Resume Why
EU Funds
competitiveness of Bulgarian SMEs
Bulgarian SMEs
When 2014-2020 Programme Period
Think Small First SMEs form the backbone of the economy SMEs remain the main driver of economic growth in the country, contributing to 75% of employment
Bulgarian SMEs rank 108th place out of 148 countries in terms of business complexity and innovations
Adequate policies stimulating growth, employment and competitiveness required
Bulgaria holds the last position within the EU in terms of innovation
In compliance with Digital Agenda for Europe and Small Business Act for Europe
How to improve the situation? ICT Innovation Vouchers
Operational Programme “Innovation and Competitiveness�
Successful examples within EU
European Commission supports the scheme
Key aspects of the scheme
Each voucher shall be up to 10 000 euro
Project duration – up to 12 months Lump sum
SMEs with growth potential and real needs
B2B type of suppliers
Yes / No approval
Online Application
Apply again
Region – Scotland, UK Characteristics of the project Period of the scheme: 01.05.2014 - 31.03.2015 Budget: £ 230 000 Applications: 67 Total - 49 completed projects Services: • Web pages for e-commerce; • ICT services development and deployment Value of the vouchers: £ 5 000
Region – Extremadura, Spain Characteristics of the project Period of the scheme: 08.08.2014 - 11.09.2014 Budget: € 1 200 000 Services: • Development of web pages, branding, design; • Web analysis, ROI analysis, online consultation (SEO / SEM); • Consulting services for implementing web 2.0; • Joint platforms for e-commerce.
Value of the vouchers: € 5 000
Region – Murcia, Spain
Characteristics of the project Period of the scheme: 10.17.2013 - 29.11.2013 Budget: € 300 000 Applications: 482 Services: • CRM solutions; • ERP solutions; • Solutions for Business Process Management. • Construction of complex web pages and including analytical tools; • Mobile Business Applications Value of the vouchers: € 7 500
Sustainable Inclusive Smart
“Today our growth comes from innovation; and most innovation comes from digital technology”
Neelie Kroes – former Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
Europe 2020
Radoslav Rizov
Expert Projects & Programmes mobile: (+359) 889 418 111 v-rarizo@microsoft.com
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