Fatma's Digital Marketing Portfolio

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digital marketing enthusiast



About Me


I am a fresh graduate of Public Health, University of Indonesia with 3.69 GPA. An enthusiastic and everyday learner who have a super huge passion & interest in digital marketing, arts, and public health information management! Have a capability to perform various data analysis to produce interpretation and decision making! Enthusiastically learning digital marketing currently (especially content marketing for social media!) and can’t wait to implement it!

Keyword research, off page/on page SEO

SEM (google ads) Social Media Marketing Facebook&IG Ads, Organic Content

Content Marketing KOL Marketing Copywriting

Caption, wording, articles

Education Formal : University of Indonesia (2017-2021) Public Health – Health Information Management Informal : Rakamin Academy (2021-present) Digital Marketing Bootcamp


Adobe Photoshop, canva, figma.

Bogor, 16770 +6281283804965 ftmrizkia@gmail.com Linkedin.com/in/fatmarizkia


Capcut, inshot, reels/tiktok video.

Research & Analytics

Market research, benchmarking/competitor analysis, etc.

Social Media Organic Content Challenge 1. 2. 3.

Membuat akun bisnis baru Membuat konten feeds Dalam 1x24 jam, harus terdapat KPI  200 Impressions, 150 Reach, dan 20 engagement

Strategy 1. 2.

More graphic than text Hashtagging (relate to content)

KPI ✓ 200 Impressions ✓ 150 reach ✓ 20 Engagement

Brand Identity @pretty.locally.made platform penjualan online skincare/makeup berbagai brand lokal Indonesia yang 100% original.

Social Media Organic Content Content & Caption That I made :D

1 Feedpost Results

(KPI) 1x24 h ✓ 200 Impressions  215 ✓ 150 reach  204 ✓ 20 Engagement  66

Social Media Organic Content

Content & Caption That I made :D

Social Media Organic Content

Content & Caption That I made :D

Social Media Organic Content

Content & Caption That I made :D

Social Media Organic Content

IG Story content That I made :D

Content Marketing Storytelling

Concept User Persona : • SES A+ • Age : 25-38 • Interest ; Cycling, Travelling, Health & Fitness, Premium Brand • Up to date with trends


Memperkenalkan kelebihan brompton  ‘anti theft’ bicycle


Memakai CTA ‘see more’  mendirect calon pembeli ke website Roda Tua Sampai Tua


Konten interaktif mengajak audiens mengingat masa kecil  Dora The Explorer dan Swiper

Content Marketing

Execution : IG Story Idea “Say Bye to Swiper in Real World!”




Content Marketing Creative Brief ●

● ● ●

Background : Masker jadi hal yang esensial saat pandemi, tapi biasanya suka jadi hal yang diremehin Premise : Maskeren, bisa dipakai buat olahraga tapi tetap keren dengan harga murah Program Details : Beli 1 Rp 50.000, Beli 4 Rp. 100.000 Business Objective : Rp 100 pcs/week Communication Objective : Promo terilhat jelas & komunikasi benefit dan promo terlihat jelas

Concept Potential Issue : Maskne! Masker harus rajin diganti agar risiko penularan berkurang dan juga terhindar dari maskne!

Premise Beli 4 masker hanya Rp 100.000 di Maskeren. Bisa rutin ganti masker di setiap harinya demi cegah penularan virus dan bisa #SayByeToMaskne! Program Details Promo beli 4 Rp 100.000 Business Objective 100 pcs/week

Link video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1twqirefsbfwgkBb4KK9ITsSKyTSPEUDp/view?usp=sharing

Execution : IG Feeds Idea #SayByeToMaskne

Content Marketing Caption : Hayo, siapa disini yang suka bt saat pakai masker karena tiba-tiba aja maskne bisa muncul? No worries! Maskne bisa banget dicegah lho, yaitu dengan rutin mengganti maskermu setiap 4 jam sekali. Selain bisa mencegah penularan virus saat pandemi gini, risiko tersumbatnya pori-pori akibat memakai masker yang kelamaan juga bisa dicegah deh! Maskeren lagi ada promo nih buat kalian yang pengen bisa secara maksimal mencegah penularan virus dan #SayByeToMaskne! Beli 1 Rp 50.000 Beli 4 Rp 100.000 Harganya cocok banget dong yaaaa buat kamu yang pengen bisa rutin ganti masker setiap 4 jam sekali.

