2014-2015 newsletteR
Riverviews Creates Community Dear Friend, I hope the New Year finds you well and ready for an exciting update about our G3 project—the newly renovated space at Riverviews which is set to open by the end of 2014. We want you, as a part of our family, to be involved, and I’m delighted to share some exciting updates about the project. So what does the expansion mean for the Riverviews community? The Staff and Board of Directors of Riverviews Artspace are committed to making Riverviews the most welcoming arts center in Central Virginia, and to expanding and enhancing our studios and galleries to better bring together art and people of all ages. For the past few months, we have been expanding to the ground floor on the Jefferson Street side of the building. These renovations will increase our engagement with the public and create an even more welcoming arts environment. CoNTINueD oN FoLLoWING PAGe
COnTInued fROm pRevIOus pAge
Imagine the Riverviews Artist Co-op Gallery, The Rosel H. Schewel Theatre, a Riverviews Artist Incubator Studio, the Riverviews Reading/Conference Room and Riverviews staff offices on one floor with an expanded and reorganized entrance, glass doors and new walls for art, and performances opening directly onto Jefferson Street —renovations creating an inviting public gathering space, free for everyone, and an enhancement to the exciting renovations in downtown Lynchburg!
These renovations will provide 20% more space for artists to work! Our programming will expand and we will support new artists. The renovated Riverviews Artspace is more open, accessible, and engaging. It is a place for both contemplation and conversation—a place for many creative stories.
CALENDAR Exhibitions n Jan. 2–Feb. 20, Christina Massey and Page Turner
These two artists use methods of construction, deconstruction, repurposing, and reassembling. n Mar. 6–Apr. 17, Ankica Mitrovska
Influenced by German Expressionism, Surrealism, and Graffiti Art, Mitrovska’s charcoal drawings of humananimal mutants are intended to overwhelm in grand scale installations. n May 1–June 19, Alicia DeBrincat
Debrincat’s work combines photography, printmaking, and painting to examine our relationship to the archive, and to explore the relationship between image-making and our understanding of human experience. n July 3–Aug. 21, Riverviews Community
Biennial Exhibition Featuring the entire community of Riverviews artists.
This vision will be fully realized over the coming year, but there is much work ahead of us. We will continue to update you as more artists join the Riverviews Artspace community and we expand our programming for the public. I encourage you to visit our website for more information, sign up for emails and visit us at Jefferson and 9th Streets. Please be a part of this remarkable transformation. Your participation and input are welcomed! I look forward to hearing from you.
n Sept. 4–Oct. 23, Christy Puetz and Ingrid
With best wishes and thanks for your support,
April 2015,“BEAT BURG” returns on April 1 with the mission of enabling every single person in downtown Lynchburg to encounter a poem. Works by local poets will be featured on restaurant coasters and downtown building banners. Other events include the Beat Poet Opening Night Party, Teen Poetry Slam, Dead Poets Closing Night Party, and more.
Mary Ann Racin Executive Director
Restemayer Puetz and Restemayer have collaborated for over 20 years. Both artists strive to honor yet transform traditional fiber art techniques into progressive and thought provoking pieces of 2D and 3D art. n Nov. 6–Dec. 18, 7th Annual Juried Show
Riverviews celebrates artists across the Commonwealth.
bEAtbURG 2015
smAll thEAtRE/biG scREEn Our Monthly Films return with the grand re-opening of the Rosel H. Schewel Theatre in January. Check the website and Facebook page for details and updates. Films to include: n Grand Budapest Hotel n Belle n The Maze Runner n Gone Girl n Wild n INTERSTELLAR n Oct. 2015, 10th Annual CINEviews Film
Festival/Disposable Film Festival CINEviews10/DFF is dedicated to celebrating short film made using every day technology.
FiRst FRiDAYs n Lynchburg’s monthly progressive art parties take place
at Riverviews and many other venues in the Arts and Cultural District and beyond. Live music, art, children’s activities, wine, beer and more art! Every First Friday 5:30-8pm. Free.
stay connected!
Laura Dreyer RiveRviews
ARtist spotlight
interviewed by sylvia Noyes, exhibitions and program Manager
How did you end up in Lynchburg and at Riverviews? I moved to Lynchburg from New York City where I had been working as an illustrator at a design agency and working on a series of paintings. I have two sisters living here in Lynchburg, and every time I came down on the train to visit, I loved being so close to nature and family and decided to move here in September. What do you like most about working at Riverviews? I work at TOOLRY, the collaborative creative workspace on the first floor of Riverviews, and I love it there. The attention to detail of the space, the light, the community—it comes together to make a place where I feel very safe and encouraged to create among other creatives who all want to be there too.
photo by matt Addington
What is your primary media? I paint portraits and surrealist portraits, and for my illustration work, I use anything from colored
RIveRvIews welCOmes seven new BOARd memBeRs
pencil to Adobe Illustrator and a Wacom tablet. How do you think Lynchburg will affect (or does affect) your work? Spending time connecting with nature here and letting it inform and inspire my artwork is such an experience unlike any other to me. The trees in the parks and trails open me to so many new ideas and to hearing and feeling God. What is the first thing you do when you get to your work space at Riverviews? Say hi to everyone, grab a glass of water and get to work!
