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The Inspiring Story of the Isaacs

By Councilmember Troy McDougal

In today’s world, we see constant negativity with a focus on problems in our society. I prefer to see the good and wanted to share a great example of the good things good people are doing right here in Riverton.

On January 9 of this year, Riverton residents Mr. And Mrs. Isaac came to Riverton City Hall to pay a utility bill. When Mr. Isaac returned to his car, he found his wife unconscious in the passenger seat. He rushed back into the building calling for help. Two of our wonderful staff members, Deb Rekoutis and Jen Cannon, responded. Deb called 911 while Jen went to the parking lot to help Mrs. Isaac. The 911 dispatchers instructed them to take Mrs. Isaac out of the car and begin CPR.

Sergeant Anthony Brereton of the Riverton Police Department quickly responded and administered CPR that he had recently learned from City Risk Manager Aubrey Polino. Sergeant Brereton continued to perform CPR until Unified Fire Authority personnel arrived on scene. At that point, Captain Dave Lee, Heber Anderson, Tyler Cox, Dave Picke, Dawson Givens and Kevin Burningham tended to her until they arrived at Riverton Hospital where she would go on to receive the proper care that she needed.

Three months later, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Mr. and Mrs. Isaac at an April City Council Meeting. We thought it would be appropriate to highlight the ordinary, everyday people who jumped in to help a stranger in need. It was a special moment to see Mrs. Isaac meet and thank the individuals who helped save her life.

Everyone involved used the skills and talents they each possess to work as a united group for a positive outcome. They were not worried about who got the credit, media attention or compensation. They saw a need and acted.

I am proud to say that Riverton is full of people like that. Every day, good people are helping each other. This is just another reason why I love where I live.

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