Riverton Review Print Newsletter - July 2024

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Official Newsletter of the Riverton, Utah City Government

Things Worth Fighting For

America’s exceptionalism derives not from its vast natural resources or the intellect of its people; for other nations are blessed as well with wealth and a people who excel at any measurable merit.

The unique miracle of the United States of America is exhibited in its founding on the principles of individual liberty, self-government, private property rights, and on the idea that all men are created equal under the law.

for freedom and the principles that would unleash human flourishing.

President Ronald Reagan once remarked how blessed we are “with the opportunity to stand for something – for liberty and freedom and fairness. And these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to.”

All of us are the beneficiaries of our Founding Fathers’ brave actions, and now we are heirs to the responsibility to continue fighting for liberty. This is done primarily through consistent examples in our homes and in collective efforts across America’s neighborhoods.

“All of us are the beneficiaries of our Founding Fathers’ brave actions, and now we are heirs to the responsibility to continue fighting for liberty.”

This July we celebrate the men and women who demonstrated the resolve to fight

We first learn to acquire an abiding love of freedom in observing at an early age the examples of loved ones participating in local elections, serving in our country’s armed

forces, or simply looking out for a neighbor in need. I see this in many Riverton families when they teach the next generation that freedom and individual responsibility come hand in hand. It has been said that all of history’s great changes started at the dinner table.

The special kind of courage needed to preserve liberty is developed through community events like Riverton City’s Town Days where the patriotic spirit takes root. In towns like Riverton, Americans young and old come together to renew our devotion to protecting the liberty of our fellow citizens.

The future fortunes of our nation are tied up in our individual efforts to fight for freedom; ensuring all are treated fairly, rewarded for an honest day’s work, and exhibiting charity to our neighbors.

May God continue to bless Riverton City and our country with a people determined to preserve our liberty through small and large ways each and every day.

Riverton City’s Town Days is a place where the patriotic spirit takes root.

Riverton Reveals America’s Strength


Trent Staggs - Mayor

Andy Pierucci - District 1

Troy McDougal - District 2

Tawnee McCay - District 3

Tish Buroker - District 4

Spencer Haymond - District 5



July 16, 7 p.m.

PLANNING COMMISSION July, 11 & 25, 6:30 p.m.

CONTACT US rivertonutah.gov 801-254-0704

Report a problem at rivertonutah.gov/report



July is a wonderful month to reflect upon the principles our country and our state were founded on. Independence Day and Pioneer Day are set aside for us to celebrate the ideals that built America and Utah, as well as reflect on how to live up to these principles more fully. As the nation watches the embarrassing failures of Congress and the White House to find meaningful solutions to so many pressing issues over the last few months, we are regularly reminded that we cannot look to Washington for the change our country desperately needs. Washington is broken, but America is still strong.


in the family dinner conversations taking place in houses, apartments, mobile homes, and anywhere else a family lives. Conversations where everyday issues are discussed, and the moral fabric of our society is continually developed layer by layer.

strength is found in the home. It is manifested in the couples who embark on the journey of marriage and welcome new babies into this world, despite facing economic headwinds.”

America’s strength is found in the home. It is manifested in the couples who embark on the journey of marriage and welcome new babies into this world, despite facing economic headwinds. It can be heard

Our strength as a country is also seen in communities across the U.S. Places like Riverton, where locally elected public servants tackle the issues people really care about. The City Council once again adopted a balanced budget, because we understand how difficult living within a budget can be for a family with small children or a senior citizen on a fixed income. Every dollar counts in your household, and we ensure we do the same at city hall. In Riverton, we build roads to connect people rather than allow partisan gridlock to shut down our city. We prioritize funding our police department rather than jeopardize public safety by choking off resources to critical programs. Instead of allowing petty partisan conflicts to get in the way of necessary services, as local leaders we work with neighboring cities, the county, and the state, ensuring

access to life essential clean water and reliable energy by investing in critical infrastructure.

