information technology and network resources is a privilege, not a right. Faculty, staff and students will be held accountable for noncompliance with the policies outlined within this handbook.

Authority Rivermont Collegiate reserves the right to log, monitor, and review internet, e-mail, and other network use of each user. This logging, monitoring, and review may be conducted without cause and without notice. Each user of a school computer or network, by the use thereof, agrees and consents to such logging, monitoring, and review and acknowledges that they have no right or expectation of confidentiality or privacy with respect to internet, e-mail or other network resources. Users should expect that files stored on the school network or computers will not be private. Rivermont employs the use of an internet filter as a technology protection measure pursuant to the Children’s Internet Protection Act. The filter may not be disabled or bypassed by students or other minors for any reason. All students, administrators, and staff members who use the internet, e-mail, and other network facilities must agree to and abide by all conditions of the policy. Rivermont makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the service it is providing. Rivermont is not responsible for any damages including loss of data resulting from delays, nondeliveries, missed deliveries, or service interruption. Use of any information obtained through the use of the school’s network is at the user’s risk. Rivermont disclaims responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet or e-mail. 2


Information Technology Handbook

All users may not install any hardware or software onto school devices and/or network drivers or disks, unless they specific, prior written permission from the technology department. Administrators, teachers and staff have a professional responsibility to work together to help students develop the intellectual skills necessary to discriminate among information sources, to identify information appropriate to their age and developmental levels, and to evaluate and use the information to meet their educational goals. Users have the responsibility to respect and protect the rights of every other user accessing or using the school’s network, internet or e-mail. The administration shall have the authority to determine what is inappropriate use. All student files that are stored on the shared school network will be deleted by the technology administrators at the conclusion of each school year. Students are encouraged to back up all files to a flash drive or online storage account.

Delegation of Responsibility The Headmaster or designee shall be responsible for implementing technology and procedures to determine whether the school’s computers are being used for purposes prohibited by law or for accessing inappropriate materials. The procedure shall include, but not be limited to: 

  

Utilizing a technology protection measure that blocks or filters internet access for minors and adults to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, harmful to minors with respect to use by minors, or determined inappropriate by the administration. Maintaining and securing a usage log. Monitoring online activities. Providing training to minors in appropriate online behavior. This includes behavior when interacting with other individuals on social networking websites, and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.

Guidelines Procedures Network accounts or access to the internet will be used only by the user for its authorized purpose. Network users shall respect the privacy of other users on the system. Access will be granted to only those individuals who meet the following requirements:



Information Technology Handbook

All users must read and sign their applicable Internet Access Agreement Form (listed in Appendixes II) indicating their agreement with its provisions. Once signed the form must be returned to Rivermont’s technology department. Students must have their parent/guardian sign the agreement indicating their acceptance of the policy and their consent to allow the child to access and use Rivermont’s network. Students and employees will receive instruction on network access and use, acceptable and unacceptable practices, network etiquette, and the consequences of abuse of privileges and responsibilities.

General Prohibitions The use of the internet, e-mail account or school computer network for illegal, inappropriate, unacceptable, or unethical purposes by students or employees is absolutely prohibited. The administration reserves the right to determine if an activity constitutes an acceptable or unacceptable use of the network. With respect to all users, the following actions are expressly prohibited:              

Use in an illegal manner or to facilitate illegal activity. Use for commercial, private advertisement, or for-profit purposes. Use for lobbying or political purposes. Use to infiltrate or interfere with a computer system and/or damage to data, files, network operations, software or hardware components of a computer or system Cyberbullying in any form, hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, threatening statements and other anti-social communications. Unauthorized or illegal installation, distribution, reproduction, or use of copyrighted materials or theft of services Use to access, view or obtain material that is obscene, pornographic, including child pornography, or harmful to minors. Transmission of material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients as determined by school administration. Intentional obtaining or modifying of files, passwords, and data belonging to the school or other network users. Impersonation of another user, anonymity, and pseudonyms. Loading or using of unauthorized software or media. Disruption or distraction of the work of other users. Destruction, modification, abuse or unauthorized access to network hardware, software and files. Quoting personal communications in a public forum without the original author’s prior consent. 4


