African Iron Lady

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Africans empowering. entertaining. educating. inspiring.


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202224 26 EDITORS NOTE IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE that I welcome you to the first edition of Riziki, the magazine. Riziki is a Swahili word which means “sustenance”; the means through which one’s existence is maintained. Our main goal is simple, just as the meaning of the name, help others get Riziki. We want to use this chance to inspire, educate, encourage and challenge Africans with stories that are uniquely ours. To promote talent, ideas, stories that showcase the diversity of our land. We want to walk with them and cheer them on as they seek Riziki both at home and away.



President Joyce Banda’s story from Malawi is an inspiration for all of us to strive harder and persevere at whatever task we set our hearts on. The Voice of God Choir has found their Riziki from singing and Nancy and Laurie from volunteering. We have a Riziki recipe which should provide physical sustenance on a hot summer day and 4 unusual ways you can use peanut butter. In the never-ending search for Riziki, you should not forget to invest in yourself and to take some time off to appreciate nature. Happy reading!





MEET staff


Change, Courage, Time: “For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same; there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald LAST SUMMER, I met a girl called Christine. Christine had just left an abusive marriage and relocated to my city. She was beautiful, full of dreams, hopes and had a smile that lit up any room she walked into. You could not tell that she was an orphaned refugee who had fled from her own country of Burundi with her Aunt to find shelter elsewhere. She told me she wanted to find a job and maybe go to school someday. I was happy for her. I lost contact with Christine, but always wondered where she was and how she was doing. I found out much later that she had gone back to her abusive husband. I never forgot about her, till six months later when I met her again and her smile just warmed me up. I knew that this time, she was back for good. I was looking forward to helping her grow and find a job. Two months after she started working, I got a call from the hospital that some Africans were involved in a terrible car accident. I called our pastor and told him we needed to go the hospital. Little did I know that I would be seeing Christine take her last breath. For someone who was unknown in our community, we gave her a lavish sendoff attended by well over 300 people. In my town, this is a very large number. It is because a few of us cared enough to make it happen. We called everyone we knew, mobilized and organized for it. She is not the only African I have helped neither is she the second, nor third, nor fourth… but among the hundreds I work with. I care for our community, our growth and sustenance.




A lady I met once told me that the sole purpose of leaving Africa to go abroad, be it for work studies or simply self improvement, should be for the greater good of our continent. Maybe you are still going through that and not sure what to do yet. Or maybe your tried, failed and gave up. I understand that. For those who made it, how often did you hope to get out? Have you ever asked yourself ; Why me, Why not the others?. I am a Christian who believes that when God shows you someone else’s suffering or need, he needs you to be there for them; for to whom much is given, much is expected. I am my brother’s keeper. I know that we are the ones to change the state of our continent. We must start from the bottom and work our way up, from our own homes, villages, schools, churches, mosques and temples. At Riziki, we want to inspire, educate, support, promote talent, and encourage others. We want to change the narrative of what others think of Africa. The idea that an African can only acquire wealth through corruption and political connections has to change. Africa to us, is a land of opportunity, a place for research, a place of beauty with beautiful, talented and resourceful people, our home. Welcome to our very first issue and I hope you will continue to join us. Share our stories with others, contribute ideas and lets us know how we can improve.

Mwirotsi NANCy


Christine Oduor • EDITOR Is a freelance translator, writer who has published no books (yet!) and blogger. She holds advanced degrees in French and Journalism. When not at work, she enjoys singing and is currently learning the guitar. Resides in Tunis, Tunisia. Kawira Njeru I grew to love literature and poetry by the fire at home while my mother cooked and told stories. She is an active member of Action for Natural Medicine (ANAMED), which helps to promote the use of natural medicine to help those in the Tropics and Patron to Christian concern for health and nutrition, a self –help group in her home village. She recently published Coming Home, a book of poetry and short stories touching on social, political and environmental issues. For more on this kindly visit: Resides in Germany. Joyce Mugun As a young shy girl, she took up writing as a way to express herself. She says that, “whenever I wanted to ask my dad for something, I would write him letters. I would write the letter and leave it by dad’s breakfast or lunch plate, and everything was delivered to me the next day”. Author of What a Kenyan felt. 016531596?ean=9781441502193 Resides in Alabama. Florence Chirchir Other than teaching, I am interested in personal growth and development. I am largely involved in career guidance besides writing. I teach French and Swahili and also hold training in Human Resource Management. Resides in Kenya. Joe Waithanji A Financial Representative with Northwestern Mutual Financial Network in West Des Moines, Iowa. My passion is to help people create financial security for themselves and their families. Financial security generally is having sufficient assets to meet one’s needs now and in future, meeting one’s financial goals in spite of what challenges life might throw your way, like chronic illness or periods of unemployment. Resides in Iowa. Yena Balekyani Was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo but has lived in Mozambique and Tanzania. My family and I moved to Iowa 6 years ago as refugees. I live in Urbandale, Iowa where I attend Urbandale High School. My hobbies include Music and Dance, Reading and Writing. I plan to have an impact on people with my writing one day. Resides in Iowa. VYCEEGEORGe • Photography I try to capture African beauty, African modernity and African culture. I believe that we have to be vibrant and as rich as our culture. No one told me try photography, but holding the camera in my hand made me feel powerful, that I could create something and with a little imagination, make it ‘wow’ people. I am a full time broadcast designer specializing in fashion photography. I also do animations, TV graphics for adverts and visual effects. I love working outdoors, the freedom of not being tied up in a studio all day.







stripesandFLORAL Outfit// Top & skirt: H&M. Purse: Aldo. Heels: Christian Louboutin




