14 minute read
Greg Budell
"A true story from the Greg files"
I’m so old I remember drive-in movies!
For the unacquainted, these were large open paved (mostly) lots where we’d park our leaded gas cars to watch a movie on a huge screen toward which all hood ornaments were aimed. Audio was piped into cars by large, rusty-smelling speakers we hooked onto a slightly rolleddown window. In Chicago, we had the bonus of rusty-smelling heaters, also hung on the car window, whose burning red coils fed heat into the vehicle during winter months.
Then, most cars got 8 MPG so they couldn’t run through the length of a movie.
While wood-paneled station wagons filled with BOOMer kids were a part of the drive-in population, a sizeable segment were hormonigized teens of driving and sexploration age.
I experienced both.
Once of driving age, the outdoor theater (for sophisticates) was the destination for dating couples seeking “privacy”. Because nothing says privacy like making out with your date in the middle of several hundred vehicles parked next to each other. Most of the movies were “B” caliber (or less). When things got romantic- because nothing says romance like bucket seats and a stick shift- no one felt guilty about missing the movie. That was the point. Missing the movie, for about $2 a car.
Even with those space-age heaters, most vehicles bore a thin film of steam on the inside of windows to keep gawkers from enjoying your personal love show.
It was at the Sheridan Drive-in in 1973 my future first wife and I went to “see” a film called “Soylent Green”. I remember little from that night other than it seemed like a dark movie projecting a dire future for America in the year- are you ready for this? 2022!
At the time, 2022 seemed a million years away but it is here. City has become overpopulated with 40 million people and pollution has caused the temperature to be risen and all natural resources have been destroyed, leaving 40 million people starving”.
So, how visionary was Soylent Green? New York City has a population of 8,230,290 give or take. The metro area (including NYC) is 3 times that. The city and suburbs are hemorrhaging population because for many, life in NYC has become unlivable. Not because of pollution but politicians, a different type of pollutant.
By the movie’s estimate, the total is well below 40 million.
The air in New York and most of America is far cleaner than it was in 1973. In fact, New York water is the best. The politicians have become far dirtier, and, in that regard, NYC has become like the city portrayed in Soylent.
Going back to disgraced former Governor Cuomo, pols have used Covid as an excuse to limit freedoms and regulate behavior, much like the movie. Everything in Soylent requires permission or approval. Soylent’s higher-ups live great lives. The people get what the Soylent government grants them.
Vaccine passport, anyone?

The official description of Soylent Green says this: "The year is 2022. New York
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New Yorkers, for generations have retired to Florida but the exodus has become a dam break. Florida real estate prices are going up daily with the massive influx to a far freer state.
Soylent starred two legends. For one, the iconic Edward G. Robinson, Soylent was his farewell. In the movie’s version of 2022, people (sick, or sick of Soylent life) are allowed to choose a peaceful passing while a projector plays pre-chosen images. Robinson’s Sol Roth dies to a screen of blue skies and golden flowers, long gone by 2022.
The other legend was Charlton Heston. I was lucky to have interviewed him in 1995. He was promoting a book he’d written, and I was honestly kind of shocked when his publicist scheduled him on my talk show in West Palm Beach. He couldn’t have been more charming, affable and real. Ben-Hur in my studio! I asked some good questions but never found the opportunity to let him know how much steam my girl and I generated during Soylent Green.
In Soylent, Heston plays a cop. It’s a powerful gig in a society portrayed as oppressive, minus all the joys of life. Heston’s Detective Thorn shares a rare 2022 treat with Robinson’s Sol. Strawberry jam.
It’s not like we’re seeing stretches of empty grocery shelves heading into 2022. Oh. Wait a minute. We are. The 2021 word of the year is “supply chain”, another polluted, politician created and perpetuated crisis.
Soylent is about a company of that name that produces a food product called “Green”. With 40 million to feed, there’s no time to be fussy. SPOILER ALERT. After his friend Roth chooses euthanization, Detective Thorn follows the body and sees it loaded into a Soylent Company truck. To his horror, Thorn learns the deep, dark secret of Soylent Corporation. They are taking the dead and turning them into “food”.
Heston’s memorable (and yes, mocked) finale is Thorn screaming “Soylent Green is made out of people. MADE OUT OF PEOPLE!”. He tries to warn the citizens of their 2022 reality.