     

Information Technology Handbook

Use of Rivermont’s name, logo or marketing/web content and materials without the written permission of the Headmaster. Allowing an unauthorized person to use an assigned account. Creation and introduction of computer viruses, trojans, worms, and other malicious programs. Use of software or hardware to compromise or bypass network security. Use while access privileges are suspended or revoked. Use inconsistent with network etiquette and other generally accepted etiquette.

Specific Student Prohibitions  

Disclose, use or disseminate any personal identification information (such as passwords, etc.) of themselves or other students. Engage in or access chat rooms or instant messaging without the permission and supervision of a teacher or administrator.

Etiquette Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include but are not limited to the following:      

Be polite. Do not be abusive in messages to others. Rivermont’s Code of Conduct equally applies regardless of the instrument of communication. Use appropriate language. Do not swear or use vulgarities or other inappropriate language. Do not reveal personal information such as addresses or telephone numbers of others. Recognize that e-mail is not private or confidential. Do not use the Internet or e-mail in any way that would interfere with or disrupt its use by other users. Respect the rights of other users to an open and hospitable technology environment, regardless of race, sexual orientation, color, religion, creed, ethnicity, age, marital status or handicap status.

Security Network security is provided through the use of individually assigned passwords. Failure to adequately protect or update passwords could result in unauthorized access to the network, internet or e-mail services. Each user is required to report any security problems to the school’s 5


Information Technology Handbook

technology department. To protect the integrity of the system, the following guidelines shall be followed:   

Users shall not reveal their passwords to another individual. Users are not to use a computer or network resource that has been logged in under another User’s name. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to the network.

Consequences of Inappropriate Use The use of the internet, e-mail and network resources is a privilege, not a right. Illegal or inappropriate use of the network, e-mail service or internet must be reported to school administration immediately. School administration has the responsibility to deem what is an appropriate and inappropriate use of the school’s network, e-mail and internet services and their decision is final. The network user shall be responsible for damages to the equipment, systems, and software resulting from deliberate, willful or negligent acts. Vandalism will result in cancellation of access privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet or other networks; this includes but is not limited to creating or spreading computer viruses, worms, Trojans or any action that compromises network security. Violation of Rivermont’s acceptable use policy may result in loss of access and other disciplinary actions. Consequences of violations may include, but not limited to:           

Suspension of information network access. Revocation of information network access. Suspension of network privileges. Revocation of network privileges. Suspension of computer access. Revocation of computer access. School suspension. School expulsion. Report of violation of local, state or federal laws to appropriate legal authorities. Dismissal from employment. Legal action and prosecution by the authorities. 6


Information Technology Handbook

The illegal use of copyrighted software by students and staff is strictly prohibited. Any data uploaded to or downloaded from the network shall be subject to fair use guidelines.

Safety To the greatest extent possible, users of the network will be protected from harassment and unwanted or unsolicited communication. Any network user who receives threatening or unwelcome communications should report it immediately to a teacher or administrator. Network users shall not reveal personal information to other users on the network, including chat rooms, e-mail, Internet, etc. All school computers/servers utilized by students and staff will be equipped with internet blocking/filtering software. Internet safety measures will address the following:    

Control of access to inappropriate material on the internet and World Wide Web. Safety and security when using electronic communications. Prevention of unauthorized online access including “hacking” and other unlawful activities. Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information.