INVESTING NOT SO LONG AGO we finished implementing a three year strategic plan for a certain institution that I am affiliated to. The very first meeting four years ago looked like any other meeting. A remarkable difference with this one is the fact that many were unusually excited about the proposals and the whole project. Unlike many other plans this one rolled out quite uniquely. It did get to start and the excitement did not simply fade off right away. A few hitches here and there were part of the journey. Others were of significant magnitude enough to temporarily halt the whole project. Resources managed to be gotten from elsewhere and the journey continued. Team members were often times discouraged and demoralized. Criticism came from all quarters. It wasn’t easy but we made it. Looking back, there are results to show for our labor. Satisfaction and gratitude sums it up. All around us every company and organization is talking and doing strategic planning. We are the people who help them realize their objectives. We inject resources financial, time, and intellect. We are actively involved in every step of the way implementing, monitoring and even evaluating. We put our all in such major projects. Our waking hours are largely spent on them and we do all we can to ensure success. We change course where appropriate and inject new ideas. Everything is well planned for! We enlist the help of professionals to keep us on the right track. We devise ways of how best we can get along even with the most disagreeable of our colleagues if only for the company’s success. Success and profitability are key words here. What of your personal life? We often leave our personal lives and affairs to chance, come what may or so to say. We do very little planning. We are largely driven by what is urgent and calling for attention if not crises. In short we do run down our lives yet we avoid that for other entities we are involved in. We comfortably push issues aside to be attended to some other time, a time that usually never comes to be. Remember a fulfilling life starts with you. Take a step and do the same for your life. Your plan may not be as complex as those of institutions but have a workable one all the same. You will not be able to fix everything at the touch of a button, but roll down your sleeves and get to work. Do something, begin from where you feel comfortable with as you progress to other complex aspects of your life. Step by step, bit by bit you get to make progress. Dance to the tune of your drum beats. Your spiritual life needs to be nurtured deliberately. Your emotional and mental wellbeing is up to you. Your


by florence chirchir finances are equally calling for your attention. Work on your physical well being. When it comes to social life find ways on how to better relate with others. All these need your active input. Unlike companies and organizations endowed with a diverse variety of resources, you have to handle your unique situation within your means. One cannot simply go with the flow of hope or expect things to happen. Have a plan and keep at it. Write down the things you want to do in short clear statements. Do this for both the major and minor ones. Indicate how you will go about achieving them and get started. It will take time, be patient. Make yourself a major project and do the needful, you will not regret. Evaluate yourself along the way. Have accountability partners if that’s what it will take. Measure your progress in terms of days, weeks, months even quarterly and soon it will be yearly. Take good care of yourself; you as an individual are the most readily available resource for all you will need to make your life a success. Invest in yourself. It doesn’t necessarily have to be formal training, attending seminars or reading on a subject of interest can make a big difference. Plan well for your life and discover who you really are; your gifting and talents then use them to your advantage. Develop them as best as you can. Enlist the help of professionals. You can undergo certain professional tests to see how best you fit into certain profiles. May be you already have lots of information on what you need to do. Stop sitting on that knowledge. Its power is proven when acted upon. Take a step and get moving. Self understanding is a continuous life process as we move through various developmental stages. Take advantage of opportunities for change and growth. In his book The Journey, Billy Graham reminds us that in life’s journey, we do not have the option of stopping and moving on to something else. Nor do we have the option of finishing it or not finishing it; the journey continues as long as we live. Are you in the valley of indecision? Are you spoilt for choices or simply do not know which way to go? Don’t sit back and wait for some great revelation to come to you while life passes you by. Sometimes it is best to start moving in the direction you think God may want you to go, and then trust him to lead you, closing doors he doesn’t want you to go through and opening up others. The essentials for the journey include a teachable attitude, a willing spirit a readiness to work and oh, lots of hope and focus! My best wishes for you.









MOUNTAINS rise abruptly out of gentle prairie grassland in spectacular Waterton Lakes National Park. Here, several different ecological regions meet and interact in a landscape shaped by wind, fire, flooding, and abundant plants and wildlife. The park helps protect the unique and unusually diverse physical, biological and cultural resources found in the Crown of the Continent one of the narrowest places in the Rocky Mountains. A national park located in the southwest corner of Alberta, Canada, and borders Glacier National Park in Montana, USA.

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Photos by rispah

2. HIKE BEARS HUMP 6HH WKH LFRQLF YLHZ RI :DWHUWRQ IURP WKH WRS RI %HDU¡V +XPS $ FKDOOHQJLQJ EXW VKRUW KLNH WKH HIIRUW LV ZHOO ZRUWK LW 1. ATTEND A PARKS PROGRAM Parks Canada does several interpretive programs and JXLGHG KLNHV &KHFN RXW WKH HYHQWV SDJH IRU PRUH information. but But if you are lucky like we were, you may justfind findthe theperfect perfecttour tourguide! guide! my just

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a Riziki recipe

salama FRUIT SALAD whatyou

need 4 cups 1/2 inch cubed fresh pineapple 2 medium fresh mangoes, diced 2 bananas, cut in 1/2 inch slices 1 cup of strawberries, cut in halves 3 tablespoons passion juice 2 teaspoon brown sugar 1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut

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instructions 1. 2. 3. 4.

Add sugar to the strawberries; let it sit for 10 minutes. Add the rest of the fruits, passion fruit and mix well. Chill for 1 hour Toast coconut and sprinkle on each serving.


UNUSUALwa ys of using


butter 1 2 3 4

Ever had gum on your carpet, I did once and I tried everything to get it out and nothing worked. A friend suggested peanut butter, it worked like a charm and since then I have been looking for different uses for peanut butter.

price tag remover

For when you can’t completely remove your price tag or label. Rub some on the label glue with a cloth.

gum remover

Rub some all over the gummed area and wipe with a clean cloth. This technique can also be used on hair.

remove f ish smell

$IWHU FRRNLQJ ÀVK IU\ VRPH SHDnut butter in a pan using medium to low heat. It will replace the smell with a pleasant peanut butter smell.

shaving cream

“If you don’t mind smelling like peanut butter for two or three days, peanut butter is darn good shaving cream.� - Barry Goldwater. Yes Peanut butter can make a great shaving gel. Just apply like you would and shave as normal.

areain a sticky situation, The next time you in sticky situation, remember peanut butter, it may just do the trick. It sure got me out of a sticky mess‌

