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Graduation 2022
It was a day to celebrate, a day of cheers and tears and laughter, a day when the Rivers family came together under clear blue skies to toast the Class of 2022. In short, June 4 brought a picture-perfect graduation day, as 95 seniors collected their diplomas and joined the Rivers alumni community. Congratulations to all!

To see a full gallery of graduation photos, scan the QR code.

Forging His Own Path
Stan Soloway ’71
Stan Soloway ’71 has taken what he terms a “zig-zaggy path” through life. But he’s grateful for every byway he’s had the chance to explore. “My dad always said your career path isn’t that important; what matters is what you’re doing in that particular moment. Let it evolve,” says Soloway—advice he has certainly taken to heart. He has held roles as wide-ranging as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense to PBS producer. With a chuckle, he recounts that when he graduated from college, “I thought I’d be producing a nightly sports show.” He had a job lined up, but then “the host got fired, and the dream died.” Other dreams, however, were fulfilled—and then some. After the sports show failed to pan out, Soloway moved to DC to follow his other passion: Politics. He eventually pursued public-affairs consulting, working with clients that included a trade association. That led to a summons that came out of the blue: “I got a call to run acquisition policies at the Defense Department, the largest purchaser in the world.” Today, he serves as president and CEO of Celero Strategies, a full-service strategic consultancy focused on the federal market.

While he has worn many hats, Soloway sees a throughline: “My whole career has centered around the combination of strategy, analysis, government innovation, and public service—and that started with my Rivers experience.” He credits Rivers with teaching him “how to learn,” paving the way for a successful college experience, and he continues to stay connected with former classmates and teachers.

Soloway says he’s pleased to see the strides Rivers has made in committing to diversity and emphasizing service. As a gesture of appreciation for Rivers, Soloway has included a gift to the school in his estate plans. “I just wanted to do something modest to show my support,” he says.
The Nonesuch Society was established to recognize the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends who have made provisions for Rivers in their estate plans. Its members have each made a commitment to ensure the continuation of excellence in teaching that is so critical to the education of future generations. When you include Rivers in your will, you play a significant role in helping future generations of Rivers students. At the same time, by taking advantage of tax laws that encourage philanthropy, making a bequest to Rivers can significantly reduce estate-tax burdens. For more information about gifts to Rivers, such as bequests, living trusts, and gifts of life insurance or retirement plans, or if you would like more information about the Nonesuch Society, please contact Meret Nahas, senior associate director of development and external relations, at m.nahas @rivers.org or 339-686-2263.
333 Winter Street Weston, MA 02493-1040
Please notify us if your phone number, mailing address, or email address changes so that Rivers can stay in touch with you and your family. Contact Jackie O’Neil at 339-686-2466 or j.oneil@rivers.org.
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Rivers needs your help to cross the finish line of our FutureMakers campaign. Your support will help our students make the future extraordinary.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of this monumental campaign!
Make a gift by June 30 at riversfuturemakers.com or by calling Kim Fox, associate director of advancement, at 339-686-2245.
Swing Time