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Montgomery Botanical Gardens
Future classes scheduled for the remainder of the year include Herbs on September 9, taught by Janell Diggs; Fall Floral Arrangements on October 7, taught by Anna Owen; and Bulb Planting/Perennials on November 4, taught by Karen Weber.
additional seating in the gardens and honor someone at the same time!
The Montgomery Botanical Gardens at Oak Park has scheduled a class on Growing Hostas for its August session. The class will be taught by Master Gardener Bionca Lindsey and will be offered Saturday, August 12, beginning at 9:00 AM in the Wisdom Wood Outdoor Classroom.
Included in Ms. Lindsey’s presentation will be information on selecting, planting, and caring for hostas. She will also discuss the great variety of these beautiful perennials and how to propagate them.
The Hosta Class is free and open to the public. Seating is available in the outdoor classroom. For comfort, participants may consider bringing folding chairs. Water will be provided. For additional information, contact info@ montgomerybotanicalgardens.com.
Financially support the Gardens
Sponsor an Oak Leaf Design Metal Bench
As we stroll through the pathways of Montgomery Botanical Gardens, we often desire a place to sit awhile and enjoy a particular view or just rest before we continue our walk. Sometimes we have not found a convenient place to sit and rest. Now you have an opportunity to help provide
The MBG Board of Directors has approved an exclusive metal bench to be sponsored and placed throughout the gardens that includes a unique Oak Leaf design. Now you may provide a bench, help contribute funds for the gardens, and also honor or remember someone special at the same time. You may see two of the benches at the entrance to MBG or view them on our website. You can sponsor one of these beautiful benches for a donation of $3000. A sign can be provided with the bench that acknowledges the donor, honors someone special, or reflects that it is given in memory of someone or a group. Individuals, groups, organizations or businesses, etc. may sponsor a bench. For more information or to sponsor a bench you may visit the MBG website or contact a member of the board or send an email to info@montgomerybotanicalgardens.com