5 minute read

Admirals add local product to its defense corps

By RTT Staff

The Amherstburg Admirals have made another addition to its roster.

The local Jr. C hockey club have announced they have signed Declan McGrath, a local player who has played much of his career in Amherstburg.

The announcement came over the weekend via the team’s social media sites.

“The Admirals have signed 2005-born defenseman Declan McGrath,” the team stated. “Declan is an Amherstburg native and product of Amherstburg Minor Hockey, playing this past season with the U18 Stars.”

According to the Admirals: “He will wear #44 in Admiral Blue & Gold, but he won’t be too hard to find on the ice.” because money still had to be counted and some bills had to be paid.

McGrath stands 6’5”, weights 240 pounds and is a right-hand shot defenseman.

Forward Jake Archer, forward Evan Cote, goalie Joe Costea, and forward Finnigan Russett have also been added to the Admirals roster in recent weeks.

The team plans to switch the primary night of its home games from Sunday to Saturday for 2023-24, though there will still be a handful of Sunday night home games.

“Our 2022-23 term was the first one to be in-person since we moved,” said Shearon.

The House Youth Centre learned a lot about what worked, what didn’t and what the youth needed in their youth centre, Shearon explained.

New ideas are planned for the 2023-24 term, she added, including a youth committee and a scholarship program for Grade 12 youth.

For more information about The House Youth Centre, please visit www.thehouseyouthcentre.com or call 519-736-6811.

They are located within the Amherstburg Community Hub at 320 Richmond St.


THUR., AUG. 3- SAT., AUG. 5

HOPE OF ST. JOSEPH CHARITY YARD SALEhuge two-weekend Charity Yard Sale July 27-29 and Aug. 3-5. Held at Mary and Marc Beneteau’s home, located at 3560 Middle Side Rd. (County Road 10) in Amherstburg. Wide selection of goods and clothing. Runs 9 a.m.-4 p.m. each day. No sale on Sundays this year. For info, call Mary at 519-996-4800.



- Presented by the Amherstburg Freedom Museum. Held at the Hellenic Cultural Centre, 3052 Walker Rd, Windsor.

Admission: $75/ticket – Please purchase tickets no later than August 3. Special guests include former NBA player Earl Cureton and music by Renée King-Jackson. Tickets may be purchased online at https://amherstburgfreedom. org/emancipation/. For assistance or more information please phone the museum at 519-736-5433.


MUSIC OFF THE BACK PORCH - Held in back of the Park House Museum, weather permitting, at 214 Dalhousie St. in Amherstburg. Performances by Stranger and Blue Grass Boys. Starts at 6 p.m. Free to attend, donations welcome. Bring your own lawn chair. www. parkhousemuseum.com


WATERCRAFT RIDE FOR DAD - The Amherstburg Watercraft Ride for Dad is back. Being held at River Canard Yacht Club. Gates open 8 a.m.-6 p.m. for the sportsmen vendors and flea market. Ride will start around 12:3 0 p.m., heading to the forer Esso docks and back. $40 entry fee. Any sponsors or vendors, please call Hammerhead Marine & Sport Co. 519-713-9313 or Amherstburg Yacht Club and River Canard Yacht Club



GOLF TOURNAMENT - Held at Coachwood Golf & Country Club, 7525 Howard Ave., in McGregor. Registration at 7:45 a.m., shotgun start at 8:30 a.m., reception and awards at 2 p.m. $150 per golfer ($65 for dinner only). For more information or to be a sponsor, call 519-816-6722, e-mail aburgmission@yahoo.com or visit www.aburgmission.ca.


COLUMBUS COMMUNITY HALL MEALS - Columbus Community Hall, 190 Richmond St., serving burgers and fries for purchase, Monday 12-2 p.m., bingo on Thursday at 7 p.m. (big jackpot this week), Fish Fry on Friday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. all throughout the summer. Thanks to all the sponsors of fish fries and great job Miracle League who raised over $900 including the dessert table.

FREE COMMUNITY MEAL - Lighthouse Church, in conjunction with Feeding Windsor, invites the public to come every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. for a free dinner. Everyone welcome. Come meet others in the community and enjoy some good food. No registration required. Bring a friend! Lighthouse Church is located at 266 King St. (entrance off Gore St.).


- The Youth Wellness Hub presenting mental health and counselling services at The House Youth Centre. Runs every Wednesday from 2-6 p.m. Free for people between the ages of 12-25. The House is located within the Amherstburg Community Hub at 320 Richmond St. For details, call 519-800-8640

MISSION HOURS - The Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission, 298 Victoria St. S., is open from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. with lunch served between 12-1 p.m. Mission food bank open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m.-11:45 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. For info, call 519-736-9140 or visit www.aburgmission.ca. Stop by for food, fellowship and a warm welcome.

GOLDEN AGE CLUB - The Golden Age Club, Amherstburg’s friendship club, located at the Libro Recreation Centre is offering social activities five days a week. It costs $10 a year to join. There are over 160 members who have a lot of fun playing euchre, pepper, bingo, cribbage, and bridge and doing line dancing. We also have three special luncheons and a beautiful Christmas party each year. You pick which activities you want to participate in. Go to our website www. goldenagecentre.ca.

JUNIOR OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL - Looking for youth in Grades 4-12 who are interested in giving back to the community and developing leadership skills. Contact Caitlin at 519-995-5289 or secretary@bryerswood.com.

BINGOS - K of C Hall in River Canard at 7 p.m. Dine-in BBQ first Friday of the month, call in advance for tickets –519-734-8575.

ACS FOOD BANK - Curbside pickup at Amherstburg Community Hub (320 Richmond St.). Runs MondayFriday 9 a.m.-12 noon. Call 519-736-5471 for assistance.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Community service volunteer hours are available for high school students. Outside jobs at Bryerswood Youth Camp. Please contact info@ bryerswood.com. Thank you.

BOTTLE DONATIONS - The AMA Sportsmen Association continues to accept donations of empty beer and wine bottles. People who wish to donate their empties can drop them off at the rear of the club, 468 Lowes Side Road in Amherstburg. For information, visit www.amasportsmen. com or call 519-736-5706.

MISSION NEEDS DONATIONS - The Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission, 298 Victoria St. S., needs donations, including bleach, Lysol wipes, face masks, canned tuna, canned peas, canned cut green beans, canned peas & carrots, ketchup, egg noodles, sugar, powdered juice, canned fruit, honey, macaroni & cheese, Sidekicks, ranch dressing, kidney beans, peanut butter, jam, cookies and baggies. Monetary donations welcome. For info or to donate, visit www.aburgmission.ca or call 519-736-9140.

FOUNDERS CLUB - Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club seeking donors to join the “Founders Club.” Donors help fund general operations fund of the camp. Donors with gifts of $5,000 and over become “Founders Club” members and have one square of camp property sponsored in their name. Multiple squares are available for sponsorship. Tax receipts provided. For info, visit www. bryerswood.com, call 519-996-7364 or e-mail info@ bryerswood.com.

AMHERSTBURG COMMUNITY SERVICES - Located at 320 Richmond St., 519-736-5471. Meals on Wheels, CareLink Accessible Transportation, Food Bank, Senior Support, Keep The Heat, Ontario Energy Support Program & much more. Please call to see how we can help!

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