Cuplikan video untuk IG feeds

Tertarik? Langsung cus cek link di bio ya guys!🤗

Social Media Editorial Plan


https://docs.google.com/spread sheets/d/1qb4v1icQYvAGuYInR wm7talJpuB1oYS0rr0ivU2O3iE/ edit?usp=sharing

Facebook Ads Pretty Locally Made Ads

Objective & KPI Objective : Brand Awareness KPI : 1. 10.000 Impression 2. 8000 Reach 3. 1000 Ad Recall Lift 4. 250 3 Second Video Plays Budget : Max Rp 60.000/2 Days

Facebook Ads Framework Campaign

Video Ads

Link Video: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12hr-zvtjGJfIb9mteHJxjd8PdH5iapv?usp=sharing

Facebook Ads

Results (KPI) : ✓ 10.000 Impression  21.621 ✓ 8000 Reach  15.290 ✓ 1000 Ad Recall Lift  2490 ✓ 250 3 Second Video Plays  367

KOL Marketing User Persona ●

Make Over adalah brand kosmetik yang berfokus pada make up professional, range warna yang luas, embracing texture, dan fungsi pada setiap produknya.

Products : Face Makeup, Lips Makeup, Eyes Makeup, Makeup Tools, Skin Prep Products.

Gaya Komunikasi : Fun, casual, & Interactive

KOL Marketing – KOL List Example

Cindercella @cindercella Beauty Vlogger- Beauty Enthusiast

Tasya Farasya @tasyafarasya

Kiara Leswara @kiaraleswara

RachelGoddard @rachgoddard

Lifni Sanders @lifnisanders

Beauty Vlogger - MUAFounder of MOPBeauty

Beauty Vlogger -Beauty Enthusiast

Beauty Vlogger -Beauty Enthusiast

Beauty Vlogger -Beauty Enthusiast

Represent light skintone

Represent light skintone

Represent lightto medium skintone

Represent medium to tan skintone

Represent tan skintone

KOL Marketing – KOL Research Example Engagement Rate:

Cindercella (Macro Influencer)

Social Media : 1. Instagram :@cindercella 2. Tiktok :cindercella Content : 1. Beauty 2. Arts 3. Comedy

beauty content engagement

her followers responses to her beauty content (mainly positive)

potential customer!

KOL Marketing – KOL Campaign Overview Saat ini, beauty community terutama pengguna make up di Indonesia terus berkembang pesat. Orang Indonesia yang terdiri atas berbagai suku dan etnisitas memiliki berbagai warna kulit yang cantik mulai dari light hingga tan skintone. Untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pasar dimana semua orang Indonesia dengan warna kulit apapun dapat menggunakan make up dengan warna yang tepat, maka brand Make Over ‘Powerstay’ hadir untuk menyediakan berbagai make up dengan range warna yang cocok untuk setiap warna kulit cantik di Indonesia yang beragam.

POWERSTAY PRODUCTS : Face Makeup : Foundation, Concealer, Loose Powder Lips Makeup : Lip Cream

Brand Proposition

Overview Campaign let's expandbrand awarenessof ‘makeoverpowerstay’ as makeupwith a wide color range for various beautiful skin in Indonesiawithmessage #EmbraceYourColor Pre-launch Provide teaser content related to Indonesian skin color without mentioning the brand name

Implementation by KOL: 1.


IG Stories & IG Feeds talking about how beautiful is Indonesian skin color range Teaser

Launch Officially launch ‘Make Over: Powerstay’ products (start using #EmbraceYourColor)

Implementation by KOL: 1.


IG Stories & IG Feeds talking about Make Over Powerstay : #EmbraceYourColor, and giveaway IGLive with KOL

Post Launch Retain the excitementtowards the launching of Make Over Powerstay : #EmbraceYourColor

Implementation by KOL: 1.

