ELBC Pre-conference Supplement: 2nd Installment

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Ba eries International

14 ELBC: Time for lead acid to strut its stuff

Edinburgh and the charms of the 'auld reekie'

Allan Cooper: the man behind he LC SuperHybrid the

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Global outlook for lead shows signs of great opportunities

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Warmest greetings from ‘Auld Reekie’

Wilson: View from the chair



14 ELBC: TIME FOR LEAD ACID TO STRUT ITS STUFF The 14th European Lead Battery Conference in Edinburgh this September, could well be the most popular lead event this side of the new millennium, even surpassing the spectacular meetings in Paris two years ago. In this the second electronically published show guide — a thrid is already being prepared for delivery for early September and a printed version will be going into every delegate’s conference bags —we look at the editorial agenda and interview the luminaries that will be presenting or chairing the sessions. We’ve also included a mass of detail around the event.

EDITORIAL 4 The legacy of Thomas Midgeley — one of the brightest scientists of his day — persists. Unfortunately. The genius who invented CFCs and tetra-ethyl lead inadvertently caused a deep misconception of the dangers of lead that lasts to this day WELCOME! Warmest greetings from ‘Auld Reekie’ — aka as Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city


VIEW FROM THE CHAIR: TO EDINBURGH AND BEYOND ... 10 David WIlson, chairman of 14ELBC and an attendee at every conference from the beginnings reviews the issues in this year’s summit and how they fit into the larger market context

Storing renewable energy into the grid — just part of a new world order ahead 18

PROFILE: ALABC Striking the right balance between research and development


SOUNDBITES, SOUNDBITES 16 We asked a mix of delegates, exhibitors and speakers one simple question: what do you regard as the greatest benefit of attending ELBC? An obvious question proved to have very unobvious answers GLOBAL OUTLOOK: CLIMATE CHANGE WITHOUT THE IRRATIONALITY 18 Some broad perspectives on the global outlook will kick-start 14ELBC at the opening session. Look for controversy as the discussion moves towards facing the realities — or not — of how climate change will affect the battery business

Less sentiment, more reason: time to deal with climate change as an industry 30

ELBC AND THE GRID: MISSION CRITICAL FOR THE FUTURE 30 As one of the fastest growing areas of the global batteries industry, this session of the 14ELBC covering energy storage involves seven presentations focusing on the latest developments and technologies in this sector

2 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014



EXHIBITION GUIDE, 32-38 Our comprehensive listing of exhibitors in the main hall includes a full run down of sponsors in this preconference guide and an alphabetical and numerical list of which firm can be found — and where

LEAD FOR LOW EMISSION VEHICLES 40 One major conference theme will be the use of lead batteries in low emission vehicles. As the world comes to grips with reducing CO2 levels, smaller more efficient cars part-powered by renewable energy will become the new norm

With batteries cutting CO2 from car emissions, fuel savings are another lead acid attraction 40

PROFILE: ALLAN COOPER 51 In 2008 Allan Cooper was awarded the International Lead Medal for his exceptional contributions to the lead industry in the fields of metallurgy, production, and battery development, particularly in electric and hybrid electric vehicles. The story isn’t over yet. His work will run and run CARBON AND ADVANCED BATTERIES 59 For almost two decades there has been a growing awareness that the inclusion of carbon could be the most important factor in the development of a new generation of better lead acid batteries. Now the pace of development is heating up

Cooper: a popular industry figure now powering the LC SuperHybrid’s development


DELEGATES’ ROUND-UP — PRESENTATIONS TO LOOK OUT FOR 63 Ahead of 14ELBC, delegates will be poring over the schedule, studying the presentations and pondering how to make the most of this annual event. With this in mind, we asked a selection of delegates and speakers what they believe will be the biggest talking points at the event and what they hope to gain by attending. SUPPLIERS’ FORUM: IT’S SHOW (CASE) TIME! 69 The suppliers’ forum represents a chance for different companies representing a diverse range of industries, chemistries technologies to showcase their wares. It’s only a 10-minute slot but a valuable one.

Publisher: Karen Hampton, karen@batteriesinternational.com, +44 (0) 7792 852 337 Editor: Michael Halls, mhalls@batteriesinternational.com, +44 (0) 1 243 782 275 Supplements editor: Wyn Jenkins, wyn.jenkins@serenglobalmedia.com, +44 1792 293 222 Business development manager June Moultrie june@batteriesinternational.com +44 (0) 7775 710 290

Carbon: less of a mystery ingredient more the power for the next generation of cars 59

Reception: tel: +44 (0) 1 243 782 275 fax: +44 1787 329 730

Production/design: Antony Parselle, aparselledesign@me.com +44 (0) 1727 899 360

Subscriptions and admin manager: Claire Ronnie, subscriptions@batteriesinternational.com admin@batteriesinternational.com +44 (0) 1 243 782 275

International advertising representation: advertising@batteriesinternational.com

Research editor William Aslan will@batteriesinternational.com

The contents of this publication are protected by copyright. No unauthorised translation or reproduction is permitted. ISSN 1462-6322 © 2014 Mustard Seed Publishing, UK company no: 5976361. Printed in the UK via ThisismethodUK

Supplement contributing editor: Sarah Morgan, Sarah@serenglobalmedia.com

Disclaimer: Although we believe in the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this magazine, Mustard Seed Publishing makes no warranties or representation about this. Nor should anything contained within it should be construed as constituting an offer to buy or sell securities, or constitute advice in relation to the buying or selling of investments.


Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 3

EDITORIAL Mike Halls • editor@batteriesinternational.com

Time to change the image of lead Thomas Midgley Junior isn’t so well known now. But, until his death in 1944, he was reckoned one of the most brilliant men of his day. Midgley’s fame rests on his two great contributions to mankind — dichlorodifluoromethane (better known to us as a CFC, the chemical that destroys the ozone layer) and tetra-ethyl-lead, the anti-knocking additive to petrol that was universally accepted as poisonous some 50 years after its discovery. To be fair, Midgley’s immediate contribution to the planet was, at first, a beneficent one. The first CFCs were a boon to air cooling systems and saved many lives. The alternatives, such as propane or chloromethane were toxic, explosive or highly flammable. Oddly enough in the 1920s and 30s every year people died at the hands of their fridges. And tetra-ethyllead provided the automotive industry the push that made the internal combustion engine the workhorse of the planet and the troubled dream of an entire nation. But — 70 years after his death — with CFCs phased out and TEL only found in the poorest nations of the world, Midgley’s legacy lingers on. And in a totally unexpected way. By putting TEL into our cars, he put lead into the air. Or rather General Motors did (which from its initial manufacturing experiences knew early on from numerous cases of madness and hallucinations, that it was dangerous).

frame houses in the US. For the very poor in America, their cheap wood built houses could be spruced up nicely with the judicious use of paint — whose principal pigment within it was lead oxide. And the mix of cheap wood, cheap paint? The result: flakes of peeling lead which entered people’s lungs. The resulting US (and then later worldwide) legislation turned attention to finding lead anywhere and everywhere else. So in the 1960s and early 1970s a seemingly powerful case for getting rid of the lead in petrol emerged. News that the high levels of lead in US and European inner city children caused by petrol fumes created a ripple effect — from the world of the tabloid to seats of government. In the event, legislation to enforce a ban of lead in petrol was inevitable. At this point, Robert Merton’s Law of Unforeseen Consequences kicked in. In the public mind by the end of the 1970s lead had now become as dangerous as, say, arsenic or strychnine. Probably even looking at the metal would make you blind or send you into fits. The fact that it was not just fit for purpose — and maybe the only thing that would easily and cheaply work within a car, or a UPS system — was left by the door neatly sitting next to the open-toed sandals.

Rather like the anti-smoking campaign, public awareness of TEL took a long time to build up.

Even congressmen and MPs are human and jump with the lemmings. The result? We now have a generation of misinformed politicians who, with admirable thoroughness, are trying to legislate lead out of existence.

The trigger for it becoming an issue came from an unexpected direction. Cheap paint and timber

The lead community have been fighting back for a generation and more. But with little impact on a

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media that doesn’t want to hear a good news story. So, for example, arguments about the recyclability of lead continue to have little impact on a general public that believes recycling of say tins or wine bottles is worthwhile but not inherently interesting. But the recycling story — which we’ll hear in detail again this conference — is an important story. It shows a responsible and mature industry that can point with ample justification to a defence that it’s core product is safe. And can be proven to be safe. The trouble is that changing public perceptions only seems to work best when sensationalism occurs. In Europe, for example, a thoroughly worthwhile book ‘E’ is for Additives, written in 1987, persuaded an entire continent of people who didn’t read the book that an E number (the European food code for food additives) was not just a bad thing but a terrible one. (Forgetting of course that E948, for example, is the code for oxygen or that herbs such as oregano would nowadays be coded as too dangerous to be assigned an E number.) Organizations such as the International Lead Association, EUROBAT, BCI and various others continue to try and fight back. But they have an enormous challenge on their hands. And, being respectable bodies rightly enough would not stoop to underhand media trickery. Events such as this year’s ELBC are important meetings of the great and the good of the lead acid battery community to meet and discuss their www.batteriesinternational.com

future. High on the agenda, once again, will be looking at way to promote a sensible conversation — outside the industry — of the merits and safety of lead. “It’s hard to get political people, let alone ordinary ones, to understand what an inconsistent view they have on lead. They want to ban it from the European Union but still drive cars,” one battery veteran told Batteries International recently. “They worry about infinitesimal levels of lead in the blood while the battery itself powers the most remorseless killing machine on the planet.” But there are sensational stories afoot which while they are not positive about lead, are distinctly dismissive about lithium. The raising of recent fears of cabin fires in passenger aircraft — caused by short-circuiting laptops and mobile phones — is a story that is about to run and run. The Dreamliner scare of a year and a half ago might soon become a sideline given that some people are suggesting that there could be as many as one laptop fire in a plane each month. If that’s the case it’ll be another unexpected consequence of the kind poor Tom Midgley suffered. In his instance, he was unlucky to the end — “the man who had more impact on the atmosphere than any other single organism in earth’s history” according to one historian — met a sorry fate. Crippled by polio in his 50s he invested an elaborate system of pulleys to make himself mobile. He died from strangulation in his own network of strings. Batteries International • 14 ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 5


So, welcome to Edinburgh — “it’s what Paris ought to be” said the poet Robert Louis Stevenson (though being born there he may have been a shade biased). Edinburgh is the ancient capital of Scotland and a city that boasts a history that predates London. Or Rome for that matter.

Where to go in Auld Reekie

One of the earliest photos of Edinburgh Castle soldiers, here sometime around 1845

Traces of bronze and iron age remains can be found under Edinburgh Castle, atop the ancient volcanic mound, that dominates the city. Nowadays Edinburgh is as much known for its lively culture as its historic buildings. Each year, for example, its international arts festival doubles the population to a million for the month of August. Perhaps the best known part of this is the 25 day Fringe festival where comedians and actors from across the UK, with a good representation from around the world, perform across the City in search of laughter, fame and, of course, money.

And in December the town hosts the biggest New Year street party in the world. Better known as Hogmanay some 100,000 revellers gather to watch the new year in with fireworks, dancing and music. Since Hogmanay traditionally lasts the full New Year’s Day (and January 2 is a national holiday), it is also the scene of determined — some in the city would even say heroic — drinking. But Edinburgh — or Auld Reekie as it used to be called, meaning Old Smokey for the haze of coal fires that lingered over the city — has a tremendous wealth of cultural and fascinating things.

GETTING AROUND: NOT A CITY FOR HIGH HEELS The best way to get around Edinburgh is on foot. Driving can be a nightmare in the city centre due to the one-way system and bus only routes. Tour guides recommend wearing comfortable shoes as the city still has a lot of cobbled streets. Alternatively, one day cards costing £3.50 will allow you to

6 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

travel on the bus and tram network. Since May 2014 a new tram line has operated between the city centre and the airport. There are also hop on, hop off tour buses, that can be picked up outside of Edinburgh Waverley, the central train station. For this you also get a guided tour of the city.