It is a dark movie. At the time, the premise of Soylent Green seemed the hysterical vision of someone who saw polluted air as our demise in 50 years. My concern in the Soylent “prophecy” is the authoritarian, joyless, miserable existence portrayed in the movie. More and more we’re being given “permissions” to go about our lives, something never required previously. At 2021’s end, 79% of covid omicron patients have been vaccinated yet politicians seem hell bent on having us bow to the restrictions that didn’t work 2 years after “2 weeks to flatten the curve”. Maybe these mandates will drive the resurrection of the drive-in movie! Soylent would be a great starter movie. It might make people, uh, think? Take a closer look at what’s happening in the world around them? That could only be a good thing.
This magazine will continue into its second decade. That’s cool too. We’ll convene here in a year to learn the end of this 2022 drama.
(If you have a comment on this column, email me at gregbudell@aol.com. It's still fun to hear from new people!)
Greg Budell lives in Montgomery with his wife, Roz, Stepson, Sho, and dogs Hershey and Briscoe. He’s been in radio since 1970, and has marked 16 years in the River Region. He hosts the Newstalk 93.1FM Morning Show with Rich Thomas, Jay Scott & Jessie Lynn, 6-9 AM Monday-Friday. He returns weekday afternoons from 3-6 PM for Happy Hour with sidekick Rosie Brock. Greg can be reached at gregbudell@aol.com.
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Smart Health - Nature's Way - Tracy Bhalla Dry Body Brushing Benefits
Dry brushing is something I had heard about decades ago, but never actually knew anyone who did it. Over the years, however, I kept seeing it in magazines and I would see the brushes for sale in health stores – long handled ones for the body, small super soft ones for the face, so eventually I took the plunge about a year ago and started giving it a go. I have to say I wish I’d started earlier. On my face particularly, I love the effect. No need for exfoliation anymore, my skin is super soft, and it is super simple to do.
For the body, a firm bristled brush is used to basically sweep the skin from toe to head, always brushing towards the heart. Some people do choose to use a little body oil on the brush as it can make your skin very dry. I prefer to add the oil to my skin afterwards as I find it easier to keep the brush clean and hygienic that way.
Part of the beauty of the practice is that it takes up no more than a few minutes each day, which makes it easy to become part of your daily routine. It’s like a mini-spa treatment every day!
Its origins are believed to come from Ayurvedic medicine, but many cultures have used skin brushing to cleanse and beautify the skin, including the ancient Greeks and the Japanese.
Many experts agree that dry brushing has many benefits. First of all it is gently exfoliating, removing that top layer of dead skin cells on a daily basis. After a dry brushing session your skin will feel softer and smoother. It also increases circulation, leaving skin looking more radiant. Finally, it is also said to be invigorating and energizing, which could be due to the increased circulation effect
It should be pointed out that dry brushing is not the right option for everyone – you should never dry brush over eczema, psoriasis, rashes, wounds, sunburn or any other skin irritations. abrasive for your face, consider using a soft washcloth instead.
Equally, if your skin starts to get irritated by the process of dry brushing either scale back the frequency and the rigorousness or stop altogether. The most common problem is brushing too hard or using a brush with bristles that are too stiff. Both of these issues can be remedied very easily, of course. Keeping your brush clean is also critical to your skin health. Keep it dry in between uses, clean every few days. You can use a mild soap and water, just be sure to let it dry out completely before using again. Or you can use corn starch – rub it into the bristles well and shake out excess. A small amount of rubbing alcohol can also be used.
The nice thing about dry brushing is you don't need much to get started—just a brush. And since dry brushing has become popular, brushes are easily found. Try your local health food or beauty supply store or search online.
Most dry brush experts recommend a natural bristle brush. These are made from plant sources like jute, sisal, even cactus fibers.
Don't be tempted to buy a brush with super stiff, hard bristles. Firmer bristles don't mean better dry brushing. If it feels like you're running a wire grill cleaner across your skin, get a different brush. Your brush should never leave red marks, abrade the skin, or feel uncomfortable.
The brush you use for your body won't work for the face. Instead, you'll need a smaller brush with much softer bristles. If even soft-bristled brushes are too The dry brushing process isn't complicated, so don't be too worried about getting it "right." Once you've done it a few times, you'll develop a technique that works for you.