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Many a times you come across the one thing that inspires you. Laurie and I both volunteer at the same youth campus and her dedication, determination and love is felt right through her work. Follow Laurie Laurie’sjourney journeytoto South Africa, both the past and present. We hope you will be inspired as we were. -Nancy Mwirotsi 8 12

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SOUTH AFRICA HUNGRY FOR CHRIST'S LOVE The hands reach out, the eyes seek, and the hearts cry. We need Christ's love! by LAURIE POYZER

In this post I’m going to be telling you about a few different events that were very simple moments, but are so dear to me. I prayed before the trip that we would be God’s hands and feet and that Christ’s love would MXVW ÁRZ IURP XV LQ HYHU\WKLQJ ZH GR DQG VD\ +H DQVZHUHG When we landed in Johannesburg I was looking out my window and a group of women and young ladies walked up to our huge plane. They ZHUH JRLQJ WR XQORDG RXU OXJJDJH 7KH ZRPHQ ZHUH P\ ÀUVW YLHZ RI South Africans which made me super excited! I was smiling like a child because I was so excited to see them. A couple of the girls looked about my age or younger. As I looked down, one of the girls saw me. She saw my smile and gave this beautiful smile back. She hesitated but a second later shyly lifted her hand up and waved at me. I waved back while still grinning ear to ear! She smiled again and ducked behind something and a second later half of the group of women all peak over to look at me way up in the plane! It was a short, but very impacting and amazing moment! This girl seemed so in want of a friend.We visited The Pines, A Christian children care center, and as we were out by the playground a few little boys came up to us. Without even saying hi to them yet, one RI WKH ER\V ZDONHG ULJKW XS WR PH DQG UHVWHG KLV KHDG XSRQ PH +H then grabbed my hand and gently and slowly looked at each one of my ÀQJHUV , VWRRG WKHUH WDNHQ EDFN , KDGQ·W HYHQ VDLG KL WR KLP \HW We got to see around Thabong with a 16 year old girl named Okothle. This girl I was thrilled to meet. I had been praying for her since before the trip! After being in the car with her for a little bit, we all got out to go see where she lived. We walked to her house and on the way she took a hold of my hand. We walked hand in hand together to her house. I would love to be in Africa and be this girl’s friend and be able to hold her hand. But there is someone better who is doing that. Christ. One of my favorite moments the whole trip was at the hospital. We went to visit the kids there and to play with them. God touched my heart so much through one of the boys. I walked into his room and saw KLP DOO KXGGOHG WLJKWO\ LQ KLV EHG +H ZDV VR VNLQQ\ DQG KDG D ELJ ZKLWH EDQGDJH RQ KLV KHDG DQG VRPH EORRG LQ KLV PRXWK +RUURU FDPH RYHU his face and he started to cry. Right away I got down on my knees next WR KLV EHG VR , FRXOG EH H\H OHYHO WR KLP +H FDOPHG GRZQ DV KH VDZ , wasn’t going to do anything to him. After being with him I slowly took KLV KDQG DQG KHOG LW +H GLGQ·W PRYH DW DOO $OO KH GLG ZDV VWDUH DW PH with big, beautiful eyes. I have never had someone so intensely look at me before. We looked forever into each others eyes. I tried to smile really big to give him joy. Truthfully I’ve never tried smiling when my eyes ZHUH VR IXOO RI WHDUV , UXEEHG KLV KDQG DQG KLV H\HV GULIWHG DVOHHS +H·G wake up again and then dose off. As I held his hand I prayed for him. %HIRUH JRLQJ WR WKH KRVSLWDO , SUD\HG WKDW *RG·V ORYH ZRXOG MXVW ÁRZ from us even if it was through small things. God answered. I have never experienced Christ’s love like this before. It was so powerful in the smallest of ways.

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MAY 27th

2012 “ “


I AM LEARNING that God really has planned everything in our life for a reason! He even has given us our skills for big purposes! Patty, a lady who the Niehoffs(the missionaries here) are friends with helps with a ministry in Welkom. She teaches ladies who don’t really know practically any skill the skill of sewing or jewelry making..etc to make income for themselves! She will have them work for her and they make school uniforms for the town and things like that. We visited the ministry last year but this year its been great getting to know Patty more! She has come the last two Saturday mornings to the village! She is helping the older girls make jewelry to sell to make their own pocket money! Here in Africa many of the people don’t know how to do things like people in the U.S. You’d never realize the huge impact you can make by just teaching people a skill here! Patty has taught women sewing who have later gone back to Thabong(the townships, shanty towns) and have taught others and then sew for business. I asked Patty how she learned to sew and she told me the story of how it all came about. I can’t remember it all, but it was so neat to hear how God brought people in her life to teach her how to sew and she explained she grew up in a very poor home and didn’t have money to buy clothes so it was great that she learned how. She said it was God preparing her for what she was to do now! Her ministry with teaching many women how to sew is wonderful! Most importantly she is spreading Christ’s love to them through her skills! A few pictures of the girls here at the village working on the jewelry that patty taught them how to do!




GOD ANSWERS prayers A FEW DAYS AGO my heart was not doing well. I felt like my heart wasn’t here. I felt I left it back home or something. I didn’t have any passion. You’d think that its really easy to love kids who are orphans, but really, its just as hard as loving any kid. I also was just struggling with what God was doing in my life. I was so frustrated at how I was feeling in all areas so I took my heart and gave it to the Lord. I cried out and told him that I needed Him. Nothing changed right away, but as I sought the Lord He answered. God gave me a passion! He is giving me more and more a heart for these kids. He if giving me a heart of faith to trust that he knows what he is doing in my life. I am so, so thankful!! One of the things that the Lord blessed me with was a letter from one of the girls here at the village. Knowing this girls story breaks my heart.. she has come from a very hard life. As Mal and I have gotten to know her she has grown very attached to us. She is always wanting to snuggle up to us, sit by us, or hold our hand. She hungers for love so much.

