The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference Handbook

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The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface conference

11-12 May 2016, London

official publication

organised by

chairman’s welcome

The ship/shore interface and where the industry meets too Edwin Lampert Chairman, The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference Group Managing Editor Riviera Maritime Media


elcome to the second Riviera Maritime Media LNG Ship/Shore Interface Conference. The focus at our event is of course the ship/shore interface. In other words, the point where LNG carrier and terminal operators meet, where activity levels are at their most intense and where the risks are greatest. This is the point where port approach, berthing, mooring and cargo transfer procedures and equipment are tested against a background of powerful safety and commercial considerations. We are also focused on ensuring that this is a forum where industry connects too. We have recruited Chris Clucas, Corporate Expert – Liquefied Gas, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, to serve as conference chairman for the two days. We are also debuting a new interactive application that will allow delegates to fire questions – anonymously if you wish – during the sessions. The system is easy to use and we urge you all to take advantage of the opportunity it presents. Our conference begins with a market update which will take in key industry developments and the all-important newbuilding orderbook. A complete LNG projects update follows. Session two looks at innovations at terminals and jetties. Our subject experts will address jetty design and compatibility with different sizes of vessels, as well as port approach, berthing, mooring and other technologies.

Automation comes under the spotlight next and will be examined from technical, operational and financial standpoints. The first day ends with a look at next-generation mooring systems. Day two’s agenda is equally compelling. Delegates can expect thorough analysis of risk management and emergency response procedures, bunker terminal and vessel innovations, small-scale LNG and safety, crewing and training. Our conference could not take place without the generous support of all our sponsors. Special thanks goes to Platinum Sponsor Trelleborg as well as RollsRoyce and Bureau Veritas. We also thank our official supporting organisation SIGTTO. Please also be sure to visit the world-class companies that form our supporting exhibition. Last, but by no means least, we are especially grateful to you, our international audience, for coming again in such numbers and from all over the world. Throughout the two days, social and networking opportunities are not neglected. As always there will be many opportunities to meet and forge new contacts. These include coffee breaks, buffet lunches and of course our evening reception tonight. My colleagues and I remain available to assist in any way we can. Together we look forward to a productive, insightful and enjoyable event.


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The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016 | 1

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Platinum sponsor’s welcome

Come Together, Right Now David Pendleton Managing Director Trelleborg Marine Systems UK, SeaTechnikTM Product Area


s a native of Liverpool and a Beatles fan I couldn’t resist the title for this welcome page. But the idea comes from a quote by Henry Ford. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” On behalf of everyone at Trelleborg I am delighted to welcome you to the second annual LNG ship/shore interface conference here in London. Once again this event is bringing together all of the key stakeholders in the LNG transportation supply chain including, vessel owners/operators, ports, LNG project developers, energy majors, charterers and equipment/ service suppliers. With more LNG capacity coming on stream year on year we are seeing increasing demand not just for large scale transportation of cargoes but also for more FSRU applications and of course the growth of LNG fueling for marine vessels. All of these applications have in common one key requirement. The safe, efficient and timely transfer of LNG from one tank system to another. One key critical element in achieving this is the ship shore interface. However, reviewing the speaking programme for this conference one thing is clear. The ship shore interface requires we all come together and use all of

our skills and talents as technologists and innovators to make it happen. The safe, efficient transportation and transfer of LNG as a cargo has had an enviable safety record over its 40 year history. We have all, at some point, had a part to play in delivering that record and I know that during these next two days we will learn from each other about how we will seek to maintain this record while rising to the new challenges and applications the industry presents. Speaking as Trelleborg our own contribution to the ship sore interface has been the Ship Shore Link System. This has helped ensure globally compatible systems are in place both on LNG vessels and the jetties to ensure our clients can trade safely and efficiently anywhere in the world. This year we celebrated the milestone of shipping our 600 ship shore link for the industry and along with our Docking and Mooring, fenders and pilot navigation products we are committed to driving innovation through a smarter approach to meeting the needs of the industry. I wish you all an excellent and successful conference and look forward to hearing from and speaking to many of you.