Here are some of the must-sees: Edinburgh Castle This dominates the city skyline and sits on an extinct volcanic plug. There has been a royal castle on the spot since the reign of David I in the 12th century. And possibly much earlier. A map by Ptolemy in the second century AD talks about an inhabited ‘rocky place’ around this spot. It is the most popular tourist attraction in Scotland, with well over one million visitors each year. Last admission to the castle is 5pm. It shuts at 6pm.

century — although it was an effort by the then royal family to spread Catholicism after the reformation it became (and remains) the heart of Scottish Presbyterianism. The Royal Mile Not a real mile this one! — the UK forced the Scots to adopt English miles in 1845 — but this is a Scots one (that’s 1.12 English miles). This lively street in the heart of the city is well worth a stroll and it’s one of the most famous in the world.

The Palace of Holyroodhouse This has been the principal residence of the kings and queens of Scotland since the 16th century. It is Queen Elizabeth II’s official residence in Scotland. On view are the apartments where Mary, Queen of Scots lived. She was executed by the first Queen Elizabeth in 1587. St Giles Cathedral A church on this spot may have been built in the 1120s but was destroyed in a fire and rebuilt in the 14th

THE OLD AND THE NEW The Royal Mile is the spine of Old Town with Edinburgh Castle at the top and The Palace of Holyroodhouse and the new Scottish Parliament building at the bottom. St Giles Cathedral, John Knox House, the Scotch Whiskey Heritage Centre and the Mercat Cross are located on the Royal Mile.


Princes Street runs parallel to the Royal Mile, a short walk away. It is the main street in Edinburgh and separates The Old Town (the mediæval city) and The New Town which was built between 1765 and 1850. The Old and New Towns are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

• A night to remember — or to forget Perhaps predictable for the battery industry’s love of electrolyte testing is the city’s Scotch Whisky Experience. This is situated just below Edinburgh Castle and is dedicated to the 300-year history of Scotch whisky. Cultured whisky drinkers may also enjoy The Macallan Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour, which takes in the famous and infamous pubs of Edinburgh’s Old and New Towns. Curiously this omits the fact that JK Rowling wrote her first Harry Potter novel from an Edinburgh coffee shop. • A tribute to the fallen (in the US civil war) In the Old Calton Burial Ground, in the centre of Edinburgh, there is a memorial to the Scottish soldiers who died in the American Civil War and a statue of Abraham Lincoln, the first one erected outside the US. • Ahoy there me hearties! The Royal Yacht Britannia served Queen Elizabeth II from 1954-1997 and is the last in a long line of royal yachts. Its new permanent home is at Ocean Terminal in the ancient port of nearby Leith. Almost anyone of any importance from presidents to kings will have dined on the Britannia at some point. • And for the green fingered Princes Street Gardens, situated in the city centre, boasts the world’s oldest floral clock and the Royal Botanic Garden contains the UK’s tallest Palm House.


Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 7




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VIEW FROM THE CHAIR A personal message from David Wilson, chairman of 14 ELBC and who has

To Edinburgh First a warm welcome to 14 ELBC and Edinburgh for what I’m anticipating will be another stimulating and, I hope, an important event in the development of the lead-acid battery market. These are exciting times for our industry. We’re surrounded by challenges — and opportunities — on a number of fronts. I’ve been enthusiastic about these conferences since our very first one in 1988 (in fact I’ve attended and been involved in every one of them!). The first conference was held in Paris at a time when we at the International Lead Association saw the need for a technical event that could bring our industry together. And as a matter of fact, at the time we did not envisage it as the first of a long-run-

We’re an industry that appears to be under attack on all sides by challenging new chemistries and products. However, realistically, this isn’t strictly true — the fact remains that the sophistication and technology behind lead-acid batteries, from the latest manufacturing processes to ever better batteries, has never advanced so quickly.

10 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

ning series of conferences. We called it “Lead Battery Power for the 90s”. By comparison with today’s events it was a comparatively simple affair — we assembled what we thought were the best and most interesting developments in the lead acid battery business and then let the event happen. Without seeming over-congratulatory (to be fair, we didn’t realise how successful it would be!) we had around 200 delegates who were enthusiastic about the meeting. At that time our delegates were mostly from Europe, which is why the following conference in 1990 was rebranded as the 2nd ELBC. Since then we have held an ELBC conference every two years (we associate closely with the sister Asian Battery Conference series in the inbetween years), and the range and number of our non-European delegates has grown enormously. In part this is due to demographic change as battery manufacturing has moved towards Asia, but it’s also indicative of the greater globalization within our business. It’s odd to think that in those days the lead-acid battery industry was


VIEW FROM THE CHAIR been involved in the conference and exhibition since it started in 1988.

and beyond… far more fragmented than today and there was no real challenge from alternative chemistries, although we were of course aware that new energy storage types were on their way. We felt there was a need for a unifying force. And, although, since then, competing conferences have emerged we’ve stayed committed to trying to play a vital part in the networking and communication needs within our industry. Moreover, although we’ve seen a staggering growth in the size of our conferences and exhibitions, we’ve remained true to our ideal that our purpose is to serve the lead-acid battery community rather than make gains from it. It’s worth stressing that the ILA is a not-for-profit association — our purpose is to promote our industry, not make a profit from it. So our conferences have remained true to this ideal — the idea that by bringing ourselves together we can learn from each other and advance the whole lead-acid community further, both from the point of view of technology and in exploring new business markets. We’re an industry that appears to be under attack on all sides by chal-


lenging new chemistries and products. However, realistically, this isn’t strictly true — the fact remains that the sophistication and technology behind lead-acid batteries, from the latest manufacturing processes to ever better batteries, has never advanced so quickly. Moreover, as research from our ALABC colleagues and elsewhere shows, there is a world of opportunities still waiting to be discovered in, for example, the addition of carbon additives to the negative active mass of the lead-acid battery electrode. Real changes to controlling sulfation, improving cycleability and providing longer-lasting power continue to flow from this. Although the competition is real, the fact remains that overall leadacid’s leadership continues effectively unchallenged. It shows that it is a long way from being dismissed — as people have been wrongly saying for almost as many years as I’ve been in the business — as yesterday’s battery. Oddly enough, we’re seeing new life in avenues of energy storage that had hardly been thought of when the first ELBC met in Paris. Who, for example, could have fore-