She wrote this to me in her letter: Dear Lorroy, (Laurie :) )

I love you so much. I like Lorroy because she love me. I love she like to dance and she like to play with us. I like the shoes and the hair and the face. like her smile. I know you know SeSotho(the language they speak) very well (which I only know a few words haha) I like Mlr(mallory,) and Lorry. then at the bottom of her letter was a big read and purple heart! This week, Mal and I spent quite a bit of time taking care of the kids! We’ve had some wonderful time bonding with them! We had some great time getting to know the older girls as well as we got to be house moms over at that house this week! Yesterday we did some work on the guest house that mal and I will be staying in as soon as its all done! (actually tomorrow it may be finished and ready for us!) Today was church and then had lunch with a missionary family from Brazil who are here to minister to men that speak Portuguese who work in the mines of Welkom (these men are from Mozambique) Very interesting getting to hear about all that they have done in different areas of the world! -Also I feel like I’ve been around at least 4 or 5 different cultures in the last two weeks. So many different languages. I love it! :)










from Burundi, Congo and Tanzania that came to America as refugees and on a journey of remembrance and praise. How we started: VOICE OF GOD CHOIR was formed on May 30th of 2007 in midst of The Living Water Evangelical Free Church of Des Moines, Iowa, that is in the USA. The Choir started with 7 people, and grew quickly to more than 20 in the following year. Now, 33 people from age 8 to adult serve the Lord through this ministry. Why we sing: In our countries all over Africa we were singers. When we came to the USA we each prayed to God, “We are leaving Africa, but we want to keep doing YOUR work in season and out of season.” Many years of our lives as refugees gave us power to trust in God for He gives hope to those who seek, worship Him in heart and spirit. We are dedicated to spreading good news through music to all nations. What we sing: We sing a variety of music from Reggae, Zouk, African Folk, and Spirituals, including worship and praise songs. Our Songs are in English, Swahili and Kirundi. We enjoy performing famous songs as well as our original compositions and know that many are blessed by our music. Where to find your music: We are very happy to present to you our first Album entitled “SAFARI YA MUKRISTO,” translated as “A Christian’s Journey.” This title comes from the experience we lived as refugees and the numerous trips we made back and forth within the Central and Eastern African Countries, fleeing security problems caused by wars and ethnic conflicts in those countries of which we are native. We realized that when you travel, be it by foot or bike, motorcycle, car, ship or flight; without food, you will get hungry, weak or even die. It is the same way for a Christian. Without The WORD of GOD and PRAYER we will not reach our destination. You can buy our cd online by going to our website. Where do you perform: We mostly perform at churches, schools, weddings and other special occasions. We are able to travel all over USA and Canada performing our music. Where to buy our songs: or email thevoiceofgodchoir@


for all who










AFRICA Africa is the 2nd largest continent Africa has 54 countries with Southern Sudan being the newest.

a country




1. Nile River-Longest river in the World 2. Mount kilimanjaro-highest mountain in africa 3. Sahara deserts-largest hot desert and 2nd largest desert, after antarctica

4. victoria lakes/falls-largest water falls in the world 5. 6. 7.

based on width and height Pyramids in egypt serengeti migration-the longest and largest over land migration in the world the great rift valley







libya egypt

western sharah






senegal gambia

burkina faso


guinea sierra leone liberia

SUDAN djibouti

benin togo

Cote d’voire







africans Nelson mandela• south african former president nick price •zimbabwean golfer CHARLIze theron • SOUTH AFRICAN actress SADE • Nigerian pop musician Amanda coetzer • South African Tennis player Miriam Makeba • South african musician, singer Chinua Achebe • Nigerian author Kofi anan • former u.n. secretary general from ghana haile selassie • former emperor of ethiopia JULIUS Nyerere • First Tanzanian president KIPCHOGE KEINo • Kenyan Runner DESMOND TUTU • South African religious Leader



equatorial guinea

gabon congo

DEMOCRATIC republic of the congo








ANGOLA malawi



zimbabwe madagascar

namibia botswana




south africa





FROM ONE IRON LADY TO ANOTHER, another woman has risen ranks in Africa. Is it true that the age of parents saying Girls should not go to school is over? Or when women are asked to bear responsibilities of the household alone with no voice? We called on to our very good friend, Otuli E Munlo Editor feMAIL MALAWI NEWS, BNLTimes And asked her a few questions on president Banda. Compiled by joyce mugun

