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Balance Sheet – Governmental Funds


ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 Financial Section – Governmental Funds Financial Statements (continued) BALANCE SHEET – GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS - JUNE 30, 2022

Governmental Funds Capital Capital Special Special Nonmajor General Projects Fund Projects Fund Revenue Fund Revenue Fund Governmental

Fund Grants REDIIF RDA RLESA Funds Total


Cash and cash equivalents 6,712,736$ 2,621,923$ 4,378,670$ 77,918$ 2,483,944$ 3,606,255$ 19,881,446 $ Restricted cash and cash equivalents 1,419,594 - 418,775 - - 2,856,491 4,694,860 Receivables:

Accounts 134,803 - - - - - 134,803

Property and sales taxes 1,986,708 - - - 6,200,719 - 8,187,427

Franchise taxes - - 239,226 - - - 239,226

Intergovernmental 638,500 - - 1,309,083 - - 1,947,583 Prepaids 159,168 - - - - - 159,168 Evidence held in trust 1,490 - - - - - 1,490 Land held for resale - - 1,515,038 - - - 1,515,038 Total assets 11,052,999 $ 2,621,923$ 6,551,709$ 1,387,001$ 8,684,663$ 6,462,746$ 36,761,041 $


Accounts payable 1,057,004$ -$ 55,302$ 77,918$ -$ 445,073$ 1,635,297 $ Accrued liabilities 218,491 - - - - - 218,491 Developer and customer deposits 1,182,846 - - - - 46,440 1,229,286 Cash held in trust 1,490 - - - - - 1,490 Due to other governments 44,392 - - - - - 44,392 Unearned revenue 138,845 - - - - - 138,845 Total liabilities 2,643,068 - 55,302 77,918 - 491,513 3,267,801


Unavailable revenue - property taxes - - - 1,309,083 6,143,290 - 7,452,373 Total deferred inflows of resources - - 1,309,083 6,143,290 - 7,452,373



Prepaids 159,168 - - - - - 159,168 Restricted:

Impact fees - - - - - 2,737,897 2,737,897

Class C roads 1,802,330 - - - - - 1,802,330 Committed:

Economic development - - 6,496,407 - - 6,496,407 Assigned:

Capital outlays - 2,621,923 - - - 3,233,336 5,855,259

Law enforcement - - - - 2,541,373 - 2,541,373 Unassigned 6,448,433 - - - - - 6,448,433 Total fund balances 8,409,931 2,621,923 6,496,407 - 2,541,373 5,971,233 26,040,867

Total liabilities, deferred inflows of

resources and fund balances 11,052,999 $ 2,621,923$ 6,551,709$ 1,387,001$ 8,684,663$ 6,462,746$ 36,761,041 $

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