seen that lead-acid batteries would take on a new and even more important role in the automotive market with the arrival of stop-start and regen braking? Perhaps that’s why the two presentations I’m most looking for at the conference are going to be held on the first morning. We have Julian Allwood, a wellrespected Cambridge University professor and a key member of the International Panel on Climate Change, who will deliver a talk called Climate Change Mitigation, Lead and Energy Storage, which will give an overview of this most important subject. Taking that with Pat Moseley’s presentation on Global Warming and Lead–Carbon Batteries should, I’m sure, show the key role our industry will play in shaping the future! These are exciting times for our industry and I truly believe that events such as 14ELBC give us a great chance to work cooperatively for the greater good of our industry. Edinburgh joins the list of sparkling cities to hold the lead acid battery’s finest — Paris 2012, Istanbul 2010, Warsaw 2008

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 11

Bringing the industry together


Meet the team

Mike Halls, editor Mike, a former journalist with the UK newspaper the Financial Times, has been involved in journalism, publishing and print for three decades. “I’m particularly fond of writing about the batteries industry,” he says. “It’s an unusual mixture of being fast-paced but slow to change — and friendly too. What’s more there’s always something more to learn.”

Claire Ronnie, office manager and subscriptions Claire’s our unflappable person — she’s the go-to girl for subscriptions or account enquiries. Go ahead and challenge her!

Karen Hampton, publisher In her recent years of working within the battery business Karen has become a well known figure at conferences — not least as our social butterfly. “My job,” she says, “is to get the maximum benefit for our advertisers to make sure their name and brand is out there, while maintaining the integrity, fairness and excellence our publication is renowned for.”

Antony Parselle, page designer Better known in the office as ‘Ant’ he’s been working in magazine design and layout since the early 1990s. Not so good on showing his best side however

June Moutrie, business development manager She’s our accounting Wunderkind who deals with all things financial — a kind of mini Warren Buffett.

John Petersen, columnist John, a securities lawyer with over 30 years’ commercial experience, is not a cynic by nature — more a realist who sees the absurdity in many of our endeavours — especially some of our more corporate ones!

Jan Darasz, cartoonist Jan has an international reputation as a cartoonist able to making anything — including an electrolyte! — funny. And as for LiCFePO4 ...

Wyn Jenkins, Supplements editor Don’t let the boyish charm deceive, Wyn’s been a journalist and respected editor on leading financial titles for some 20 years. When not heading his own publications firm, Seren Global Media, he looks after our supplements.

Kevin Desmond, batteries historian Actually more than just a historian on batteries as he’s written about many things. He’s the inspiration behind our Batteries Hero section.




Karen Hampton Tel: +44 (0) 1787 329 722 karen@batteriesinternational.com

Mike Halls +44 (0) 1787 329 721 editor@batteriesinternational.com

Advertising +44 (0) 1787 329 720 publisher@batteriesinternational.com

Reception: +44 (0) 1 787 329 720 • www.batteriesinternational.com • Fax +44 1 787 329 730 Mustard Seed Publishing Ltd, 10 Temple Bar Business Park, Strettington Lane, Strettington PO18 0TU, UK • Registered in England 5976361


Striking the right balance

between research and development For more than 20 years, the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium has accomplished what few international cooperatives ever could — successfully pool together the resources of its membership to advance an established technology to compete in future emerging markets… and all in a pre-competitive environment. Now, the ALABC is moving forward into an era where the research behind advancing the technology isn’t enough. The market is requiring proof that it will do what the leadacid industry is saying it will, and now the consortium is stepping up to show that resulting development is real, tangible and ready for the world. The ALABC and its member companies have invested substantial funds in recent years to move the fruits of their research from the lab to the real world by initiating a series of automotive demonstration projects.

Real world performance One such project is demonstrating the performance of the UltraBattery in an HEV under real-world conditions (160,000 miles with no significant cell degradation). Another is focused on the ability of carbon-enhanced lead batteries in a micro/mild HEV system to enhance the performance of downsized engines and significantly lower carbon emissions at minimal cost. Yet another explores the performance of advanced lead-acid batteries www.batteriesinternational.com

in 48V architectures. All are yielding successful results and valuable data, and they are achieving their intended purpose — drawing the attention of major OEMs. Both Hyundai and Ford have already shown significant interest in further developing lead-acid based systems (in a 48V architecture with diesel engines) in cooperative demonstration projects with ALABC and its associates, and Chrysler is interested in the potential of the consortium’s natural gas hybrid demonstration with lead-carbon batteries.

Collaboration The demonstrations have also caused other OEMs to at least realize the potential of advanced lead-acid batteries. In addition, the ALABC is finding other partnerships that will allow it to continue these demonstration projects without absorbing too much from its R&D budget. For example, the consortium is joining with companies in the natural gas industry (Southern California Gas Company and AGL Resources) to demonstrate a natural gas hybrid RAM truck that uses lead-carbon batteries to reduce cost and fuel consumption for fleet operators. While the ALABC’s main focus continues to be the research that has advanced and continues to advance lead-acid battery technology, the consortium’s leadership has also realized

that if it doesn’t play a significant role in putting this technology before the right audiences (such as OEMs, automotive engineers, government officials), all the momentum they have gained over the past 20+ years could be lost. It is evident to most within the industry that lead-acid battery technology has benefitted from incredible progress since the ALABC was organized in 1992, and now that interest in alternative fuel and hybrid electric vehicles is growing, it is also imperative that the industry strikes while the iron is hot and assure lead-acid’s place in the evolving automotive marketplace while this interest is peaking. It is this particular situation that has placed the ALABC into the role of balancing research and market development. To maintain that balance, the consortium has refocused its energies into more opportunities for technical knowledge sharing and practical scientific research.