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BUT FIRST, the entire continent of Africa Africa,isespecially indeed proud the African and sends con-Can you Can tellyouustellif usthere if there was wasany anyindication indication that that thisthis day would day would come? come? gratulatory messages to this wonderful woman who has worked her way to There were all the indications that this day would come. She is bold and woman is indeed proud of her and sends congratulatory messages uppermost to this wonderful rank inwoman powerwho in the hascountry workedofherMalawi. way to Women the uppermost in Africa areThere were knows all how the indications to make her thatcalculations this day would well.come. Against Sheallis odds, bold and knows she manages absolutely rank in power proud in the of country her and of wish Malawi. her well in her reign as president. Thiswhen tototake pullrisks. through, Against andallshe odds, will she never manages quit. Back to pull in through, 1978, we and metshe in London does is theExcellency second lady in Banda to African to be president after the 2005not quit.  When and it wasweatmet thatintime London she told in 1978 me she and was she going told me toshe change was going her career to to Her Joyce is thecontinent second woman in the African election oftoliberian continent be president president afterEllen the 2005 Johnson election Sirleaf. of Liberian Immediately President after herchange something her career to bigsomething and better. bigger Sinceand shebetter; has always I believed beenher. a very determined election she hasSirleaf. come Immediately out to speak after abouther herelection intentions to repeal person, I believed her. shared Throughout herthe political career, hasthrough on several Ellen Johnson she has come the outlaws She has on several occasions with me challenges sheshe goes in against to speakgay about marriage her intentions in Malawi, towhich repealhas the been laws against a controversial gay marriage topic in there,her political occasions, career.shared I would with think metothe myself; challenges this time she she waswill going let through. go, only to I would be since hera predecessor Malawi, controversialthe topic latesince president her predecessor, Mutharika made the late it unlawful Presidentto de-surprised WKLQN WR P\VHOI WKLV WLPH VKH ZLOO OHW JR RQO\ WR EH VXUSULVHG WR Ă€QG RXW to find out that she has emerged a stronger person.  When she became clare ones status as gay, as well as slapping a coupleone’s that status got married that sheIhas wasemerged very sureeven she would a stronger make itperson. higher. When This is she the reason becamewhy Vice Bingu wa Mutharika, made it unlawful to declare as gay,in 2010Vice President, with lifeaingay earning jail.couple For the that new gotpresident married to in be 2010 a outspoken 14 yearonjailsuch sentence. issues as gaymy congratulatory President, Imessage was verytosure hershe as Vice would President, make it higher. was a prayer This is- that the reason the Lord, why marriage is absolute proof that she is in touch with the common man andGod Almighty, my congratulatory message her as ViceinPresident, a prayer to - that who had started thetogood work her, wouldwas see of it through its citizens of malawi. Hertoleadership is shaping up issues fast with thismarriage particular is-completion. the Lord, God Almighty, who had started the good work in her, would see For the new president be outspoken on such as gay sueabsolute is at handproof and sure thatenough she is in will touch attract with international the common support. man and Sheciticouldn’t it through to its completion. have of saidMalawi. it , at a Her better time, particularly when it comes in issue conjunction zens leadership is shaping up fast on this and is withDescribe her life to us. president set to attract Barrack international Obamassupport. approving (President of the same Barrack issueObama in the united recently states. Describe her life to us. Well, the whole process still hasUnited to go through Perhaps I can describeBanda Her Excellency by her comparing to Helen Keller endorsed gay marriages in the States.) backing from her membersI can best describe President by comparing to Helenher Keller, who in of parliament and sostill there a heavy task ahead. I am suremembers it will notofescapespite of, being the American and an blind whopolitical refusedactivist to accept physical The whole process hasisto go through backing from deaf andborn blind,deaf became author, and her lecturer. controversyand parliament too,there surely is awhen heavyit task will be ahead. mentioned I am sure that it will the gay not community escape Helen’s limitations life story serves by surmounting to show us that her obstacles a person’s. She true became value comes the author, from the the podeserves rights anybe other citizen inthat thethe country. litical activist and lecturer. Helen Keller’sis life story the passion. truth that controversy too,equally when itaswill mentioned gay community de- height and depth of their mind. The President driven byillustrates a vision and serves equal rights as any other citizen Regardless though there of her maycircumstances, be limitations she to one’s has remained performance, Onthe thecountry. other hand, women are just as a person’s value comes the height and depth in focused andtrue succeeded againstfrom all odds. elated    on the rise of this lady to the  of her mind. Likewise, the President is driven by vision position of presidency. I mean it has and passion. Regardless of her circumstances, she has On the other hand, women are just as Describe her character. taken ages forrise theof entire remained focussed and successeded against all odds. elated on the this continent lady to thebut position presidency. mean it has as we canofsee, changes Iare happening! She is down to earth, and understands the problems What ages with for mothers having proof but for her character. taken the entire continent ofDescribe the common man, especially the rural women and their daughters that aarewoman with She is down earth, and understands the problems as we can see, changes taking place! children. She isto hardworking, determined, resilient and good education can having be president! Tellof the common man, especially the rural women and What with mothers proof for single-minded. ing them thosethat roles modelswith existgood in their daughters a woman  children. She is hardworking, determined, resilient and education can new be president with living such as their president. Toamost  single-minded. women, in thistheir is new, they are getting example new president. This What you think she has that will enable her to take accustomed to women believing but,arethey is new to most butit,they on this role? embraceaccustomed getting it. They seetoeducation it, believing doors and What you think she has that will enable her to take on this role? opening wider embracing it. They for women see education with aspiraopen¡       A ¡ A supportive supportivehusband husband ing doors for women with aspirations. ¡       Her experiencewith withordinary ordinarypeople people tions. Health institutions will receive ¡ Her experience Health will receive ¡       Her internationalnetwork network support,institutions we anticipate, familiessupport; will be ¡ Her international we anticipate and that so families be we ¡       Her understandingthat thatforfor one succeed strengthened forth. will Change, ¡ Her understanding one to to succeed in in politics, strengthened too. Change, we believe, politics, onevalue mustinterpersonal value interpersonal relationships and believe, has come to Malawi. one must relationships and manage has come to Malawi. manage them well. them well.     (TXDOO\ VKH KDV VWHSSHG LQWR RIĂ€FH President Banda took office in an What sheneeds needs in order to make with pressing challenges such as enviecoWhatyou you think think she in order to make MalawiMalawi a healed ronment laden withwhich challenges as a a Nation? healed Nation? nomic crumbling greatlysuch charcrumbling economy, partially a result acterized the decesased presidnt Binguof As a nation, Malawi is a peaceful country, with its people international donors with pulling away from Malawi is a peaceful withBut intelligent, trustful has Mutharikas regime, international intelligent, trustful nation, and polite. the leadership Malawi to human rightsaid abuses and polite Over years the leadership has donors due pulling away their due by to taken thiscitizens. politeness as athe weakness over the years resultthe late rights Bingu abuses.Other wa Mutharika’sissues regime. taken this politeness as a weakness. The outcome people’s human willOther issues are making sure ing in betrayal of trust.has Thebeen outcome has resentment been people’s that womensure are well therepresented cabinet so asintothe empower towards leaders have not for their be making that represented women are inwell cabinetother so as toand suspicion resentment against thewho authority andexpressed suspiciousany of remorse the leaders who have women leadership roles.leadership She has already appointed 8 women to ap-deeds .The President has anany opportunity to their createpainful a conducive forhas empowerwith other women with roles. Of course she has already not even expressed remorse for deeds environment .The President positions cabinet chief secretary to government where healing canatake place, and also, harness human resource pointed 8 in women to including positions deputy in cabinet including deputy chief secretary toreconciliation an opportunity to create conducive environment for the reconciliation where and deputy inspector general of police. Oneofofpolice.One her initiatives includes the goodwill the harness people where everybody canatcontribute government and deputy inspector general of her initiativesat her disposal healing and can take place, andofalso, the human resource her disposal maternal health and safe and motherhood. She has promised to launchtoitlaunch as towardsand the the socio-economic development of Malawi includes maternal health safe motherhood. She has promised goodwill of the people where everybody can contribute towards soon as possible. Together withwith President Sirleaf of Liberia, they willwill be it as soon as possible. Together president sirleaf of liberia, they the socio-economic development of Malawi be seen as setting a pace other women aspiring leadership. TheafricanAs her friend, what are your wishes for her? seen as setting a pace forfor all all other women aspiring leadership. The African union recently this as decade as the of decade of a woman. union recently declareddeclared this decade the decade a woman. With these As her friend, what are your wishes for her? With these two women in office, women have no reason to worry any I am very excited.hide Shemy is our testimony.She I couldn’t help it but. Ibreak into help a spiritual WZR ZRPHQ LQ RIĂ€FH ZRPHQ KDYH QR UHDVRQ WR ZRUU\ DQ\ PRUH :H ZLVK I cannot excitement. is our testimony couldn’t it but more. We wish them well asinthey engage the in combating thechallenging many issuestheirsong: “Come What the LordCome Has Doneâ€?. shethe leadLord this country with . them well as they engage combating many issues break and into See a spiritual song: and SeeMay What Has Doneâ€? challenging their countries and Africa as a continent. her heart; liveshe among people to know problems, live with in order countries and Africa as a continent. May lead this country withtheir a heart as she isand guided withGod wisdom; May to solveshe them. live with people to know their problems, and live with God in order  Celebrations of President Banda’s presidentBingu are someWITH Malwians still mouning theplacement passing ofasPresident wa Muth- to solve them. what muted as Malawians are hid still people mourning the passing of President con-What is your message to Malawi on her behalf ? arika who until his death lead for seven years celenbrations wa Mutharika, was inplacement his seventh in office. Few can tell with Her nected to Joycewho Banda’s as year president is somewhat muted. What is your message to Malawi on her behalf? more passion howmany a young from Songani, Domasi, Malawi experiences should notexperience discourageshould us from aheaduswith new story has beenabout told and havegirl been written. But few can tell with moreOur past Our disappointing past notforging discourage from forging who weaved way through businessDomasi and corporate determination into the as we joininto hands ourasPresident in passion abouther how a young girlschool, from Songani, Malawicorridors who weavedhope and ahead with new hope andfuture determination thewith future we join hands to in the highest in the country, like neighbouring ourour Vision 2020 in goals. herland wayup through schoool,job business and corporate corridors tovillager land up inachieving with President achieving our Vision 2020 goals. and schoolmate, Patricialike Pindeni. the highest job inBishop the country, neighbouring villager and schoolmate,  Bishop Patricia Pindeni.

