What is a biblical fact you learned about Ephesians through this video? What stuck out to you? Let’s take a look & read Ephesians 1:22 23, how could this affect our walks as believers? When we hear about God changing the perspective of Paul, reflect on your personal life. Has there ever been a time when you had a perspective shift? How did it shape & mold you personally? How did it affect your view of God positively? Out of all the various themes in Ephesians, love, grace, faith & the body of Christ, which one do you think you practice well and what area do you think you are being challenged in? When thinking about Paul’s life and transformation, have you had a moment where God transformed you? In what way did he do this? How has it changed your perspective of Him now? What is a character of God we can see throughout Ephesians 1 2? How can we apply what we learned to our everyday lives? How does this apply to the way we interact with others?
Ephesians Disciple U Andrew Snead Part I: Unity in Christ
Part II: The Divine Mystery Read Ephesians 3:14 19. What was the divine mystery that Andrew talked about? What does this mean for all of us? How has salvation shaped you? If you have yet to experience salvation, what do you think is holding you back? Have you ever felt like something stood between you and God? How did you process or work through that? Whenever ‘therefore’ is used it is said to look back and see what it is there for, can you look back at a time in your life when this seemed to be true? All of us have different gifts in the body of Christ, what do you think is one of the gifts that God has given to you, to contribute to the body of Christ? What is one way you can be better stewards of the gifts God has given you? How do you think we can be an encouragement to other believers in their gifts? How have you seen the church operate in coming alongside others and supporting them? Do you feel like the church comes alongside people? If so share ways you have been blessed by this If not, share some ways the church could grow and be more supportive of others.
Part III: A New Way to Live Let’s read Ephesians 4:17 5:14 || What sticks out to you? What challenges you in this passage? What is an encouragement to you? Read Ephesians 4:23-24. What do you think it means to “put on your new nature?” What do you think it looks like to be a Christ follower? What does this passage say it looks like? Ephesians encourages us to take no part in sin. Read Ephesians 5:10 14; what is an area in your life that you struggle to live in a new way? What are ways you can renew your Spirit & live in a new way, despite the struggle? How can we as believers make the most of every opportunity? What does this look like in our jobs? With our families? Friends? The end of this passage talks about drunkenness and the negative repercussions it can have in someone’s life. Just as any other sin can have repercussions, what are some ways to combat this sin in our lives?
Part V: A Spirit-Empowered Life Read Ephesians 6:10-24; out of all the different parts of armor described what is the easiest one for you to wear and which part is the most challenging to put on? What are ways we can live a more Spirit empowered life? Who lives this out well in your life? How does it encourage your faith?
What do you think is meant when Paul talks about “a mutual submission to one another?” What do you think a healthy Christ centered marriage could look like? What do you think a healthy Christ-centered friendship could look like? When it talks about us being equal with God, how does this make you think and feel? How do we support and encourage one another to be a part of Christ centered relationships?
Part IV: Christ-Centered Relationships
Describe and tell us about a healthy Christ centered relationship you have witnessed or been a part of (marriage, friendship, family, etc.). What aspects of the relationship do you believe made it to be a Christ-centered relationship?
When talking about prayer what are your prayer patterns and habits? How does this passage challenge your prayer life? How can we prepare ourselves for attacks? How do we combat the schemes of the enemy? What is the hardest part of this passage and how does it continue to challenge your faith and the way you live?