Marine Propulsion October/November 2018

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October/November 2018

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Contents October/November 2018 volume 40 issue 5



Market analysis – workboats 10 Tug newbuilding orders have increased, but is this the ray of light the OSV sector so desperately needs?

Yard profile


17 VT Halter Marine has an enviable position in the North American workboat and barge sector

International Workboat Show 21 A preview of what to expect from November’s show in New Orleans

Two-strokes 25 Low-pressure, dual-fuel, two-stroke engines are proving popular additions to the LNG fleet



28 New four-strokes drive cleaner workboats 30 Mix and match to reduce emissions 33 Rolls-Royce launches its MTU hybrid propulsion range

Dual-fuel and gas engines 34 A review of the LNG bunker vessel fleet 37 Rimorchiatori Riuniti Panfido chooses SENER-design for new LNGBV barge 38 H-Line orders largest dual-fuel bulk carriers 41 The first retrofit orders announced for a MAN B&W ME-LGIP LPG-powered engine

Pumps 42 Italian pump maker benefits from strong cruise and naval markets LUKOIL_Az_190x62_Kompass_auf_Wasser.qxp_Layout 1 24.09.15 13:09 Seite 1

Think LUKOIL !

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

Contents October/November 2018 volume 40 issue 5 Turbochargers 45 MET Turbochargers updates its range 49 Operators must balance their options against cost and performance benefits

Thrusters 50 A new range of thrusters 52 Condition monitoring can reduce time spent in drydocking

Propellers 55 New technology is ensuring the perfect fit between propeller and vessel 56 A data-driven design approach helps save resources

Design and software - FEA/CFD 58 CFD technology provides near-perfect real-world sea-state simulations

Cranes and hatch covers 61 The latest products from the sector

Performance coatings 65 The ISO 19030 standard is changing the industry for the better

Case study: Blasting Head of Content: Edwin Lampert t: +44 20 8370 7017 e: Production Editor: Kevin Turner t: +44 20 8370 1737 e: Brand Manager – Sales: Tom Kenny t: +44 7432 156 339 e: Sales Manager: Rob Gore t: +44 20 8370 7007 e: Sales: Paul Dowling t: +44 20 8370 7014 e: Sales: Jo Lewis t: +44 20 8370 7793 e: Head of Sales – Asia: Kym Tan t: +65 6809 1278 e:

70 Graco explains how vapour-abrasive blasting can offer significant benefits over traditional sandblasting

Group Production Manager: Mark Lukmanji t: +44 20 8370 7019 e:

On the horizon

Chairman: John Labdon Managing Director: Steve Labdon Finance Director: Cathy Labdon Operations Director: Graham Harman Head of Production: Hamish Dickie

71 The guidelines governing sewage treatment plant effluent standards need updating, quickly

Fuels and lubes 72 The alternatives to LNG as a marine fuel

Next issue Main features include: Market analysis: cruise ships; Water treatment, including ballast water treatment, waste water treatment, black and grey water, MBR/STP advancements; Auxiliary machinery, including HVAC, stabilisers, boilers; Training & simulation; Emissions control

Published by: Riviera Maritime Media Ltd Mitre House 66 Abbey Road Enfield EN1 2QN UK ISSN 1742-2825 (Print) ISSN 2051-056X (Online) ©2018 Riviera Maritime Media Ltd

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Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

Total average net circulation: 11,000 Period: January-December 2017

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The time for talking is over T Craig Jallal, Tankers and Markets editor


he Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report is not good news for the shipping industry, or for shipping industry commentators. Like many writers I work from home, but once a week we gather together in the London office for the editorial meeting. For me this is a 90-minute car drive, but at least I am in my own space and able to control my own destiny, even if that means sitting in a traffic jam. On 8 October I sat in one of these jams and listened to the BBC reporting on the IPCC report on global warming. The main takeaway is that carbon emissions must halve in the next 12 years to meet the lower recommended target of 1.5°C, well below the current target of a 2°C reduction. The IPCC report urges individuals as well as governments to do their part; recommendations include eating less meat and driving electric cars. We are told that shipping is as big an emitter of carbon as some individual industrialised countries and I struggle to conceive how shipping would be able to halve its carbon emissions in just 12 years. Some shipowners have pledged to do their bit, but when I put myself in their shoes, it is difficult to see any positives from the IPCC report. Even by specifying the latest available technology, a VLCC newbuilding is not going to meet the required level of carbon emissions called for in the IPCC report over a 12-year period. Meanwhile, I will ditch the car for my once-aweek commute and start to use the train. It will take twice as long and cost twice as much, but I will feel I am doing my part, however small. Elsewhere, I attended the Gastech event in September, a giant gas and LNG exhibition and

conference in Barcelona. If this year’s show had an unofficial theme, it was LNG bunkering, or as the gas industry calls it, gas as a marine fuel. Gas as a marine fuel is an entirely logical premise. All the equipment required to deliver LNG has been developed and its operation is well established within the gas industry. The only problem is that these techniques have not been applied to shipping in any great number. Traditional bunkering has a reputation for being the dirtiest activity in shipping. And not just in terms of pollution; fraud and theft are rife in the bunkering industry - one only has to look at the financial activity of OW Bunkers. On the physical side however, delivery of a short-fuel cargo to ships has been an industry norm since the days of coal-powered vessels. Of course, the bunkering industry has cleaned up its act considerably since that time, including the introduction of mass-flow metering, which has eliminated some of the worst practices. I believe LNG bunkering will take the bunkering industry to another level. LNG requires a completely different level of safety compared to traditional fuels. There can be no shortcuts when handling LNG, or it will literally blow up in your face. There are maybe a dozen LNG bunkering projects in the pipeline, including the probunkers global solution, currently being developed in partnership with ABS. Meanwhile, new regulations for handling gas as a fuel will have to be developed and enacted in ports around the world. In my opinion, this can only be a good thing. Traditional bunkering is not going to end, but it will be directly influenced for the better by the new fuel on the block. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


Identifying hazardous materials on board Vladimiro Bonamin* explains that an IHM report not only increases workplace safety, it also enhances a company’s reputation and helps maximise a vessel’s value come scrapping

An IHM identifies all hazardous substances, making dismantling safer


ealth and safety on board is subject to an increasing number of laws and regulations. By the end of 2018, an Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) will be mandatory for all newbuild vessels. As of 2021, it will apply to all seagoing vessels of more than 500 tons.

Why an IHM?

An IHM is part of the Hong Kong Convention adopted by IMO in 2009. This convention was designed to make sure that ships and offshore platforms are dismantled in a manner that minimises risk to people and the environment. An IHM report will not only state which hazardous materials are present, it also specifies the quantities, locations, conditions and risks associated to health. Already considered best practice, the benefits of an IHM are widely acknowledged across the industry. Specifically, an IHM identifies all hazardous substances on board, including mercury, leaded paint, chromium-6 or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s); contributes to a safe workplace for

employees; ensures that a ship can be dismantled safely, with low risks for people and environment and ensures a vessel is compliant with current and future regulations, such as SOLAS and Marpol. But that is not all. An IHM also provides the necessary tools to take further action, promoting the safety, usability and durability of ships; it ensures a strong position in liability issues, increases the likelihood of higher resale values and also helps establish and promote a company’s environmental credentials, an important factor when pitching for business to oil and gas companies that are increasingly sensitive about their environmental reputations.

Rapid results

An IHM includes research as well as onboard testing. An inspector collects samples from the ship to be analysed in accredited laboratories. Our laboratories are located near all major ports around the world and analyses can be performed during loading or unloading in the harbor. If needed, an inspection can be carried out during a voyage, mitigating any impact on

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

the voyage time of the vessel. An inspection takes one to two working days and the results are usually available within one week. The costs of the inspection depends on the size of the vessel, the complexity of the inspection and the availability of necessary documentation.

Safety in the entire lifecycle

An IHM report should be maintained throughout a vessel’s entire lifecycle. During the building stage, the shipyard – in co-operation with the shipowner – can set up the IHM based on material declarations. An (updated) IHM is required when changes take place in the operational stage, for example, after intensive docking of the ship. At the end of the ship’s economic life, the IHM report is a major source of information for its recycling plan, so that it can be dismantled safely. MP *Vladimiro Bonamin is global business development manager at SGS, an inspection, verification, testing and certification company certified to deliver Inventory of Hazardous Materials services

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British firm brings innovation to crew transfer vessels The Chartwell 24 crew transfer vessel applies technology and lessons learnt from years of European development and operation


hartwell Marine, the UK-based vessel designer, has unveiled the Chartwell 24, a crew transfer vessel (CTV) design for the international offshore wind market. The catamaran-hullform design was developed in conjunction with CTV operators, windfarm owners and turbine manufacturers, responding to lessons learnt in the construction and long-term operation and maintenance phase of European projects. The role of CTVs has continued to evolve in line with increasing demands of supporting large-scale deepwater windfarms, encompassing not only the safe, comfortable and expedient transfer of technicians to and from the turbines, but also a wide range of essential logistic support activities that keep a project running on schedule. In this context, said the company, CTVs and their operators must offer considerable versatility, while maintaining the highest possible standards of safety and technical availability. As the industry looks to balance these objectives, vessel designs are becoming increasingly standardised – but there is still room to refine this formula, the British company believes. In turn, operators in new markets such as the US and Taiwan have the opportunity to start on the front foot by taking advantage of the most advanced vessel technology available. The Chartwell 24, developed based on 10 years of data and experience in offshore wind vessel design, aims to hit a ‘sweet spot’ in vessel size and capability. It aims to build on proven capabilities of CTVs whilst responding to new requirements emerging as the offshore wind industry expands worldwide. The vessel, which is capable of carrying 24 industrial personnel alongside 3-6 crew, also boasts what Chartwell claims is the largest CTV foredeck in the market, enhancing its cargo capacity. With four engines – and options for hybrid propulsion – the

“With four engines – and options for hybrid propulsion – the Chartwell 24 enables power sharing, enhancing efficiency and adding redundancy”

The vessel boasts what Chartwell claims is the largest CTV foredeck in the market

Chartwell 24 enables power sharing, enhancing efficiency and adding redundancy that maximises vessel reliability and availability. As scrutiny grows on vessel emissions worldwide, this also means that the vessel is well-placed to meet international requirements, such as EPA Tier 4 and IMO Tier 3. The Chartwell 24 introduces a number of safety-related innovations, including a step-free deck that almost entirely eliminates trip hazards, and purpose-designed walkways with handrails and sliding safety rails positioned for safe, effective and repeatable crew transfer. From an operational perspective, skippers benefit from full all-round visibility, uncompromised by deck cargo. Chartwell Marine managing director Andy Page said, “With the Chartwell 24, we’re responding directly to tried and tested vessel support approaches adopted throughout Europe, taking and building upon the best of proven designs and equipping international operators and windfarm owners with a boat that is built for purpose, and meets their needs from day one. “For crews and windfarm technicians that will translate into a high degree of safety, comfort and operational familiarity. For CTV operators and project owners, that will result in incremental gains in efficiency, availability and reliability that ultimately improve the way offshore wind farms are constructed and operated.” Mr Page worked on CTVs at South Boats and Alicat Marine Design and on the design of a number of vessels for well-known owners. He has some interesting views about how viable hybrid propulsion for CTVs might be in practice, and the economic, environmental and operational case for hybrid CTVs, but believes it is not just the propulsion system that counts. Having worked at firms behind a number of the operational CTVs in the UK and Europe, Mr Page launched Chartwell Marine at a time of growing interest in new technology that can reduce emissions and fuel consumption, enhance operations and reduce maintenance needs of crew transfer vessels. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

10 | MARKET ANALYSIS workboats

Tug newbuildings to double 2017 total Fleets of tugs have been constructed to support harbour operations in Europe

Tug newbuilding orders have increased on the back of rising demand for oceangoing and project towage and harbour support. Is this the ray of light the OSV sector so desperately needs?


orkboat newbuilding orders, particularly tugs, are on a roll, largely in response to changes in global trade and regulatory requirements. However, demand for new offshore support vessels (OSVs) has been in the doldrums since oil prices tumbled five years ago. But with oil prices rising, so the market seems to be improving, with an upturn in newbuilding orders driven by oceangoing towage requirements. New import and export facilities for hydrocarbons, specifically crude oil, refined products and liquefied natural gas (LNG), are leading to rising demand for maritime support services. Changes in container-ship trade have led to larger ships calling at increasing numbers of ports and requiring more powerful tugs for berthing and manoeuvring operations. Resulting workboat newbuilding orders have led to more contracts for propulsion and engineroom systems, with

each tug newbuild requiring at least two main engines, two propellers or thrusters, generator sets, automation and control systems, plus pumps and wheelhouse equipment. Most also need a range of deck equipment, including capstans, winches and line handlers and fire-fighting systems. The number of tug newbuilding

WORLDWIDE ORDERBOOK Harbour tugs: 255 ATBs: 10 Tractor tug: 8 Salvage tug: 6 Pusher tug: 4 Other tugs: 14 Total: 297

Source: BRL Shipping Consultants (1 October 2018)

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

contracts this year has already exceeded the total for 2017 and is likely to double last year’s total. According to BRL Shipping Consultants, more than 80 tugs were ordered in the first six months of this year, compared with 75 during all of 2017. By 1 October, 133 tugs had been ordered, with 52 contracts signed in August-September alone. If a rate of 20 per month is maintained throughout the rest of this year, the 2018 total could exceed 190. All these contracts had boosted the worldwide orderbook of tugs of all types to 297 vessels by 1 October, according to BRL. Among the busiest yards in this area have been Damen Shipyards and the Turkish shipbuilders, which construct tugs on a speculative basis, with the expectation that these can be sold to owners at a later date.

Offshore segment improves

Demand for windfarm construction and maintenance services has also led to newbuilding orders in the OSV sector. Rising oil prices hint at a return to better times, with global exploration and production investment expected to grow 5% per year between 2018 and 2023. Analysts at Riviera Maritime Media’s Asian Offshore Support Journal Conference in Singapore, held at the end of September, forecast an improvement in

workboats MARKET ANALYSIS | 11

support vessel requirements and rates over the next five years, as more mobile drilling rigs return to operations from layup. However, there are still hundreds of vessels out of service and global utilisation continues to struggle at just 42%; this indicates how much demand needs to improve before owners can raise prices. Nonetheless, there has been an increase in both the number of anchor-handling tugs ordered for oceangoing towage and the construction of fast crew supply vessels. According to VesselsValue data, there are now 406 OSVs on order, with a combined value of US$4.77Bn. The global orderbook represents around 5% of the existing worldwide fleet of OSVs. This is driving an upturn in new deliveries, both this year and into 2019, with expected slippage of projects into 2020. We will likely see more deliveries of OSVs this year than any time since 2014, with most of the additions built for oceangoing towage. Already 80 vessels with a combined value of US$1.13Bn have been delivered and there could be another 300 vessels delivered this year. The data is loaded with 2018 deliveries, which means some, perhaps many, of these are likely to enter service in 2019. In comparison, 115 vessels, with a combined value of US$1.57Bn, entered service in 2017. During the market’s peak, between 2010 and 2014, more than 400 vessels entered the offshore support sector each year. This means that more than 60% of the

“Analysts forecast an improvement in support vessel requirements and rates over the next five years, as more mobile drilling rigs return to operations from layup”

existing OSV fleet is less than 15 years old and another 12% is 15-25 years old. The implication is that, outside of oceangoing towage, there is no age-related incentive to order new vessels. Elsewhere in the workboat market we are seeing environmental factors drive growth, with tugs, multicats and other types of vessels being built to meet lower emissions expectations. This has driven the development of engines that comply with the top regulatory requirements under IMO, the European Union and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

North America: towage market set to rebound

Manufacturers in the US have reacted to stricter environmental rules by producing engines that comply with IMO Tier III and US EPA Tier 4 requirements. These have been installed on tugs with, for example, McAllister Towing operating two Tier 4 tugs on the US East Coast ports. Capt Brian A McAllister commenced

operations in Q4 2017 and was followed in Q2 2018 by sister tug Rosemary McAllister. These raised the performance and environmental bar for tug operations in the ports around Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and New York at a time when large container ships are calling at these ports. Other tugboat owners are following suit, with their own green vessel orders: Bouchard Transportation, C&C Marine, Overseas Shipholding Group, Island Tug & Barge, Vane Brothers, Reinauer Transport, Crowley Maritime and Kirby Corp have all ordered new articulated tug barge (ATB) combinations this year. Kirby’s chief executive and president David Grzebinski summarised the US inland and coastal towage markets during a presentation for the company’s Q2 2018 results in July. He noted that the inland and coastal markets had bottomed out and there was evidence of improvements in demand for tugs and barges in the US. He said term contract pricing was starting to increase, “setting the stage for

Rosemary McAllister is one of the first tugs to meet US EPA Tier 4 requirements

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

12 | MARKET ANALYSIS workboats

what we believe will be a further upward movement in pricing in H2 2018”. In the coastal towage market, Mr Grzebinski said there was potential for an improvement in contract rates. “We did see a positive shift, with a few spot contracts repricing modestly higher,” he said. Utilisation of Kirby’s coastal towage assets was in the low- to mid-80% range, leading Mr Grzebinski to comment: “While these trends are encouraging, we continue to expect the coastal market will remain challenging for the remainder of 2018 and into 2019.” There was an improvement in inland marine transportation in Q3 2018, with utilisation rising to the low- to mid90% range. “We continue to expect that industry-wide barge retirements and additional petrochemical capacity will yield favourable industry utilisation rates throughout the remainder of 2018,” said Mr Grzebinski. He also expects more term contract renewals will yield an improvement in prices and inflate operating costs, saying “As the inland market has started to recover, the labour market has tightened.” As a result, Kirby has increased wages for its inland mariners and shore staff. Mr Grzebinski anticipates that utilisation rates will improve in the coastal towage market to around 85% during the rest of this year. Mr Grzebinski is also positive about the longer term, noting: “We are confident that the marine transportation segment has bottomed, and expect further improvement as the inland market continues its recovery.” He still expects the coastal transportation market business to remain “challenging in the near term” but pointed to a stabilisation in rates and utilisation as evidence of improvements to come. He expects this market is “likely to rebound in the next year or so.”

