1 minute read
What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life’s Third Age
What Retirees Want:
A Holistic View of Life’s Third Age
Today, thanks to extraordinary medical, demographic, and economic shifts, most of us will live unprecedentedly long lives. Consequently, the world is witnessing a powerful new version of retirement—the Third Age—driven by the power and needs of the massive Baby Boomer generation. Consumers over 50 now account for more than half of all spending and control more than 70% of the country’s net worth. How will work, family, health, leisure, money, success, purpose, and retirement be transformed in the years ahead to accommodate two billion people over the age of 60 worldwide?
This wide-ranging book, What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life’s Third Age, explains how individuals, businesses, non-profits, and governments can best prepare to thrive in a new era—where the needs and demands of third agers will set the lifestyle, health, social, marketplace, and political priorities of generations to come.
What Retirees Want, written by Ken Dychtwald, PhD, and Robert Morison, presents the culmination of 30+ years of their groundbreaking research. The book offers an unrivaled, holistic understanding of today’s and tomorrow’s retirees.
As the Baby Boomer generation paves the way for an entirely morphed retirement, this exciting third age poses many daunting questions addressed in the book, including: • How long will we live and what will "old" look like in the years ahead? • What incredible new technologies of medicine, life extension, and human enhancement await us in the near future? • What new products and services will boom as a result of this coming longevity revolution? • Will the majority of elder Boomers outlive their pensions and retirement savings and how can this financial disaster be prevented? • How will youth and age get along as the demographic equations shift?