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Wednesday 11 May

08:00 Registration coffee and networking 08:55 Welcome from Edwin Lampert, Group Managing Editor, Riviera Maritime Media 09:00 Welcome from platinum sponsor Dave Pendleton, Managing Director, Trelleborg Marine Systems UK 09:05 Introduction: conference chairman Chris Clucas, Corporate Expert – Liquefied Gas, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement

Session one


09:10 Key industry developments and orderbook

• LNG carrier vessels in operation, upcoming deliveries and orderbook • LNG terminals in operation and in development • FLNG and FRSUs in operation and newbuildings • LNG-powered vessels • Developed markets, emerging markets and the impact of low oil prices on LNG shipping Debbie Turner, Director, Senior Shipping Advisor, SSY Gas

09:30 Q&A 09:40 LNG investment drivers and innovation

• Regulatory considerations – update • Investment decision in the LNG value chain • Innovation to improve competiveness • Managing operational costs Martin Crawford-Brunt, Business Development Manager – West Europe and Africa, DNV GL

10:00 Q&A

Session two


10:10 Jetty design and compatibility with different sizes of vessels • Multiple vessel-mooring plans • Multifunctional jetties

10:25 Q&A 10:30 Technologies for ship-shore interface

• Driving compatibility studies to generate new business • Sourcing relevant business technologies and providers • Teekay Shipping – OniGroup Technologies business use case • Technology demonstration

Aia Guerreiro Manager, Marine and Commercial, Teekay Gas

James Carroll Geospatial Solutions Consultant, OniGroup

10:50 Q&A 11:00 Networking coffee 4 | The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016

day one

Session three


11:40 Why rope management matters to ship operators • Rope construction • In-service line history • On-board training • Inspection and retirement • Monitoring FSRU moorings Robin Collett, General Manager, Samson Rope

11:55 Q&A 12:00 Loading arms

• Ship-to-shore: multimodal LNG terminals • Ship-to-ship: high-pressure natural gas transfer, improved safety • LNG as a marine fuel • A step forward to automation • Future carriers? Frederic Pelletier, Engineering Manager, Emco Wheaton

12:15 Q&A 12:20 Main areas of interface for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore LNG transfer solutions with hoses • Mechanical interfaces: ERS is key to safe and effective operations. • Focus on pressure drop and testability • Hydraulic interfaces: integration of the Local HPU with the ERS • Electrical/Signals interfaces: integration of the STS system with the vessel ESD • Case study: simultaneous ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore LNG transfer Matteo Suzzani, Sales Engineer, MIB Italiana 12:35 Q&A 12:40 LNG transfer hoses

• Hose constructions • Flexibility in transfer systems • Future of LNG transfer Simon Bishop, Product Group Manager LNG, Dunlop Oil & Marine

12:55 Q&A 13:00 Networking lunch 14:10 Large reductions in capex and opex through automation

• One-person mooring, no ship’s crew or mooring gang required for berthing detachment or monitoring for tides and draft changes • Mooring a vessel in 30-40 seconds • Reduced facility infrastructure and larger vessels on the same infrastructure • Health and safety Mike Howie, Group Product Manager MoorMaster, Cavotec

14:25 Q&A The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016 | 5


Session four


14:30 Electrical communications and ship/shore link systems

Andrew Stafford, Technical Director, Trelleborg Marine Systems

15:00 Q&A

Session five


15:10 Floating Regas Dock (FRD); the next-generation FSRU • A low-cost alternative for volumes up to 400 mmscfd • Proven technology • Tsunami resistant • Can act as a hub and bunkering station • Redeployable

15:30 Q&A 15:40 Networking coffee 16:20 Next-generation mooring systems to reduce the cost of nearshore small-mid scale LNG terminals • Innovative mooring solutions for permanently moored vessels involved in floating LNG projects • Alternative mooring solutions to lower capex and opex, while reducing down-time • Mooring solutions to survive cyclones, tsunamis and long-period swell conditions • Why shipping needs better mooring solutions • Lessons learned from global project experience Ron Heffron, Vice President / Energy Practice Leader, Moffatt & Nichol

16:40 Q&A 16:50 EXMAR Shipmanagement – A successful decade of O&M for FSRU projects • Specialist FSRU regas shipmanagement company • Pioneer in regas operations • Pioneer in LNG STS operations Sachin Mohan, Global Head Marine Solutions, EXMAR Shipmanagement

17:10 Q&A 17:20 Closing remarks from the chairman:

Chris Clucas, Corporate Expert – Liquefied Gas, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement

17:30 Evening drinks reception 18:30 End of day one

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day two

Thursday 12 May 08:00 Registration coffee and networking 08:55 Welcome from Edwin Lampert, Group Managing Editor, Riviera Maritime Media 09:00 Introduction from conference chairman

Chris Clucas, Corporate Expert – Liquefied Gas, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement

Session six


09:10 Emergency preparedness: challenges and solutions

• Preparing for emergencies and business continuity • Challenges to safety, environmental and security matters • Impact of challenges on stakeholders • Mitigating measures implemented by MISC • Moving forward: challenges and opportunities for the industry Capt Sanjay Patil, Head, Customer Relationship Management Europe, Fleet Management Services London, MISC Berhad

09:30 Q&A

Session seven


09:35 Case study: LNG bunker vessels

• Ship/shore interface considerations to be made when bunkering • Innovations in refuelling technologies and facilities • How will LNG bunker vessels improve refuelling? • Key safety requirements Angus Campbell, Corporate Director Gas and Energy Projects, BSM Group

09:55 Q&A 10:00 LNG-powered vessels – identifying owners' requirements • Pure gas powered vessels and propulsion arrangements • Redundancy – Owner’s requirements and Class requirements Oscar Kallerdahl, Sales Manager, Rolls-Royce Marine

10:20 Q&A 10:25 Networking coffee

The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016 | 7

programme 11:05 The dual-fuel ME-GI engine: propulsion that solves the problem of methane slip • The latest in engine technology • Results from a study on the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions • The latest fuel-supply systems for merchant ships and LNG carriers • Using ethane gas in the engine René Sejer Laursen, Promotion Manager, ME-GI, MAN Diesel & Turbo 11:25 Q&A 11:30 The latest developments in conventional and small to mid-sized LNG carriers • Market challenges and new ship designs. Conversions of old ladies • Niche segments to cope with the new market expectations • The continuous evolution of containment systems • Energy efficiency and LNG carriers Carlos Guerrero, Business Development Manager for Oil Tankers and Gas Carriers, Marine & Offshore Division, Bureau Veritas

11:50 Q&A

Session eight


11:55 Case Study: truck loading and regasification services • Background and history of Grain LNG • Developing role of LNG as a fuel • Wider market considerations • Launch of Grain LNG’s truck-loading facility Nicholas Morris, Commercial Manager, Grain LNG

12:15 Q&A 12:20 Supporting innovative uses of LNG as a fuel and for marine bunkering with small-scale LNG hose transfers • What is a small-scale LNG hose transfer? History of the development • Where the need for such transfers is coming from - New innovative uses of LNG as a fuel, island power stations, decanting - Use of LNG for marine bunkering • Why this need is growing - Desire to move to clean power generation for environmental reasons - New IMO marine regulations from 2018 • What are the challenges of a hose-transfer system and how they have been overcome • Risk management through haz-op processes • Development of industry standards and improvements in functionality and risk management through new advanced control systems • What the next generation system looks like Tony Webber, Group Technical Director, KLAW LNG

12:40 Q&A

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day two 12:45 Large-scale LNG terminal design: think small

• Regulatory framework, small-scale LNG carriers • Flat body and fenders • Mooring lines and hooks • Gangway position Björn van de Weerdhof, Manager, Business and Fleet Development, Anthony Veder

13:05 Q&A 13.10 Networking lunch

Session nine


14:20 Training for ship and terminal operators • Training requirements and best practice • Current industry issues • Skills shortages • SIGTTO and training Andrew Clifton, General Manager, SIGTTO

14:40 Q&A 14:45 Developing operating procedures that are fit for purpose • Recognising the needs of the end-user • The ‘drivers’ for quality procedures • Considerations when developing a specification for procedures • Timescale, compliance and approval process John Kenny, Managing Director, WMT Marine

15:05 Q&A 15:10 Crew competency – Driving performance beyond compliance

• Why crew-competency Management (CCM)? • What is crew-competency management? • How is CCM managed at MISC? • Challenges encountered with CCM • Inducting new vessel types in fleet; training initiatives Capt Sanjay Patil, Head, Customer Relationship Management Europe, Fleet Management Services London, MISC Berhad



15:35 Chairman's roundup

Chris Clucas, Corporate Expert – Liquefied Gas, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement

15:50 Q&A 16:00 End of conference

The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016 | 9

exhibition floor plan





3 8

2 1















Exhibitor List 1 Sims Pump Company

7 Cavotec Moormaster

2 Alpha Process Controls



10 Samson Rope

3 Trelleborg

5 Emco Wheaton 6 NOXERIOR

9 Schneider Electric 11 DSR Corp 12 SIGTTO

10 | The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016

platinum sponsor profile

Trelleborg Marine Systems The marine operation of Trelleborg Offshore & Construction is a world leader in the design and manufacture of marine fenders, oil and gas transfer, ship performance, docking and mooring and surface buoyancy solutions. Its polymer engineering expertise also extends to its range of general marine products, including navigation aids and buoys. LNG expertise From ship-to-ship transfer, to LNGCs, to small-scale LNG, Trelleborg’s marine systems operation has a pedigree in all LNG applications. With over 30 years’ experience in providing cutting-edge docking, mooring, transfer technology and ship-performance systems all over the world, Trelleborg understands the LNG market and the demands that come with it. LNG operations require reliable, safe, continuous uptime. Trelleborg is setting the standards to help the industry achieve this, connecting decades of experience in this unique field with a new smarter approach to docking, mooring and transfer technology. LNG portfolio From Quick Release Hooks (QRHs) to Smart ShipShore Safety Link Systems (SSLs), Trelleborg represents the benchmark in integrated docking, mooring and transfer packages for LNG terminals. The company supplies over 60 per cent of LNG terminal mooring and monitoring systems, and in excess of 80 per cent of SSL transfer systems for LNG terminals globally. All of Trelleborg’s systems comply with the stringent safety requirements for berthing at export and import terminals, SIGTTO guidelines, and are backed by a 24/7 global service team. Ship-Shore Link (SSL) The majority of the world’s LNG cargo fleet and terminals are equipped with SSL technology, a system for communicating the emergency shutdown (ESD) signals, telephone and process data required when cargo transfer is undertaken from ship to shore and from shore to ship. Trelleborg’s SeaTechnikTM SSL, which has set the industry standard in large-scale LNG transfer for nearly 20 years, is suitable for onshore and offshore applications. It has simple electronic configuration to match any terminal and ensure worldwide compatibility. Earlier this year, a major milestone was reached when the 600th Trelleborg SeaTechnikTM SSL was shipped for installation on a 174 000m3 LNG carrier (Hull number 2411) being built by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) at the Okpo ship yard at Geoje Island in South Korea, for Teekay Shipping Limited.

Universal Safety Link (USL) Trelleborg’s market-leading USL addresses the needs of emerging LNG fuelling and small-scale transfer, bunkering and fuelling application spaces. Trelleborg’s USL features integrated main and back-up safety link systems for LNG transfers as both fuel and cargo. Employing Trelleborg SeaTechnikTM SSL digital fibre optic technology, the system is compatible with largescale Trelleborg SeaTechnikTM SSL LNG SSL systems via adaptor and features a configurable system link for the transfer of other plant process control data. Trelleborg can also offer an optional ESD control system for fuelling vessels, fuelled vessels and terminal applications. Recent months have seen the commissioning of the LNGfuelled Harvey Gulf OSV vessels and the TOTE Maritime LNG-fuelled container ships. Both are using Trelleborg’s USL system to monitor the LNG-fuelling procedure. Quick Release Hooks (QRH) QRHs are the foundation for today’s advanced integrated mooring systems. Installed since 1972 at facilities worldwide, Trelleborg's QRHs enable mooring lines to be safely secured, and quickly and easily released even when loaded to their safe working load limit. With sizes and configurations to suit all applications, their fieldproven features enhance safety, reliability, ease of use and ensure compliance to international standards. Service Trelleborg’s entire range of Trelleborg SeaTechnikTM products is also supported by the Trelleborg SeaTechnikTM global service team, ready to support your operation 24/7. This unrivalled aftersales care means global support with local reach and knowledge. With staffed offices across the world, working to local time zones and languages, you’ll never struggle to get in touch with Trelleborg, wherever and whenever you need them.