Some proponents suggest doing your dry brushing in the morning, rather than before bed, because of its stimulating and energizing qualities. Do whatever is convenient for you.
Use light smooth strokes, working from your toes up to your head. Do the front and back of each part of the body in turn, but do not brush any one spot more than twice. Remember the whole process should take just a few minutes. If you are doing your face as well, do this at the end (or some days I just do my face) and remember to switch to the face brush.
The frequency of repetition is up to you, whatever you feel comfortable with. Maybe start with once a week and build up to once a day if you feel that’s right for you. Whatever you choose, you should feel good when doing it and afterwards your skin should feel soft and smooth.

email: nyrbhalla@gmail.com I web: us.nyrorganic.com/shop/tracybhalla I www. LogHouseAromatics.com
Tracy Bhalla, independent consultant with NYR Organics and founder of LogHouseAromatics.com; after 25 years of using homeopathic remedies, it was time to take charge and complete my Aromatherapy Certification, which I achieved April 2020 and since founded LogHouseAromatics.com as a source for useful essential oil and general natural health information and a place to purchase certain products. email: nyrbhalla@gmail.com I am here to answer any questions you may have. 60 BOOM! January 2022
Caregiving Support
Cindy lives 500 miles away from her 89-yearold mother. She is becoming increasingly concerned about her mother’s safety as she is becoming more forgetful. She is worried about her mother living alone and wonders if she is taking prescribed medication and eating a well-balanced meal. Cindy knows that her mother does not want her to worry as her mother has often said she does not wish to be a burden. With these growing concerns about her mother’s welfare, Cindy realizes she needs a professional to help her to determine what kind of help her mother needs while allowing her to maintain her independence. The solution, A Geriatric Care Manager.
Geriatric Care management emerged because of demographic shifts in the United States. These shifts included the lengthening of the average life span and the trend for families to scatter across the U.S.
Geriatric Care management offers a solution to the long-term care needs of older adults as they strive to “age in place” and maintain their independence. The services offered by Geriatric Care Managers can give sons and daughters “peace of mind” as they continue to pursue their career. In addition to peace of mind, the resulting service can be a true blessing for parents and other family members as well.
An estimated 2.5 million families can benefit from geriatric care management services. A Geriatric Care Manager can typically spend
Approximately 5 to 10 hours per month assisting older clients and their families in arranging personal care services, monitoring the quality of care, and solving everyday problems related to home healthcare services, transportation, housekeeping, home maintenance, meal preparation, medication management, respite care and many other services. The Geriatric Care Manager can help families find answers to these questions: 1. Where can I find appropriate services to address the needs of my parents? 2. How can I be assured that my parents are eating a well-balanced meal? 3. Does my mother or father get confused regarding when to take their medication or the proper dosage? 4. How can I be assured that my parents are living in a safe environment? 5. Are my parents living a meaningful and productive life? 6. Is my parents’ health in jeopardy? 7. Are my parents’ finances being handled appropriately?
A Geriatric Care Management-service can assist families with addressing the needs of older adults through a systematic personalized process. These services may include: 1. Planning for the long-term care of parents. 2. Locating services, resources, supplies, and equipment for parents. 3. Evaluating and arranging for delivery of home healthcare and personal services. 4. Arranging and monitoring nonmedical services such as meal planning/ preparation, housekeeping, laundry care, companion care and a host of other services. 5. Assistance in scheduling medical appointments. 6. Evaluating assisted living, nursing facilities and other living arrangements. 7. Identifying the supports needed for parents to “age in place” and maintain their independence. 8. Assisting in facilitating the transition from medical facilities to other living arrangements. 9. Referral to legal resources to assist with preparation of documents including advanced directives such as health care representative, power of Attorney and living wills. 10. Benefits planning and assistance 11. Long distance caregiving.
Fees for services are generally based on an hourly rate or individuals may qualify for other public funding
A Geriatric Care Management Service can offer a wide array of services to ensure that older adults age in place gracefully while simultaneously maintaining their independence in the least restrictive setting possible.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Christine Davis, BA, MS, is a Licensed Social Worker (LSW) in the State of Indiana. She has over 40 years of experience providing consulting services to older adults and people with disabilities. She is the author of “The Self- Directed Caregiving Guide.

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