Rivermont maintains an active presence on social media including Facebook and Twitter. Both the Rivermont website and official Rivermont accounts on social media make use of student photos and video to illustrate Intellect, Character, and Creativity both in the classroom, as well as off campus on field trips, at athletic events, etc. These photos and video illustrate the Rivermont Experience for potential families and are thoroughly enjoyed by current families to see their children hard at work (and play!). In the use of photos and video, student safety is paramount and staff checks all content before being published. Student photos published by Rivermont are only referred to by first names and only when we feel it is necessary to use names. Rivermont prefers to keep student photos anonymous for safety reasons. The only exception to this rule will be events that empower a specific student by recognizing an achievement such as an award, scholarship, or exceptional deed or action.



Information Technology Handbook

References: School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1303.1-A PA Crimes Code – 18 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 5903, 6312 Child Internet Protection Act – 24 P.S. Sec. 4601 et seq. U.S. Copyright Law – 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. Sexual Exploitation and Other Abuse of Children – 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2256 Enhancing Education Through Technology Act – 20 U.S.C. Sec. 6777 Internet Safety, Children’s Internet Protection Act – 47 U.S.C. Sec. 254 Children’s Internet Protection Act Certifications, Title 47, Code of Federal Regulations – 47 CFR Sec. 54.520

Rivermont Collegiate 1:1 Technology Strategy Rivermont Collegiate employs a unique 1:1 student technology strategy tailored to the curricular needs of each school division: 

Early/Lower School: Given the ease of use and abundance of age appropriate educational software, early and lower school is outfitted primarily with IPads and Kindle readers. Students also have access to traditional PC based devices via the Lower School computer lab.

Middle School: Rivermont’s strategy for Middle School is a combination of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and school supplied equipment tied to specific subjects. Laptops are provided for science classes for research and laboratory work. Middle School students also have primary access to the Middle/Upper School computer lab. Students can take advantage of Rivermont’s BYOD policy, with the school providing Microsoft Office software and anti-virus protection free of charge to each student device. All BYODs must be configured and adhere to Rivermont’s anti-virus and network security protocol. The use of Rivermont’s network, e-mail or internet service by any non-configured device is not authorized and may result in suspension of service or access. Specific details in regard to the Middle School BYOD program is provided in the next section.

Upper School: Given the rigor and scope of the Upper School curriculum, to include our expanding college partnership program, it is critical that the school provide each student a laptop for their use. Rivermont laptops are the property of the school. As such, students are liable for damage or loss in compliance with the school’s Laptop Loan Agreement (Attachment III). Students may elect to use their own personal device, however any device must be configured and adhere to Rivermont’s anti-virus and network security protocol. The use of Rivermont’s network, e-mail or internet service by any nonconfigured device is not authorized and may result in suspension of service or access. 8


Information Technology Handbook

Rivermont Collegiate’s BYOD Program (Middle School) Minimum Device Specifications Rivermont Collegiate does not recommend, nor require a specific computer brand or label to access its network services. However included below are recommendations as to system specifications. These are listed as guidelines only to assure optimal performance with our network infrastructure and to meet the recommendations set forth by the software used in our school. Operating System: CPU Processor Speed: Hard Drive Space: RAM: Monitor Size: Optional Accessories:

Windows 7 or Higher, OSX 10.8 or higher Intel Core i3 or AMD Athlon II X2 or AMD A8 120 GB 4 GB 14 inches or larger (depending on student desire) Extended keyboard, multiple USB ports, built-in webcam and a protective case

Frequently Asked Questions for Parents Regarding Rivermont’s BYOD Program 

What type of device(s) should my student have for school? What hardware/software should the device be equipped with? While we are not recommending a specific laptop as several on the market will meet our minimum requirements, we do recommend a laptop vice an IPad or Tablet given the curriculum, lab software requirement and greater word-processing capability. Rivermont will install the newest version of Microsoft Office, if the software is not already on the device, along with a school-managed antivirus software.

What if my child’s device already has antivirus software on it? That software will need to be removed. Rivermont’s chosen security software will be installed by the school Technology staff. Multiple security suites may conflict with each other, so only one can be installed on a device.