ILAB seminar In fact, it is organizing for the first time a technical seminar on Innovations in Lead-Acid Batteries or ILAB in North Carolina, from November 19-21. This event is the latest effort to provide battery producers and engineers a venue to discuss the latest topics on innovation: from improving and demonstrating the performance of advanced lead-acid storage batteries to quantitative modeling of carbon-enhanced lead-acid batteries and advanced technologies for startstop and micro-hybrid vehicles. It is also intended to re-freshen the pool of industry experts by inviting younger electrochemists into the world of lead-acid innovation. Even more, the ALABC is taking steps to build a clear strategy and technology roadmap for the continued expansion of ideas that will give way to an entirely different line of lead-based batteries for new and emerging markets With a new president (David Wilson), a new chairman (Tim Ellis of RSR Corporation), a new public affairs & marketing chairman (Paul Kolisnyk of Teck Metals), and a program manager (Boris Monahov) that is certainly no stranger to the nuances of electrochemistry, the consortium is well equipped to take a leadership role that the industry sorely needs — one that will strike the R&D balance and assure leadacid’s place in today’s world of energy storage innovation.

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 13

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What do you regard as the greatest benefit of attending ELBC? “Networking and plenty of interesting and fruitful discussions. Specifically, understanding the achievements in making lead-acid batteries more durable, as well as the needs and directions for future advancements.”

Grzegorz Pilatowicz

Shawn Peng

Paolina Atanassova, a senior executive at the Cabot Corporation in the US

“Exchanging ideas with other people involved in the lead-acid battery research and development activities and getting to know new partners with whom my organization could cooperate on some given topic.”

Nick Desimone

Patrick Moseley

Christophe Pillot

Friedrich Dempwolff

Grzegorz Pilatowicz, a team leader at the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA)

“ELBC is one of the best forums to attend for anyone involved in, or having interest in, the lead acid battery industry. The number of suppliers, manufacturers and end users, along with numerous cutting-edge presentations, make ELBC the conference of choice for staying abreast of the latest technological and strategic advancements.” Nick Desimone, director of Product Management at EnerG2

“The presentation of technical and marketing as well as seeing old friends and establishing new connections with other people.”

Linda Gaines

Paul Everill

“I’m hoping to understand the lead industry better so that I can help keep lithium ion batteries out of lead-acid recycling, and vice versa!” Linda Gaines, a systems analyst at the Center for Transportation Research at Argonne National Laboratory

Shawn Peng, vice president of Leoch International Technology

“ELBC provides a venue where we can not only showcase our technology to hundreds of individuals deeply invested in energy storage markets, but also to find new and exciting areas where our PbC product can make a difference.” Jack Shindle, the vice president of engineering at Axion Power International

16 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

“Almost all ELBC presentations are great. The biggest benefit for me is meeting all the battery value chain.” Christophe Pillot, partner at director of Avicenne Energy

“The benefits are to see a major conference totally devoted to leadacid batteries and to meet all the current players in the development of the system.” Patrick Moseley, former president of the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium

“Learning about latest developments in the battery business and meeting peers.” Friedrich Dempwolff, vice president of industry and governmental relations for Johnson Controls Power Solutions EMEA, and president of EUROBAT

“I’m hoping to understand the lead industry better so that I can help keep lithium ion batteries out of lead-acid recycling, and vice versa!” Linda Gaines, a systems analyst at the Center for Transportation Research at Argonne National Laboratory

“The event combines the main roles players in the field of science and encourages users of such batteries to also attend. This allows one to hear other researchers but also to establish links with particular end users. The conference also has the ALABC report back session beforehand.” Ernst Ferg, an associate professor at the university lecturing in the field of electrochemsitry and physical chemistry at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

“The conference allows researchers and manufactures to be on the same platform to engage and exchange information and ideas for future developments. And also as a very young researcher I will get to learn and see what other researchers across www.batteriesinternational.com

SOUNDBITES, SOUNDBITES the world are doing, and that will enhance my interest not just on leadacid batteries but energy systems as a whole.” Bolo Lukanyo, a second year masters student at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

“At ELBC you can meet virtually all key people of the lead battery industry. Thus, there are numerous opportunities to meet battery experts from all over the world for discussions and talks. All important suppliers to the lead battery industry will be at ELBC. More than 100 exhibitors are expected to participate making it possible to see the latest developments and technologies with respect to equipment and materials. There are also a couple of very interesting papers. The presentations including discussions with the authors will give useful information about the progress in battery technology.” Manfred Gelbke, the head of R&D and technical customer support at Akkumulatorenfabrik Moll Bad Staffelstein

“It is a great opportunity to present our company and new technology to a high skilled audience. It is a great possibility to maintain and increase the network in the battery industry.” Björn Mentzer, vice president of marketing & sales, at Abertax Technology

“Meeting with so many professionals in one shot.” Cesare Catelli, general manager and technical and R&D Manager at PC di Pompeo Catelli

“The biggest benefit of attending the conference is meeting relevant and key people leading this industry.” Dennis Been, systems sales manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Pyrotek in the Netherlands

“The ELBC continues to be THE battery summit in the European region. Among others our main reasons are: interesting presentations, high-level networking opportunities, a well assembled selection of exhibitors and further relevant international manufacturers from overseas joining as well.” www.batteriesinternational.com

Max Mandt-Merck, business development manager at LAP

“As a supplier, it is the place where we can meet all customers in one week and move forward on on-going technical projects or current business. It’s also a good opportunity to show product development and keep being aware of the market novelty or trend.”

Björn Mentzer

Cesare Catelli

Dennis Been

Max Mandt-Merck

Sylvie Bayle

Kent Lancaster

John Wertz

John Wood

Manfred Gelbke

Ed Shaffer

Sylvie Bayle, R&D manager in Bernard Dumas

“Learning about the latest innovations in the lead acid battery industry and meeting with other people from lead acid battery industry to share ideas.” Kent Lancaster, vice president of sales for Oak Press Solutions

“ELBC brings together the most talented people in the industry to focus on topics such as industry trends, new technologies, and next generation materials. It is always great to hear about all of the new and exciting developments in the industry. “It consistently provides a world class forum for technical discussions surrounding lead acid battery systems. Only at ELBC can you talk to all of the industries leading scientists to learn about their latest research, or meet with dozens of suppliers to discuss their new product innovations.” John Wertz, the global product development manager for Hollingsworth and Vose Battery Products

“ELBC presents an opportunity to go deeper than the surface into some really core areas of interest.” John Wood, the chief executive of Ecoult

“ELBC is a very focussed forum for lead acid commercial and technical aspects with a unique concentration of suppliers, manufacturers and end users from around the world.” Peter Stevenson, senior technical coordinator at Yuasa Battery Europe

“The networking opportunities and the industry exposure from presenting a paper.”

