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Key Data and Statistics for the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area

• The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) is the main source of comprehensive crime data and plays a pivotal role in providing insight into current trends, issues, and concerns. When analysing crime data for the Community Safety Action Plan, Council looked to two data sets to build a picture of what is happening across the city. 1. Highest number of incidents 2. Local Government Area (LGA) ranking

Highest number of incidents

Where rate of incident is high and this has continued to increase over the years, it highlights to the community that this is a high priority level in terms of need. Reviewing this data allows for insights into how many incidents are being reported in a specific time period but also allows for investigations into rates per month and time frames of when crime occurs. The five highest rates of incidents from January 2020 – December 2020 are as follows

Crime types

1 Malicious damage to property 2 Breach bail conditions 3 Break and enter dwelling 4 Harrassment, threatening behaviour and private nuisance 5 Steal from motor vehicle Number of incidents

952 603 529 492 468

Malicious damage to property

Hotspot map: Incidents of Malicious Damage to Property from January 2021 to December 2021

Malicious damage to property can be defined as ‘damage caused on purpose to the property of another person’ (Source: Collins dictionary). Acts can include vandalism, graffiti or intentional damage and can take place in several different settings including personal, private or commercial property. From January 2020 to December 2020, Wagga Wagga LGA reported 952 incidents of malicious damage to property. The largest offender group of this crime type were males aged 20 – 29 year. February 2020 was the month containing the highest reported incidents, with Friday 6pm to 12am being the time period of highest occurrence of the crime type.

Breach of bail conditions

The crime type ‘breach of bail conditions’ sits within a reporting cluster called ‘Against justice procedures’ for the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. This cluster reports on a range of activities that encompass escape custody, breach apprehended violence order (AVO), breach bail conditions, fail to appear, resist or hinder officer and other offences against justice procedures. From January 2020 to December 2020 Wagga Wagga reported 603 incidents of breach of bail conditions. The largest offender group of this crime type were males aged 20 – 29 years. May 2020 saw the highest number of against justice procedures incidents occurring specifically on a Wednesday between the hours of 6am and 12pm.

Break and enter dwelling

Hotspot map: Break and Enter Dwelling from January 2021 to December 2021

NSW Department of Communities and Justice defines break and enter (also known as burglary) as “when someone enters someone else’s home without permission in order to steal something”7 . From January 2020 to December 2020 there was 529 incidents of break and enter dwelling.

Intimidation, stalking and harassment

The Crime (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 (NSW) defines stalking as:

‘The following of a person about or the watching or frequenting of the vicinity of, or an approach to a person’s place of residence, business or work or any place that a person frequents for the purposes of any activity’.

From January 2020 to December 2020 Wagga Wagga reported 492 incidents of intimidation, stalking and harassment. The largest offender group were males aged 20 – 29 years, who made up 41% of alleged offenders. The largest victim group for this crime type were females aged 18 – 29 years. September saw the highest number of incidents occurring (total of 59) on a Saturday evening from 6pm to 12am. 16% of these were recorded as alcohol related incidents.

Steal from motor vehicle

Hotspot map: Steal from Motor Vehicle from January 2021 to December 2021

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