JULY2012 july2012

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from iowa

Story by Yena BALEKYANI

Based on a true story, Sybil’s Ride of Courage is written by a courageous 12 year old student, Jade S. Miller. The book is about a sixteen year-old girl during the revolutionary War when the British landed in the nearby town of Danbury, where the colonists had recently moved their supplies. The Redcoats started burning patriot homes and Sybil had realized that someone had to warn the militia in order to stop the British. She took up the call and rode over 40 miles that night, showing extraordinary courage for such a young girl. This truly is a thrilling story for all ages to read and learn from and is also the story of what led the author to write the book. “The inspiration for my book started one morning in my classroom when I was in 6th grade. My class was discussing people who made a difference to the world and they were mostly mentioning men.” Jade was bold enough to suggest to her teacher that they research “strong women who made positive contributions to mankind” too. Her teacher had agreed to it, which led Jade to Sybil, whom she chose because she thought like her, “did what was right, even though the society in which she lived could have frowned at her actions”.

to work on the book, but she was dedicated and with help from her parents, she succeeded. For all the young writers and dreamers out there who have been inspired by Jade, don’t be afraid to come out; Jade wasn’t. She has left us inspired and awed by her talent and courage. Her boldness has touched others and will continue to do so. She’s also left her readers, the future authors and young dreamers, with remarkable words to remember her by. “Don’t be afraid to dream big! Then, put your heart into your work and follow through with your hopes. When you’ve accomplished something big, such as making it to nationals in gymnastics, stay humble. Never forget those who have helped you succeed and acknowledge their contribution. Never think that a goal is too high. The higher you aim, the farther you’ll likely go in life. However, don’t force yourself to do something that isn’t in your heart or something you know is impossible. Finally, when you have set your goal, go for it! Many of us have dreams that we’ve thrown away and hopes that we’ve given up on. Work as hard as you can, to see your dream through. You’ll feel great when it’s complete!” Jade hopes that Sybil’s Ride of Courage has inspired others to be their best, with God’s help.

Jade has always written stories since she learned how to read and write, and being an avid reader is what helped her be For more information on this fabulous the good writer she’s become. Publishyoung lady, Jade S. Miller, check her out ing a book is a blessing to her, as she at believes that God wanted her to publish Sybil’s Ride of Courage, is Sybil’s Ride of Courage can be purchased at and at spite of it being a children’s book. Although Jade loves writing, she Barnes and Noble. never thought she would one day be an author. It was not easy for her

22 riziki



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24 riziki


In terms of personal pleasures, buying life insurance doesn’t usually fall in the same category as buying a new car or new wardrobe. However, despite its lack of glamour and prestige, the decision to buy life insurance can be infinitely more important to your family and its future financial security.

LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES are designed to protect your family by providing a death benefit. This can provide the insured with some peace of mind knowing that the family will have money to take care of their needs. Although the topic of life insurance can often bring up unpleasant conversations, it is an important responsibility for a head of household. But how much life insurance do you need? Enough to cover funeral expenses and flight expenses for those who have to be transported to their home countries? Enough income to support your family during the transition period after your death? Life insurance can also cover other important life expenses such as college expenses for your children, a mortgage, credit cards, and any other expenses your family might have. Using a thorough factfinding system, I help people determine what financial resources they need to leave to their family in the event of their death. There are two common types of life insurance—term and whole. Both types of insurance have the ability to meet needs of any family—the key is to create a plan that provides the best protection for your family.

value though does reduce the death benefit by an equal amount, so some discussion should be had with your insurance professional to make sure the policy still meets your death benefit needs. Buying life insurance is an important and life-changing decision for both you and your family. Because this decision is usually not an easy one, make sure you contact a life insurance expert to help you map out your family’s needs and ultimately help you decide what type of insurance is best for your family. Each of us has a different vision of what it means to be financially secure. That’s why the most important aspect of my job is to develop a meaningful relationship with you, one that endures the test of time. I believe that takes: Thorough fact- finding Providing guidance on short and long-term goals Recommending the right products and services at the right time Revisiting your needs and goals regularly

Term Life Insurance Term life insurance is similar to renting an apartment. When you are purchasing term life insurance, it means you are buying protection for a specific period of time. The term will usually vary, but traditionally it is sold in increments of 10 years or will insure you all the way up to age 80. Term life insurance has no cash value Whole Life Insurance Whole life insurance (also known as permanent life insurance) has no set time period. As long as your policy is in force, you are protected. Whole life insurance is usually more expensive than term life insurance, but it also has cash value. The cash value grows tax deferred over time and can be used for such things as supplementing retirement income, paying for college, or for emergencies through policy loans or surrenders. Using the cash

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By Damaris C. Rotich

I’ve known the most miserable soul living, I’ve seen her live, learn, love and lose But I have never seen her give up. I’ve seen her soar in perfect skies With dreams that tomorrow’s sun will be brighter and the roses will still be in bloom come sunrise. I’ve seen her seek solace in the darkness where her tears flowed like a river and no one noticed. I’ve seen her wilt under the scorching sun thirsting for a drop from Love’s fountain. But I’ve not seen her die, Oh no. She’s fallen on the dusty road she treads, She’s slipped on the slimy stones by the river, But she has never given up. And now this soul is soaring again above the skies you think you see. This eagle soul has found a nest And she’s never gonna let go.

26 riziki






Sour blood SHORT STORY BY Kawira Njeru

We kiss and hug in tears, Holding on tight to a moment soon gone. Wheezing past our ears on faces frozen, The cold breeze of the tropical nightsAdorning us with our land’s blessings, As we savour the standstill minutes. I have known family all my life, but Now I tear myself away from their midst, and I don’t know if I ever will see them all again. The threads of pain weave through my body As if summoned by my forefathers. I try to walk straight on but am faint, The ground before me breaking open, I barely see where my next step falls But am kept upright by my goals; The many family dreams and promises,

28 riziki


Prayers for the entire clan and hope for the whole village.. their pride, this investment, anchor and model for the young….

I remember the buzz of excitement as the preparations for my departure quickly followed with the arrival of a much awaited and prayed for letter; the Chief had personally delivered this important document in person and my parents’ hearts swelled with pride. I was beside myself as the news spread like wildfire in our village late that afternoon. Growing up in a small remote village by the foothills of Mt.Kenya, I had known the only games we had played as children. We would make dolls from red earth, kneading the soil mixed with water and firewood ash to make little dolls, insects, animals, and play houses. We created things that were known to us, things we had seen and experienced.

Later I joined the only primary school in the village for my elementary education. I can clearly see my first day in school, wearing a school uniform; light blue cotton blouse under a sky blue khaki tunic and bare feet. I fell in step at the school assembly, guided by my elder sister each class on a different row. We all stood very still and straight as the head teacher gave a welcome speech and the routine for the new school year. Twenty minutes or so later, everyone was released to start their lessons apart from the new kids. First, we were instructed to stand up very straight and lift up our right hand directly over the right ear and touch the left ear over the head; this meant if one could touch the left ear, he or she was old enough for school. Those who did not pass this test were immediately sent back home. Those who qualified were instructed to write on the bare ground with fingers, thus testing our knowledge of the alphabet and numbers. I qualified and was then handed a book and a pencil and was led to my first class. I would be in this school for five years before my family transferred me to a boarding primary school; a very expensive option that many families could not afford, but my mother worked tirelessly in the coffee and tea farms to provide the school fees. During the school holidays, we continued to live a normal village life; playing, singing and dancing with other children, our mothers telling us stories around the evening fire while the meal cooked to keep us awake and to pass on knowledge of our traditions and culture, a practice from many generations. They were very careful to instill in us the importance of our traditions, the respect for the older people, appropriate language, good manners, kindness and the value of community. Of course the consequences of disobedience; the dreaded curses would follow them all their life. It was made clear though, that this only befell those who openly chose the wrong path. After the primary school exam, I qualified to join a national high school, a great success then for a village girl. I was filled with pride and walked tall around the village where everyone would openly and sometimes secretly talk about my success. It was not in bad faith, everyone celebrated with me and my family; I became an example and role- model not only for my immediate village but for neighbouring ones as well. My good report was noted in the entire region. I have always been a believer in dreams. I planted mine deep in the recesses of my person where I protected them from being diluted by anyone. I created an ideal world in my mind’s eye and remained faithful to my dreams. Sometimes, out of fear of forgetting my precious dreams; I would write them down as coded poetry to further keep them from anyone who came across my writing. My world opened up suddenly when I joined my high school. I learned that my secret world did really exist and many of my new friends had relatives and close family ties in the big world out there. I gathered as much information as I could and this brought my dream world nearer to me. After high school I joined a vocational college and began to work in the city far away from home. My dreams kept me going especially when it became clear that working would not bring me any closer to them. My parents had worked so hard in the hope I would finally relieve them of their many financial burdens. The fields were nearly barren and there was barely enough food to sustain families. I desperately kept my eyes wide open for opportunities to cross the big waters and go in search of the world of my childhood dreams that would save us all from endless toil

