2 minute read

More WSO concerts planned for Amherstburg as the year goes on

Continued from Page 6

The “Family Concert Series” is sponsored by the Dan Gemus Family with Richard and Colleen Peddie sponsoring Saturday afternoon’s concert in Amherstburg.

“It was just beautiful. Kids were dancing, they loved it,” said Bunde.

The “Family Concert Series” has been an initiative of the WSO since 2008 and this year, there are four shows planned.

The remaining show is in April 1 at the Capitol Theatre in Windsor and the “Tour Mexico with Francisco” is a nod to Hernandez Bolanos, who is from Mexico.

“That will be a whole lot of fun,” said Bunde.

Bunde added there will be more WSO events in Amherstburg this year, with dates to be announced.

“We love to come out,” she said. “Everyone loves Amherstburg.”

Enbridge Gas Inc. Notice of Study Commencement and Information Sessions

Boblo Island Community Expansion Project

Enbridge Gas Inc. (Enbridge Gas) is proposing to construct the Boblo Island Community Expansion Project (the “Project”) to supply the community of Boblo Island with affordable natural gas. The Project is located in the Town of Amherstburg, Essex County, Ontario.

The Project will involve the construction of approximately 2.9 kilometres (km) of a combination of 2-inch plastic and 4-inch steel pipeline. The proposed pipeline will tie-in to an existing Enbridge Gas 4-inch steel pipeline near the intersection of Dalhousie Street and Park Street in Amherstburg. The pipeline will cross the Detroit River (approximately 600m) to reach Boblo Island. The distribution system on the island will be approximately 2.3 km in length. The Project is planned to be within the existing municipal road Right-of-Way (RoW) with the potential for Temporary Working Space (TWS). The proposed pipeline route has been developed for purposes of an assessment of potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts and does not represent the final project scope/design that will provide access to natural gas to end-use customers. For further details, please refer to the map below.

Consultation with Indigenous communities and engagement with landowners, government agencies, the general public, and other interested persons is an integral component of the planning process. As such, two Information Session options will be held.

As a result of inclement weather, the planned Inperson Information Session on February 22, 2023 was cancelled and has been rescheduled as follows:

In-person Information Session

Monday, March 20, 2023

5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Libro Credit Union Centre

3295 Meloche Road, Amherstburg, ON

Virtual Information Session

Tuesday, February 21, 2023, to Tuesday, March 7, 2023 https://www.solutions.ca/Enbridge-BobloIsland

A copy of the Information Session story boards will be available for viewing on the Enbridge Gas project website provided below. A questionnaire will be available as part of the Information Sessions, and you will have the opportunity to provide comments and/or questions about the proposed Project. Input received during the Information Sessions will be used to develop sitespecific environmental protection and mitigation measures for the Project. Input and comments for the Project should be provided by April 19, 2023

As part of the planning process, Enbridge Gas has retained Stantec Consulting Ltd. (Stantec) to undertake an Environmental Study for the Project. The Environmental Study will fulfill the requirements of the Ontario Energy Board’s (OEB) “Environmental Guidelines for the Location, Construction, and Operation of Hydrocarbon Pipelines and Facilities in Ontario, 7th Edition (2016)”. It is anticipated that an Environmental Report for the study will be completed in June 2023, after which Enbridge Gas will file an application to request an OEB Leave to Construct (LTC) for the Project. Should the OEB find the Project to be in the public’s interest, construction is anticipated to commence as early as Q2 2024.

For any questions or comments regarding the Environmental Study or the proposed Boblo Island Community Expansion Project, please reach out to:

Michael Candido

Environmental Scientist

Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Telephone: (519) 585-3439 Email: BobloEA@stantec.com

Or visit the project website at: https://www.enbridgegas.com/BobloIsland

There will also be other concerts in and around Windsor-Essex County during the year. Details are at www.windsorsymphony.com.

“We’re going to get out into the community,” said Bunde.

Bunde praised the work of Armstrong and Wearne.

“It was a whole lot of fun having them with the orchestra,” said Bunde.

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