What if my child’s device is stolen or damaged? What recourse can I take? Like other personal items, students bring electronic communication devices to school at their own risk. While we will assist each student to the maximum extent possible, Rivermont will not be held responsible for an electronic device that is lost, stolen or misplaced. 9


Information Technology Handbook

Is it required that my child use the School wireless? Can they use their own 3G or 4G service? Yes, for network security reason, students with a personally owned device need to use the Rivermont wireless network.

How will my son/daughters device be used in the classroom? Rivermont challenge our students with rigorous, personalized academic learning experiences that foster innovation and creativity. Students will engage in a cohesively integrated curriculum, access information, and apply it to solve authentic problems in a collaborative manner.

Frequently Asked Questions for Students Regarding Rivermont’s BYOD Program 

I don’t have my own electronic communication device to bring to school. Will I be penalized or miss out on instruction? No, it is not mandatory for Middle School students to bring a device, even if they do own one. When devices are needed to enhance learning, students will be provided access to an appropriate school owned digital device.

I have my device with me in class. How do I get on the Internet now? Most devices will detect a wireless connection when you are near one. Most of the time devices will ask you if you would like to join the network when prompted, choose “Rvmt” from the list.

I can’t get my device to connect to the network. How can I get some help? Resources are available to help you connect to the Rivermont network, however, you will need to consult with the school technology department for these resources. It is not the responsibility of your teacher to troubleshoot individual devices during the school day.

My device was stolen when I brought it to school. Who should I contact about this? It is always a good idea to record the device’s serial number to have in case of theft or lost items. Rivermont Collegiate is not responsible for the theft of a device, nor are they responsible for any damage done to the device while at school. Any time a theft occurs, you should contact a school administrator to make him/her aware of the offense. 10


Information Technology Handbook

Why am I filtered on my own computer? Shouldn’t I be able to see what I want to on my own device? Internet filtering (commonly referred to as a firewall) is a requirement of all schools. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires all network access to be filtered regardless of the device you use to access it while at school. You own your device, but the network you’re using belongs to the school, as such internet access will be filtered.



Information Technology Handbook

Appendix I Rivermont Collegiate Laptop Loan Agreement Rivermont Collegiate (hereinafter referred to as the “School”) intends to provide its Upper School students with Lenovo laptops (hereinafter referred to as the “laptop”) for their use while attending Rivermont Collegiate. The expectations and responsibilities of the program is outlined in this agreement. To that end, the undersigned student and their parents/guardians, jointly and individually, agree as follows: 1. Acknowledge receipt of a laptop, serial no.______________________. 2. The laptop is the property of the School and must be returned if the student leaves for any reason, the student fails to perform obligations pursuant to this agreement, or if the School terminates the student’s participation in the program for any reason. 3. We acknowledge that the laptop is a delicate piece of electronic equipment that requires proper care. It is understood that the laptop is not intended to be dropped, thrown, or used in locations where there is liquid, abrasive particles or other potentially harmful substances; and that the laptop should be kept secure from possible loss or theft. 4. We accept responsibility for any loss or damage to the laptop, for any reason, from the time the student accepts delivery of it until it is returned to the School in its original condition, normal wear and tear excepted. 5. We acknowledge that the School is not responsible for purchases, either deliberate or accidental, of apps, downloads, etc. 6. We agree that the laptop is to be used only by the undersigned student for academic purposes. The student may not loan the laptop or permit its use by any other person. 7. We agree that the student must comply with all School network, social media and technology policies. 8. We agree that the student will not make unauthorized alterations to the laptop. 9. We agree upon request, the student is expected to make his or her laptop available to the School without delay. 10. We will immediately notify the School upon the occurrence of any loss, damage, theft or malfunction of the laptop. 11. We agree and acknowledge that if the laptop is lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged beyond repair, or if it is not returned to the School as described in bullet #2, we will be liable to the School of an amount (calculated by the School) that is equal to the full replacement value of the laptop. If the laptop is repairable, that we will be liable for the full costs of repair not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. We understand that the amount owed may be added to our school account, and that as such, the School may refuse to release the records or transcripts of the student until all amounts are paid in full. We have read this Agreement and understand and accept its terms. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Student signature Please print name Date ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian signature Please print name Date ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian signature Please print name Date