The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016 | 11

gold sponsor profile

Rolls-Royce is committed to the marine market and to maintaining its world-leading position in the design, development, supply and support of products and systems for commercial and naval customers worldwide. Our comprehensive range of products and services includes ship design, diesel and gas engines, propulsion systems, deck machinery, manoeuvring and stabilisation systems, control systems and automation systems. We supply gas-powered propulsion solutions that significantly reduce emissions. Compared to diesel engines that meet IMO Tier 2 emission levels, Bergen gas engines give E2 weighted emission reductions of 92 per cent NOx, close to 22 per cent in CO2 and virtually eliminate SOx and particulates, already meeting

enforced IMO and EPA Tier 3 requirements and are subject to EPA Tier 4 certification. Rolls-Royce serves over 2,000 customers and has equipment installed on 30,000 vessels operating around the world. Our extensive product base and proven experience in both ship design and systems integration enables Rolls-Royce to bring the right products together to develop the systems that meet the performance requirements.

Yrjar Garshol Vice-President Marketing t: +47 702 35336 e:

LNG Marine ERC Couplings Safe Product Transfer Ship-to-Ship, Ship-to-Shore, Bunkering

World Leading Provider of Fluid Transfer Safety Solutions Specialists in the design, manufacture, and installation of tailored engineering systems for the safe transfer of hazardous chemicals, liquids, and gases. Offering a complete solution for LNG Hose Transfer Systems. Systems comprise ERC Couplings, Hose Support Saddles, Reducers, Arrestor Systems, and Hoses.

* Ship-to-Ship Fluid Transfer System

silver sponsor profile

Founded in 1828 Bureau Veritas is the world's largest classification and certification society with over 65,000 employees in 1,300 offices in 140 countries and more than 400,000 customers. In the maritime and offshore fields, it aims to improve and maintain standards of safety, security, quality and protection of the environment: • Classification of ships and offshore units: 11,300 ships and offshore units of all types are classed on its register; • Certification of ships, units and equipment on behalf of 150 governmental authorities; • Technical assistance and consulting and training services in the technical and regulatory field. BV Marine & Offshore has 2,600 highly qualified

marine surveyors in 180 survey stations in 90 countries. BV technologies include VeriSTAR products, to provide timely, cost-effective solutions for the maritime industry. BV's R&D and technical studies support safety and quality to facilitate the decision-making process and to optimise costs. Since October 24, 2007, Bureau Veritas has been listed on the Paris stock exchange.

Yannis Calogeras UK & Ireland Marine Chief Executive t: +44 (0) 20 7550 8926 e:

MT_Natural gas_tug_1_2_032016

Powered by natural gas



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questionnaire Thank you for attending the The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference, London. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire and hand it to Riviera Maritime Media staff before leaving.



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The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016 | 15

we are here to help Events team

Riviera’s events team is committed to quality, meeting the high expectations of speakers, delegates, sponsors and exhibitors. We pride ourselves on personal service and attention to detail. The Riviera staff members below are all attending the conference, to make sure things run smoothly and to help you get the most out of the event. Ask any member of our events team about anything to do with the conference or Riviera products and services.

Edwin Lampert Conference Chairman e:

Mirella Charter Senior Event Co-ordination Manager e:

Cat Socratous Assistant Event Co-ordinator e:

Ian Pow Sales Manager e:

Alfred Mani Senior Event Producer e:

Sasha Tan Photographer and Videographer e:

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The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface conference

Conference Chairman: Edwin Lampert t: +44 20 8370 7017 e: Senior Event Coordination Manager: Mirella Charter t: +44 20 8370 7009 e:

Chairman: John Labdon Managing Director: Steve Labdon Finance Director: Cathy Labdon Operational Director: Graham Harman Editorial Director: Steve Matthews Executive Editor: Paul Gunton Head of Production: Hamish Dickie Conference organiser: Riviera Maritime Media Ltd Mitre House 66 Abbey Road Enfield EN1 2QN UK

16 | The LNG World Shipping Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2016

©2016 Riviera Maritime Media Ltd Neither Riviera Maritime Media nor the authors assume responsibility for the accuracy of this information and disclaim all liability in respect of such information. Copyright for abstracts and papers written for the conference will be retained by the individual author/s. However, Riviera Maritime Media Ltd has the right to publish abstracts and papers in full or in part, on the company’s websites and within any of its journals, and to sell these to third parties as post-conference material. Any text published outside the conference handbook will acknowledge the author/s.

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