48 Riverviews supports arts activity by providing studio and living spaces for artists. There are 48 artists in 55 units!
DAvID SCHWARTz is Professor of Philosophy at Randolph College, where he has taught for 16 years. He is also the creator of The Ant Car, a mobile artwork that cruises the streets of Lynchburg and beyond. JENNIFER L. GAuTHIER is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Randolph College, where she teaches courses in communication, cultural studies and film studies. Jennifer has been involved in Riverviews Film Programs including the CINEviews Film Festival since 2005. ESTHER S. MCGuINN runs a law firm in Lynchburg, where she has practiced law for over 20 years. She enjoys and supports the local visual and performing arts. She also enjoys visiting museums, galleries, and art festivals when she travels to new places.
TeRRy mIlleR
Anne nygAARd
BROOkE MARCy is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Art at Randolph College, having previously taught at George Mason University. She thinks of herself primarily as an oil painter and has an art studio at Riverviews. She will leave the board in 2015 when she will join the Riverviews Staff as the Curator.
photo by Andrew wilds
ESTHER S. MCGuINN TERRy MILLER is a retired orthopaedic surgeon who practiced in Lynchburg for over 30 years. Terry and his wife, Martha, were the first people to put their possessions in the Riverviews building when he retired in 2003, and are now full-time residents at Riverviews.
ANNE NyGAARD is a Lynchburg native and a graduate of E.C. Glass High School, and currently works as a planner for the City of Lynchburg in the Department of Community Development. Anne is passionate about creating walkable, healthy and vibrant urban areas and sees the arts as playing a critical role in that. DR. LEANNE zALEWSkI has been teaching modern and contemporary art at Randolph College since 2010. She adores the visual and performing arts, especially dance. More about our Board members at riverviews.net/about-2/board-of-directors/
Give for ARt A thriving arts and culture scene doesn’t happen by accident. In addition to vision and hard work, it takes money. Exhibition costs need to be offset, gallery heating and light bills need to be paid, staff needs to be paid, artists, writers and filmmakers need to earn a living, equipment needs updates and repairs, postcards need to be mailed, and educational materials need to be printed. Without these things and many more, Lynchburg would not enjoy the benefits of an arts environment that makes this a great place to live and an attractive destination for visitors. Most programs at Riverviews are free to the public, or have a small fee or suggested donation. We are dependent on public support to keep our doors open. Your donation, no matter how small, matters to us!
please Give Generously to Riverviews today! Online at riverviews.net/giving or mail a check to: Riverviews, 901 Jefferson Street, #G3, Lynchburg, VA 24504
Contributing to Riverviews creates a ripple effect of benefits for the entire community. even if the arts aren’t your thing, you will benefit through a safer, more robust neighborhood and economy.