As we celebrate America’s Independence Day and Utah’s Pioneer Day, it is important to remember, despite the rhetoric we see on T.V. and the dysfunction Washington D.C. projects, America is still strong. America’s strength was never in D.C., and it will never be in D.C. It has always been in our families and in our local communities. It is in places like Riverton.

Happy Independence Day and Happy Pioneer Day Riverton!

Firework debris can be a major pollutant for our streams and rivers.

As you celebrate Independence Day and Pioneer Day in July, remember to sweep firework debris from roads, gutters, sidewalks, and driveways. We recommend placing debris from fireworks in a bucket of water before disposal.

Riverton’s strength has always been in our families and in our local community.

Riverton Police Excited to Celebrate 4th of July

The Riverton Police Department is excited to celebrate the 4th of July with the Riverton community.

The Riverton Town Days are known for exhilarating fun events, including parades, carnivals, fireworks, and many other attractions, not allowing unfortunate events to transpire. We, the Riverton Police Department, rely on all of you, our valued community members, to play a crucial role in preventing vehicle break-ins and burglaries. This can be done by not leaving firearms or high-dollar items in plain view and ensuring all vehicles are locked while you are enjoying the festivities.

We kindly ask everyone to keep a watchful eye on their children during the parade and other events to ensure public safety. If you notice anything unusual or suspicious, please don’t hesitate to report it. You can approach the nearest officer or call the non-emergency VECC dispatch number, 801-8404000, for immediate assistance. Your prompt reporting can help us maintain a safe environment for everyone.

The night of the fireworks draws thousands of spectators, and we look forward to this fun evening. We want you to feel confident in your safety, so we assure you that several officers will be present in the park and surrounding areas. We have decided to manage pedestrians and vehicles to free flow naturally instead of providing traffic control at the end of the night, which sometimes causes delays. So, we all need to be considerate and respectful to each other, not

only on this day but every day.

As the Riverton Police Department, our primary goal is to enhance the quality of life in our community. We are more than just a law enforcement agency; we are your dedicated partners in safety. Our commitment to data-driven strategies ensures the safety and security of the Riverton community, with your peace of mind as our top priority. We are here to support you and ensure that you have an enjoyable time this year at the Riverton Town Days.

Riverton Public Safety Night

Wednesday, August 7, 6-8 p.m. | Riverton City Park

Bring the family and come learn more about the Riverton Police Department and Unified Fire Authority. There will be activities, demonstrations, and lots of fun! Free and open to all.


The Utah Division of Water Resources publishes a weekly guide for how often lawn should be watered, based on weather conditions that week. Riverton residents are encouraged to follow the lawn watering guide on a weekly basis.

conservewater.utah.gov/ weekly-lawn-watering-guide

RivertonTown Days draws thousands of excited spectators and we look forward to this fun evening.



Friday Fun Nights in Riverton are a blast! With several events all happening at beautiful Riverton City Park, bring the family for a casual night out. Food trucks, summer market and vendors from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Entertainment begins around 6 p.m. and the outdoor movie begins at dusk. There are also three playgrounds and a splash pad at the park.


August 2 Great Salt Lake Yacht Club

August 9 Wildwood

August 16 Goodnight Richard

August 23 Steven Bosco

The Fall Classic Pickleball Tournament features a pool bracket, various divisions and players from all over Utah. Register at rivertonutah.gov/pickleball Utah Watercolor Society Exhibition Register: Fall Classic Pickleball Tournament Public Safety Night Register: Flag Football

Registration for Flag Football ends on August 1. Children in 1st-6th Grade are eligible to participate. Register online rivertonutah.gov/recreation

• League Begins Tuesday, September 3

The Riverton Police Department and Unified Fire Authority have a great family night with food, games and fun planned at Public Safety Night!

• Wednesday, August 7, 6-8 p.m., Riverton City Park

Come see some of the best watercolor paintings you’ve ever seen at the Utah Watercolor Society Exhibition. Learn more at rivertonutah.gov/exhibits.

• Exhibit opens July 31

September 20-21

City Park

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