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Commencement 2022


On Saturday, May 14th, the Class of 2022 took their last steps on the Riverside campus as cadets. Crossing the stage, diplomas in hand, they stepped off the other side joining the long blue line of Riverside alumni – a line that stretches through the decades and around the globe.
Prior to those final steps, the seniors heard from two men. Mr. John D. Bassett III, ’55, spoke of “self-discipline, teamwork, leadership, and a positive attitude” as critical elements to success, while Mr. Ruben Barahona, ’21, implored the graduates to “be that guy” who meets his responsibilities even when those around him fall short.

The battalion commander, Cadet LTC Tomis Hamilton, ’22, received the Douglas MacArthur Award at a sunset parade, and, at Silver Taps, seniors listened intently to the playing of “Taps” and “Amazing Grace.”

Mr. Bassett captured the essence of a Riverside graduation in his commencement address saying, “Today is not the end of a cycle, nor the beginning of a new one. […] You seniors do not leave Riverside today. You only change your relationship to it. Riverside is now part of you, and, as the years march on, you will realize what an important part it is.”