Kasper Friis Nilaus (Svitzer): “Our biggest challenge is to keep our business sustainable under the current commercial pressure˝

Europe: towage market remains challenging

Europe’s towage market is competitive and challenging for tugboat operators, as shipowners and port authorities face tough business conditions themselves. This puts pressure on tug owners to control costs, which affects their profits. To remain competitive, tug owners have invested in more powerful and efficient vessels, with SMS Towage, Targe Towage, Forth Ports, Kotug Smit and Svitzer introducing new tugs this year to their UK-based fleets. Svitzer Europe managing director Kasper Friis Nilaus explained that mobilising tugs to the region improves the fleet, while transferring them between ports maintains utilisation. It has added two tug newbuildings – Svitzer Vale and Svitzer Meridian – and mobilised tug Svitzer Amazonas from South America into the European fleet this year. Mr Nilaus said price pressures meant

Svitzer’s customers are “cost conscious and desire the lowest possible prices” from towage and tug services. “Europe is the hardest hit from market pressures; despite this we have been able to grow our business with 3-4% more jobs compared to last year,” he said. “Our biggest challenge is to keep our business sustainable,” he added. “Rates are under significant downwards pressure and it is difficult to grow in this market. To succeed we need our operations to be efficient.” Svitzer Europe has the scale to compete in the UK, where it has its biggest fleet, and in Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Germany. “Our operating challenge is about maintaining fleet utilisation,” said Mr Nilaus. “It is about getting as much out of our tugs, to have high service levels with the lowest number of vessels.” To achieve this, Svitzer Europe minimises the number of days that tugs are idle or unavailable due to technical issues. “We need tugs that are reliable, as if tugs break down we have problems,” said Mr Nilaus. Tug maintenance is vital to continued profitability, but so is minimising drydockings. With its large fleet, Svitzer Europe has heavy drydocking schedules and strategies to reduce the time tugs remain in repair yards. It conducts routine maintenance while tugs are outside repair yards, during quiet periods in their operations. “We do as much maintenance as possible outside of the dock to reduce the direct costs and the out-ofservice costs,” said Mr Nilaus. When tugs are moved into drydock, Svitzer Europe mobilises another tug for cover. Mr Nilaus said this was done in June when its 2018-built Svitzer Vale was mobilised from London to Bremerhaven, Germany, to cover a tug that went into drydock. In southern Europe, Rimorchiatori Riuniti and its subsidiaries are sewing >>>



On order


Number of vessels

Total value US$M

Number of vessels

Total value US$M

Number of vessels

Total value US$M



































Ocean tug ERRV Grand total













Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018





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workboats MARKET ANALYSIS | 15

up the towage market through acquisitions and newbuilding orders. At the beginning of August, its subsidiary, Rimorchiatori Mediterranei, acquired a company that was part of rival group, Capieci Spa, for its towing service concessions in Sicily. This purchase consolidated Rimorchiatori Riuniti’s leadership in the port towing sector in that area, where it already has a presence through its subsidiary Rimorchiatori Augusta. Rimorchiatori Riuniti expanded its services in mainland Italy through the addition of a new powerful escort tug; Paraggi completed its first towage project on 26 July as it manoeuvred a ship from Tulcea, Romania, to the Italian port of Genoa. It was built by Turkish shipyard Bogazici to a Cintranaval design. In France and Spain, Boluda Corporacion Maritima has a strong towage market position that has resulted in further tug newbuilding orders. In May, Boluda contracted Piriou to build a new series of up to eight tugs for its operations in France. These tugboats will be built in Vietnam to Piriou’s own design, for delivery in 2019 and 2020. Boluda already operates a fleet of 75 tugs and 30 service vessels in 15 harbours in France, Africa and in the Indian Ocean. >>>

Asia: port requirements drive newbuilding levels

Tug newbuilding orders in Asia have increased this year and while the OSV sector continues to struggle, there are

Tugs assist a barge on a Gazprom gas project in eastern Russia

signs that a recovery is imminent. As an example of the buoyancy of towage and port operations in the region, eight tugs were ordered from a subsidiary of Formosa Plastics to support terminals in Taiwan in Q3. It ordered tugs of three different sizes from Graha Trisaka, which operates an Indonesian shipyard, according to BRL Shipping Consultants. This included four harbour tugs with an overall length of 25












Total value US$M



On order 0-4


Number of vessels

10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59

Total value US$M


(Source: VesselsValue)


Number of vessels


m, for delivery during Q3 and Q4 of 2019. Graha Trisaka will also build three larger tugs of 33.5 m in length for escort duties and harbour towage between May and September in 2020, plus a 29.2-m tug for delivery in December 2019. Other port operators in the region have also modernised their tug fleets. For example, Pelabuhan Indonesia III has taken delivery of 15 tugs from Indonesian shipyards for its port support services in that country over the past 12 months. There has been an upturn in tugboat construction in China, with Cheoy Lee Shipyards and Jiangsu Zhenjiang Shipyard the major builders in the nation, although others such as Sanlin Shipyard, PaxOcean Engineering Zhuhai, Jiangsu Wuxi and Jiangsu Suyang Marine have also picked up orders this year. Cheoy Lee builds many of its tugs to Robert Allan designs and on a speculative basis, with the expectation that they will be sold before or on completion. It sold two escort tugs, named SST Grizzly and SST Orca, to SAAM Smit Towage (SST) Canada at the end of September and these are expected to arrive in British Columbia in November. In contrast, Jiangsu Zhenjiang builds tugs to its own design for mainly Chinese port authorities and vessel owners that are upgrading their fleets to comply with more stringent environmental rules and larger ship berthing. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018









VT Halter is building barges and tugs for North American ATB units

LNG projects expand US shipyard’s expertise ​​​ Halter Marine continues to secure construction VT contracts for articulated tug-barge units, while enhancing its knowledge and reputation building LNG-powered vessels


T Halter Marine has established an enviable position in the North American workboat and barge construction sector, thanks to its engineering expertise, design capabilities and safety regimes. This Pascagoula, Mississippi shipyard has a strong and diverse orderbook that includes construction of articulated tug-barge (ATB) combinations, ferries, bunkering barges, naval vessels and container roro ships. It has achieved its reputation by adopting high safety protocols, utilising the latest 3D-engineering software and keeping its skilled workforce trained in the latest ideas and technology. “Halter has delivered over 2,600 vessels to commercial and government customers in 29 countries, and has a reputation for quality,” said VT Halter Marine senior vice president Robert Socha. “Relationships, some going back over 37 years with return customers like Bouchard Transportation, are paramount, allowing us to grow along with our diverse customer base.” Indeed, Mr Socha noted the shipyard’s history and financial stability as core reasons why it retains clients and attracts repeat business.

VT Halter has produced medium-sized vessels for 70 years and uses engineering and design capabilities from worldwide resources. “We leverage the core engineering competencies of the ST Engineering Group in Singapore whenever we can, to enhance our capabilities,” said Mr Socha. “We also use outside design agents when they bring designs or core competencies that we do not have.” This expertise, coupled with outside design and engineering contractors has enabled VT Halter to build a comprehensive orderbook of newbuildings for the next two to three years. For example, it is currently building the second of two LNG-powered container/roro (Conro) ships for Crowley Maritime, scheduled to be delivered before the end of this year. These ships, El Coqui and Taino, are built with MAN Energy Solutions 8S70ME-C8.2-GI main engines and three of its 9L28/32 DF auxiliary engines. These are installed in a hull based on Wärtsilä Ship Design’s CRV 2400 WB standard model. Wärtsilä also supplied its propeller, rudders, transverse thrusters and shaft line, along with its bearings and stern tube. VT Halter is also engaging its construction expertise to build a set of 67 Class barracks barges for the US Navy that are anticipated to enter service in Q2 and Q3 2020. It is also completing a passenger ferry for the Virginia Department of Transportation that will operate between Jamestown and Scotland in that state. However, its experience in constructing tugs and barges generates the main elements of its existing orderbook and it has contracts for conventional and LNG-based units. VT Halter has a

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


contract with Bouchard Transportation for the construction of two twin-screw ATB units for operations in New York state. The first of these ABS-class ATBs, Evening Breeze, is scheduled for delivery in Q1 2019 and the second, Evening Stroll, in Q1 2020. These will both have an overall length of 34 m, breadth of 10.5 m and 5.2 m hull depth. They will each have combined power of 2,990 kW and be classed for ocean towage. Both ATBs will meet US Coast Guard’s Subchapter M and SOLAS requirements and the Environmental Protection Agency’s Tier 4 emissions regulations. In one of the most ingenious ATB projects yet to be instigated, VT Halter is combining the engineering of ATBs with LNG cargo to build a 4,000 m3 capacity LNG transportation and bunkering barge and an LNG-powered tug for an ATB project for Quality LNG Transport (Q-LNG). The project will provide LNG bunkering services, under a long-term contract to Shell, and will be operated by Harvey Gulf International Marine when it comes into service in Q1 2020. Shell will use this ATB to refuel cruise ships and other dual-fuel vessels in the southeastern US. According to Mr Socha there are contract options to build another ATB tug for Bouchard Transportation and four more 67 Class barracks barges for the US Navy; this could keep the shipyard busy into 2021. VT Halter is also set to build an 8,000 m3 capacity ATB for Q-LNG, which will be a scaled-up version of the smaller bunker vessel, with the same design features.

Construction facilities

“As the largest US builder of medium-size ships, our facility is capable of supporting multiple building programmes at any one time,” said Mr Socha. The Pascagoula operations facility covers more than 331,800 m2, with the main undercover fabrication and assembly buildings covering 68,500 m2. The operations facility has erection and launch facilities that are suited to both large- and medium-size vessels. It also has a blast and paint facility and more than 3,420 m2 of warehouse space for storing and distributing vessel construction materials. It operates almost 7,000 m2 of offsite warehouse space, including 460 m2 of climate-controlled warehousing for the storage of sensitive electrical or electronics components. Its Pascagoula shipyard has a direct, nine-nautical mile, unobstructed deepwater access to the Gulf of Mexico. It can process more than 40,000 tonnes of steel per year. The underroof areas are dedicated to the cutting, shaping, fabrication, assembly, erection and inspection of large construction modules and assembly blocks. VT Halter’s facilities are equipped with crane and lifting units for single or multicrane lifts. This includes: • (1) 300-ton stiff leg derrick located adjacent to Pier C • (3) each 165-tonne crawler (American 9310) • (2) each 275-tonne crawler (Sany 2500) • (3) each 300-tonne crawler (Manitowoc 2250)

“Relationships, some going back over 37 years, are paramount, allowing us to grow along with our diverse customer base”

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

ATB tugs are constructed at the Pascagoula shipyard in its undercover facilities

• (2) each 550-tonne crawler (Sany 5000) • (2) each 150-tonne barge cranes The shipyard has multiple options for transferring a fully assembled vessel from land to afloat. The three methodologies most frequently used are side-launch using tilt-beams, end-launch via the launch dock, or side-launch using cranes.

Software and training

VT Halter uses a variety of design and engineering software that enhances its naval architecture and ship construction. Mr Socha said the group uses AutoCAD for 2D drafting and then ShipConstructor for 3D product modelling and NavisWorks for model viewing, display and analysis. Its engineers can then use Rhino for further 3D modelling and AutoDesk Simulator for finite element analysis of these 3D models. Mr Socha said the shipyard uses ShipWeight for weight control software and Pipe-Flo for fluid flow analysis. It utilises Creative Systems’ General HydroStatics for stability and hydrostatics calculations, Primavera P6 for scheduling and then Microsoft Office for documentation and other office software requirements. When this is not enough, VT Halter engages outside assistance. It is working with Downey Engineering on the US Navy’s barracks barges and TAI on engineering heavy Polar ice breakers for the US Coast Guard. It is using two third parties on Crowley’s Conro programme, including Wärtsilä Ship Design and TGE for the LNG system design. Other elements that enhance VT Halter’s services are its safety strategies, procedures and training. “To reduce our incident rate our upper management supports and buys into the safety programme,” said Mr Socha. “Management and production leadership work together to hold front-line supervision accountable and they in turn hold the employees accountable.” Its safety training includes a five-hour orientation for all employees, using various materials including presentations and video. There are weekly safety meetings, with tool-box topics covered for different crafts and supervisor training provided. VT Halter also provides additional specialty training, such as forklift, man-lift, overhead crane, fire watch, and remedial training. Training covers the latest regulations and class rules from classification societies ABS and DNV GL and from the US Coast Guard. For LNG projects, the shipyard follows IGF Code. MP



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Event preview: the New Orleans International WorkBoat Show

Technologies that improve both environmental and operational efficiencies will be showcased at the New Orleans International WorkBoat Show The International WorkBoat Show, a perfect opportunity to touch and feel new technology


longside the main expo at this year’s New Orleans International WorkBoat Show will be a full conference programme, looking at maintenance and repair, offshore, tugs and coastal towing, shipyards, and inland waterways and passenger vessels. The full programme is available on the International WorkBoat Show website. Of particular interest is the 'Today’s Technologies For Tomorrow’s Future' session on the inland waterways and passenger vessels track. Red and White Fleet executive vice president Joe Burgard, BAE Systems global marine director for business development Joe Hudspeth and Golden Gate Zero Emission Marine (GGZEM) chief executive and chief technology officer Dr Joseph Pratt will be discussing ways in which greener technologies can be more beneficial than current and older strategies from an economic, competitive and regulatory standpoint. They will also look at how this aligns with the energy and transportation infrastructure of the future.

Particular attention will be paid to the hydrogen fuel cell technology that powers GGZEM’s Water-Go-Round project, which counts BAE Systems and Red and White Fleet among its project partners. It is the first fuel-cell vessel in the US and the first commercial fuel-cell ferry in the world. While Dr Pratt will present from a technological perspective, Mr Burgard will address concerns from an operational perspective and Mr Hudspeth will offer an equipment manufacturer’s perspective. “We’ve got past the point of discussing it as a viable technology,” said Dr Pratt, noting that the focus of the presentation will be on economics and market drivers. “The message is not ‘this is a new technology we think could work on the water,’ the message is more ‘here is a technology that can give advantages to operators who adopt it’. “There is a pretty clear operational cost-saving over the life of a vessel from going to hydrogen fuel-cell power,” said Dr Pratt, noting that passenger vessels are a good category for the early stages of the

technology because of their lower cost of ownership for operational costs. Dr Pratt sees two main factors as holding back the adoption of this technology in maritime: firstly, he cites a perceived lack of proof that the concept works in the maritime sector, “in spite of studies that have taken place proving the technology works and the fact that on land there are already buses, trucks and cars that operate on fuel cells.” Dr Pratt said: “In the maritime industry it is more difficult to get people to adopt a technology if they haven’t touched and felt and even driven it.” Secondly, he notes the perception that hydrogen fuel cells are cost-prohibitive. He anticipates being able to address the first factor when Water-Go-Round starts operations next year. Sandia National Laboratories will be collecting performance data, analysing and publishing it independently, and GGZEM will also make the vessel available for operators to experience the technology for themselves. For the second factor, Dr Pratt

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believes the solution is to educate the sector about the cost trajectories of different technologies, and to illustrate the maintenance needs. He noted that mass production of fuel-cell vehicles will drive down costs across market segments, which can be leveraged to reduce the costs for operators over a vessel’s lifetime. Dr Pratt said the panel will look to convince the audience at the WorkBoat Show that fuelcell technology makes economic sense and is something they need to consider, rather than dismissing it offhand as being an interesting but prohibitively costly idea.

Preventative maintenance and condition monitoring systems

On the maintenance and repair track, Caterpillar Marine Asset Intelligence business development manager David Shannon and GE Power Conversion technical services leader Stuart Gray will present a session on software intelligence and predictive maintenance. Systems such as Caterpillar’s Asset Intelligence can help users predict and avoid failures, optimise maintenance, reduce fuel and operational expenditure, ensure compliance and create transparency. One of the highlights of the conference for Caterpillar will be spreading the word about its Asset Intelligence 5.0 system, which was announced recently and is due to be launched in early 2019, along with its “Return on Intelligence” concept, which focuses on creating value through the use of analytics within the industrial space.