Information Technology Handbook

Appendix II Technology Use Agreement Form Early/Lower School Students An annual signature is required by all students and their parent/guardians to gain access to the Rivermont’s network (wired and wireless). Teachers will review the policies and guidelines contained within this agreement with each student RULES to be followed when using the school network, internet, e-mail, and other accounts:  I will obtain permission from my teacher before I access the school’s network, internet, or e-mail, and I will follow all the rules set up by my teacher and technology teacher.  I will only visit web sites directly related to my school assignments or approved by my teacher.  I will list the sources of all information and images used in my reports and I will respect copyright laws.  I will always use appropriate, and polite language on the internet and e-mail.  I will not send, download, or display offensive or inappropriate messages or pictures.  I will never give out my last name, phone number, home address or home e-mail address.  I will tell a teacher immediately if I come across something that I think is inappropriate or wrong.  I will get permission before saving (downloading) files. I will not download any games.  I will not damage any technology equipment, such as computers, iPads and Promethean Boards.  I will not trespass in other people’s folders, work or files.  I will not use other people’s network account passwords or e-mail accounts. Violations may result in:  Restricted access to the school’s network, the internet, and e-mail account.  Disciplinary action in accordance with Rivermont’s Code of Conduct VERIFIABLE PARENTAL CONSENT In order for Rivermont Collegiate to continue to be able to provide students with the most effective web-based tools and applications for learning, we need to abide by federal regulations that require a parental signature as outlined below. Rivermont Collegiate utilizes several computer software applications and web-based services, operated not by Rivermont Collegiate, but by third parties.



Information Technology Handbook

TECHNOLGY AGREEMENT FORM As parent or legal guardian, I have read this Technology Acceptable Use Policy and have discussed it with my child. I grant permission for my student to use a personal and/or school-owned computing device while at Rivermont Collegiate and to have access to the Rivermont Collegiate network (wired and wireless), internet, and school software. I understand that it is impossible for Rivermont Collegiate to restrict access to all controversial materials and will not hold the school responsible for materials acquired on the Internet. I understand that my child will face disciplinary action if she violates the Rivermont Collegiate Technology Responsible Use Policy, whether that misuse occurs on campus or off, on school computers, or on technology that is privately owned.

Student Name____________________________________ Grade___________ __________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature and Date PHOTOS/VIDEO PERMISSION (Circle one) I DO / I DO NOT give Rivermont Collegiate permission to photograph and/or film my child for marketing, advertising, and/or Rivermont webpage/FaceBook/Twitter publication. Other comments or special instructions : ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________



Information Technology Handbook

Appendix III Technology Responsible Use, COPPA & Privacy Policy Middle and Upper School Students An annual signature is required by all students and their parent/guardians to gain access to the Rivermont’s network (wired and wireless). Teachers will review the policies and guidelines contained within this agreement with each student TECHNOLOGY RESPONSIBLE USE POLICY The Rivermont Collegiate Network is intended to enhance the educational resources of the School. The goal is to facilitate access to resources, improve communication, and encourage innovation. Your school-issued or personal device is an academic learning tool which provides ubiquitous access (wired and wireless) to an array of programs and tools. Use of technology at school is a privilege and its benefits are highly dependent on an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust as you explore the digital world. It is the expectation of the school that students will behave in a lawful, ethical and respectful manner. There is no expectation of privacy when using the school’s network. If a violation of this policy is suspected, private files or correspondence may be investigated, and social media sites may be monitored. It is important to recognize that behavior both on and off campus reflects on the reputation of the school. Failure to act responsibly may result in disciplinary consequences such as loss of e-mail, network or internet access, in addition to disciplinary measures taken in compliance with Rivermont’s Code of Conduct. Rivermont Collegiate will cooperate with any law enforcement agency in the event of suspected illegal or inappropriate activities. Rivermont Collegiate recognizes the value of publishing in social media and on the internet; however, discretion should be exercised in any posting or publishing regardless of the computer or network that is being used. It is an expectation that a member of the Rivermont Collegiate community will not use the school name, its nickname, or symbol in any media content that is in conflict with the school’s policies and standards for responsible behavior. This includes but is not limited to drug and alcohol references; prejudiced or discriminatory speech; reference to violent or illegal behavior; obscene pictures or language; assuming another person’s identity; or language that is unsportsmanlike, demeans, libels, bullies, threatens, or harasses another individual or group. Postings on the Internet are public and permanent, regardless of privacy settings, so at no time are students to provide identifying or incriminating information that could put the school community at risk.