“ELBC presents an opportunity to go deeper than the surface into some really core areas of interest.” John Wood,

Ed Shaffer, chief executive of Advanced Battery Concepts

chief executive of Ecoult

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 17


CLIMATE CHANGE without the irrationality

Some broad perspectives on the global outlook will kick-start 14ELBC at the opening session. Look for controversy as the discussion moves towards facing the realities — or not — of how climate change will affect the battery business. One of the common themes touched upon by speakers several times in this the opening session of the conference will be climate change and, specifically, the role batteries can play in helping governments achieve targets that have been set around greenhouse gas emissions and other challenges relating to energy production and storage. Julian Allwood, who from this Oc-

tober will be professor of engineering and the environment at the University of Cambridge, will deliver a presentation called Climate Change Mitigation, Lead and Energy Storage, which will give an overview of the most recent findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) about mitigation and explore the significance of the production and use of

18 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

lead in mitigation strategies. Allwood worked for 10 years for Alcoa, before developing an academic career, initially at Imperial College, and from 2000 in Cambridge. In parallel with developing new manufacturing technologies for metals, he has built up a research group looking at environmental systems and production. From 2009-2013 he held an www.batteriesinternational.com


“In understanding the possible role of lead in a future carbon constrained world, we have to consider two features: the energy implications of lead production and recycling; and the value of lead in products” — Allwood, Cambridge University EPSRC Leadership Fellowship, to explore material efficiency as a climate mitigation strategy – delivering the equivalent or better product but using new material. In 2013, he became director of the UK INDEMAND Centre, one of six national centres looking at energy demand reduction in the UK, with a focus on industry. Allwood also leads the inter-disciplinary BP-funded Foreseer programme looking at future resource stress, the NERC funded Hosana project looking at mitigating mineral criticality, the EPSRC-funded Precision Guided Flexible Forming project on new metal forming technologies, and is a co-leader of the EPSRC-funded WholeSEM project creating a national whole-systems energy model for the UK. In total these projects have attracted funding of £18 million ($35 million) and employ around 60 people at nine universities, 25 of whom work with him in Cambridge. Allwood was also a lead author of the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC with a focus on mitigating industrial emissions. He is chairman of the metal forming section of the International Academy of Production Engineering CIRP.

By contrast, the third volume on mitigation was written by an interdisciplinary panel spanning economics, engineering, business, policy and development studies among many other areas, to create a survey of understanding of options for change. “The challenge of this work is that the availability of technical options for change, the political or economic imperative to implement them, and the behavioural choices of users conflict in many cases — there is considerable debate about the best pathways to a lower emissions future,” says Allwood. “In particular, there is a strong debate about whether action should depend primarily on as yet unready supply technologies, or on available but counter-cultural demand side options.” He will begin with an overview of

this debate, concentrating particularly on the physical options for change within the industry sector. “In understanding the possible role of lead in a future carbon constrained world, we have to consider two features: the energy implications of lead production and recycling; and the value of lead in products,” he says. “Although there hasn’t yet been a major study on the global impacts of lead production, the talk will introduce an approach that has been applied to steel and aluminium, with wide industrial and policy acceptance: a global mass flow analysis shows where the two metals are produced and used; energy analysis shows the



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Assessments The IPCC published the third volume of its 5th Assessment Report in April 2014, summarizing the outcome of three years’ work by around 200 authors from around the world to assess options for mitigation. The first two volumes of this report, on the science and impacts of climate change respectively, were written by a panel of scientists and depended strongly on scientific evidence. www.batteriesinternational.com

PENOX POWER SOLUTIONS PENOX is offering the lead-acid battery industry a range of services and products to improve the plate active material production, application and performance. From the production of the lead oxide through to the formation of the plates, talk to PENOX about how we can help you improve your product and reduce your costs! Contact us at Penox GmbH – Deutz-Mülheimer Str 173, D-51063 Cologne Email: sales@penox.de Tel: +49-221 -6717-276

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 19


LEAD SUPPLY: SEPARATING FACT FROM FICTION Neil Hawkes lead analyst at CRU, a London-based commodity research consultancy, has been a regular speaker at ELBC in the past. Hawkes has been responsible for CRU’s lead market analysis for the last 25 years and is the main author of the company’s quarterly Lead Market Outlook and monthly Lead Monitor. Hawkes will deliver a presentation entitled Lead Supply Squeeze Fears – Fact or Fiction? which has been scheduled under the global outlook umbrella session on the first day of the conference. Hawkes says the dynamics around the supply of lead is a big issue at the moment. One big factor is how the market has coped with the closure of Doe Run’s Herculaneum primary lead smelter at the end of last year. Although this had implications globally, the US market was expected to bear the brunt of the fall-out in terms of supply and demand. Moreover, the situation in the US was also made worse by a hard winter, a scenario that would have also hit battery stocks. “Last year, the talk was all about what might happen post-closure. But that has now happened and it is more a case of the reality of how the markets have adjusted and are coping in terms of supply and demand,” he says. The immediate response came from traders who started importing higher levels of lead from all over the world. “However, despite the very cold winter, which provided the perfect condition for killing lead acid batteries, and the closure of Herculaneum, there seems to be enough stock as things stand,” Hawkes says. “But although they have been finding enough lead so far, as stocks further run down, that could mean more tightness down the line.” This also means the supply chain is more global and stretched than it has ever been posing risks for battery makers because it is more vulnerable to problems and dislocations that can potentially have far reaching affects. The summer idling of the La Oroya smelter in Peru adds to consumer concerns over future supplies. One of the knock on effects of this dynamic is that the price of scrap — spent lead-acid batteries — has soared in recent years as recycling and collection firms have cottoned