The ‘Today‘s Technologies for Tomorrow‘s Future’ session will focus on the hydrogen fuelcell technology that powers GGZEM’s Water-Go-Round project

create the model. This could result in false positive warnings, but with AI 5.0 the user can amend the model to factor this in. It is also an agnostic system, compatible with equipment from OEMs other than Caterpillar, and with potential applications across sectors. AI 5.0 improves on its predecessor, AI 4.8, in two obvious ways: it allows customers to make their own edits to information screens advising courses of action based on the data being processed; and users can make edits to the model itself. AI 5.0 moves from the concept of ‘how it works’ to ‘what it does’, said Mr Shannon, noting there exists a history in condition monitoring of concentrating

“The message is not ‘this is a new technology we think could work on the water,’ the message is more ‘here’s a technology that can give advantages to operators who adopt it’”

Built around six pillars that make it compliant with ISO 13374’s standards for condition monitoring – data acquisition, data manipulation, state detection, health assessment, prognostic assessment and advisory generation – AI 5.0 seeks to combine scalability and flexibility. While Caterpillar develops core models based on analytics, users will be able to tweak these models to better suit their applications. Mr Shannon gave the example of a user whose vessels operate in ambient water temperatures warmer than those used to

on how modelling functions work, rather than actually explaining to users what capabilities they bring. AI 5.0 will attempt to change this with a superior user interface and customised analytics, which can be tailored according to an organisation’s operational parameters. Using the “Return On Intelligence” concept, Caterpillar sees AI 5.0 performing the functions of multiple data scientists to provide users with clear, actionable information that brings together data from a range of sources in

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

a single platform, allowing for a more holistic understanding of how equipment is performing. Caterpillar Asset Intelligence marketing and communications manager Ashley McLaughlin said: “Cat AI 5.0 was designed to make the software work for the consumer, providing intelligence so you are left with only the facts to make better operational decisions.” Also in the condition-monitoring space, diesel power specialist Royston will be showcasing developments including its Vessel Energy Monitoring (VEM) system. Part of Royston’s enginei product, the VEM system records fuel consumption data from bunkers and individual engines, with data provided both on board the vessel and on shore. Data is transferred ship-to-shore where possible via a web dashboard incorporating GPS mapping. This allows operators to see a vessel’s full operational profile and achieve maximum operating efficiencies. The system can incorporate an unlimited number of sensor inputs, including data such as weather and engine parameters (lube oil temperature and pressure, cylinder temperature, coolant temperature and boost pressure), along with parish tax geofencing for the brownwater market, emissions monitoring and tank gauging. Royston’s product manager for enginei Damian McCann said: “Workboat operators looking to optimise vessel performance in a changing environmentaland cost-driven marine landscape can achieve competitive advantages through our monitoring technologies and diagnostic solutions for propulsion systems.” MP

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Low-pressure, two-stroke engines are being favoured by LNG owners Low-pressure, dual-fuel, two-stroke engines are proving popular additions to the LNG fleet

Wärtsilä's 5RT-flex50DF powers the 14,000 m3 Hua Xiang 8


“ME-GI engines deliver the same output as conventional diesel engines, but can burn gas from any source, irrespective of the methane number, and provide high levels of efficiency at partial loads”

f the 13 conventional LNG carriers contracted in 2017, four were specified with low-pressure, dual-fuel, two-stroke engines developed by Winterthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD). The current LNGC orderbook now features 16 vessels that will be powered by these units, which WinGD terms its Generation X dual-fuel (X-DF) engines. The newbuildings will join the two LNG carriers with low-pressure, twostroke propulsion systems currently in service. These are the 14,000 m3 Hua Xiang 8, which is powered by a Wärtsilä 5RT-flex50DF unit, a precursor of the WinGD dual-fuel X-DF technology, and the 180,000 m3 SK Audace which is propelled by a pair of WinGD 6X62DF engines. Both ships were completed in 2017.

Two-stroke breakthrough

The propulsion system of choice for the majority of LNGC newbuildings was the dual-fuel diesel-electric (DFDE) option, with a set of four-stroke, medium-speed diesel generators, from around 2002 until December 2012. The order that month, however, for the first vessel with MAN’s high-

pressure diesel engines marked the start of the two-stroke, dual-fuel power-train era. Two-stroke, low-speed engines of the MAN high-pressure and WinGD lowpressure types offer major propulsive efficiency advantages over both the DFDE technology and steam turbines, the most popular propulsion system choice during the early days of LNG transport. Initial LNG shipowner interest in twostroke, dual-fuel propulsion was focused primarily on the MAN high-pressure unit, otherwise known as its mechanically operated, electronically controlled, gasinjection (ME-GI) diesel engine. Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) was particularly successful in gaining newbuilding orders by marketing an ME-GI propulsion package which also included its in-house designs for a high-pressure fuel gas supply system (FGSS) and a partial reliquefaction plant. While MAN’s ME-GI option remains a popular LNGC propulsion system choice, the WinGD X-DF technology has been gaining ground more recently, as highlighted by the current 16-ship orderbook. Both propulsion systems are

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


now also being specified as the means of powering a growing array of larger LNGpowered vessels that are not LNG carriers, including container ships and tankers.

Low-pressure advantages

WinGD was established as a 70/30 joint venture company established by China State Shipbuilding Corp (CSSC) and Wärtsilä in January 2015 to take over Wärtsilä’s low-speed, two-stroke engine

business, and is now fully owned by CSSC. The origins of the two-stroke technology can be traced back to Sulzer, the Switzerland-based engine manufacturer acquired by Wärtsilä in 1997. WinGD’s new Generation X engines employ lower-rated speeds to reduce both fuel consumption and wear while maintaining power outputs comparable to their predecessors. The X-DF dual-fuel version uses LNG delivered to the engine

as low-pressure gas. The X-DF technology is based on the lean-burn Otto cycle, in which a compressed lean air-gas mixture is ignited through the injection of a small amount of liquid pilot fuel. Under the micro-pilot ignition concept, which is the global standard for the four-stroke engines that drive DFDE propulsion systems, the pilot fuel accounts for only 1% of the overall volume of fuel used. WinGD states that the concept results in significant reductions in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions compared with alternative engine types and enables compliance with IMO Tier III NOx limits in emission control areas (ECAs) without the need for the vessel to be fitted with exhaust after-treatment equipment. The first demonstration run of a large-bore X-DF engine, in April 2015 in co-operation with Diesel United of Japan, verified the performance capabilities. ME-GI engines, which run on the diesel cycle, offer important advantages such as the abilities to deliver the same output as conventional diesel engines; to burn gas from any source, irrespective of the methane number; and to provide high levels of efficiency at partial loads. However, as WinGD points out, some of the X-DF technology’s shortcomings in those areas where ME-GI offers advantages need to be offset by considering the overall propulsion system performance rather than just that of the main engine as a stand-alone unit. For example, ME-GI engines require the use of a sophisticated FGSS to inject gas into the cylinders at 300 bar. The piston compressor set needed for a highpressure FGSS can result in a compressor skid that weighs six times that of the unit utilised in the WinGD’s 16-bar system. The piston pumps that feature in the high-pressure FGSS are also more sophisticated and require more maintenance than the simple centrifugal LNG pumps used in the WinGD FGSS. WinGD estimates that the capital cost of a propulsion system for an ME-GI LNG carrier could be up to 40% greater than that for a similar-sized vessel with a low-pressure, two-stroke powertrain, due to the need for exhaust gas treatment facilities, a more elaborate, energy-intensive FGSS and more robust engineroom feed gas pipework. For LNGfuelled merchant ships the price disparity would fall to 15%, but the advantage still lies with the X-DF option.


X-DF rollout

Eight of the 16 LNGC newbuildings specified with WinGD engines will be completed in 2018. One of the first to be delivered will be SK Resolute, a sistership of SK Audace. Both were built by Samsung Heavy Industries for an SK Shipping/Marubeni joint venture and chartered to Total. In August 2016 South Korea’s SK Shipping ordered a second pair of 180,000 m3 LNGCs with WinGD propulsion systems, this time at Hyundai Heavy industries (HHI). In contrast to SK Audace and SK Resolute, each of which is equipped with a pair of 6X62DF engines, the HHI duo will each be fitted with two five-cylinder, 72 cm-bore (5X72DF) units. The Hyundai newbuildings will be chartered to SK E&S and used to lift cargoes from the Freeport LNG terminal in Texas. The facility’s location is within the North American ECA and the ability of the WinGD engines, when running on gas, to meet the Tier III NOx emission rules without the need for exhaust gas treatment equipment was a key factor in the choice of propulsion system for the vessels. Other shipowners besides SK Shipping that have opted for WinGD engines for several of their recent LNGC newbuilding orders are GasLog, Mitsui OSK Lines and TMS Cardiff Gas. These companies believe that their engine choice will not only ensure compliance with all existing and likely future emissions regulations but also bring long-term savings through reduced fuel and maintenance costs. The French liner service operator CMA CGM achieved a major breakthrough in the use of LNG as marine fuel in November 2017 when it specified WinGD dual-fuel engines for nine new 22,000 TEU container ships. They are not only the largest vessels of this type ever ordered but also the largest ships that are not LNG carriers to be powered by LNG. Each ship in the series will be propelled by a 12X92DF unit. Their rating – 63,840 kW at 80 rpm – makes them the largest gasburning engines ever contracted. Terntank placed the first ever order for a low-pressure, two-stroke, gas-burning engine to propel a ship in December 2013. The tanker operator specified an RT-flex50DF engine for each of a pair of 15,000 dwt coastal product/chemical tankers it had contracted at the Avic Dingheng yard in China. The deal was subsequently boosted to four ships, all of

which are destined for operations in North and Baltic Sea ECAs. X-DF engines were also chosen for the first-ever gas-fuelled Aframax crude oil tankers to be contracted. Each of the four 114,000 dwt ice-class 1A tankers that Sovcomflot ordered at HHI in March 2017 will be powered by 7X62DF engines. Since the Sovcomflot order, nine more Aframax tankers and two twin-screw Suezmax shuttle tankers have been

specified with similar propulsion systems. WinGD reports that 83 X-DF engines have been ordered to date, eight of which are in operation. The orderbook is just about evenly split between the LNG carrier and LNG-powered ship sectors. As more owners become aware of the benefits of the low-pressure, two-stroke technology, not only will the number of engine orders grow, but so will the X-DF share of the gas-powered vessel market. MP

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New four-strokes drive cleaner workboats Driven by tough new regulations, manufacturers are producing four-strokes that enable vessels to operate in strict emissions control areas


Eddie Brown (Cummings): “QSK60 is the first of a number of engines that we are certifying for IMO III”

ngine manufacturers used the SMM exhibition in Hamburg, Germany in September to reveal new engines for efficient workboats and tugs operating in areas of strict emissions regulations. Cummins unveiled an environmental engine series for tugs, offshore and passenger vessels and workboats. Its QSK60 engine package has been certified to comply with IMO Tier III emissions requirements when connected to a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) aftertreatment system to eliminate nitrous oxides. Cummins also introduced the X15 engine at Tier II level for vessels operating in inland waterways. QSK60 Tier III four-stroke diesel engines can also be used as an auxiliary system and generator set, said Cummins segment leader for commercial marine Eddie Brown. This V-16 cylinder engine series will be available in a power range of 1,491-2,013 kW with torque between 990-1,357 Nm. It has Cummins’ modular common-rail fuel system, a counterclockwise facing flywheel, turbocharger and aftercooler. Mr Brown focused on the SCR’s flexibility and lifetime in an SMM presentation. He said that when a ship is in emission control areas the SCR is turned on to be Tier III compliant, but, “outside these areas the master can halt the urea as QSK60 is IMO Tier II-compliant without any exhaust bypass.” He added that existing QSK60 engines can be retrofitted with an SCR to become

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Tier III compliant. “There has been additional demand for Tier III engines, so we are getting in front of the regulations,” said Mr Brown. “This is the first of a number of engines we are certifying for IMO III.” He said that Cummins is working with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to secure approval that QSK60 engines are Tier III compliant. “We are also working on getting them approved for EPA Tier 4,” he said. Cummins selected an SCR for QSK60 Tier III so that it is fully serviceable, meaning the Vanadia-based catalysts can be removed without special tools and are easily replaced when needed, said Mr Brown.

“There has been additional demand for Tier III engines, so we are getting in front of the regulations” Cummins anticipates the catalyst life would match the engine life until a periodic overhaul, which would minimise downtime. The catalyst can tolerate up to 5,000 ppm of sulphur in fuel, so workboat operators will not need to change the quality of fuel they use. Mr Brown said the capacity and power of the QSK60 would depend on the type of vessel and requirements. QSK60 engines are already in use in Tier II on high-speed passenger vessels, smaller car-carrying ferries, offshore support vessels, tugs and crewboats. For example, azimuth stern drive (ASD)-tug Brutus, which started operating in Buenos Aries, Argentina in 2016, has

QSK60 Tier II engines that each generate 2,013 kW of power at 1,900 rpm. This 28.8-m vessel has 75 tonnes of bollard pull and a maximum speed of 12 knots. QSK60 Tier III engines are suitable for tugs with bollard pulls of 60-80 tonnes “depending on the drive line and naval architecture of the tug,” Mr Brown said. QSK60 Tier II engines are also installed on platform support vessels and crewboats operated by Seacor and Bordelon. In addition, Cummins has introduced the X15 marine engine platform for commercial marine applications. It is designed to withstand continuous high-speed daily operations with variable and fixed speed ratings of 330-447 kW. “X15 will be cost efficient for customers, come in a compact package and have best-in-class power density,” said Mr Brown. Initially X15 will meet IMO Tier II and EPA Tier 3 requirements. Mr Brown expects the engines of this platform to be used for crewboats, fishing vessels, patrol boats and other workboats. The first installation of a Cummins X15 is on a crewboat in Louisiana, US, where it replaced a non-Cummins engine. “Feedback from the field tests on the crewboat in the US is positive,” said Mr Brown. “The owner is happy with the power. It has gone from being the slowest boat in the fleet to the fastest and most powerful.” More applications for X15 will be coming in H1 2019. “We will look at expanding the power ratings for X15 for small harbour tugs and working barges – this will be a phased approach,” said Mr Brown. X15 uses the latest Cummins XPI fuel system while the common-rail system provides high injection pressures for efficient fuel burning, clean emissions and optimised consumption. Cummins will also offer engine control module CM2350 to provide engine monitoring and diagnostics capabilities and an automated engine shutdown to prevent any catastrophic failures. CM2350 is linked to sensors that monitor fuel consumption, gear pressure and temperature. This module has digital engine start/stop functionality.

SMM propulsion launches

Moteurs Baudouin introduced its latest four-stroke diesel engine that complies with IMO Tier III and EPA Tier 4 requirements. This version of Baudouin’s I2 M263 engine comes with an SCR to

minimise NOx emissions. This 12-cylinder engine has direct fuel injection and a power range of 883 kW at 1,800 rpm to 1,214 kW at 2,300 rpm. It has a common-rail fuel system, displacement of 32.8 l and a counterclockwise facing flywheel. Baudouin said its SCR was designed so that its maintenance was in line with the engine’s overhaul period. It said this is a cleaner engine than its predecessors with up to 2% reduction in average fuel consumption and up to 25 dB noise reduction without affecting the power output. Anglo Belgian Corp unveiled a hybrid propulsion system to accompany its main engines. It has concluded co-operation agreements with several partners to provide a package that includes main engines, generator sets, power management systems and alternative power sources. Its main product range includes six- and eight-cylinder inline engines and 12- and 16-cylinder V-engines. Scania presented the latest addition to its engine range for workboats, a V8 engine with 850 kW of power in a 13-l or 16-l capacity for lower emissions. Scania has developed an aftertreatment system for this series of engines to comply with IMO Tier III requirements. Its 13-l Tier III engine has a power range of 257-405 kW, or 269-426 kW at 50 Hz as an auxiliary. Scania is developing methods of introducing hybrid propulsion technology to supplement its main engines for workboats. MP Based on Tier II; dimensions may vary based on selected engine configuration

ABOVE: QSK60 Tier III will be available in a power range of 1,491-2,013 kW

QSK60 PARTICULARS Engine manufacturer IMO Cylinder Power range Torque range Fuel Additional Bore & Stroke

Cummins Tier II and Tier III V-16 1,491-2,013 kW 990-1,357 Nm diesel, modular common rail turbocharger, SCR, aftercooling 159 x 190 mm


60.2 l

Overall length

329 cm

Overall width

175.5 cm

Overall height

41.5 cm


8,750 kg

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


Mix and match to reduce emissions Wärtsilä is investigating how to merge dual-fuel engines with hybrid propulsion technology to lower operating expenditure and emissions


ugboats could be built with both LNG and hybrid propulsion systems to minimise their gaseous emissions in ports. Approximately five tugs are being built worldwide with dual-fuel engines and at least another five are under construction with hybrid propulsion systems, but none with both. There is considerable extra cost in a tug construction project if LNG fuel is chosen – thought to be around US$3M depending on the project – instead of conventional diesel-mechanical or dieselelectric propulsion. But, there is a lower additional cost for installing hybrid power units. As the operational benefits are slowly realised by owners and port authorities, more orders for tugs with these types of propulsion are forthcoming. Wärtsilä business development manager for offshore and special vessels Donato Agostinelli Capaldo believes demand for tugs with both LNG and hybrid propulsion will increase; hence, Wärtsilä is looking at ways of combining them on a vessel for fuel and operational efficiency. “There is a large cost jump from conventional propulsion to LNG, and a gap between conventional propulsion and hybrid,” said Mr Capaldo. “But, there is only a small change going from LNG to LNG with hybrid. There would be substantial benefits with little extra cost,” he said. Wärtsilä has supplied dual-fuel engines for LNG-fuelled tugs, including a pair for an LNG tug under construction for PSA Marine, and propulsion for an LNG articulated tug-barge unit for Quality LNG