with no end in sight. With the help of my friends, I applied to college and sure enough I qualified and was invited to study far away from home. This is the great document the chief had delivered in person. With the help of the chief, a well-respected member of our community, my family managed to raise enough money to send me to the land opportunity to study so I could in return make some money and open doors for others from my village to follow me into this land of big promises. As I sat by a table placed in front of the gathered villagers and relatives from afar, the list was read by the same chief, a list describing my new duties: -Build your family a storied house; the old thatched one is falling apart, -Upgrade the health centre that has seen better days and provide medicine, -Tarmac the village road, -Send donations of clothing and school materials to our village school, -Send containers of clothing and other accessories to the villagers, -Invite and welcome all the young brilliant boys and girls of the village over to you as soon as you have settled down, -Never forget the respect and practice of your cultures, to always seek blessings and stay away from anything that would bring a curse upon you… The list was endless but we had to bring the meeting to an end before the equatorial darkness settled on the village. The function had gone well and we thanked God profusely praying further for journey mercies and for protection in the strange land that would soon be my home. We talked late into the night and the following morning we set off for the long journey on the earthen road to airport in the city where I would take my flight. My new home is a shock; I am awed by the big and endless buildings, the millions of cars and the very complicated roads and other means of transport. I struggle like others before me to come to terms with all the new ways and things. I write letters home, narrating my experiences and I can imagine the entire village sitting under the Mugumo tree, listening as the letter is read out by my elder brother, who translates it into my mother tongue. They will talk about this for days until the next letter comes. I see my father folding the letters neatly, storing them carefully in his wooden box. The college workload is much more challenging than I had initially expected, I must pass with good grades to ensure I retain my visa and my student status which allows me to work a few hours. My earnings go into my school fees, housing, food and the mandatory health insurance. I cannot keep my family up to date as I have not much time left and the anxiety back home is increasing. Everyone is waiting to see if my family’s lifestyle is changing; new clothes, siblings in school, if my father is paying the local butcher more visits than once a year as before…. My family begins to put pressure on me with all the gossip from the villagers; they have heard that so many people go overseas and disappear, they remind me about my promises, that my old grandmother is ailing and needs medical care, that my elder siblings need school fees for college, that they were all counting on me, that I was their only hope for a better future…. I have not forgotten my mother working on the hard soil to provide for a better future for her children, I still remember that the entire family and neighbourhood sacrificed to send me off to a more promising opportunity; they have invested in me. It is these thoughts that plague me every time I take a nap: yes that’s all I can do now, nap! I don’t remember my last decent sleep, I work all I can to pay for my needs and the rest of the money goes back home. My father’s signature has won respect at the local bank where




he goes to pick up the money I send as often as I can; for the new construction of the local medical centre, for the new church house, for the upgrading of the primary school structures and for the continuation of the new house I am putting up for my family…. Ten years later I have not completed graduate schooling, sending off money to needs that have increased overnight; buying my brother a Taxi that he promises should give returns in full within six months, purchasing town plots which might not be in existence as I have not seen them, college fees that are always directed elsewhere because there was a more urgent need….

have gone astray and blood gone sour. Respect is turned into a broth of bitter rules forced down one’s throat. The game of age is known no more, the beauty maddened and smoothed with ash. Lies forgot boundaries and are fired by all, my blood ties have fermented and smell sour It won’t be long now, Bitter, is on his way!

In these years, they keep asking me when I will finish my school and get a

better paying job; no one understands t why I am not yet done with school, why I do not have a regular office job, why the money I send home doesn’t roll in, in greater amounts…. Slowly I begin to reveal my childhood dreams, I begin to go over all my naïve ideals of my youth, I go time and time again back to the day in the village where all had gathered to send me off to this land of opportunities; I begin to wonder if I have been enslaved, if I have enslaved myself, If I have been sent off to a kind of self imprisonment, if I have sent myself off to a prison made of golden bars. I begin to ask myself if I have taken up the crown of poverty in the midst of riches, if this crown is some sort of fate bestowed on me because of my innocent childhood dreams. Am I a sacrifice for everyone else except for me? What is the price I have to still pay? Am I willing to go on paying it and if so for how long still? Is there a future for my children? I want to tell them my childhood stories. Show them the rivers and springs where I drew water, teach them my cultures and traditions sing them my child songs and dance will they survive this new wave come? The good ways of my forefathers

30 riziki


Foreword/Afterword: African culture and traditions have been and will be with us for a long time. We pass them on to our children in many ways. Even though there are some negative cultural practices that we try to discourage, we know they will live on for some time. It is these traditions that follow us even beyond the lands of our birth, practices that may continue to plague our generations that have no direct ties to the homes where they were valued. We move to developed countries in search of opportunities for professional or academic advancement, in the hope for better jobs and pay. The quest is not just for us, it is for the entire family, for relatives and for neighbours. It is for entire communities. The circle wraps itself around those in the diaspora and one tends to experience extraordinary things; demands multiply, the pressure exerted directly, or indirectly is enormous, leading to resentment, bad experiences, feelings of being misused, of being enslaved by one’s own expectations and by those around us, and by the many promises we made in belief that we would earn a lot of money in a short time. It is not clear if we are going to grow old here in this new home we have set up or if we want to go back to the land of our birth at some point. It is this lingering dilemma that finds us investing in town plots and big parcels of land and the dream to put up great structures that have to be in the standard of what we now know. The money too is channelled to the larger family to help uplift their living standards; unfortunately when one cannot manage to keep up with the demands of others, we withdraw and cut off all contact, others withdraw because their families are ashamed of a daughter or son who lives abroad and yet cannot meet their demands. Slowly the once beautiful cultural practices and traditions of our forefathers that held communities together in harmony and in social benefit for all are misused. No one watches out for the other anymore. The respect for blood ties is broken; in its place are shameless lies, exploitation and selfishness. Gratitude and trust are inexistent and many families have , as a consequence, been broken apart.

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