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Town releases remuneration report for council, committee members

By Ron Giofu

The Town of Amherstburg has released its remuneration report for 2022.

The report, issued by treasurer Tracy Prince, shows how much remuneration was earned by each member of council as well as committee members. This year’s report includes members of the previous town council as well as the current town council as the new term of council started Nov. 15, 2022.

Remuneration for town council members includes their salaries, communication allowances, per diems and other expenses such as conferences, receptions as well as travel and mileage.

Former mayor Aldo DiCarlo’s total remuneration for 2022 was $58,785.86. That includes his $42,074.34 salary as mayor, $948 as his communication allowance, $6,500 in remuneration from being on the Windsor Police Services Board (WPSB) and $8,455.37 in remuneration from being part of the Essex Power board of directors.

DiCarlo’s remuneration for the WPSB was paid by the City of Windsor while his Essex Power remuneration came from Essex Power.

Former deputy mayor Leo Meloche saw his total remuneration listed as $28,465.14. Broken down, that includes a $304.18 communication allowance, $101.70 attributed to public receptions and $56.12 in mileage.

Mayor Michael Prue’s total remuneration was $28,378.85 for 2022. That includes a total salary of $26,053.85, with about 10.5 months of salary being during his time as a councillor and that remaining 1.5 months as mayor, after taking over the chair from DiCarlo in mid-November. Prue’s communication allowance was $414.14 and his per diem was $1,400. Travel and mileage expenses for Prue totalled $330.86. Prue also received an additional $180 per diem for his time on the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) board.

Councillor Peter Courtney saw his 2022 remuneration reported as $26,446.56 with $26,010.66 coming from his council work. That includes his $24,249.72 salary, a communication allowance of $1,210.94, a per diem of $400 and a public receptions total of $150. He also received $435.90 for sitting on the ERCA board.

Councillor Don McArthur’s total for last year was $24,849.72, including his $24,249.72 salary and a per diem reported at $600.

Former councillors Marc Renaud and Patricia Simone each had a salary of $22,228.91 for last year, as their terms ended Nov. 15. No further remuneration was reported for either one of them.

Deputy Mayor Chris Gibb’s remuneration was $3,265.99 including his salary of $2,545.74, a communication allowance of $120.25 and a per diem of $600.

Councillor Molly Allaire saw her 2022 remuneration be listed as $2,710.71, with her salary being $2,020.81 and her per diem be $600. Allaire also had a per diem and mileage expense of $89.90 for being on the ERCA board.

Councillors Linden Crain saw his remuneration for last year listed as $2,620.81. That includes $2,020.81 as a salary and a per diem of $600.

Councillor Diane Pouget’s total remuneration for 2022 was $2,420.81, with her salary also being $2,020.81 with Pouget’s per diem being $400.

Allaire, Crain and Pouget joined council Nov. 15.

Bill Wark, the town’s second member on the Essex Power board, saw his remuneration listed as $9,263.52. That was paid by Essex Power. Marolyn Morrison, who also served on ERCA board in 2020, saw her listed with a per diem of $60.

Honorariums for the committee of adjustment totalled $4,050 in 2022. Committee members Terris Buchanan, Anthony Campigotto, David Cozens and Donald Shaw each received an honorarium of $750.

Per diems for the accessibility advisory committee totalled $950 with committee members Shirley CursonPrue, Chris Drew and Tony Pietrangelo each receiving $250 while Christine Easterbrook’s per diem was $200.

Drainage board members earned a total of $4,200 in honorariums last year. That included Robert Bezaire at $750, Anthony Campigotto at $825, Brad Laramie and Allan Major each at $900 and Bob Pillon at $825.

Heritage committee member Robert Honor received $715.38 to cover his expenses for attending the Ontario Heritage Conference.

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