Transport (Q-LNG)’s bunkering services in the US. It has also supplied HYTug design and propulsion for a hybrid icebreaking escort tug, under construction for the Port of Luleå in Sweden. Mr Capaldo said the Q-LNG project was driven by the need to provide LNG fuel on ships in the US and to meet Tier 4 requirements from the US Environmental Protection Agency. Stringent environmental rules could push more owners into ordering LNG-fuelled and hybrid propulsion tugs. But, the drive should also come from the port authorities and charterers, Mr Capaldo said. “It takes support from stakeholders to promote hybrid and/or LNG for lower emissions,” he explained. “The benefits and gains take time to be accounted for on the balance sheet, so we need to bridge this gap. There needs to be financial incentives so that we all can benefit.” It is true that there are both environmental and commercial benefits from LNG and hybrid, and they are applicable to owners and charterers alike. “Tugs can be idling in port, transiting at speeds of 5-7 knots, pushing at low power, or towing at medium power and perhaps at maximum power for a short time,” said Mr Capaldo. “Hybrid systems improve the overall performance of tugs, as they have a wide range of operating modes,” Mr Capaldo explained. “Some with very high loads for a small amount of time, others with very low loads for long periods of time.” “We can integrate different power systems and balance them effectively with the best combination for a tug’s operating

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

Donato Agostinelli Capaldo (Wärtsilä): “It takes support from stakeholders to promote hybrid and/or LNG for lower emissions”

profile,” he continued. This leads to less maintenance and cylinder running hours, lower fuel and reduced gaseous emissions. Tug owners and port authorities mainly focus on meeting maximum bollard pulls and sailing speeds when choosing design and propulsion. “This creates systems that are optimised for the maximum performance,” continued Mr Capaldo. “In reality, these operating modes are rarely used, so the systems operate off-design for most of the time, increasing fuel, emissions and maintenance costs.” Hybrid propulsion enables owners to have different optimal settings when integrating engines with batteries and charging. By integrating with dual-fuel engines, owners can also have different emissions settings. MP

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Rolls-Royce introduces MTU hybrid propulsion range for 2020 Rolls-Royce has unveiled details of a range of integrated MTU hybrid propulsion systems geared towards 2020 and beyond for ferries, workboats and naval vessels

Snapshot CV

Dr Peter Riegger (Rolls-Royce)

• January 2016: began heading up Rolls-Royce MTU’s Engineering Development and New Technologies unit • Started career at Robert Bosch GmbH • Qualified as Ingénieur généraliste in Paris • Graduated from the University of Stuttgart with a degree in physics


he new Rolls-Royce range of MTU hybrid propulsion systems will consist of MTU internal combustion engines, electric drive modules, transmission systems, batteries, monitoring and control software and assorted electronic components. Rolls-Royce head of research and technology Dr Peter Rieger said global regulations around emissions reduction and energy efficiency were at the heart of the decision to launch the new systems. “One of the drivers is emission regulation and the other one [is] energy efficiency discussions. It's not only the IMO discussion to reduce CO2 emissions by 50%, it's also the Paris Agreement,” Dr Rieger told this publication at the SMM launch ceremony. “For us, traditionally being an engine provider, it is very important to look at how we could comply with all these requirements in the future,” he said. “In the same way as in other industries, it is optimising the operation using digitalisation but also adding electrification, using waste energy and improving technology by reducing friction, increasing levels of turbocharger injection, and adding some sophisticated exhaust gas treatment on board. These are the five pillars.” Dr Rieger said Rolls-Royce is convinced that, while diesel and gas engines have a lengthy future in maritime “due to the high energy density of those fuels”, hybrid-electric systems will be essential to utilising carbon-based fuels in an “intelligent” manner. “We see also in the mid- to long-term future, most or all of the [commercial shipping industry's] vessels will have a strong electrified system on board, a microgrid on board those ships. And the intelligent combination of the advantages

of a full electric drive and a conventional diesel drive will have these hybrid [systems] in all the modes – there is a huge variety of modes we can create. In the mid- and longterm future, we see only combined systems,” he said. Rolls-Royce head of marine and government business at MTU said the group will provide integrated systems “with an appropriate selection of propulsion modes that are easy to operate”. The systems will be offered in a variety of power ranges to suit individual customer requirements. As of 2020, systems incorporating MTU Series 2000 engines combined with one or two electric motors per powertrain, each with 150 kW of electrical output, will be available covering a power range of between approximately 1,000 and 2,200 kW per powertrain. As of 2021, MTU will then extend its portfolio, adding hybrid systems based on the power delivered by MTU Series 4000 engines and as many as four electric motors, each with 150 kW of electrical output, covering a power range of between approximately 1,000 and 4,000 kW per powertrain. The propulsion systems will also be made available for workboats, ferries and patrol boats in a power range extending from around 1,000 kW to 4,000 kW per powertrain. Rolls-Royce is planning to test a new MTU hybrid system incorporating Series 2000 engines in a yacht in 2019. For tugboats, the hybrid propulsion system offers precise manoeuvring with the electric motor while using the entire power output of the diesel engines and electric motors combined for bollard pull operations. The new MTU hybrid propulsion systems for ships are part of the Green and High-Tech initiative, which Rolls-Royce Power Systems launched in 2015. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

34 | ENGINES AND PROPULSION SYSTEMS dual-fuel & gas engines

Fleet review: LNG bunker vessels There are now six LNG bunker vessels (LNGBVs) in service and a further 12 on order. These vessels are essential for the rapid turnaround of large dual-fuel ships


NG ship-to-ship (STS) bunkering is now in its fifth year, as the 180m3 LNG bunker vessel (LNGBV) Seagas, a converted small Norwegian ferry, entered into service in Stockholm harbour in 2013 to fuel the passenger/car ferry Viking Grace with 70 tonnes of LNG most days of the week. Yet until last year Seagas remained the sole practitioner of this method of fuelling LNG-powered ships. It was only in 2017 that the new LNGBV era really began to take hold, when the first three purposebuilt LNG fuellers entered service. The trio are Zeebrugge-based, 5,000m3 Engie Zeebrugge, 6,500-m3 Cardissa in Rotterdam and 5,800-m3 Coralius, serving in the western Baltic Sea, including the Skagerrak. These inaugural ships, and the many other LNGBV newbuildings set to follow, are enabling the growing fleet of gaspowered ships to be fuelled in a safer and

more timely and efficient manner than is possible with jettyside truck-to-ship LNG transfers. For the large dual-fuel ships on quick port turnaround timetables now entering service, LNGBVs are recognised as the only viable option. Last year was also notable for the newbuilding contracts for four 7,500-m3 coastal LNG carriers, comprising two for Korea Line and two for Stolt-Nielsen Gas, and all scheduled for 2019 completions. Although only one of the Korea Line ships has been definitively earmarked for LNGBV duties, all four are set to be provided with the ability to carry out STS fuelling operations. The 2017 newbuilding contracts complemented an order for a new LNGBV placed in 2016. This is the 7,500-m3 LNGBV Kairos that Korea’s Hyundai Mipo yard is building for Babcock Schulte Energy, a Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement/Babcock

Ship-to-ship transfer of fuel from 5,800 m3 LNG bunker vessel Coralius to 17,560 dwt, dual-fuel chemical/product tanker Fure West

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

International joint venture. Kairos is due for commissioning in September 2018. With Klaipeda in Lithuania serving as its home port, Kairos will be chartered by Blue LNG, a Nauticor/Klaipedos Nafta joint venture. Clients will include Gothia Tanker Alliance, the Swedish operator of a fleet of regional North/Baltic Sea chemical/product distribution tankers that run on LNG.


Delivery Capacity date (m3)




Engie Zeebrugge












Coral Methane






Clean Jacksonville






Stolt-Nielsen Gas



Stolt-Nielsen Gas



Korea Line



Korea Line















CLS Japan



dual-fuel & gas engines ENGINES AND PROPULSION SYSTEMS | 35

in the Florida port of Jacksonville and TOTE Maritime’s two new 3,100-TEU Marlin-class, LNG-powered container ships that sail regularly to Puerto Rico will be the anchor customers of the vessel’s cryogenic fuelling services. Clean Jacksonville has a GTT Mark III cargo tank and is the first LNGBV to feature a membrane containment system.


Recent modification work has transformed the coastal LNG carrier Coral Methane into an LNG bunker vessel

Brisk start to 2018

As the new year commenced, LNGBV fleet developments continued apace. During the first five weeks of 2018 an LNGBV almost three times the size of any such vessel yet built was ordered, while the first Spanish LNG STS fuelling operation, utilising a newly converted bunker barge, was carried out in Bilbao. The Bilbao barge is Oizmendi, originally a 3,200-dwt pollution control vessel but now converted to a multipurpose bunkering station. In addition to its underdeck oil tanks, Oizmendi has been provided with two 300-m3, deck-mounted, Type C LNG tanks. The Spanish bunker vessel carried out its first gas-fuelling STS operation on 3 February 2018 when it transferred 40 tonnes of LNG to the cement carrier Ireland. Following this transfer, Oizmendi was relocated to Huelva in southern Spain where it is being utilised as an oil and LNG fueller. The LNGBV newbuilding that is three times bigger than any other such vessel is the 18,600-m3 gas tanker Total Marine Fuels Global Solutions and Mitsui OSK Lines contracted at the Hudong-Zhonghua yard in China for delivery in 2020. Total has won the contract to supply the 300,000 tonnes per annum of LNG needed to power the fleet of nine new 22,000 TEU dual-fuel container ships ordered recently by the French liner operator CMA CGM. It will utilise its Hudong newbuilding to fuel the box ships, each of which will have an LNG bunker tank of 18,600 m3 in capacity. Both the cargo tanks on the bunker vessel and the bunker tank on each of the CMA CGM container ships are being built to the GTT Mark III membrane design. As

a result, the Total bunkering operations will involve LNG bunker transfers at atmospheric pressure. All other STS LNG bunkering operations carried out to date have been from one IMO Type C pressure vessel tank to another.

More deliveries

Another ship conversion project has yielded a ‘new’ LNGBV. Anthony Veder’s 7,500-m3 LNG carrier Coral Methane is currently at the Remontowa yard in Poland to be provided with a fuelling capability through the integration of specific bunkering equipment into the cargo-handling arrangements. Shell is chartering the vessels to carry out STS fuelling operations in the southern part of the North Sea and the Mediterranean.

Shell, operator of Cardissa and charterer of Coral Methane, is set to have its LNGBV fleet further augmented. Longterm charters with the energy major have supported orders for a 3,000-m3 LNG bunker barge being built for a Victrol/CFT joint venture and a 4,000-m3 barge that will be an integral part of an articulated tug/barge (ATB) under construction for Quality LNG Transport (Q-LNG). The Victrol/CFT LNGBV will be stationed in Rotterdam and used to fuel inland waterway vessels, while Shell will employ the Q-LNG ATB to supply LNG as marine fuel along the southeastern US coast. Most notable among the ATB’s customers will be the new generation of LNG-powered cruise ships now under construction that will be homeported in Florida. Two Carnival Cruise ships will be the LNGBV’s foundation customers. Shell is also partnering with Keppel Offshore & Marine in FueLNG, a joint venture which ordered, in June 2018, what will be Singapore’s first LNGBV. The 7,500-m3 gas carrier is under construction

“For the large dual-fuel ships on quick port turnaround timetables now entering service, LNGBVs are recognised as the only viable option” Also set for 2018 deliveries are 2,200-m3 Clean Jacksonville, a nonpropelled vessel that will be North America’s first seagoing LNG bunker barge, and Titan LNG’s FlexFueler1 pontoon. The latter newbuilding has been designed to fuel gas-powered inland waterway and small seagoing vessels throughout the AntwerpRotterdam-Amsterdam region and will initially be positioned in Amsterdam. FlexFueler1 will be provided with two 380-m3 LNG tanks initially, but a further two tanks could be installed should market demand warrant it. Clean Jacksonville will be stationed

at the Keppel Singmarine yard at Nantong in China, with a target completion date of Q3 2020. Although additional LNGBV newbuilding contracts appear to be imminent, the last ship on our fleet list as a confirmed order is a 3,500-m3 fueller contracted by Central LNG Shipping Japan Corp at Kawasaki Heavy Industries in July 2018. To be Japan’s first LNGBV, the vessel will serve LNG-powered ships visiting the country’s central Chubu region around Nagoya and Ise Bay. The four participants in the CLS joint venture are K Line, Chubu Electric Power, Toyota Tsusho Corp and NYK Line. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


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dual-fuel & gas engines ENGINES AND PROPULSION SYSTEMS | 37

SENER design chosen for new LNG bunker vessel A new LNG bunker vessel (LNGBV), intended to enter service by September 2020, will be based on a design by the SENER group


imorchiatori Riuniti Panfido, the Venicebased tug operator, has selected a design developed by the Spanish engineering and technology group SENER for an LNG bunker vessel (LNGBV) it intends to order and have in service by September 2020. The two parties have signed a contract under which SENER will provide the basic engineering and technical assistance for constructing an oil and gas bunkering vessel based on the articulated tug/barge (ATB) concept. Unlike the ATB configuration employed in the US, where the tug pushes the non-propelled tank barge, in the SENER/Panfido arrangement the tug will pull the barge.

gas-powered vessels need to be fuelled in coastal zones subject to issues of accessibility and environmental sensitivity. The Panfido vessel is effectively the design prototype and it will be tested in the Venice Lagoon where cruise vessel traffic is intense. The SBBT has been designed to minimise the effects of marine activity on the sensitive ecology of this port zone, not least through its low wash generation and minimal ballasting requirements. Venice is a founder member of the Mediterranean’s Poseidon Med II LNG bunkering project and the SBBT initiative will receive European Union funding through the programme. Panfido is also a partner with Smit Reunited

“The Panfido vessel is effectively the design prototype and it will be tested in the Venice Lagoon, where cruise vessel traffic is intense”

Jorge Unda (SENER): New SENER-design LNGBV barge will enter service in 2020

The SENER-designed barge will have space for 1,000 m3 of marine diesel oil in underdeck tanks and for 4,000 m3 of LNG in four deckmounted cylindrical IMO Type C tanks. The dual-fuel Voith tractor tug will have a bollard pull of 65 tonnes and will be able to function as a conventional escort, rescue, supply and salvage tug when not moving the tank barge. Gas fuel for the LNG-powered tug will be stored in four cryogenic ISO tank containers – two fixed on the aft deck of the tug and two fixed on the forward wing decks of the barge. The replacement of empty with filled LNG ISO tanks will be handled through a simple interchange. SENER received an approval in principle certificate from DNV GL last month for its 4,000m3 LNGBV design, and also for a larger version of 8,000 m3. SENER and Panfido have termed the ATB design their semi-ballastable barge transporter (SBBT) concept and state that its use is fully replicable everywhere in the world where larger

Tugboats in Adriatic Towage. Founded in 2007, the joint venture owns a fleet of four tugs, each provided with a Schottel propulsion system capable of delivering 6,300 hp. The four tugs are utilised in assisting LNG carriers visiting the Adriatic LNG import terminal to discharge cargoes. The regasification terminal, designed as a gravity-based structure resting on the seabed, is in the northern Adriatic Sea off the Italian coast about 50 km south of Venice. LNG for the SBBT will initially be sourced directly from the Adriatic LNG terminal. However, there are plans to provide Venice with its own small-scale LNG distribution and fuelling terminal. Venice LNG, a 65/35 Decal/San Marco Gas joint venture, is in the midst of the permitting process for the proposed facility, for construction on Porto Marghera’s Southern Industrial Channel. The terminal will have a fully refrigerated tank of 30,000 m3 and two 1,000-m3 pressure vessel storage tanks. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

38 | ENGINES AND PROPULSION SYSTEMS dual-fuel & gas engines

World’s largest dual-fuel bulk carriers on order for H-Line Two Newcastlemax vessels on order by H-Line Shipping will top the charts as the world’s largest dualfuel bulk carriers when they enter service in 2021

H-Line’s new dual-fuel bulk carriers will dwarf some of the vessels in its existing fleet


-Line Shipping, part of the South Korean private equity firm Hahn & Co, has confirmed newbuilding orders for two 180,000-dwt LNG-powered bulk carriers. To be built by Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI) for charter to South Korean steel maker Posco, the Newcastlemax pair will be the world’s largest dual-fuel bulk carriers when they enter into service in 2021. They will also be the first LNG-fuelled South Korean vessels that are not LNG carriers to sail on a foreign shipping route. The bulk carriers, which have been contracted at a cost of US$123.8M, will carry iron ore from Australia to South Korea on delivery. Australia ships its total iron ore production of about 800M tonnes to overseas customers each year, a volume which accounts for more than 50% of worldwide seaborne movements of the product. Port Hedland is Australia’s largest iron ore port, accounting for 60% of the country’s export shipments. In recent years a number of South Korean, Japanese and Chinese shipowners and yards, working in tandem with class societies, have developed concept designs for LNG-powered, Newcastlemax bulk carriers with Australian iron ore transportation in mind. The H-Line contract for the two 180,000-dwt bulkers at HSHI is the breakthrough order and is expected to be the first of several by South Korean, Japanese and Chinese owners. The three Asian iron ore import countries are all developing the LNG bunkering infrastructure necessary to enable ship-to-ship fuelling operations to take place at major discharge ports, while in Australia Perthbased Woodside is reportedly assessing the construction of large LNG bunker vessels, with a capacity perhaps as high as 20,000 m3, to fuel dual-fuel bulkers.

