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Illustration 8. Range of geodesic domes by Buckminster Fuller

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Geodesic dome by Buckminster fuller

Buckminster Fuller is known as an inventor and a futurist for his concepts of spaceship earth23 , ephemeralization24, dymaxion25 etc. Although never built, the Dymaxion's house


design displayed forward-thinking and influential innovations in prefabrication and

sustainability. Not only would the house have been exemplary in its self-sufficiency, but it

also could have been mass-produced, flat-packaged and shipped throughout the world.

Geodesic dome is another one of his inventions. The geometry of this dome allows light

weight easy to construct structural system of prefabricate parts. It has a structural merit

of containing most volume with the least surface area. It also allows uniformity in the

temperature with maximum gain of solar energy and light.

Illustration 8. Range of geodesic domes by Buckminster Fuller

23 Spaceship earth is a worldview encouraging everyone on Earth to act as a harmonious crew working toward the greater good. 24 Ephemeralization, a term coined by R. Buckminster Fuller, is the ability of technological advancement to do "more and more with less and less until eventually you can do everything with nothing." 25 Dymaxion is a term that Buckminster Fuller associated with much of his work—prominently his Dymaxion house and Dymaxion car. Dymaxion, a portmanteau of the word’s dynamic, maximum, and tension sums up the goal of his study, "maximum gain of advantage from minimal energy input.”

Also, a large space flexibility is obtained. One of his study involves an idea of covering a

portion of Manhattan with a dome. He essentially proposed it to regulate climactic

conditions and reduce the amount of energy input.

Future of prefabricated architecture

The composite structural system is the recent growing industry, where the two different

materials are bound together so strongly that they act together as a single unit from

a structural point of view. Lightweight composites often outperform wood, masonry and

steel, achieving a lower carbon footprint because the heavier traditional materials require

more energy to manufacture, transport, assemble and support. Fibre reinforced

plastic (FRP) is a composite material constituting a polymer matrix blended with certain

reinforcing materials, such as fibres. Fibre reinforced plastics can be as strong as some

metals but they are much lighter and therefore more fuel efficient. It is possible to employ

composite materials as structural system due to technological advancements. As now

there is a need for larger and more flexible interior spaces.

Carbon fibre26 is being increasingly used to replace steel and aluminium in construction as

its low weight and has high load bearing capacity. The addition of carbon fibres to plastic

resins is becoming a widely used strategy to enhance the mechanical properties of 3D

printed parts. What takes prefabrication at the next level is the technology of 3d printing.

3D printing is a type of additive manufacturing that can be used to rapidly fabricate

components with highly customizable geometries, most typically using a layer-by-layer

fabrication process Most 3D printers capable of processing composite materials are based

on the polymer-extrusion process, known as Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). In addition

to FFF 3D printing, a few companies have developed an approach which combines

composite 3D printing with robotics. Such a combination provides greater flexibility in

terms of geometry, since the robotic arm can move along multiple axes, and the possibility

of printing larger parts.

26 Carbon Fiber is a polymer made of thin, strong crystalline filaments of carbon that is used to strengthen material.

Figure 47. modular and prefabricated units of vale de cambra Figure 46. Competition entry for Colony on Mars

Modular building

A modular building is a prefabricated building that consists of repeated sections called

modules. Modularity involves constructing sections away from the building site, then

delivering them to the intended site. For buildings of 6 to 10 storeys height, a vertical

bracing system is often located around an access core, and assisted by horizontal

bracing in the corridor floor between the modules. For taller buildings, a steel podium

frame may be provided on which the modules are stacked and supplemented by a

concrete or steel core.

Figure 48. clockwise from left- modular building units’ assembly, Modules supported by long spanning cellular beams to create, open plan space at the lower levels, instant cookie cutter template for modules

Metabolist architecture

Among many, one of the most influential representatives of the Modern movement that

promoted credo of flexibility were the Metabolists. Metabolism was glorious Japanese

architectural movement of 20th century that had envisioned a new direction for

architecture and urbanism. The first Japanese architecture movement after the World

War II, it aimed to achieve synthesis and harmony of tradition, technology, human and

nature. Metabolists envisioned the cities of the future as flexible and expandable

structures that remind the process of growing organisms. In their opinion the traditionally

fixed forms and functions were out-dated. Metabolism: the design of long-term structures

to support short-term components. It was based on achieving organic growth in

megastructures using the properties of prefabrication and modularity in architecture.

“The philosophy of metabolic design is based on exchangeability, modular buildings,

prefabricated parts and capsules. The units move, change or expand according to the needs of the individual, thereby creating organic growth”27

27 Pilar Echavarria, Portable Architecture – and Unpredictable Surroundings 2005, p.24

The Nakagin capsule tower was conceived

out of two towers that was attached with

capsules that can be used as apartments

and studios. These cubical capsules were

made out of bolted steel frame and

reinforced steel panels, that is supposed to

be bolted to the tower and could be

detached and attached easily. This makes

the building renewable within itself. The

building celebrates the idea of

interchangeability and flexibility through

the capsule, and its history reflects the rise

and fall of Metabolism’s technological utopias.

Figure 49. Nakagin Capsule Tower by Kisho Kurokawa

8. Progress and prospect of future

8.1. Progress with technology

Science and utopia are both intertwined, as they both strive for a new advanced version

of the current society. One imagines a perfect scenario while other becomes a medium to

express materials and technology of future, or vice versa where the science advancements

are based on reference of the speculative imagination of tomorrow.

Space X founder and Lead Designer Ellon Musk announced the most ambitious plans yet

for the colonization of planets and satellites beyond Earth, including the establishment of

a lunar base and a permanent mars colony by 2022. Hyperloop is another one of the

futuristic inventions that enables transportation at a hypersonic speed, while also being energy efficient. It was first developed as a concept of “fifth mode of transport” 28 .

Hyperloop is a sealed tube or system of tubes with low air pressure through which a pod

may travel substantially free of air resistance or friction.

Mobile phones have replaced all aspects of our lives and the same device is now used to

control our surroundings. There are specialized systems that control all conditioning of

the interiors from one device, on just some clicks. Smart city works on the similar lines. A

city that adapts to your needs, provides you information that is tailored as per you needs.

28 The four modes being airways, railways, waterways and underground, Ellon Musk came with this new idea of transportation in 2012.

8.2. Changing needs of dynamic society

The architecture of change is the new means to help sustain our adaptability with the

environment. It supports transience in the modern life and brings about impermanence

in the society as the new paradigm shift. We see architecture as a synonym to permanent

built in the city which is the source of development of the city and the sole purpose of the

building is to create a statement or impression. Along with this chunk in the city lies a

transforming temporary in nature fast and fleeting pop-up shops, recreational spaces for

people, markets and mobile houses, which can be termed as more impermanent. With

notion of development there is abrupt changes that happen to attain a technologically

advanced position over all but it also tests the Capacity to adapt. With society being

converted to what is termed as dynamic society which is the outcome of adaptability in

change, this position demands for a constant upgradation of what is existing for the sake

of consumerism. Consumerism has a high exposure in the mass media and what is

trending becomes the most feasible solution to adapt to. It leads to mass production. The

constant upgradation in the time frame sets the criteria to develop a manufacturing and

expiry date of everything. This results to obsoleting of many things. This transformation

to avoid obsolescence can be seen by tracing out future prospect of smaller entities in the


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