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Book Review

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Book Review

Book Review

The Secret Book of Flora Lea

By: Patti Callahan Henry

This is a story of two young sisters, Hazel and Flora, who are evacuated during the air raids of World War two. To create a safe place for her sister, Hazel creates an imaginary world they can escape to. Then her sister disappears, and she never speaks of or thinks of it again. Until the day she discovers a book that perfectly describes the magical world she had created for Flora. How could this be? A beautifully told tale of mystery and love in a time of war, and storytelling that captures a love for books and imagination.

Submitted by River Bookshop Staff - Bookseller Darrie-Ann

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Laura Vitella

In Loving Memory of Janette Marontate

November 11, 1941 - May 9, 2021

Though your smile is gone forever and your laugh we cannot hear Still we have so many memories of the one we loved so dear Your memory is our keepsake with which we’ll never part God has you in his keeping and we have you in our hearts.

Len Marontate and Family

In Loving Memory of our brother and uncle who passed away 24 years ago.

Frank Ventura


Congratulations to Laura Vitella for her outstanding achievement of graduating with honors (cum laude) from the Masters of Theology program at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. Her hard work, dedication, and passion have paid off. Through God’s grace, we wish you continued success and we hope that you continue to use your knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the world. We are so proud of you.

Love, Frank, Lauren, Joshua, Livia, and Anita



In Loving Memory of ronald Joseph IMesun

May 9 2022

It’s been 1 year since you left me. Losing you shattered my heart in millions of pieces. The heartache and tears never goes away. You’re always on my mind and forever in my heart. I miss you and love you so much, till we meet again Sweetie.

Love Babe, xo

Community Calendar

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August 17, 1956 - May 11, 1999

There is always a face before us, a voice we would love to hear. A smile we will always remember, of a brother we Iove so dear.

Deep in our hearts fond memories are kept, To cherish and never forget.

Missed more each day, Anna, Linda, Vince and families.

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Vista 365-369 Dalhousie. Large, clean, quiet with security entrance. Laundry, patio or balcony, stainless steel appliances, parking. Centrally located to all amenities. Starting at $1395 utilities included. Call to view 519-995-1565.

- 297 Fryer St. Saturday & Sunday May 13 & 14.


GIGANTIC COMMUNITYWIDE YARD SALESaturday, May 20, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm at Wildwood Golf & RV Resort 11112 11th Concession, McGregor. Many bargains. Rain date May 21. Everyone welcome, see you there.




GIFTS BY PATRICIAClocks & Clocks, Trisha Romance Plates, Pink & more. Anne of Green Gables Dolls, Books & More. Avon Mother’s Day Small Plates 1981 to 1996. Call 519-736-6407 or 519726-6219 for appt.

WANTED TO BUY WANTED JACK MINER GOOSE BANDS - will pay $50-$225. Call Ted 519919-4716.

WANTED TO BUY SELLING YOUR GOLD SILVER JEWELRY ALL Coins? ** Locally Owned* 55 Years of “SATISIFIED CUSTOMERS” FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION Friday, May 12 at K of C Hall, 190 Richmond St. Amherstburg. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Private Appointments FREE ESTIMATES Buying + Selling ALL Gold +Silver JEWELRY Even some Costume Any Gold(even teeth) **OLD COINS Canada USA World War Costume Jewelry War Medals Windup Watches Mint sets House Locally Owned* 55 Years of “SATISIFIED CUSTOMERS” Dan Jones B.A.B.Ed. 519-818-1805.


MUSIC OFF THE BACK PORCH - Outdoor music fundraiser to be held behind the Park House Museum, 214 Dalhousie St., starting at 6 p.m. No admission, donations welcome. Weather permitting. Entertainment to be Joe Perry and Friends. Bring your own lawn chairs.


PLANT SALE - Being presented by the Ambassador Horticultural Society in LaSalle. Runs from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at Heritage Park Alliance Church parking lot (2501 6th Concession). For information, visit www.facebook.com/ LaSalleAmbassadorHorticulturalSociety or e-mail horticultualsociety@mdirect.net.


BELLE VUE FUNDRAISER - Windsor Symphony Orchestra (WSO) youth orchestra presenting “Looking to the Future,” a performance by the Windsor Symphony Youth Orchestra string quartet. Concert being held at Christ Church (317 Ramsay St. in Amherstburg), starts at 3 p.m. Proceeds support the window restoration program for the 200-year-old National Historic Site Belle Vue. Tickets $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Advance tickets sold at River Bookshop, Marsh Historical Collection, Gordon House and the Gibson Gallery. For information, call 519-736-7586 or visit www.bellevueconservancy.com.


ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 157 MAY MEMBERSHIP EVENT - New members - pay for two years and receive your third year of membership free! Veterans (currently serving & retired) and their family members are also eligible for first year of membership free! Contact Branch 157 for details rclbranch157@cogeco.net 519-736-4485.

FREE COMMUNITY MEAL - Lighthouse Church, in conjunction with Feeding Windsor, invites the public to come every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. for a free dinner. Everyone welcome. Come meet others in the community and enjoy some good food. No registration required. Bring a friend! Lighthouse Church is located at 266 King St. (entrance off Gore St.).

Scramble Answer Lash Sudoku Answers

Sudoku Answers

MENTAL HEALTH & COUNSELLING SERVICES - The Youth Wellness Hub presenting mental health and counselling services at The House Youth Centre. Starts Feb. 8 and will run every Wednesday from 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. Free for people between the ages of 12-25. The House is located within the Amherstburg Community Hub at 320 Richmond St. For details, call 519-800-8640.

MISSION HOURS - The Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission, 298 Victoria St. S., is open from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. with lunch served between 12-1 p.m. Mission food bank open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m.-11:45 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. For info, call 519-736-9140 or visit www. aburgmission.ca. Stop by for food, fellowship and a warm welcome.

GOLDEN AGE CLUB - The Golden Age Club, Amherstburg’s friendship club, located at the Libro Recreation Centre is offering social activities five days a week. It costs $10 a year to join. There are over 160 members who have a lot of fun playing euchre, pepper, bingo, cribbage, and bridge and doing line dancing. We also have three special luncheons and a beautiful Christmas party each year. You pick which activities you want to participate in. Go to our website www.goldenagecentre.ca.

JUNIOR OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL - Looking for youth in Grades 4-12 who are interested in giving back to the community and developing leadership skills. Contact Caitlin at 519-995-5289 or secretary@bryerswood.com.

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