Giveaway Announcement


Guideline Pre-Launch (8-15 Dec 2021) Key Message KOLwill asking their followers about their skintone and ask if they have trouble in choosing make up shade as and Indonesian who have various skin colors. Post these 3 stories in sequence. -

Visual Guideline Story 1: Format :photo Script :aku penasaran nih! Skin tone kalian apa sih guys? Using emoji slider and rotate it, and then add the choices. the choices are light, light to medium, medium, medium to tan, and tan skin tone. (see example→)

Visual Guideline Story 2 : Format :photo Upload the screenshot of followers’ responses to emoji slider. Script: Wow banyak banget nih yang udah jawab. Dari jawabannya bisa keliatan ya ya kalo orang Indonesia kulitnya beragam banget ya warnanya. Soooo beautiful! Tapi nih, ada ga sih di antara kalian yang masih suka bingung dan susah cari shade make up yang sesuai warna kulit kalian? Share dong! Ask question to followers using question box feature and add “susah cari shade buat kulit kalian?” (see example→)




Guideline Pre-Launch (8-15 Dec 2021) Visual Guideline Story 3 : Format :photo Upload the screenshot of followers’ responses to question box. Script : Duh banyak juga ya yang kesulitan cari shade yang bener bener match sama warna kulit kita. Akupun masih suka kesulitan guys:’) TAPIIII sebentar lagi bakal ada yang bisa bantu kita buat nunjukkin warna kulit cantik kita nih dengan shade make up yang cuocooookpol! Stay tuned guys! (seeexample→) Social Channel : IG Story




Guideline Pre-Launch (8-15 Dec 2021) KOLwill upload a photo of their face with ‘not-right-shade-make up’ with sad face and the nuances of the photo must be predominantlyblack.

KOLwill post photo on IG feed with caption that about their skintone and ask followers if they have trouble in choosing make up shade as and Indonesian whohave various skin colors.

Format & Messages Format : Static Content Mandate Message : trouble in choosing right shade make up, we cant embrace our skin color optimally, & soon there will be a solution for us. Social Channel : IG Feeds Caption Example : Siapadi antara kalian yang masih suka bingung milih shade make up yang bisa cocok banget sama warna kulit kalian? Berhubung orang Indonesia emang punya banyak banget warna kulit yang super cantik, aku tau banget nih kalo kadang kita struggle banget buat cari shade make up yang cocok. Entah yang dipake malah jadi keterangan, kegelapan, atau...jadi abu-abu! Ohno! Warna kulit kita yang udah super cantik jadi ga keliatan secara maksimal ya Kita butuh penyelamat nih! Kira-kira siapa yang bisa bantu kita buat bisa nunjukkin warna kulit cantik kita secara maksimal ya? hmmm...firasatku lagi baik nih, kayanya penyelamat kita bakal segera datang. Cant wait!

Guideline Pre-Launch (23-25 Dec 2021)

Visual Guideline Story : Format :photo Upload the teaser countdown in sequence D-3 : 23 Dec2021 D-2 : 24 Dec2021 D-1: 25 Dec 2021 Script : CANTWAITTTTT! Bakal ada apa ya? Social Channel : IG Story




Guideline - Launch (26 Dec 2021) KOLwill upload a photo of their face with makeup and holding make over products. They should use black outfit.

KOL will post photo on IG feed with caption that about Make Over : #EmbraceYourColor launching day.

