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Raiders Celebrate Sweet Victory
Raiders Celebrate


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There is a reason the Raiders continue to win – camaraderie. Raiders work together all week long in grueling practices. As we sharpen our skills and increase our strength, we also create a bond with each other. When it’s time to compete, we share a take-no-prisoners mindset.
This year, our team’s chemistry was like none other. Everyone knew each other well, what pressed each other’s buttons, and our strengths. When we arrived in Molena, Georgia, to compete in the National Competition, we hit the ground running, scouting out events and strategizing through different obstacles. The A-Team watched and learned from the B-Team during their competitions. We learned from their experiences and made decisions as to what we would do differently. Our last event of the competition was the Physical Team Test, where competitors sprint with water jugs and ammo cans. One of our teammates forgot a water jug, which could have resulted in a penalty and a loss. Because our coach, SgtMaj Sosa, has always trained us to improvise, adapt, and overcome, cadet Christian Dawson, who executed for the team, ran back, grabbed the water jug, and carried it out to the end securing the win for the Raiders!

On behalf of the team, I want to thank the parents and coaches, MSG Croft and SgtMaj Sosa, for supporting us and leading us to the title again.