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Athletics Strategic Plan Finalized
iverside Military Academy, in partnership with Collegiate Sports Associates (CSA), recently finalized a 5-year strategic plan for athletics. From the beginning, the process was grounded in the Academy’s current strategic plan, mission, vision, and core values. Ultimately, the Athletics Strategic Plan will serve as a roadmap for performance expectations and assessment, student-athlete development, competitiveness, improved retention, graduation rates, and leadership development.
The process began with a context analysis to fully understand the circumstances in which our sports teams compete. Included in the analysis was a stakeholder survey distributed to 680 students, student-athletes, coaches, faculty, Academy leadership, alumni, donors, parents, and fans. In addition, personal interviews and focus groups were facilitated with more than 55 individuals. Finally, Riverside and CSA partnered with the Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the United States (AMCSUS) to compare the Academy with peer schools with regard to relevant variables such as staffing, budgets, sport offerings, sports participation, and enrollment.

One major aspect of the charge for CSA was to ensure there was sufficient data analysis to inform the identification of a varsity sports model that will best support the Academy’s mission in areas such as the cadet experience, enrollment, retention, and community engagement.
Dr. Brad Bates, of CSA, along with Riverside’s Steering Committee, coordinated and facilitated working groups throughout the process to develop an athletics mission and vision statement, define core values, and identify priority areas vital to the future of the Academy’s athletic programs. Three priority areas were identified: 1. Student-athlete experience 2. Leveraged enrollment management 3. Athletics resources and facilities
Once the Steering Committee approved the priority areas, another key work group identified objectives that best serve the priority areas. The group also devised strategies to support the objectives and created action items necessary to implement the strategies. A strategic plan matrix was created to organize the plan as well as document quantitative metrics that will ensure action items are completed on time, strategies are fully implemented, and all objectives are met. The matrix is the blueprint that will drive the plan for the next five years, helping to ensure the strength of the athletic program for the cadets it serves.