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

An order by H-Line for a pair of LNG-fuelled Newcastlemaxes was first mooted a few months ago but the formal newbuilding contract has only just been announced, on 12 October, literally days after Korea Ocean Business Corp (KOBC) stated it would make state aid available to cash-strapped domestic shipping firms seeking to advance eco-friendly projects. KOBC will make available up US$121.5M in guarantees to four shipping companies – Korea Line Corp, SK Shipping, H-Line Shipping and Polaris Shipping – and H-Line is set to be awarded US$8.5M from this pot to put towards its Newcastlemax newbuildings. The funds are being provided through the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries' eco-friendly ship conversion support programme. The scheme is providing subsidies equivalent to 5-10% of a newbuild vessel's price when it replaces an older vessel aged 20 years or more with an eco-friendly vessel. South Korea has launched the programme ahead of the entry into force of the January 2020 sulphur cap, and LNG-powered ship construction, in particular, is being encouraged. The north Asian designs for 180,000-dwt Newcastlemax bulkers feature pairs of IMO Type C LNG bunker tanks with an overall capacity of 6,000 m3, enough for a roundtrip to Australia. The tanks are positioned above the engineroom but below the main deck. It is likely that the bunker tanks on the H-Line duo will be constructed of the new high-manganese austenitic steel developed by Posco for use in LNG cargo and fuel tanks. At the 5th session of IMO’s Carriage of Cargoes and Containers Subcommittee (CCC 5), held in London in September 2018, interim guidelines on the application of high-manganese austenitic steel of the Posco type for cryogenic service were approved. MP

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dual-fuel & gas engines ENGINES AND PROPULSION SYSTEMS | 41

BW LPG in retrofit over ME-LGIP engines At an exclusive briefing in Copenhagen, shipowner BW LPG and engine major MAN Energy Solutions jointly announced the first retrofit orders for the new MAN B&W ME-LGIP LPG-powered engine


n a significant development for dual-fuel engines, four MAN B&W 6G60ME-C9.2 HFO-burning engines will be replaced with 6G60ME-C9.5-LGIP LPG-propelled dual-fuel engines on board BW LPG vessels. The shipowner expects the first retrofitting to take place in conjunction with scheduled drydockings in 2020. There are options for further retrofits in the future. The contract is the culmination of years of close co-operation between the two parties, according to BW LPG senior vice president of technical and operations Pontus Berg. Mr Berg said the order is a vital strand in the company’s 2020 compliance strategy and spoke approvingly of LPG as an environmentally sound, cheap and plentiful fuel source. Elaborating on the retrofit potential of the new MAN B&W ME-LGIP engine, MAN Energy Solutions chief sales officer Wayne Jones said that while the most obvious candidates were LPG carriers, it was suited to other vessels types. He noted the key requirement for more conversions was having the supporting infrastructure and supply chain in place: “The LPG supply chain has been available for many years, as there is a substantial network of smaller LPG carriers below 6,000 m3 of LPG. There are however more than 3,000 vessels, including other tanker types with an ME-C engine with a bore size of 50 and upwards, that could be converted for operation on alternative fuels, including LPG.” This has been something of a landmark year for LPG-burning dual-fuel engines. In March, Belgian operator Exmar selected MAN LPG-burning, dual-fuel engines to propel a pair of VLGCs on order at the Subic Bay yard of Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction in the Philippines. The Belgian ship operator’s VLGCs will be the world’s first LPGfuelled vessels. The ship and propulsion system design has been developed in tandem with Lloyd’s Register, as the vessels’ class society, and MAN Energy Solutions, the engine manufacturer. MAN has achieved considerable success with its mechanically operated, electronically controlled, gas-injection (ME-GI) diesel engine, first in the LNG carrier sector and, more recently, with ethane carriers. The breakthrough Exmar VLGC orders represent a further step forward in the development of MAN’s dual-fuel, twostroke engine technology and the utilisation of liquefied gas cargo as propulsion-system fuel.

The MAN B&W ME-LGIP: more conversions will be spurred on by having the supporting infrastructure and supply chain in place

In January 2018, MAN Energy Solutions signed a memorandum of understanding with Hyundai Heavy Industries Engine & Machinery Division (HHI-EMD) on the development and production of MAN B&W ME-LGIP dual-fuel engines. On finalisation of the agreement, HHI-EMD will be able to deliver LPG-fuelled, two-stroke engines. Given the concentration of LPG operators at the briefing, it seems likely that MAN Energy Solutions’ growing reference list of owners opting for gas-powered engines powered by the vessel’s own cargo will only increase. One operator at the briefing privately confirmed that the technical details (linked to engine bore size) of an order were being finalised. The combination of future-proofing the vessel environmentally against IMO’s Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the 2020 sulphur cap, the free availability of the fuel, ease of bunkering and economics made the case irresistible. Earlier this year MAN vice-president of sales and promotion Bjarne Foldager told Marine Propulsion that interest in using LPG as a fuel is growing due to its sulphur-free character, coupled with the above-mentioned factors. The bulk carrier market was also seen as especially prospective. In terms of deadweight tonnage, bulk carriers represent about 43% of the world fleet. And most importantly for engine designers, they require power units that are reliable, efficient and low maintenance. As the EEDI, which mandates the level of CO2 emissions, starts to bite, operators are increasingly specifying engines that run at lower rpms, marrying this with a trend towards large, slower-spinning propellers. MAN expects the ME-LGIP engine (the ‘P’ stands for propane) will soon be able to operate on 3% pilot oil and down to 10% load. The company’s engineers predict that eventually the engine will not require pilot oil. MP A full write-up on the launch will feature in a future Marine Propulsion

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


Pompe Garbarino is supplying pumps for six Leonardo-class cruise vessels being built by Fincantieri for Norwegian Cruise Line

Buoyant cruise and naval markets support Italian pump maker While the offshore market remains slow, pump manufacturer Pompe Garbarino is benefiting from demand in the cruise and navel sectors


n August, leading Italian pump maker Pompe Garbarino confirmed an order from Fincantieri to supply centrifugal and positive displacement pumps for the Leonardo venture, a project that will comprise six cruise ships owned by Norwegian Cruise Line. Pompe Garbarino has a long history of manufacturing centrifugal and positive displacement pumps for a range of purposes including marine, naval, offshore and industrial. Its orderbook is especially strong in the cruise sector, with 127 cruise ships supplied to date for 17 different owners. In June the company announced it had won an order to supply pumps for an LNG-fuelled ropax vessel under construction for Viking Line with Xiamen Shipbuilding in China, with an option for a further vessel. While the offshore market remains in a “negative period”, according to managing director Paolo Garbarino, growth in the cruise and naval markets acts as a balance. He noted that 2018 turnover is 27% higher than that of 2017. Pompe Garbarino has projects with both the Italian Navy and 28 foreign navies. In May this year the company announced an order to supply the Qatari Emiri Navy with pumps for four Doha-class multirole corvettes under construction by Fincantieri. Garbarino can supply special pumps for minehunters, submarines, frigates and

corvettes, compliant with standards for vibration and shock. In recent years, Garbarino has co-operated closely with manufacturers of scrubbers and ballast water treatment systems. Recent developments include the new MU 200-450 L vertical in-line pump: with performance of 850 m3/h and 80 m head at 1780 rpm, this pump has been designed to meet the bespoke requirements of a major customer and will expand Garbarino’s range of products intended for use with scrubbers. Another development is the new MU 250-415 V, a 1650 m3/h pump with high efficiency rates, dedicated to seawater cooling services. The casing of this unit will be available with bottom-suction or in-line flanges to suit the customer. For ballast water treatment purposes, a dedicated series of pumps (MU 40-125 M, MU 50-125 M, MU 65-125 M) has now been designed; these feature a more compact construction. As well as providing individual pumps, Garbarino can supply packages that incorporate factory-assembled and tested piping, instruments and control panels, and can design pumps to meet the specific needs of customers. The company’s control panels can be fitted with frequency converters where energy efficiency is a concern. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

Framo reports another FPSO pumping system contract Alfa Laval subsidiary Framo has won a contract worth approximately Skr70M (US$7.8M) to supply a pumping system for a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel that will be built in China. The order includes marine pumping systems for crude oil offloading, slop, produced water, offspec oil and ballast pump duties. This is the fourth FPSO pumping system order Framo has reported in recent months: in April, it announced a contract for an FPSO vessel in the North Sea, worth Skr125M (US$14.2M), and another contract for an FPSO vessel to be built in China, with a value of Skr70M. In June, a further contract for another North Sea FPSO was announced, worth Skr65M.

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MET turbochargers: new designs offer more bang for buck One or two smaller frame size MET-MBII turbochargers can be applied, compared with MET-MB turbochargers 18,000 90



14,000 83 12,000 Total weight (kg)

MET Turbochargers has introduced a number of updates to its range, which offer increased power from a more compact and durable unit

10,000 71

8,000 66 6,000 53






2 frame sizes downsizing (83 66)

1 frame size downsizing (66 60)

37 42

0 0








Engine output power [kW]

MET-MBII enjoys a 16% increase in airflow


MM 2018 was an important occasion for MET turbochargers, which is updating its turbocharger units following the changes that took place within Mitsubishi Heavy Industries group, after the creation in April this year of a new company ( J-Eng) to handle the engine-making side of the group's business. The MET turbocharger line-up currently consists of MET-MA/-MB (axial type) for two-stroke marine propulsion engines and MET-SRC series (radial type) for four-stroke main and generator engines. At SMM 2018, MET introduced some logical progressions to these turbochargers. Discussing the development of this product range, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Machinery & Equipment president Toshiaki Hori noted: "Generally, a new turbocharger has a design cycle lasting three or four years from conception, prototyping, testing and manufacturing.”

There are four main driving forces in turbocharger development: high pressure ratio; a compact unit; high response; and maintainability. MET team leader and senior engineer in the radial turbocharger division Yushi Ono explained how these elements impact design and development. Higher pressure, explained Mr Ono, was required by those engine manufacturers seeking to meet the

“There are four main driving forces in turbocharger development: high pressure ratio; a compact unit; high response; and maintainability”

demands of emissions regulation. The engine system needs a higher air charge to burn the fuel more completely, to reduce NOx emissions. The need for physically smaller turbochargers is driven by a desire to reduce the weight of the propulsion unit, which coupled with the smaller size, increases the deadweight capacity of a given vessel. By shortening the turbocharger’s response time, it should be possible to reduce shock loadings which are a consequence of turbo lag (the time required for the turbocharger to reach an efficient operating level). Maintainability is a key factor; the capital cost of a turbocharger is relatively insignificant compared to the long-term cost of maintenance. Evolving, rather than radically redesigning, existing units is beneficial as the service network has built up considerable experience and tooling with the current range, which would become redundant if a completely

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


new design emerged. Over 15,000 MET-SRC units are in operation and it has a reputation for being easy to maintain and repair, according to Mr Ono. MHI received an order from Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for its MET30SRC radial-type

turbochargers to be mounted on its HiMSEN 6H32/40 medium-speed, four-stroke engines. It has already completed delivery of the first of these turbochargers, which are the very first MHI-MME radial turbochargers to be mounted on a HiMSEN engine.

The MET-ER series works across seven frame sizes MET40ER MET34ER MET28ER MET24ER MET20ER MET16ER MET13ER 0





Engine output power [kW]

The series fits a wide range of diesel engines, from 400-4,400 kW


The MET-ER series features a newly designed turbine wheel and a highly efficient impeller. The turbine valve nozzle is coated with a metal spray and the rotor shaft journal induction is hardened. The new series is compatible with heavy oil and no water cooling or air vents are required. The series fits a wide range of diesel engines, from 400-4,400 kw. Noise levels are an issue in machinery spaces and the new unit is equipped with a lightweight silencer, which takes very little energy out of the system. It is interesting to note that MET and Yoshi Ono are listed as having patented a noise reduction system for radial turbochargers. Mr Ono reported that a very important aspect of the development of the MET-ER series is size, notably that for the same compression and engine requirement, the frame size is reduced. In other words, a smaller MET-ER turbocharger can now be specified over the MET-SR unit that may have previously been required. A welcome side effect of the more compact frame is that the number of individual parts has reduced by 30%, which will have a long-term effect on maintenance costs.

MET axial turbocharger developments for two-stroke engines MET team leader and senior engineer in the axial turbocharger division Yoshikazu Ito discussed the development of MET’s axial turbocharger range for two-stroke engines. He noted the first units in the early 1960s were capable of producing an air charge of around twice atmospheric pressure (ratio 1:2). The same driving forces of higher pressure, compactness, high response and ease of maintenance impinge on the axial turbocharger side of the business. MET axial turbochargers are licensed to three major engine manufacturers in Korea, while the MET turbocharger is mounted on two-stroke engines used by Mitsubishi, MAN Energy Solutions and WinGD. MET says its market share among two-stroke marine propulsion engines is around 40%. In addition, WinGD recently approved the MET turbocharger to be mounted on its dual-fuel X-DF engines. MET66MB turbochargers will sit on two W5X72DF engines manufactured by HHI that will be delivered to Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) for installation in an 180,000 m3 LNG carrier, commissioned by a shipping company backed by Itochu Corp and Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd. The current iteration of the MET-MB is suitable for heavy oil and a wide range of large marine and stationary engines. Advances in the MET-MBII series include a more aerodynamic turbine design, based on hundreds of hours of tests and analysis, and improvements to reduce noise levels.

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

The turbocharger has a robust bearing pedestal design and an integrated lubricating oil head tank. To ease maintenance, the design features a detachable gas inlet inner casing. With the new compressor design, the MET-MBII offers a 16% increase in air flow and the unit can maintain higher levels of efficiency for longer. This allows customers to specify a smaller turbocharger to cover that same engine output. The current MET-MB range was increased to 10 frames with the launch of the MET37MB earlier in 2018. Designed to fit between the MET33MB and MET42MB products, it optimises capacity for engines such as the WinGD in-line X35-B and the X40-B series. It is also well matched to the Japan Engine Corp (J-ENG) 6UEC33LSE-C2 engine, which has now seen its first delivery with a commercial selective catalytic reduction system. The engine will provide the propulsion for a 600 TEU container vessel built by Taizhou Kouan Shipbuilding. The MET-MBII retains the 10 frame sizes, but the increase in compression and reduced weight could allow an engine manufacturer to specify up to two drops in frame size. As it contains fewer components compared to the MET-MB, the MET-MBII is said to produce less noise. Mr Ito declined to specify exactly which components had been changed and how, but it was clear that the turbine wheel had fewer blades than the MET-MB. The MET-MBII will go on sale in 2019, according to Mr Ito. MP

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Repair, replace or upgrade? Operators must balance their options against cost and performance benefits

Turbocharger overhauls can make a significant difference to engine performance (credit: ABB)


perators have a range of possibilities when turbocharging equipment is reaching the end of its service life. For some it is better to replace and gain the benefits of more modern and efficient equipment, but this may involve significant cost. For others there may be different factors to consider and overhauling existing equipment may be a more attractive option. One of the larger upgrade contracts placed in recent years has been the MAN PrimeServ contract from Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd (RCCL) to retrofit turbochargers aboard four of its cruise ships. Covering a total of 30 turbochargers on 22 engines, the scope included retrofit kits and technical support. Grandeur of the Seas and Enchantment of the Seas, both powered by four MAN 12V48/60 engines, were retrofitted with 16 TCA55 turbochargers, while Horizon and Zenith, each powered by two 9L40/54B and five 6L40/54B engines, were retrofitted with four NA40/S and 10 NA34/S turbochargers. At the time the order was placed, in December 2015, senior vice president and head of MAN PrimeServ Diesel Wayne Jones, said that the upgrade would boost engine performance, extend engine lives and support the entire operation both from a technical and cost perspective. “In the end it’s an investment in sustainability,” he said. He was equally confident that the work would deliver results that would exceed RCCL’s expectation of the project. The retrofits, which required about 10 days’ work per engine, showed a reduction in exhaust gas temperatures of 60°C, improving both engine efficiencies and costs for the operators. Another example of a turbocharger upgrade will be carried out on the cruise ship Amadea, operated by Monaco-based V.Ships Leisure and owned by Phoenix Reisen. The work is due to be done in October, although it may start earlier, and will involve retrofitting two MAN TCA66 turbochargers to an MAN 7L58/64 engine to replace the original units. These will

be supplied with fully pre-engineered retrofit kits for ease and speed of installation. A turbocharger efficiency increase of an estimated 6% is expected, delivering fuel savings of the order of 3 g/kWh. In addition, compressor surge margins will be increased and the engine response to load demand will be improved. The new installation will also conform fully to SOLAS requirements. A number of land-based examples also illustrate the potential benefits of turbocharger overhauls. One example was the decision last year by the owners of Battery Point power station in Scotland to overhaul its 60-year-old ABB VTR turbochargers. This avoided the need for lengthy recertification work. Battery Point provides a secure source of power for the islands of Lewis and Harris, generating a maximum of 23 MW of electrical power. The VTR turbochargers at the station have been maintained by ABB throughout their life, so regular maintenance had extended their operating life. ABB believes that its services have saved millions of pounds over the plant’s lifetime. Turbocharger upgrades can also increase revenue for power stations, an ABB study in 2016 suggested. It showed that a 64% rate of return on investment resulted from the combination of increased output and reduced fuel consumption of three engines in one power plant. In another example it found that payback time for a power station upgrade was less than a year. It is not only turbocharger manufacturers that offer upgrades; engine manufacturers also see the business potential in this area. Wärtsilä, for example, offers performance optimisation through turbocharger upgrades for its Wärtsilä 38, 46 and 50 engines. Turbochargers require a major overhaul at 50,000 hours with the replacement of major rotating parts. As an alternative, Wärtsilä offers the option of upgrade packages, which offer the advantage of the latest turbocharger technology to be adopted, giving the potential for fuel consumption reductions of up to 4%. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


