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In the last week of August, I experienced two funerals of men I would call friend. One was a dear friend for thirty years. The other I’d only known for the last three years. I attended each of their funerals, one in person and the other through Facebook Live. The differences were stark.
God was worshiped in the funeral of my newest friend. God’s plan of salvation was lifted up as the great hope for eternal life in heaven with the saints, for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent from their sins. God wasn’t invited to my dearest friend’s funeral, but everyone was encouraged to wear their Roll Tide Gear in honor of his favorite football team. And they did.
As a believer and follower of Jesus, my heart aches for my dearest friend because I don’t know where and how he will spend eternity. Only God does. But for me I’m even more convinced of God’s plan of redemption and the sweet homecoming that awaits, until then I’ll continue to enjoy the blessing of watching SEC Football. Roll Tide!
Speaking of Football, I guess everyone in the state of Alabama knows what happens in a few days, Gametime! This month also brings much joy to our cover profile because she is officially retired after a forty-year career with WSFA-12. Her name is Lisa Beers, and she is ready to enjoy her newfound lifestyle but first she is going to be a wedding planner for her daughter’s upcoming wedding. When it’s all said and done, Lisa will be as busy as she wants to, but she’s looking forward to her retirement. We enjoyed spending time with Lisa and getting reacquainted, I think you’ll enjoy getting to know her as well. Please share with family and friends.
We have a number of features for your reading pleasure. One is on the therapy associated with making art. I think it has something to do with getting in touch with your creative juices, I think it helps! We have a feature on how grandparents can teach their grandkids about gratitude. This is a feature from Christian Grandparenting you may find helpful in your own family. Another feature is focused on technology and the use of VR (Virtual Reality) to help some in the aging community. Very interesting and probably a future reality for most of us. Finally, Jeff Barganier took the path less traveled and found interesting things along the way. I want to be like Jeff and just explore for discovery’ sake, he’s very good at that. You’ll enjoy this month’s feature too.
Finally, our dear friend, Greg Budell shares his take on the world around us and the absolute insanity twenty years after the tragic day of 9/11. Greg speaks for me, and I know many others who are fed up with incompetent and dishonest leaders, lets hope elections still matter in the America.
I have started using a few QR Codes in this month’s issue and I gave a simple explanation below on how to scan them. It’s probably not necessary but just in case, it’s a simple way for readers of the print version to engage digitally with content, such as going to a website or ordering tickets for ASF or Tavern Fest. I hope you find them useful; I do. Thanks for reading BOOM! We create it each month for your reading pleasure.
The mission of BOOM! is to serve the folks of the River Region age 50 plus with information and ideas to inspire new experiences, better quality of life and new beginnings.
Jim, 334.324.3472 cell/text, jim@riverregionboom.com, www.RiverRegionBoom.com