Information Technology Handbook

As a Rivermont Collegiate Middle or Upper School Student, I Agree To:        

Practice responsible, balanced, and healthy use of technology both at school and at home. Be solely responsible for the use of my own account both on and off campus, before, during or after the school day. Take care of my school-issued or personal device, protect it from damage or theft, and have it ready to use at school each day. Maintain the privacy of self and others. Always treat others in a respectful, positive and considerate manner regardless of medium Adhere to school and classroom rules about inappropriate games, software, and instant messaging. Adhere to copyright laws, licensing agreements and terms and conditions of use. Be aware that technology is a shared resource, hence I will conserve network and technology to academic or school related activities resources (for example, by not streaming music or videos unrelated to school assignments). Report the misuse of technology by others to the faculty or administration

As a Rivermont Collegiate Middle or Upper School Student, I Agree NOT To:           

Share personal passwords or other private information about my account. Use another person’s account, files, or passwords without their permission. Share personal or identifying information about any member of the school community. Use inflammatory, unsportsmanlike, derogatory, threatening, obscene, or pornographic language or pictures. Engage in cyberbullying, including harassing, denigrating, outing, tricking, excluding and cyberstalking. Impersonate others or re-post comments without permission of the original sender. Access or post information to inappropriate sites from devices on the wired or wireless Rivermont Collegiate network. Attempt to circumvent any web filters or safety measures blocking access to any sites. Alter, destroy, or obstruct the settings, configurations or resources of the network. Connect any other equipment such as printers, routers or servers to the network or install personal software on the Network or workstations without permission. Engage in activity that is illegal or for personal profit.

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Students should use their own good judgment at all times.



Information Technology Handbook

BYOD POLICY (Devices not owned by the school) Device Types: For the purpose of this agreement, the word “device” means a privately owned wireless and/or portable electronic piece of equipment that includes laptops, netbooks, tablets/slates, iPod Touches, cell and smart phones. Any student who wishes to use a personally owned electronic device at Rivermont Collegiate must read and sign this agreement. Guidelines:  The student takes full responsibility for his or her device and keeps it with himself or herself at all times. The school is not responsible for the security of the device.  The student is responsible for the proper care of their personal device, including any costs of repair, replacement or any modifications needed to use the device at school.  The school reserves the right to inspect a student’s personal device if there is reason to believe that the student has violated school policies or has engaged in other misconduct while using their personal device.  Violations of school policies involving a student’s personally owned device may result in the loss of use of the device while at school and/or disciplinary action.  The student will comply with any faculty request to shut down the device  Personal devices should be charged prior to bringing it to school.  The student may not use the devices to record, transmit or post photos or video of a person or persons on campus without permission. Nor can any images be recorded at school then later transmitted or posted at any time without the express permission of individual.  The student will use the guest wireless network while on campus. Use of 3G & 4G wireless connections are not allowed. VERIFIABLE PARENTAL CONSENT In order for Rivermont Collegiate to continue to be able to provide students with the most effective web-based tools and applications for learning, we need to abide by COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and other federal regulations that require a parental signature as outlined below. Rivermont Collegiate does utilizes computer software applications and webbased services, operated not by Rivermont, but by third parties. In order for our students to use these programs and services, certain personal identifying information, generally the student’s name and school email address must be provided to the web site operator. Under federal law, these web sites must provide parental notification and obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13. The law permits schools such as Rivermont Collegiate to consent to the collection of personal 17