Format & Messages Format : Static Content Mandate Message :today is the launching day, using #EmbraceYourColor hashtag, the numbers of product shades,dont forget to join live at @makeoveridtoday, join the giveaway. Social Channel: IG Feeds

Caption Example : Today is the day! hari ini Make Over Powerstay : #EmbraceYourColor udah launching lho! Kalian tau gak sih kalo make over ngeluarin 20 shades Foundation, 6 shades concealer, 6 shades loose powder, dan 8 shades lipcream yang super cocok sama warna-warna kulit cantik Indonesia?! OMGLENGKAPBANGETTT BUATSEMUA SKIN TONE!Say bye to wrongshade! Yuk #EmbraceYourColor bareng Make Over darisekarang. Mau jadi salah satu yang bisa coba produk Make Over gratis? Join IGlive @makeoverid hari ini jam 19.00 WIB bareng aku yaaaa! Siapatau kalian beruntung hihi. See you! ❤

Guideline - Launch (26 Dec 2021) KeyMessage to remind followers that they can choose a make up shade that matches their skin color to#EmbraceYourColor because make over has launched today. Inform followers to join the IG Live today at @makeoverid for the further information and there will be a giveaway too. Visual Guideline Story : Format : video 15-30s Script : Guys kalian tau gak? Hari ini, brand lokal 'Make Over' launching Make Over Powerstay series lho! Ada 20 shades foundie, 6 shades concealer, 6 shades loose powder, dan 8 shades lipcream yang super cocok sama warna-warna kulit cantik Indonesia. GILAAA lengkap banget gaksih?! Wah pasti pada seneng sih orang indonesia. Pokoknya kalo kalian mau lebih tau tentang produknya dan pengen dapet produknya gratis, nanti jam 7 malam wajib join live di IG@makeoverid bareng aku, okay?! Seeu guys!!! Social Channel : IG Story

Guideline - Launch (26 Dec 2021) KOL

Key Message to remind followers that they can choose a make up shade that matches their skin color to #EmbraceYourColor because make over has launched today. Guideline : Use black outfit & makeup Have a good understanding ofMake Over products :#EmbraceYourColor Social Channel : IG Live at @makeoverid


to share stories about Make Over Powerstay : #EmbraceYourColor as a brand that helps each KOL as a representation of various beautiful skin colors in Indonesia to be able to get the right shade of makeup. -


Event Attendance


Make Over #EmbraceYourColor Launch Talk about skin colors in Indonesia, and the message #EmbraceYourColor Talk about the products (review,KOL’spick) Giveaway for 10 people (give them questions about make over product) 26 December 2021 (19.00WIB)

Guideline – Post Launch (31 Dec 2021) Key Message

Retain the excitement towards the launching of Make Over : #EmbraceYourColor by announcing the previous giveaway winner (2 people) and remind those who haven’t win the giveaway to also try Make Over Powerstay products to #EmbraceYourColor. Visual Guideline Story : Format :Photo Script : Kita pengumuman giveaway @makeoverid Powerstay #EmbraceYourColor ya! The winners are: @username1 @username2 Congratulations! Silakan dm @makeoverid alamat kalian ya! Buat yang belum menang, kalian tetep wajib cobain produk Make Over Powerstay ya! hihihi. Social Channel: IGStory

KOL Marketing DO’s 1. Include all the mandate messages 2. Adjust caption/script following to KOL’s personality

DON’T’s 1. Don’t use photos that have been used before for other campaign 2. Don’t mention other brands 3. Don’t compare the product to other brands 4. Don’t contain elements of SARA, politic, violence and pornography

Pre Launch


Post Launch


December 2021 Mon

























Week1 6


Upload IG Stories, talking about how beautiful indonesian skin color.

Week2 13


15 Upload IG Stories, talking about how beautiful indonesian skin color.

Week3 20


Upload IG Feeds, talking about how beautiful indonesian skin color.

22 Upload teaser countdown (d-3) on story

Week4 27


Upload IG Feeds, talking about how beautiful indonesian skin color.



Upload teaser countdown (d-2) on story


Upload teaser countdown (d-1) on story

31 Announce the winner of giveaway via IGstory

Make Over : #EmbraceYourColor Launch Day! Upload IG Story & IG Feeds about Make Over and mention that there will be IG Live & Giveaway at 19.00WIB

SEO-friendly Article Article


Seo-Analysis Article link : https://rakaminstudent.com/parfum-aromamanis-murah-meriah-untuk-wanita/

Simple Marketing Dashboard

Link Dashboard

Thanks! ftmrizkia@gmail.com +6281283804965 https://linkedin.com/in/fatmarizkia CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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