Rizkyne Apriannisa
Graphic Designer Oct 2021 - present
H&M Indonesia Visual merchandiser Jan 2021 - May 2021
LEKAT Assistant Designer Intern Jun 2019 - Aug 2019
Binar Academy UI UX Bootcamp Aug 2021 - present
Institut Teknologi Bandung B.Des., Textile Craft and Design Aug 2016 - Sept 2020
Youtap Indonesia
Visual Design
Design and Creative Thinking
Team work
Skills and abilities
Help the user not to be overwhelmed with COVID-19 Informations MOVID - Ticketing app with covid indicator
Tenang Apps - Fake Case Study 05
Case Study UX Researcher - Rizkyne Apriannisa - Willy Phandry - Wahyu Bintang - Dimas Chandra - Farra Rizkia
Help the user not to be overwhelmed with COVID-19 Informations
Overview COVID-19 menjadi masalah bagi dunia selama hampir lebih dari 1 tahun sehingga membuat Indonesia gentar memberitakan banyak informasi. Kurangnya penanganan informasi justru menjadi berlebihan dan tidak baik diterima oleh masyarakat.
Identify User Umur 21-32 Tahun Lokasi : Pulau Jawa Kami menargetkan orang-orang yang berusia ini karena mereka sangat sadar akan teknologi dan sering terpapar banyak informasi lewat internet .Mereka juga adalah orang-orang yang sering melakukan aktivitas di luar rumah untuk bekerja sehingga pemberitaan informasi yang banyak tidak baik diterima oleh masyarakat.
Research Guide
(10 Day Challenge)
Problem Statement - Synthesis
Dari hasil Affinity Diagram, kami melakukan tagging dan mengelompokkannya menjadi 6 kategori untuk memetakan insights dari user yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian ini.
Sumber Informasi
Kebutuhan Informasi
Problem Statement Dari hasil pemetaan insights ini didapatkan bahwa user yang masih mencari atau mendapatkan pemberitaan COVID-19 merasa bahwa media terlalu melebih - lebihkan dan mereka mengharapkan pemerintah maupun media dalam pemberitaan bersifat kredibel dan valid dalam penyampaian berita ke masyarakat.
Orang yang bekerja ke kantor menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dan mencari informasi seputar COVID-19
Mendapatkan informasi yang seimbang
Seorang yang bekerja ke kantor selama pandemi
Mendapatkan informasi yang valid dan sehat
Insight User membutuhkan informasi yang sehat mencerna informasi sehingga tidak perlu berhati-hati. Ia merasa bahwa informasi yang didapat terlalu banyak nilai negatif. Ia juga merasa terganggu karena informasi yang terlalu berlebihan User butuh informasi yang valid dan dari sumber yang terpercaya (contohnya kemenkes) Personalisasi dan kategorisasi informasi berdasarkan minat baca user
User persona
User journey
Rose, bud, thorn Kami juga mencoba membuat hal positif, negatif, dan berpotensi yang diharapkan menemukan insight lebih, dan input dari tim.
MOVID - Ticketing app with covid indicator
Okt 2021
Based on previous case study
UI Designer - Rizkyne Apriannisa
Flowchart & IA
High Fidelity
High Fidelity
Usability Testing After finishing the prototype, I conducted Usability Testing with 5 participants with the goal is to find out if MOVID features are easy to use. Here's a conclusion about the UT :
Tenang Apps Fake Case Study collab with Product Manager UX Researcher - Alifia Salsabila UI Designer - Vanessa Chrestella - Rizkyne Apriannisa Project Manager - Vanessa Chrestella - Rizkyne Apriannisa
Okt 2021
Tenang Apps Overview According to Aisyah Putri in her paper, the government should integrate mental health services into community-based services as a way to ensure universal coverage of mental health services. Putri et al. (2013) had described the potential of Desa Siaga Sehat Jiwa (DSSJ), which proposed the concept of community mental health nurse. Their study showed the effectiveness of this program to reduce stigma in society. Integrating mental health services into community-based services will be a bottom-up empowerment, and it will solve problems of resources and stigma that obstruct the success of mental health programs in Indonesia. This also supports the family as caretaker of patients and reduces the possibility of relapse. Based on its overview, Tenang team believes that building a platform that can give awareness for Indonesia’s society is needed and important. We hope that Tenang can be the platform which gives such reliable and trusted information about mental health and also bridging people with professionals in the mental health field.
Problem Statement In collaboration with Project Manager team, they have defined the problem statement before we start designing Tenang Apps
User Research Collaborating with Project Manager, our UX team did a small research to define the target user of our app
Design This process includes designing IA, sitemaps, crazy 8s, wireframe, wireflow and high fidelity mock-ups
Design Process
Problem Statement Based on the research with 103 participants through online questionnaire, we got some interesting insights about users' perception of mental health.
Most of the users said that the pandemic affect their mental condition and they also state that at some point during the pandemic they ever felt like their mental health are not okay.
More than 70% of the participants said that they understand enough about mental health, but most of them (84,5%) think that people around them are not aware enough about the importance of mental health.
As much as 91% of the participants, haven't had come to a professional counseling with psychiatrist or psychologist. This is caused by the limited access and/or not enough information about how to access psychological service, and also problems with the cost/fee.
1. There is a need for a facility / container to be able to provide complete information about mental health to the Indonesian people that can be accessed easily and quickly. 2. There needs to be a means / container that can be a place for people to find peace and comfort of mind and soul when facing a problem. 3. There is a need for a facility / container that can help bring together professionals in the mental health field with people who really need the help of a professional.
How Might We
Information Architecture
Onboarding flow
Link to Miro: https://miro.com/app/b oard/o9J_lokwbSw=/? invite_link_id=6965385 13 48268
Flowchart Consultation flow
Link to Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lok 13 wbSw=/? invite_link_id=696538548268
Flowchart Purchase Paid Consultation
Link to Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lok wbSw=/? invite_link_id=696538548268
High Fidelity
High Fidelity
Email Rizkyneap@gmail.com
Let's work together
Mobile 082160008000
Web https://rizkyne.wixsite.com/portfolio