There has also been a move by disgruntled secondary smelters in North America to pricing lead based on scrap prices as opposed to using the LME as a reference, though this has yet to gain any traction in Europe on to the higher value of lead contained within spent batteries. They have increased their selling prices, putting pressure on smelters’ profit margins, in turn. There has also been a move by disgruntled secondary smelters in North America to pricing lead based on scrap prices as opposed to using the LME as a reference, though this has yet to gain any traction in Europe. “Higher feed costs, combined with higher environmental compliance costs and new smelter capacity additions, have finally prompted smelters to close,” Hawkes says. There is no easy solution to this problem for the smelters, unless they

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start buying scrap metal companies. It is possible, smelters could start doing this, he says. “It is a misconception that scrap supplies are tight — the costs simply continue to rise because scrap demand is even greater and that means scrap is spread more thinly around the smelters. The topic is raised every year but basically why would the scrap companies take any less? “So do the smelters buy them? That is something we could start to see. Otherwise, scrap prices will remain high for the foreseeable future.” He will also highlight other issues to watch globally that could influence global supply and demand. Australian lead smelter Nyrstar recently announced a A$514 million ($480 million) investment that will upgrade its lead smelter at Port Pirie in the state of South of Australia turning it into a cleaner operation. The 120-year-old smelter, which employs about 800 people, will be transformed into an advanced metals recovery and refining operation, reducing its toxic emissions. The Australian government will underwrite the transformation project itself to a total of A$291 million. Hawkes believes the upgrade is



still not guaranteed and that other producers could up their own production levels. Another story to watch will be the future of Exide’s operations in the US, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in June 2013. Its plan to emerge has been muddied by the idling of its Vernon secondary lead smelter in California since March due to environmental issues. The real question, Hawkes says, is whether the supply side can keep pace with the steady growth seen in terms of demand. Despite the fight for scrap, global secondary lead supplies will continue to rise, leaving the industry increasingly reliant on a more fragile global primary supply chain. Yet demand continues to grow and he sees few factors that could hold this back. Demand for lead globally has been relatively immune to the more sluggish upward path in the broader global economy. Hawkes expects growth to remain robust for some time to come. However, environmental regulation in China could have an impact. As the country attempts to tackle pollution and congestion, various regulations could impact the batteries used in vehicles including electric bikes. There is also the question over whether stop-start technology will grow at the same rate in other regions as it has in Europe. This too should help lead demand, with leadacid the preferred battery chemistry for these vehicles. Against this backdrop of uncertainty in the supply chain, the price of lead on the LME, however, has been flat for some time at around $2,100 a tonne. “It occasionally moves up or down a little but basically it is a sideways trend,” he says. “Investors think there is enough supply out there for the moment. There is probably some frustration that it has not moved, but investors are cautious.” More interesting than the price of lead is the price of zinc — the two are mined together — at the moment. A lot of big zinc mines are closing and long-term this could have a knock on effect on the price of lead, he says. “But not yet.” And a further slip in silver prices could provide yet another twist to the lead tale ahead.


“By 2050, the number of cars in the world will have tripled from current levels … if the totality of the vehicles in 2050 is to be accountable for no more than 50% of the 2000 emissions of CO2 then the average emission, per car, must be reduced, not by 50%, but by 80%” — Moseley, international researcher intensity of the key processes now and in future, with various levels of further technology deployment; material efficiency analysis explores how less metal could in many cases deliver the same service. “This story will be illustrated with practical examples across the supply chain,” he says. “The lead industry is promoting the value of lead as a key component of expanding energy storage, and the talk will conclude by examining how, within the scenarios developed by the IPCC, the requirements for energy storage are expected to develop, how lead might play a role in this requirement, and what challenges this creates for the lead industry and its supply chain.”

Global warming and transport Patrick Moseley, a long-time and highly regarded researcher in his field, will also consider the challenges of global warming in his paper, Global Warming and Lead-Carbon Batteries, which will draw on material from his new book called Towards Sustainable Road Transport, written with Ronald Dell, and David Rand. The book charts the century-long development of road transport based on the internal combustion engine, surveys the progress in technology that offers the potential to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and, in a foretaste of the future, assesses the prospects for the targets in emissions reduction by 2050 to be met. Moseley was awarded a PhD for crystal structure analysis in 1968 by the University of Durham. He also worked for 23 years at the Harwell Laboratory of the UK Atomic Energy

Authority, where he brought a background of crystal structure and materials chemistry to the study of leadacid batteries, thus supplementing the traditional electrochemical emphasis of the subject. From 1995 he was manager of electrochemistry at the International Lead Zinc Research Organization in North Carolina and manager of the Advanced Lead–Acid Battery Consortium. In 2005 he also became president of the consortium. In 2008 he was awarded the Gaston Planté medal by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He says that as the world takes the issue of climate change increasingly seriously, batteries will have an increasingly important role to play. “Decision-making bodies around the world take the threat of global warming sufficiently seriously to set targets for reducing the mass of the major greenhouse gas, carbon diox-

The real question is whether the supply side can keep pace with the steady growth seen in terms of demand. Despite the fight for scrap, global secondary lead supplies will continue to rise, leaving the industry increasingly reliant on a more fragile global primary supply chain. Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 21