‘Green’ thruster tech boosts efficiency In recent months, several of the largest thruster manufacturers have launched new products with environmentally friendly credentials

A Caterpillar MT 628 v3 hybrid propulsion system in the factory

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


he rising demand for hybrid propulsion is reflected in the latest offerings from Caterpillar, ZF Veth and Rolls-Royce, with the latter also experimenting with permanent-drive magnets. After four years in development, Rolls-Royce has launched two pod-propulsion units designed to meet consumer demands for more compact systems. Called ELegance pods, one is an open propeller and the other is a ducted configuration, but both are designed to fit with RollsRoyce’s new proprietary battery propulsion system. Rolls-Royce product manager Per Nahnfeldt said the company was “responding to growing electrification trends”. The ELegance pod designs are based on a permanent magnet thruster design. This provides up to 99% efficiency through a motor drivetrain that offers low vibration and minimised noise, thanks to few moving parts and a low aspect ratio. The twin-tail design reduces cavitation and noise vibration while increasing efficiency. “For many years we have recognised the gap in the propulsion market for smaller pods, including ice-class, in the 1.5 MW to 7 MW power range,” said Mr Nahnfeldt. “These new pods – based on our permanent magnet technology – complement our broad product portfolio and sit well with our range of frequency drives and electrical systems. We can now provide a complete, fully electric propulsion package.” In addition to the integration with the new battery system, the pods are linked to the Rolls-Royce Health Management system, which is geared towards a future of autonomous shipping, according to Mr Nahnfeldt. “All of our products are built to make sure we can meet the requirements of autonomous vessels,” he said. Mr Nahnfeldt said the cruise sector was a target market, along with platform supply vessels; he said a pilot version of the propulsion unit is under construction in Finland, due to be launched at the end of 2018. He also explained that Rolls-Royce has “several customers” signed on to the pilot project to test the pod and noted the design was underpinned by the company's Mermaid pod design, which has more than 50 units in operation and over 4M operating hours to date. Meanwhile, Caterpillar Marine has announced a new generation of azimuth thrusters, the MTA v3. Based on the existing v2 design, the MTA v3 is designed with hybrid systems in mind and aims to boost fuel efficiency and give customers the best operational modes for their performance needs. The v3’s hybrid interface means it can switch between mechanical and electric power easily, allowing users to achieve high average engine loads by running only the necessary engines or generator sets. Users can select between standby and low-speed transit, highspeed transit and light towing, full power and firefighting modes. The new line is 20% lighter than its predecessor, with 27% less oil volume, increased power density of 25% and a 3% bollard pull increase. Auxiliaries, such as the hydraulic power pack, gravity tank, cooler and clutch hydraulics are integrated into the azimuth unit itself, giving it a smaller footprint overall. Thrusters from Cat’s 3500 range, including the MTA 524, MTA 627 and MTA 628, are available in MTA v3 versions at power ranges from 1,500 kW to 2,525 kW. Caterpillar Marine tug and salvage segment manager Jorgen Karlsson said: “The addition of the new MTA v3 to our marine product programme really completes our offering to the tug segment


The first Veth integrated L-drives were installed on Damen‘s utility vessel Volt Processor

and provides a leaner, simpler and more efficient integrated solution to our customers.” Elsewhere, Veth’s first integrated L-drive propulsion system has gone into service. The L-drive is part of a diesel-electric configuration that provides propulsion and vessel power. The first installation of an integrated L-drive is on a Damen Shipyards-built utility vessel operated by Remoy Management, which completed sea trials at the end of April. Veth supplied a compact electric propulsion solution to Volt Processor, which uses 750 kW of electric power for propulsion, positioning and driving deck machinery. Integrated L-drives are suitable for other types of hybrid-powered workboats and tugs and could be used for dynamic positioning. A water-cooled permanent magnet motor is integrated in the slewing bearing, according to Veth general sales manager Martin van der Jagt. The mounting method, the alignment of the headsets and adjustments to the control box ensure this integrated L-drive is extremely compact he said. Mr van der Jagt added, “The difference in height between a traditional L-drive and the integrated L-drive is about 2 m”. Mr van der Jagt said the integrated L-drive is more efficient in part-load modes than other hybrid propulsion units because the permanent magnet motor is water cooled, rather than air cooled. At 25% load, the improvement in efficiency with this motor is 5.2%, while it produces less noise than an air-cooled asynchronous motor, according to Mr van der Jagt. Veth’s integrated L-drive is available with power ranging from 300 kW to 2,350 kW. ZF Services has announced its latest propulsion range of thrusters and hybrid transmission systems for workboats in July. It included the ZF AT 3000 retractable thruster that can be used as an auxiliary propulsion system for increasing speed and bollard pull, or improving station-keeping capabilities.

The ZF 3300 is the latest in hybrid-ready propulsion technology from ZF Services

Another development from ZF Services is the ZF 3300 transmission, with a power take-in (PTI) as an alternate power source. This is the latest in hybrid-ready propulsion technology from ZF Services for workboats and leisure vessels. ZF 3300 PTI has a power range of up to 1,940 kW (2,600 hp) derived from a standard diesel engine input or a PTI power source. This means ZF 3300 PTI has the flexibility to be integrated into a wide variety of hybrid vessel propulsion solutions. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


Condition monitoring reduces drydocking time Through condition monitoring, the working life of a thruster will be increased and the risk of failures reduced, two key ingredients to a healthy bottom line


y analysing performance data, engineers can identify condition issues, predict the timing of failures and extend the period between expensive overhauls on thruster units. This lowers operating costs for owners and reduces the amount of drydocking visits for workboats and vessels. A novel approach to condition monitoring comes in the guise of Wärtsilä’s propulsion condition monitoring service (PCMS), which collects performance data from thrusters and delivers it to Wärtsilä’s CBM Centre for analysis. It combines sensory data such as vibration, pressure and temperature with the operational parameters of the propulsion equipment, such as pitch, steering feedback and set points. In addition, it takes into consideration the nautical parameters, such as vessel speed, rate of turn and draught, giving the customer the ability to accurately relate sensory data to the actual operating conditions. The system has been developed to detect the operational state of the propulsion equipment through real-time comparisons of parameters from multiple sources. Data is captured and sent over the vessel’s satellite communications, or links to a 3G or 4G mobile network, if close enough to shore. In July, Wärtsilä secured its first customer for an advanced performancebased service agreement when it signed a deal with drilling rig and ship operator Transocean. Using PCMS, the two companies intend to optimise the maintenance of the Wärtsilä thrusters installed within Transocean’s fleet of deepwater drilling systems. Wärtsilä’s manager of the conditionbased monitoring CBM Centre Propulsion,

Monitoring the condition of a thruster can reduce its servicing requirements

Stefan van Loenhout, believes this type of agreement can be used by owners of both tugs and offshore support vessels to improve the reliability of their thrusters. PCMS provides “real-time advice and periodic reports concerning the condition of the machinery” he said. This leads to “more availability than could be realised through conventional, planned maintenance.” He added that through condition monitoring, owners can base their operational decisions on the actual condition of the equipment and assess risks based on the projected reliability of the propulsion equipment. Vessel operators need conduct overhauls only when they are actually needed, instead of doing them periodically. Mr van Loenhout said owners can extend the time between thruster overhauls from five years “to a maximum of 10 years, based upon the actual status of the thrusters”. Operators would be informed of faults “well before they lead to breakdowns” and

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

“conditions that generate excess wear on the equipment can be avoided.” He added: “Condition monitoring reduces the total cost of ownership and maximises profitability throughout the lifecycle of the vessel.” These expectations will be tested during the contract with Transocean, which will involve service engineers analysing the data to determine when thrusters will need servicing in a drydock. Engineers will produce flexible maintenance schedules for each piece of equipment, based on the actual condition of the device. Wärtsilä and Transocean anticipate each thruster will be overhauled just once during the 13-year agreement period. This covers five semi-submersible rigs and one drillship, each of which has six to eight thrusters. Other engineroom machinery can be monitored in a similar method to thrusters with comparable results, if the data is available and accessible. MP

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A propeller that fits like a glove New technology is ensuring the propellers for the world’s largest container ships have an exact fit between the design and manufacturing geometry

The world’s largest propeller was loaded onto Hyundai Supreme to make the journey to Daewoo’s shipyard in South Korea (credit: Port of Hamburg/Dietmar Hasenpusch)


hile the 7.5 m-diameter propeller that welcomed delegates to this year’s SMM conference in Hamburg was certainly impressive, an even larger unit – in fact, the world’s largest so far – was awaiting transfer at the city’s docks. The Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH (MMG)-designed and produced unit weighs in at 110 tonnes and measures 10.5 m in diameter. It had come by road from MMG’s production facility in Waren an der Müritz in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, for loading onto container ship Hyundai Supreme at the port of Waltershof, with the assistance of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik’s HHL IV floating crane. Hyundai Supreme set sail

for South Korea on 16 September and was under way at the time of writing. Upon arrival at the port of Busan, the propeller will be transferred to Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, where it will be mounted on the first of 11 vessels being built by Daewoo and Samsung in a 5:6 split contract for Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC). MMG is designing and producing propellers for all 11 of the single-screw vessels, with six 10.4 m-diameter, 117 tonne, six-bladed units going to the Samsung vessels and five 10.5 m-diameter, 110-tonne, five-bladed units going to the Daewoo vessels. MSC’s new vessels will have a capacity of 23,000 TEU, making them the

largest containerships in the world. Other significant jobs MMG currently has on its books include nine 10.1 m-diameter, 94-tonne five-bladed units for CMA CGM’s 22,000 TEU vessels, under construction at Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding and Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding in China, and five propellers for HMM’s 23,000 TEU vessels to be built by Samsung. MMG will utilise its Virtual Contact Test (VCT) technology to ensure certain units are fitted correctly. This optical measurement system was invented by MMG and involves the prop shaft being measured by an MMG team, with the propeller then manufactured to fit exactly, based on these measurements. VCT removes the need for male and female gauges and extra scrapping allowance entailed when using the traditional blue-bedding method. VCT is possible because all MMG propellers undergo 3D scanning, both during and at the end of production, giving the company detailed knowledge of the surface contours of the entire propeller. This exceeds the ISO standards that specify particular points of particular sections of the unit tested. The exact picture of the propeller that this process creates ensures a true fit between the design geometry and the manufacturing geometry. While not utilised on the propellers being manufactured for MSC’s vessels, MMG is running various research projects in the areas of 3D printing, additive manufacturing and automation of production. While these techniques have been used at smaller scales for some time now, the complexity of the processes increases exponentially with component size. MMG sales and project engineer Arne Falkenhorst noted the company is optimistic that it will be able to successfully upscale these techniques. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


Big data helps propeller manufacturer save resources CJR Propulsion’s production process showcases the benefits of a data-driven approach, over traditional design and manufacturing methods


outhampton-based CJR Propulsion is looking to leverage technology throughout the production process, from design to delivery. By doing so, it hopes to become “the most data-driven propulsion company in Europe”. When the company initially introduced its computational fluid dynamics (CFD) design software, five-axis CNC machines and robotic machining tools, it found there were aspects of the process, like mould-making, where achieving the desired accuracy levels remained time and resource heavy. “As new manufacturing hardware and automation software became viable, we saw the immense opportunities they could bring and how they would help ensure every aspect of the design and manufacturing process was as precise and efficient as possible,” said CJR Propulsion managing director Mark Russell. At the design stage, CJR will typically build a 3D-model of a vessel’s hull in its bespoke CFD software, based on information supplied by the shipbuilder. The flow of water around the propeller is then modelled in various sea conditions and based on this data, an optimal design for the propeller can be generated. The propulsion package can be cleanly aligned with the hull and known appendages, while the long-term performance and fuel efficiency of the propulsion system can be optimised and risks, such as unwanted noise and vibration or cavitation, removed. Propeller makers often use ‘off-theshelf’ patterns for mould-making, with new moulds produced based on blades

that must be hand-carved from wood or resin, or in some cases via a 3D printer. “We learnt very quickly that 3D printers have their uses, but also their limitations,” said Mr Russell. CJR uses an automated robotic approach to mould-making, which takes the design generated by the CFD software, performs several geometric tests and then machines a mould from a single block of fine sand and resin. The dense nature of the resin used allows for a highly accurate reproduction of the design, that can operate to minute tolerances. Thanks to these high levels of accuracy in the robotic mould-making process, CJR can make significant efficiencies at the casting stage. As this technique results in more propellers being cast to tighter tolerances, less

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

material is required for each casting, reducing the cost of the finished product and cutting down on waste. When propellers are produced using traditional mould-making techniques, a larger volume of metal is required, as inaccuracies are present from the initial stages of the design process and manual grinding is needed to finish the propeller. If a grinder inadvertently takes off too much material on one blade, this must be repeated on all the other blades and can completely alter the propeller’s dynamics. CJR uses multiple five-axis machine centres for grinding and machining that work autonomously to precise dimensions established at the CAD design stage. The company’s automation software means a propeller can be collected from storage cells, have the required volume of material removed to precisely match the original specification, and then be returned to the rack without any human involvement. This means that CJR is able to deliver propellers with an ISO accuracy standard of Class S as a minimum, which means the unit is manufactured to tolerances far more stringent than those set out for Class 1 units, which traditional manufacturing techniques can produce. MP

CJR builds 3D models based on data from shipbuilders to produce its propeller designs

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Helyx-Marine’s new captive manoeuvring simulation allows hydrodynamic optimisation of ship hullforms and propulsion systems

CFD – modelling without the mess Developments in CFD technology offer big gains in hullform design and provide near-perfect real-world seastate simulations


omputational fluid dynamics (CFD) is not a new technology, but every wave of technological improvement helps push its capabilities that bit further. CFD offers a virtual representation of fluid flow for advanced analytics in the latter design phases of vessels, machinery and fluid-handling systems, helping improve hullforms and thus a vessel’s ability to efficiently flow through water. CFD enables naval architects to perfect hull shapes, optimising them for the speed and performance of a respective vessel. In such projects, CFD is viewed as a software alternative to model tank studies. This advanced technology can also be used for the design of propellers, to ensure that the flow of water is optimised and maximise thrust forces

from propulsion. It can be used to design trust the CFD more than we trust model propeller blades and turbomachinery tests,” said president and chief executive which require precise engineering. Mike Fitzpatrick. “It is good for finding For marine turbochargers, CFD is used solutions to problems in motion and to maximise air flow and therefore engine stabilisation and it pushes the boundaries power. It can also be used for simulating of what is possible,” he added. single fluid or multiphase flow through Robert Allan uses CFD to analyse pipeworks and pumps. different propulsion systems on tugs, In the dredging sector, CFD and Mr Fitzpatrick explained is used to model complex the technology allowed multiphase pumping, the company to model Finite element helping to analyse Voith drives in CFD and flow through nozzles conduct finite element modelling and the interaction modelling to optimise is the analysis of a finite number of equipment with vessel structures. of small elements in a sediments. In the One of the major structure, such as a ship’s offshore and passenger providers of CFD hull, propeller blade or shipping sector it is technology, Numeca machinery component used to simulate air flow International, has over marine infrastructure, enhanced its marine helping reduce the impact of CFD portfolio following the inclement weather, or increase acquisition of Swiss software energy generation from wind turbines. company, Flowkit. The acquisition gives Numeca’s Designer gains CFD software additional multiphysics Tug designer Robert Allan has used CFD applications, helping in the in producing its latest tug, pilot vessel analysis, design and optimisation of and fireboat designs, optimising hullforms turbomachinery, marine, aeronautics, for resistance, stability and trim, while aerospace and energy systems. minimising tank-based model testing. “We FlowKit had developed advanced

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


mathematical coding to help solve complex equations originating from CFD program applications. This is mainly used by Numeca’s OMNIS platform for external aerodynamics applications, such as offshore wind turbines. In August this year, Numeca released version 2.2 of OMNIS, which features its Hexpress automated mesh generator program. This allows meshes to be used for finite element CFD modelling of structures, such as ship hulls and propulsion blades. As part of the OMNIS update, Numeca added an open-source version for drag analysis, separate phase fluid predictions and gas modelling. It also included advanced mesh optimisation options for finite element analysis of different mesh models. In July the company updated its main blade and turbomachinery analysis software. The release of Fine/Turbo 13.1 improves the method for quantifying turbulence in fluid flow around blades. This includes specifying turbulence conditions at the boundary of the fluid and solid element. It also enables engineers to analyse convenient quantities, such as the intensity, viscosity ratio and the hydraulic diameter of the turbulence. Fine/Turbo can now be used on computers with multicore processing units for faster calculations. Fine/Marine also saw its ability to simulate mono-fluid and multi-fluid flows around different types of ship improved. The CFD software can be used to analyse vessel types including merchant ships, workboats, tugs and yachts. Naval

“Once the simulation is built, the workflow can be automated to test the model in a variety of realistic sea-states, or through self-propelled manoeuvres” architects use the program to simulate appendages on hulls, to optimise hullforms and streamline propulsion arrangements.

