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Charges laid against driver after crash

An accident at the intersection of Thomas Road and Texas Road resulted in a pair of charges for one driver.

According to the Windsor Police Service – Amherstburg Detachment, the crash resulted in one of the drivers allegedly fleeing the scene. Police say that person, a 27-year-old Windsor male, was later located and charged for impaired operation and failing to remain at the scene of an accident. No serious injuries were reported, police add.

The accident occurred March 5.

Another accident

The Windsor Police Service – Amherstburg Detachment reported a minor accident at the corner of County Road 18 (Pike Road) and County Road 9 (Howard Ave.) last week. Police classify the accident as minor and report there were no injuries. It occurred March 7.

—All information courtesy of the Windsor Police Service - Amherstburg Detachment historical photos for inspiration,” Coates stated in his report.

Coates added his belief the building at 79 Murray St. wouldn’t be considered “a good candidate for designation” under the Ontario Heritage Act “as its current condition and notable gaps in the history would make it challenging under the new requirements of Ontario Regulation 9/06.”

“There is moderate cultural risk in taking no action on this property. Further deterioration of the property will result in the potential loss of the properties contribution to the cultural fabric of the Town of Amherstburg. The property has not been occupied in some time and deterioration of the structure from age and weather intrusion is evident,” stated Coates. “There is the opportunity now to stabilize the building and the structure so that it does not fall further into disrepair.”

“They have put together what I think is a great project,” Coates told the committee at Thursday night’s meeting.

Heritage committee chair Simon Chamley called the proposed restoration “very exciting” and asked if there were any plans to pursue a heritage designation in the future, with Rossetto indicating they may consider pursuing it in the future after further evaluation.

Deputy Mayor Chris Gibb said based on the report, the proponents “get what we’re trying to do.”

“Amherstburg is trying to maintain what we have,” said Gibb.

Councillor Linden Crain said he hopes the project creates additional “spinoff” for Murray St, where he said additional businesses have opened in recent years.

“I think Murray St. is a gem of a street in Amherstburg and we’re starting to see spinoff on there,” he said.

Committee member Stephanie Pouget-Papak added her belief the proponents have done “a wonderful job” and the development is a good example of adaptive re-use.

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