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information on behalf of all of its students, thereby eliminating the need for individual parental consent given directly to the web site operator. This form will constitute consent for Rivermont Collegiate to provide personal identifying information for your child consisting of first name, last name, and/or email address and user name to the operators of any additional web-based educational programs and services which Rivermont Collegiate may utilize during the academic year. AGREEMENT FORM As parent or legal guardian, I have read this Technology Acceptable Use & COPPA Policy and have discussed it with my child. I grant permission for my student to use a personal and/or school-owned computing device while at Rivermont Collegiate and to have access to the school’s network (wired and wireless), internet, and software. I grant permission for my student to utilize his/her school e-mail account (provided by Rivermont) for school assignments and projects. I understand that my child’s school e-mail account will be restricted so that it can only send/receive within the Rivermont domain. I understand that it is impossible for Rivermont Collegiate to restrict access to all controversial materials and will not hold the school responsible for materials acquired on the Internet. I understand that my child will face disciplinary action if she violates the Rivermont Collegiate Technology Responsible Use Policy, whether that misuse occurs on campus, or off, on School computers, or on technology that is privately owned.

Student Name____________________________________ Grade___________ __________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature and Date

PHOTOS/VIDEO PERMISSION: (Circle one) I DO / I DO NOT give Rivermont Collegiate permission to photograph and/or film my child for marketing, advertising, and/or Rivermont webpage/FaceBook/Yearbook publications.



Information Technology Handbook

Appendix IV Rivermont Collegiate Technology Acceptable Use Policy – Faculty & Staff Rivermont Collegiate supports the rights of students and staff to have reasonable access, in school, to various information formats and believes it is incumbent upon students and staff to use this educational advantage in an appropriate and responsible manner. Acceptable Use Policy Agreement  I accept that using computers and accessing the internet is an educational advantage afforded me by Rivermont Collegiate and that inappropriate use of computers may result in my loss of their utilization and other possible disciplinary action.  I accept that the primary use of computer resources and the internet is to support research and education.  I will follow all copyright regulations and will not copy programs or pirate software.  I will not invade the privacy of others or access the network or files of any business, person, or agency with intent to steal, subvert, destroy, or view information which is not appropriate.  I understand that electronic mail (e-mail) through the school network is not guaranteed to be private. Network administrators have access and have the capability to monitor all mail and internet use in cases of or suspected illegal activity.  I will not access information which is considered dangerous or potentially damaging, such as instructions on the preparation of illegal or dangerous mechanisms or activities.  I will not publish personal information about other users or pretend to be someone else when sending or receiving information.  I will be polite and use appropriate language. I will not swear, use vulgarities, harass or bully others, use ethnic or racial slurs, access inappropriate websites, engage in hacking or vandalism, or transmit or view obscene or offensive material. This includes social networking sites.  I understand that I am prohibited from downloading or installing any personal software with inappropriate material on school technology.  I will not degrade or disrupt school or Internet network services or equipment. Such activity is considered a crime under state and federal law. This includes but is not limited to tampering with computer hardware and software, vandalizing data, invoking computer viruses or attempting to gain access to restricted or unauthorized network services.



Information Technology Handbook

I understand and agree with Rivermont for computer use in the schools and that Rivermont Collegiate will cooperate fully with local, state or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the district’s system or network. This user agreement will be renewed each academic year. Staff Member Name (Print) __________________________________________________ Staff Member Signature_________________________________ Date________________


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