Realistic sea-states

Elsewhere, Siemens’ Star-CCM+ programme enables full-scale CFD vessel simulations under real operating conditions, enabling naval architects to improve the design of hulls and superstructures. It features an automated set-up and post-processing tool for ship resistance and dynamic trim calculations. Designers can predict vessel resistance at full or model scale, including dynamic changes in trim. Once the simulation is built, the workflow can be automated to test the model in a variety of realistic sea-states, or through selfpropelled manoeuvres. Siemens said Star-CCM+ allows designers to model propulsion systems, including the interaction between rotating propellers and the flow around the hull. It helps predict the onset and influence of cavitation, which impacts performance, to help improve propeller design. The overset mesh technology within with Star-CCM+ facilitates the analysis of vessel stability and performance under

Wall shear stress (Pa) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Robert Allan uses CFD software to optimise the design of vessel hulls and propulsion systems

realistic and extreme sea conditions. This includes slamming and sloshing simulations at full scale. It also removes the need to apply scaling approximations to produce more accurate loads for structural analyses, noted the company. In August, Engys released version 3.1.0 of its Helyx CFD software, which includes further applications for the addon module, Helyx-Marine. New features support more advanced meshing algorithms, multiphase flow solutions, improved handling of fluid-solid boundary conditions and more shape optimisation tools. Helyx-Marine has a new captive manoeuvring simulation, allowing hydrodynamic optimisation of ship hullforms and propulsion systems, verification of hull performance and analysis of offshore structures. The company said this module also features a set of transient solutions for simulating floating bodies and seakeeping conditions in forward motion. It uses surge motion to simulate various seakeeping conditions, dynamic trim and stability. Orca’s 3D Marine program has been combined with Simerics' multipurpose CFD software. This offers desktop analysis tools for designers, so they do not need to become specialised CFD experts. Orca3D Marine CFD enables the analysis of multi-hulled vessels with appendages, computes water and air streamlining, and analyses longitudinal dynamic stability and wave-hull interaction. It can analyse vessel heaves, pitching and trim, while benchmarking vessel performance against full-scale data, model tests and other analysis codes. TotalSim’s CFD program was developed for Formula 1 racing but can be used to simulate the performance of highspeed power boats, yachts, leisure craft, tankers, ferries, cargo ships and offshore drilling rigs. It enables the optimisation of hullforms, submerged appendages, propellers and other submerged structures. TotalSim can provide detailed aerodynamic analysis of any surfaces above the waterline. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

LNGOS-97 LNG Boil-Off Gas Compressor

Winning together Ensure your newbuild projects are the best they can be from day one, and throughout their lifecycles. Our unbeatable cargo system knowledge, experience and support enable you to achieve this. Maximise your operational efficiency without compromising your safety standards. MacGregor is part of Cargotec (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV).


Liebherr launches compact onboard crane The third model in Liebherr's ram luffing knuckle-boom crane series has been designed specifically for use on offshore vessels and platforms with limited deck space. The RL-K 2600 model crane has a small tail swing radius of less than 3 m, which increases freedom of movement on platforms and vessels. The company said it had achieved the small tail swing radius by designing the crane without a machinery housing, increasing the number of applications for the crane’s use. The crane can be equipped with software called ‘developed path control’ that works to optimise crane movements. The system takes into account safety requirements and potential safety hazards and supports the crane driver when operating within restricted areas. The crane has a lifting capacity of up to 50 tonnes and can also cover pipe-handling tasks when equipped with either a hook or a riser/gripper. This enables the crane to work on fixed platforms as well as on vessels such as drill ships. Due to its lightweight construction, the crane can operate under harsh weather conditions, a design feature which allows it to be used in arctic environmental conditions, according to Liebherr.

Liebherr's RL-K 2600 model crane has a small tail swing radius of less than 3 m

Offshore cranes take centre stage at IMCA's Lifting & Rigging seminar Palfinger‘s equipment will be delivered to Ulstein Verft at the end of 2020 (credit: Ulstein Verft)

Palfinger picked for Nexans’ Aurora cable-lay vessel Norwegian shipbuilder Ulstein Verft has chosen load-handling firm Palfinger Marine to supply a deck equipment package for cabling specialist Nexans’ cable-lay vessel Aurora. The package includes abandon and recovery winches, A-frames, kunckle-boom cranes and overhead travelling gantries. Aurora was designed by Ålesund, Norway-based Skipsteknisk. It is 150 m long by 31 m wide, has a dwt of 17,000 and can accommodate 90 people.

It has a turntable with a large cable capacity of 10,000 tonnes. “We have been working on this project for almost two years and most of the equipment has been tailored to fit the vessel,” said Palfinger Marine sales director Sverre Mowinckle-Nilsen. “We are very proud for being chosen once again by Ulstein Verft for delivering our high-quality equipment and we are looking forward to working closely with the yard and owner on this project.”

‘Return to Offshore Cranes’ was the focus of IMCA’s Lifting & Rigging seminar this year, which took place in Amsterdam in September. Chaired by TechnipFMC’s David Cannell, the seminar has become a popular annual event, attended by crane manufacturers, offshore crane users and representatives from training and academic development institutes. This year’s seminar marked a shift from the ropes and rigging issues discussed at past events, to examine the cranes and systems used in offshore lifting operations. The competence and training of crane operators proved to be a big concern, due to the complexity of modern crane systems and their operation. Three workshops looked at ‘Current issues and challenges’, ‘Offshore lifting requirements’, and ‘Training and future forums’. In the first workshop, discussion focused on control systems and operational modes; inspection, repair

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


and maintenance; personnel; operational capacity and limits; and the role of alarm settings during lifting. The second workshop covered future requirements for offshore lifting, looking at the range of tasks and crane types; capacity; capability (including operational modes); operator skills and control interfaces; and health-monitoring systems, among others. In the final workshop, attendees considered the adequacy of training and asked 'What can IMCA do to help?'. The answer to that question will help determine IMCA’s future work programme, with control systems and operational modes noted for further discussion by IMCA’s Lifting & Rigging Committee. The seminar was also an opportunity to remind delegates about the importance of IMCA’s safety flashes (a crane-related finger injury was cited, caused by a falling wire wedge) and the Association’s lifting and rigging guidance, titled ‘Guidelines for lifting operations’ (LR006) – IMCA’s most downloaded guidance document in 2018.

MacGregor scoops hatch cover order MacGregor has secured orders from Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) in South Korea to design and deliver complete hatch-cover sets and container fixed fittings for eight 1,800-TEU container ships. “HMD and MacGregor have had a long and fruitful co-operation over many years,” said MacGregor senior vice president cargo handling Magnus Sjöberg. “Our customer has selected key equipment, such as hatch covers and fixed fittings, from a partner that it trusts for quality and safety.” MacGregor's cargo-system knowledge will ensure that the vessels are equipped with efficient, optimised and safe cargo-handling systems. The order is booked into Cargotec's Q3 2018 order intake, and delivery of the equipment is planned during 2019. For vessels requiring a relatively small, simple hatch-cover system, stacking hatch covers for weather decks are a good choice. They are usually all hydraulic in operation and the panels move into stowage or closure positions in a specific sequence. A set will comprise several panels, each of which is fitted with a towing device that can be connected to move the panels to and from a stacking position by a continuous chain-drive mechanism. The chain-driven stacking hatch-cover system employs the same hoisting principles as the MacGregor piggy-back system.

‘Most advanced’ fibre-rope crane nearing completion Macgregor, part of Cargotec, has announced its fibre-rope offshore crane is approaching the final stages of construction. Work started on the company’s crane range in 2016 and it has a co-operation agreement in place with UK-based Parkburn Precision Handling Systems, bringing together the two companies’ respective strengths in offshore crane technology and fibre-rope tensioning technology.

MacGregor vice president of business development for advanced offshore solutions Ingvar Apeland said: “We are so confident in the technology and keen to demonstrate the crane’s capabilities that last year we entered into a programme to build, certify and validate it.” He added that he believes it will be one of the “most advanced fibre-rope knuckle-boom cranes that the market has seen.”

MacGregor‘s FibreTrac crane is scheduled to hit the market this year

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

Designed and built to DNV GL specifications, the FibreTrac crane has a MacGregor storage winch with capacity for 4,000 m of 88 mm rope. It will have a safe working load (SWL) capacity of 150 tonnes. Fibre rope’s main advantage over traditional wire rope is that it weighs very little in water, so the quantity of rope paid out has no appreciable impact on the load experienced by the crane. This means that a 150 SWL fibre-rope crane can lift loads at depths of 3,000 m that would require a 250 SWL wire-rope crane. Using a fibre-rope system, smaller cranes, and consequently smaller vessels, are capable of undertaking a much wider scope of work, enabling owners to embark on a wider range of contracts. The FibreTrac crane will also have a rope monitoring and management system in place, to maximise rope lifespan and provide clear lift-line status information for the operator at all times. The crane is scheduled to come to market this year. Its deepwater capstan, provided by Parkburn, has been undergoing testing in the UK prior to being transferred to MacGregor’s Kristiansand, Norway, facility where the crane is being assembled. MP

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How ISO 19030 is changing the industry for the better Coating suppliers are increasingly using ISO 19030 to measure the performance of their coatings (credit: Graco)

The ISO 19030 standard is changing the way the coatings sector operates, and delivering potentially huge savings for shipowners in the process


he ISO 19030 standard consolidates the latest academic and industry knowledge regarding a standardised method to measure the performance of a vessel through the water. As a global standard, shipowners and other interested stakeholders can now apply this for measuring hull performance of their vessels. So says AkzoNobel, the paints and coatings company which was heavily involved in the formation of the ISO 19030 standard. Commenting on the value of the standard, AkzoNobel marine coatings business channel manager Michael Hindmarsh said: “The standard was originally developed to try and harmonise the way ship performance is monitored. It draws a very good line in the sand. But it is just a start, and already people are talking about making it more accurate and improving it.” One area where there is scope for improvement is in measuring hull and propeller performance – currently the standard does not differentiate between the two. “There is work to be done in developing methodologies to split the effect of just the propeller or just the hull. That is just the kind of work that we would be involved in,” said Mr Hindmarsh. As well as helping to further understand the fuel performance of vessels, such a differentiation would save time and money in investigating what is specifically affecting hull performance. “We sometimes get customers saying that their fuel performance is not as good as usual, and they want us to check if the coating is the problem. We will inspect the vessel and often find the problem is not the coating. Therefore, it is in the interest for everyone to

develop the methods to separate out the effects of hull or propeller, as it will reduce costs and save time,” said Mr Hindmarsh.

Big data

AkzoNobel sees a huge opportunity in applying big data to fouling control coating selection and using the ISO 19030 standard to prove the benefits. To this end, it launched its Intertrac Vision system in 2015; this is a predictive tool designed to help ship operators assess the return on investment resulting from a particular coating specification. The iPad-based system processes individual vessel data and operational parameters that trained IP personnel enter during a free consultation. Multiple proprietary algorithms and models are then used to provide an accurate assessment of the impact of each potential fouling control coating choice over a ship’s specified in-service period. Outputs include a vessel’s powering requirement, fuel consumption, fuel cost, CO2 emission predictions and a full cost-benefit analysis, comparing different coating options and surface preparation options. In May 2017 at Nor Shipping, AkzoNobel launched Digital Voyage, a complimentary suite of digital tools that includes Intertrac Perform, a tool that measures and monitors hull-performance data and validates these against the predictions made by Intertrac Vision, using metrics that comply with the ISO 19030 standard on hulland propeller-performance monitoring. Part of Digital Voyage, Intertrac Vision Lite has been developed to showcase key features of the full Intertrac Vision tool. Users can input

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Hempel‘s SHAPE system can be used to analyse the impact of drydocking and to assess the impact of in-service hull and propeller solutions

data covering a sample selection of vessel types, fouling routes and generic hull-coating choices to create different coating scenarios. They can then compare variations in the effect on power requirements, fuel costs, and CO2 emissions. The solution also includes tips and commentary to explain the methodology that underpins Intertrac Vision, which includes the full range of parameters and can be used to make economic and environmental decisions. Coating supplier Hempel was also involved in developing the ISO 19030 standard and its new hull performance system SHAPE (Systems for Hull And Propeller Efficiency) is based on the ISO 19030 framework. Hempel group segment manager for marine and drydock Andreas Glud explained: “SHAPE combines elements of hull and propeller efficiency optimisation to maximise the performance data. Analysis of this data allows Hempel to provide expert advice on the optimum paint solution to all container-ship operators. The aim is to maximise vessel efficiency and further enhance return on investment.” He pointed out that fouling and mechanical damage to the hull will increase the power required from a ship’s engine to maintain a defined speed, which can be as much as 20%. SHAPE monitors long-term trends using in-service key performance indicators (KPIs) to analyse the impact of drydocking and to assess the impact of in-service hull and propeller solutions and associated

“The fight against fouling has developed significantly in recent years and leading manufacturers are evolving into advisors and solutions providers, alongside their more traditional role of simply supplying paint”

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

maintenance on actual performance. “This enables shipowners to make data-driven decisions to improve their operational efficiency,” said Mr Glud. Specifically designed on the principles defined by ISO 19030, SHAPE can also monitor short-term trends through maintenancetrigger KPIs. The KPIs are based on speed-loss measurements to track performance gains over time. Monitored and guaranteed speed loss – directly related to fuel savings – is also applicable for hull coatings specified for up to 60-month drydocking intervals. In addition, transparent cost-effective performance monitoring following the ISO 19030 methodology is available. Mr Glud also noted another trend in the industry: “The fight against fouling has developed significantly in recent years and leading manufacturers are evolving into advisors and solutions providers, alongside their more traditional role of simply supplying paint.”

Drivers and challenges

The standard is moving in the right direction, according to Jotun Hull Performance Solutions (HPS) global concept director Stein Kjølberg. “More coatings suppliers are using the standard to measure the performance of their coatings, as we have done with HPS. We also see that certain projects have started to specify requirements on speed loss according to the ISO standard.” He added that vessel charterers were now more interested in performance monitoring and were helping to drive this market. “We have seen charterers really see importance of coatings,” he said. “Increasingly, they are going back to tonnage providers to request coating upgrades in contracts.” However, there have been challenges in the uptake of the standard. Mr Kjølberg said: “One challenge is that many companies have established their own way of performance monitoring and have shown some resistance in applying the standard. Therefore, we try and educate owners on how to utilise it – it is a fantastic tool to measure changes in hull and propeller performance. To some owners it might be seen as a means to try and twist it in the way of >>>

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coating suppliers, but that is not correct.” He explained the various benefits that shipowners can gain from ISO 19030: “It gives several options for the owner, not just for service performance over time. It is a very good way to evaluate what has transpired in performance since the last docking.” Mr Kjølberg continued: “The performance can be measured for the first 12 months out of dock to set a reference line and that can be set up against recent dockings to see whether hull and propeller performance is stable, or has improved or declined.” He noted this allowed owners to link it to the surface preparation performed, whether it was a small touch-up or full docking. “Seeing the difference in performance can justify the cost of a full docking,” Mr Kjølberg said. There are also other performance indicators in the standard, such as the maintenance trigger. Mr Kjølberg said: “When we start to see a decline in performance, we have a reference line; if we see things changing, shipowners can carry out inspections to see if cleaning is needed or if there has been any damage. They can take initiatives at a much earlier stage than before and thereby save huge amounts of money in additional fuel costs.” If cleaning has been carried out, Mr Kjølberg pointed out that the improvement made by the cleaning and the length of time the improvement lasts can be measured. “All these factors give owners additional ammunition to make good decisions. They do not need to invest in the most expensive coatings systems; it depends on the docking, age of vessel, trade route and other facts, upon which a proper evaluation can be made.” Jotun and DNV GL have launched a series of ISO Standard 19030 conferences. The latest Hull Performance & Insight Conference was held in the UK in March. It highlights developments, challenges and advances that could help to further improve vessel performance and looks at the role of the standard and how it can be developed. >>>

ISO 19030 is especially useful for larger cargo vessels, which tend to be very thirsty, even when slow steaming

Mr Kjølberg added: “The standard is not 100%, but is good enough for practical application.” Once the standard is three years old, there will be opportunities for revision. “We will then have the experience to see where it can be improved,” he said, highlighting that discussions created by the Hull Performance & Insight Conference would be an important contributor to any developments within ISO 19030.

Japanese OEM launches biocide-free anti-fouling coating Japan-headquartered Nippon Paint Marine has developed and launched a biocidefree, low-friction self-polishing copolymer (SPC) antifouling paint. The company told this publication at SMM that its product, called Aquaterras, is the first of its kind and was developed using neither biocide materials nor silicone. “It is a clear innovation,” said Nippon Paint Marine managing director Michel Wilckens. “A first, and a unique biocidefree antifouling technology.” Mr Wilckens said the product had been in development for more than 20 years and that the self-polishing nature of the product meant it had to be cleaned less frequently than many other products in the antifouling hull coatings market. “Most of them, you have to clean after one or two years,” he said. “This stays clean for five years.”