Photo by Susan Sandholland
Riverviews Artspace thAnks ouR suppoRteRs (Dec. 2013–nov. 2014) Visionary $10,000+ Mrs. Don Harrington Connoisseur $1000-$9999 Mr. Larry Bassett CSX City of Lynchburg Greater Lynchburg Community Trust Dr. Cecilia & Mr. Andrew MacCallum Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacCallum Virginia Commission for the Arts afiCionado $500-$999 Mr. Shann Arrington Mrs. Lois Feinblatt Moore & Giles Pathology Consultants of Central Virginia Mr. Don Pendleton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schewel Ms. Linda Edwards & Mr. Jim Sikkema Dr. & Mrs. Michael Valentine deVotee $250-$499 Areva, Inc. CB Fleet Co., Inc. Mrs. Ron Dolan Dr. Kenneth Garren Dr. Jennifer Gauthier Ms. Lou Gregory & Mr. Tom Seamon Mr. & Mrs. William Harris Mr. & Mrs. Russ Jensen Ms. Beth Packert & Mr. Richard Burke R-MWC Alumnae & Randolph College Alumni Association Mr. & Mrs. Evans Ross The Honorable & Mrs. Elliot Schewel Dr. Elizabeth Perry & Mr. Vic Sizemore enthusiast $100-$249 Mr. & Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie Ms. Sheila Alexander Ms. Naomi Amos Mrs. Mary Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Monroe G. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ball Rev. & Mrs. Paul Boothby Mr. & Mrs. John Bower Mr. Beverley Jordan & Ms. Nancy Bowles Drs. Terry & Robert Brennan Ms. Shannon Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Buhler Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Calfee Mrs. James Candler
Riverviews Artspace
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Cardwell Dr. & Mrs. Tom Carrico Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cawthorne Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Cecil Mr. & Mrs. Joe Clark Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Gilliam Cobbs Mr. & Mrs. Steve Crank Mr. & Mrs. George Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Bob Dendy Dermatology Consultants Mrs. Powell Dillard Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Leighton Dodd Julie & Peter Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Echols Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Fauber Mr. Maxwell Carlton Feinman Dr. & Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald Ms. Mickey Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gantt Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gillette Dr. Nikki Giovanni Mr. & Mrs. Gene Goley Ms. Mary Ellen Gordon-Scudder Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gray Ms. Nancy Gray & Ms. Jean Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Everett Heath Ms. Courtney Hoffberger Ms. Liz Johnston Mrs. Joan Jones Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lee Mr. Harold Gordon Leggett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Peter Marcy Dr. & Mrs. Terry Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morris Mr. & Mrs. James Muehlemann Mr. & Mrs. Alex Newmark Ms. Anne Nygaard Dr. & Mrs. William Painter Dr. & Mrs. James Piggott Mrs. Annie Pinn Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Porter III Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Potter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pryor Dr. & Mrs. James Redmond, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elias Richards Dr. Cary & Mr. Robert Roberts Mrs. Lila Rosenthal Ms. Barbara Rothermel Mr. Mort Sajadian
Mr. & Mrs. William Schneider The Rev. & Mrs. Stephen Schulz Mr. David Schwartz & Ms. Julie Hemstreet Mr. & Mrs. Farshid Shahrokhi Mrs. Laura Lee Slayton Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Smith Mr. & Mrs. T Upshur Mr. & Mrs. Rogers Vaden Mr. & Mrs. Kent Van Allen Dr. & Mrs. Davis Von Oesen Mr. & Mrs. William M. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ward Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Webb Drs. Patty & Ken West Dr. Caroline Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Woodnick Dr. & Mrs. James Wright Drs. William & Nancy Young friend $25-$99 Mr. James Boniface & Ms. M. Camille Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Mark Armstrong Ms. Anny Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carrington Ms. May Carter Ms. Kaye Chandler & Mr. Dennis Newton Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cohen Ms. Barbara Cornett Mr. & Mrs. James L. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. William Davis Mrs. Lucille Deane Ms. Irene Devine Ms. Lynn Dodge Ms. Ella Duckworth & Ms. Mary D. Childress Ms. Laura Dupuy Ms. Linda Eubank Mrs. Lloyd Flint The Honorable Joan & Mr. Bob Foster Mr. & Mrs. Edgar D. Garrard Mr. & Mrs. Donald Giles Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gillette Dr. & Mrs. William Goodman Ms. Kate Gorman Mrs. Ellen Gross Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Grzybowski Ms. Mary Guthrow Rev. & Mrs. Curtis Harper Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hill Dr. & Mrs. William Hobbs Ms. Helen Holt Mr. & Mrs. James Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. William Hoskins
✽ 901 Jefferson St, G3 ✽ Lynchburg, VA 24504 ✽ 434.847.7477 ✽ riverviews.net
Mr. Hank Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Royce Husted Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Irving Ms. Clara Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kemper Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knodel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lerner Mr. Richard Rubin & Gilson Lincoln Ms. Margie Lippard Mr. & Mrs. David McMahon Rev. Catharine Montgomery Rev. & Mrs. Herb Moore Mr. & Mrs. Frank Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Mosley Dr. Maria Nathan Ms. Judy Noon Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Noyes Mrs. Betsy Owen Ms. Nancy Perry Mr. William Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Richard Pumphrey Ms. Mary Ann Racin Mr. & Mrs. Jim Raines Ms. Sarah G. Reid Becky & Jerry Roberts Ms. Shanda Rowe Mrs. Richard Royer Mrs. Barney Sackett Mrs. Herman Schenkel Ms. Cecilia Schieve Ms. Lynn Shapiro The Honorable Ada Smith Mr. W. Alan Smith, Jr. Ms. Anita Solow & Mr. Charlie Jones Mr. & Mrs. David Tate Ms. Diana Trent Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Turille Ms. Cindy Walraven Ms. Cindy Walton Ms. Louise Ware Dr. Francoise Watts Ms. Consuella Woods in honor of Rosel H. Schewel Mary Ann Racin Anne Leslie Nygaard Peter, Arielou & Brooke Marcy in MeMory of Eric Philippe Billard Katie Hill Vaden