Mr Wilckens said the coating had been tested by being applied to 10 vessels over the course of three years with good results. He said the company was looking to expand operations quickly and had spoken with interested parties in the cruise sector and the cargo sector. A statement from Nippon Paint Marine director John Drew said the technology uses an advanced antifouling mechanism based around anti-thrombogenic polymers, used to construct artificial hearts and blood vessels in the medical supply industry. The medical polymeric material was designed so that no biological substances or life would or could adhere to the surface, to prevent blood clots (thrombosis). Using the technology in marine paints allows the new hydrolysis polymer reaction developed at Nippon Paint to continuously self-polish. It

also exposes active micro-domain structures to seawater, ensuring that Aquaterras provides long-term antifouling performance. Among the benefits of the paint, according to Mr Drew, is that it meets various national and international biocide regulations, often has a smoother finish than those with biocide-impregnated coatings and is comparatively easy to apply. “Unlike silicone types, Aquaterras can be applied simply, without the need for costly and time-consuming masking,” he said. “It can also be overcoated in the same way as today’s SPCs and can even be applied onto existing SPCs if they are in good enough condition.” Registered as a tin-free antifouling paint, Aquaterras has received approvals from all the major classification societies and is certified with no ‘active ingredients’ in its type-approval certification. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

70 | CASE STUDY blasting

Vapour-abrasive vs dry-pot blasting Vapour-abrasive blasting can offer significant benefits over traditional sandblasting techniques, illustrated by Graco in this case study on Schavicast


Schavicast reported that vapour-abrasive blasting reduced dust production on the application site

or maritime blasting and painting company Schavicast, dust produced during blasting was proving a significant problem. Operators found their vision was affected, making it difficult to see the area they were blasting, and the company received complaints about dust spreading across the marina in front of Schavicast’s repair dock in Stellendam, near Rotterdam. Schavicast sought the advice of Rasco-Clemco, a local spraying and blasting equipment distributor, which recommended vapour-abrasive blast equipment firm Graco’s EcoQuip range. EcoQuip produces 92% less dust than sandblasting while maintaining an equivalent level of performance, minimising the need for PPE, tenting and containment, and decreasing the environmental impact. Compared to wet blasting, EcoQuip uses 75% less blast media and water use is also significantly reduced, minimising runoff and largely eliminating the build-up of slurry messes. The solution remains effective in a range

AIR Environmentally friendly iron silicate copper slag was used as the blasting abrasive

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

of weather conditions, including rain and high-humidity environments, and removes coatings without damaging subsurfaces. The abrasive which Schavicast opted to use is copper slag, a by-product of extracting copper via smelting. The environmentally friendly iron silicate granules have a width ranging from 0.5 mm to 1.2 mm and generate very low levels of dust compared to sand. Copper slag is well suited to removing primer and topcoat coatings to prepare a substrate for new applications. Two Ecoquip Twinline modules were chosen and an external water tank installed. The Twinline unit is based around a single compressor with two nozzles, doubling production rates and consequently improving cost-effectiveness for major jobs, as two operators can work from one compressor unit. Using two units also decreases the number of skid units required for a job, and enables more operators to work simultaneously. This also makes for a faster turnaround, reducing the duration of each vessel’s stay in dock. The Ecoquip 2 EQs2 Twinline setup includes two 185 liter (6.5 ft3) blast pots, two 15 m blast hozes, two #8 HP nozzles, and two electric or pneumatic blast controls. It also features a water dose valve, step, media shelf, hose rack, air inlet filter/ball valve and media strainer kit. It is contained in a stainless-steel crash frame and enclosure. As a result of using Graco’s EcoQuip Twinline modules, Schavicast is now using approximately 50% less abrasive material than the traditional dry-pot method it previously employed. Schavicast’s operators report that their work environment is more comfortable due to reduced dust on the application site and with dust pollution down, the neighbours are happy too. MP


Effective enforcement needed to fulfil Marpol Annex IV Wärtsilä future programme development manager Wei Chen explains why corrective action is required for the guidelines governing sewage treatment plant effluent standards


MO’s Marpol Annex IV Convention, which was developed in the 1970s and ratified in 2003, targets the ‘Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships’. For good reasons, installing an approved sewage treatment plant (STP) has become a popular option for ships sailing internationally. The Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) has developed guidelines on STP effluent standards and performance test specifications. However, in the absence of an effective enforcement regime, the vast majority of STPs installed are discharging virtually untreated sewage (MEPC 67/8/1). In some regions, marine rules are now perceived as legalising ships’ sewage pollution. Clearly, Marpol Annex IV has not been effective and the gap between the rules and reality is widening. To make matters worse, in racing to the lowest level of functionalities and cost, some approved STPs do not conform to the established guidelines, or even to environmental science and engineering principles. Non-conformities and ‘magic boxes’ have found their way into new ships in their hundreds. The credibility of the approval regime has been undermined. In 2017, MEPCapproved amendments to the guidelines, which are scheduled for a PPR 6 meeting in early 2019. With the poor performance status, nonconformities, and magic boxes being endorsed and approved under the current regulatory framework, being compliant no longer means being green.

Visibility is key

Wei Chen (Wärtsilä): The existing guidelines can be amended in a constructive way

It is rare to see an international environmental regulation fail an entire industrial sector so dramatically. The situation is particularly at odds with the tangible improvements made to our aqua environment by the land-based wastewater industry, where effective enforcement regimes exist. Alaskan waters have a local compliance program in place for large cruise ships. The cruise industry has been successful in developing advance wastewater treatment systems (AWTS) that perform with good compliance. An AWTS carries the same certificate as an STP, but has significantly higher capex and opex numbers. Is an AWTS the right answer for other shipping sectors? No one knows. We do know that the existing effluent standards are, at best, aspirational, judging by the poor performance status of approved STPs.

Without an enforcement regime in place, no one knows the limits of available technologies, or whether existing effluent standards are evidencebased, practicable and sustainable. Without these much-needed visibilities, efforts to improve the guideline may be in vain. A relevant example is the so-called ‘dilution compensation factor Qi/Qe’, which is the single new criterion introduced in the current MEPC.227(64) guidelines that came into force in 2016. The aim was to combat STPs that use large amounts of sea water to keep the effluent ‘clean’. Two years on, none of these STPs has provided any evidence of the Qi/Qe, rendering this new introduction meaningless. Dilution machines continue to thrive.

“Non-conformities and ‘magic boxes’ have found their way into new ships in their hundreds. The credibility of the approval regime has been undermined” At a time when widespread non-conformities are approved, making the performance status of STPs visible will help in finding a constructive and effective way forward. Online monitoring has proven to be effective in upholding technological thresholds under other marine environmental rules. Guidelines are meaningful only when they are conformed to. Corrective actions are essential against the non-conformities already approved by member states. The existing guidelines can be amended in a constructive way to tackle non-conformities, as well as to improve STP performance status. STP performance tests may continue to play a key role in combatting dilution machines and magic boxes, aided by the possible introduction of online monitoring under the new guidelines. Making the performance status of STPs visible is a first step towards a future regulatory framework that is evidence-based, practical and sustainable. But ultimately, only effective enforcement can make it possible for the industry to proudly fulfil the environmental obligation of Marpol Annex IV. And only the collective efforts of the member states can make it a win-win for all. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


Making the case for LNG H

igh on the list of factors that may influence an operator’s choice of LNG as fuel is compliance with the requirements of Marpol Annex VI after 1 January 2020. This is especially true if the vessel will be operating within emission control areas (ECAs) where the sulphur limit is 0.1%, compared with the global limit of 0.5%. Within the offshore oil and gas sector a wide range of strategies have been adopted to meet this requirement, ranging from LNG dual-fuel for newbuildings, to the installation of abatement systems and even switching to alternative fuels. Even within an individual operator’s fleet, different approaches are being adopted depending on ship size, trading area and investment ability. Weak earnings from reduced charter rates and the lack of LNG availability in some areas has made some owners reluctant to fund technical solutions, with most planning on MGO or alternative fuels. Data from the OECD International Transport Forum indicates that globally there are 56,000 ships greater than 500 gt trading today. It has been estimated that up to 4M b/d of fuel production will have to change from 5% sulphur to 3.5% or lower. The stark reality is that because of Annex VI, in less than two years’ time, 75%

When considering LNG as a marine fuel, offshore vessel operators must factor not only the pros and cons of LNG itself, but also the alternatives on offer, writes Mark Pointon

of the marine fuel consumed globally will have to change. One market source estimates that 2-3% of the global fleet will be using LNG fuel by 2020. There are currently 242 ships using LNG as fuel. This figure does not include LNG carriers consuming cargo boil-off. Within the OSV sector, there are a number of high-profile companies that have invested in LNG dual-fuelled vessels. Typically, these investments have been made with vessels that operate on short voyages, in areas like the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico where there is a ready supply of LNG bunkers that are on long-term charters. Factors considered in these investments will have included the size of

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the fuel tanks, a cost-benefit evaluation of dual-fuel capability on auxiliary engines and boilers and whether to use lowpressure or high-pressure engines and supply systems. As a general rule, the cost of building a new dual-fuelled vessel is approximately 20% higher than building a conventionally fuelled vessel. This higher capital investment is offset by the lower operational costs that result from lower fuel consumption and reduced fuel costs. At present, it is not economic to retrofit LNG fuel systems to existing tonnage. Specific prices vary regionally, but generally LNG is in the region of 30% cheaper than conventional bunker fuel. Whether this will remain the case after 2020 will depend on whether it is sold at a 'reasonable' return on investment price, or if it is priced in competition with alternative fuels?

Alternative diesel fuels

A large and growing number of OSVs operate under environmental class notations, like DNV GL’s Clean Design. This means that they already comply with the 1 January 2020 changes. Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO) is an example of a company that has adopted


LNG bunkering operation by truck in Western Australia

this approach. SPO Australia technical manager, Eric Duck explained that “SPO has processes in place to ensure compliance with all the Marpol regulations and classification society Clean Design class notations relating to fuel quality. For our operations in Australia, we use fuel with sulphur content lower than that prescribed by the 2020 Marpol Sulphur Cap. An example of such fuel is “Diesel 10”, which is available from local bunker suppliers with sulphur content of 10 mg/kg max.” Clean Design is a voluntary environmental class notation that requires owners and operators to design and operate their ships in an environmentally sustainable manner. The aim is to reduce the emissions from each vessel, so that the overall environmental burden from shipping is reduced. One of the requirements of this notation is that emissions to air are controlled within strict limits. The emission levels in DNV GL’s rules are lower than those in Marpol Annex VI. A major commercial reason that so many offshore vessels have this notation is that major oil companies require them to do so to tender for charters.

Abatement technologies

The current advantage of operating a vessel on heavy fuel oil, for the owners/ operators, is the low price compared to distillates. The IMO 2020 regulation implies that ships can continue to use sulphur-rich fuels if they have exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) installed. The basic function of a scrubber is to use sea water to wash out the sulphur in the exhaust gas. There are currently three types of scrubbers available: open loop, closed loop and hybrid. An open-loop scrubber discharges the sulphur-rich wash-water directly into ocean. With a closed-loop scrubber, the wash-water is treated with chemicals and particles are filtered out before it is reused many times. A hybrid scrubber combines the two modes and can run in open mode at sea and in closed mode in ports and sensitive areas. With increased use of scrubbers, it is likely that there will be ports where openloop scrubbers will be banned, while hybrid scrubbers running in closed-loop mode will be allowed. Today, the cost of an open-loop scrubber starts at around UD$1.5M, with a

“A major commercial reason that so many offshore vessels have the Clean Design notation is that major oil companies require them to do so to tender for charters”

hybrid scrubber having a starting cost of US$2.25M. Interestingly, research shows that running a scrubber increases energy consumption by 2% compared to using low-sulphur fuels. Sources estimate that at the end of 2017 there were 450 to 500 vessels fitted with scrubbers and that estimates of further installations by 2020 range from 1,000 to 3,000, which is lower than expected.

Fuel pricing /availability

The commercial case for all of these alternatives is influenced by the price and availability of fuel. The question of how fuel pricing is likely to change post 2020 is one of the most discussed by ship operators, fuel producers and suppliers. Fuel pricing forecasting is complex and subject to price volatility; you only have to look at the variations in the cost of filling your car to appreciate that. Industry sources have indicated that typical prices paid for IFO 380 in 2018 have been US$375 per tonne and US$600 per tonne for MGO. Current low-sulphur blends are priced at 5-10% below the price of MGO, compared to IFO 380, which is 38% below MGO. There is a common expectation that after 1 January 2020 there will be a “base case” shift from IFO 380 to MGO. Past experience shows that whenever fuel regulations and the supply chain have changed, as will be the case in 2020, problems with out-of-specification fuel will spike, resulting in increased costs to the vessel operator and lost time. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


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Small-scale LNG regasification modules support off-the-grid puzzle Houston-based AG&P has debuted two technologies for its small-scale LNG regasification modules

Nancy Ballout (AG&P): Modularisation ensures faster fabrication and easier transportation


am originally from Latin America and I have seen the issue of getting gas to customers that are off the grid,” said AG&P vice president of process engineering and operations Nancy Ballout, adding “This is the puzzle AG&P set out to solve”. With this in mind, Ms Ballout explained that AG&P is recognised as a fabricator, but is currently moving into the engineering sector. Its solution to the above-mentioned ‘puzzle’ uses two different technologies that are packaged in modules; this means that as its clients’ requirements grow, additional regasification modules can be added. The two technologies are water bath-type vaporisation and fan ambient air vaporisation. Water bath-type vaporisation (WBV) utilises fire tubes to transfer heat to a bath of water by convective and conductive heat transfer. The combustion gas never directly contacts the water. To minimise emissions and improve efficiency, the design can also include low NOx burner technology and a waste-heat recovery economiser, increasing efficiency without the complexity associated with other systems. According to AG&P, this design is flexible and suitable for offshore and onshore applications where space is limited. It is also ideal for cold climates and environmentally regulated sites, including those where an open-loop system is not feasible. The company also noted that while designed to be used in offshore/floating applications, the design is comparable to submerged combustion vaporisers (SCVs) normally used onshore in cold climates. AG&P has also developed an advanced fan ambient air vaporisation (FAV) technology for subtropical and tropical locations with ambient air temperatures greater than 15°C. The technology simplifies the design of the regasification train, its operations and maintenance, according to AG&P. Other benefits include reduced size as the FAV regasification

trains have been designed to minimise size and complexity, allowing for a faster build and easier installation. The modules can also be split into two or stick-built and installed onsite, making it suitable for sites that cannot be accessed with a single, prefabricated module. Ms Ballout said: “These two new technologies complement AG&P’s waterglycol shell and tube (STV) standard technology for regasification modules. All three technologies can be scaled to meet current demand, with flexibility to expand to match future growth and investment.” The modules are standardised with a 125 mmscfd process train and each consists of a high-pressure pump, tube and shell exchanger, boil-off gas (BOG) recondenser, HIPPS, ESDV/F&G/CAMS and a control room. “We have a vendor list of suppliers and keep many of the parts in stock,” said Ms Ballout, adding: “We have everything ready. If you want a 60 mmscfd process train, you can run the 125 mmscfd at a lower rate.”

“The design is flexible and suitable for offshore and onshore applications where space is limited” The technology allows AG&P to configure hybrid terminals in a costeffective manner and enables installation in locations that are currently constrained or inaccessible. “Modularisation ensures faster fabrication and easier transportation, so facilities are up and running sooner,” said said Ms Ballout. The three technologies will be deployed at AG&P’s LNG import terminal at Karaikal Port in India and at two facilities currently under development in Latin America. MP

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018


Wightlink chooses batteries over LNG Ferry operator Wightlink’s project director explains why the company chose a battery hybrid system for its new vessel

support service to the diesel generators in operation and work as generators in harbour mode. The batteries are charged from the diesel generators. Four 1,100 kW engines were provided by Wärtsilä. Mr Burrows added: “The beauty of it is that any engine can drive any propeller, so if we take an engine out to do maintenance, all four propellers are still running.”

Hybrid versus fully electric

John Burrows (Wightlink): Not ruling out the all-electric option


ightlink’s new ropax ferry Victoria of Wight runs on battery hybrid and its project director John Burrows believes that this is the way forward for the ferry operator, over alternatives such as LNG. “We initially hoped to run on LNG, but it is a bit of a chicken-and-egg product,” explained Mr Burrows. Wightlink had been hoping that one of the ports it was using would provide bunker facilities, but this did not materialise. Wightlink itself was not going to use enough LNG to make it worthwhile investing in its own bunker facilities and therefore the company decided upon a diesel/ battery hybrid system. Mr Burrows said: “We are very lucky to live in one of most beautiful parts of the UK; we have a green agenda and are also very mindful that we operate very close to residential property. We were looking for a solution to minimise fuel consumption and that equals lower emissions, less pollution and a propulsion package that is significantly quieter than other ships.” Using batteries ticked these boxes. In Victoria of Wight, batteries provide a

Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery | October/November 2018

Explaining why the ferry operator decided against full-electric propulsion, Mr Burrows said that when the contract for the vessel was entered into three years ago, “battery technology was racing on”, but was in no position to offer the company the option of full-electric propulsion. “We needed diesel on board and Wärtsilä’s hydrid system suits our needs perfectly.” Sea trials showed Victoria of Wight could run on batteries alone for 50 minutes, although Mr Burrows said there were no plans to run the vessel solely on batteries. Indeed, he indicated that if the company were to order another new vessel, it would also be powered by battery dual-fuel: “Batteries have not moved on quite enough to go all-electric, and we also need the power available on shore. But Portsmouth does not have huge reserves of power and the amount that we can pull from the shore is limited.” Still, Mr Burrows is not ruling out the all-electric option, noting that the technology is “improving very rapidly and I think there will come a time when we can move to an allelectric system”. MP

“We were looking to minimise fuel consumption, lower emissions, [create] less pollution and be significantly quieter than other ships”

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