THE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE “But against the context of the economic downturn, there are many questions that remain unanswered in terms of how this sector will continue to develop. With the financial and economic crisis, what will be car suppliers’ next strategy? Will stop/start applications thanks to advanced lead acid batteries succeed?” — Pillot, Avicenne Energy

ide, that can be legally released to the atmosphere in future decades,” Moseley says. “A target proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC), for example, suggests that, by 2050, CO2 emissions should be halved from the levels that were current at the turn of the century. The two principal anthropogenic [human generated] sources of CO2 are electricity generation and transport. If the 50% reduction in emissions is to be achieved then major technological developments will have to take place in both of these sectors and a marked increase in the need for electrochemical energy-storage (batteries) is foreseen.” Although there are strong moves to increase the use of renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power in generating electricity, the availability of energy seldom matches the pattern of demand. This means that some form of storage must be used as the proportion of wind and solar energies in the overall energy-mix increases, Moseley says. In some such applications the necessary storage may be provided by compressed-air energy torage or by pumped-hydro schemes, but in other cases, such as in smart grids, large rechargeable batteries are likely to be used. In the transport sector, novel automobile systems that deploy stop-start and hybrid-electric technologies are becoming familiar but the fuel economies (and therefore reduction of carbon dioxide emissions) that they offer top-out at around 20%. To achieve an overall transport sector reduction at this level, all of the cars on the road would need to be of this type — an unrealistic prospect. And he has a stark warning. “The situation is worse yet because, by 2050, it is anticipated that the number of cars in the world will have triwww.batteriesinternational.com

pled from current levels as a result of the increasing standard of living of the two most populous nations on the planet (China and India),” he says. “In reality, if the totality of the vehicles on the roads of the world in 2050 is to be accountable for no more than 50% of the 2000 emissions of CO2 then the average emission, per car, must be reduced, not by 50%, but by 80%.” He says there are further problems with seeing electric vehicles as the solution to reducing CO2 emissions. “At first sight, battery electric vehicles appear to offer the ultimate solution in the pursuit of freedom from fossil fuels and the elimination of environmental pollution. This ideal solution would only be valid, however, if all of the electricity used to propel the vehicles were to be derived from sources that do not involve the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels.” There are very few areas of the world where this utopian situation exists. In Europe, where the primary energy mix includes many power stations fuelled by coal or natural gas, a compact class BEV will be responsible for 87g CO2 per km driven as a result of the greenhouse gas emissions at the power stations where the electricity is generated. Fuel cell electric vehicles might offer an alternative approach to avoiding the emission of CO2, provided that the hydrogen with which they are fuelled is generated electrically rather than from hydrocarbons. However, the fuel cell option is

likely to be expensive to implement for cars (although there are already some bus fleets that use the system) as it would involve the construction of hydrogen re-fuelling stations nationwide and an entirely new distribution system. “It is thus difficult to avoid the conclusion that, if the greenhouse gas emissions reduction target suggested by the IPCC is to be met by 2050 — and it is not yet clear if this will be enough to avoid dangerous changes in climate patterns — road transport will have to shift to a largely allelectric motive power system and the electricity that is used must be drawn substantially from non-carbon generation technologies; renewable sources or nuclear,” says Moseley.

The future of EVs Other speakers will focus on purely on the performance of certain sectors of the batteries markets and the potential growth prospects around these. Christophe Pillot, partner and director of Avicenne Energy, France, a market research and consulting firm which publishes an annual report called The worldwide rechargeable battery market, will cover the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (P-HEV) and electric vehicle (EV) markets in his presentation, specifically examining their development and impact on the battery business. Pillot joined Avicenne Energy some 18 years ago and spent three years in Japan conducting analysis on the

“At first sight, battery electric vehicles appear to offer the ultimate solution in the pursuit of freedom from fossil fuels and the elimination of environmental pollution. This ideal solution would only be valid, however, if all of the electricity used to propel the vehicles were to be derived from sources that do not involve the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels.” Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 23


“Will it be lead acid, supercapacitors, ultrabatteries, advanced flooded batteries or AGM? What will be the market for micro-hybrid or HEV batteries be in 2015 & 2025? Will the Li-ion battery with a lower price cathode succeed? What is the price level to compete with NiMH technology or lead acid technology?”



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electronic, mobile and Japanese battery market. He developed the battery market analysis for Avicenne Energy and is the founder of a series of annual battery congresses in France, which has been running since 1999. He will start by describing the HEV, PHEV and EV battery market in 2013 before making forecasts for micro hybrid and xEV and the impact on the battery business. “I will gave what is renowned as the most detailed and accurate forecast on the battery industry for lead acid, NiCd, NiMH and Li-ion and for all kind of applications from smart cards, electronic devices, to automotive or energy storage systems,” Pillot says. In the five years, from 2008 to 2013, the hybrid vehicle market increased from 300,000 to more than 1.8 million vehicles sold and stop/start car sales achieved 13 million in 2013. “But against the context of the economic downturn, there are many questions that remain unanswered in terms of how this sector will continue to develop,” he says. “With the financial and economic crisis, what will be car suppliers’ next strategy? Will stop/start applications thanks to advanced lead acid batteries succeed?” Some analysts forecast that the market for stop-start vehicles will increase at a compound annual growth rate of 30% between 2012 and 2020, reaching a total market of 37 million vehicles sold annually by the end of the period. “But a question mark remains over the predominant technology they use,” he says. “Will it be lead acid, supercapacitors, ultrabatteries, advanced flooded batteries or AGM? What will be the market for microhybrid or HEV batteries be in 2015 & 2025? Will the Li-ion battery with a lower price cathode succeed? What is the price level to compete with NiMH technology or lead acid technology?” Pillot says his presentation will analyse the automotive battery market 2013 and he will share forecasts up to 2025 for micro hybrids, HEVs, P-HEVs and full EVs as well as industrial batteries (stationary and motive).

Regulatory challenges The next speaker in this part of the conference will cover regulatory matters. Johann-Friedrich Dempwolff, vice president of industry and governmental relations for Johnson Controls Power Solutions EMEA, will present a paper entitled Update on Market and 26 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014


THE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Regulatory Trends Impacting the European Battery Industry. Dempwolff, who is also president of EUROBAT, started his career at Varta Autobatterie. He has been a management board member since 2001. He was also responsible for OEM sales for Europe at board level up until 2012. When the company was taken over by Johnson Controls in 2002 and there were other acquisitions, Dempwolff was involved in the expansion of the original equipment manufacturer’s business. Dempwolff’s presentation will showcase how the battery industry has made considerable efforts to comply with EU and global health, safety and environment rules, while at the same time striving to meet new market expectations in terms of innovation, efficiency and output. But he says more challenges remain and his presentation will allow delegates to better understand how current and future developments of the EU regulatory framework will impact their businesses. “Europe has the advantage of a highly sophisticated car manufacturing industry and many advanced electrical engineering and power companies. The European battery industry is faced with tough legislative challenges which makes the economic environment increasingly burdensome for manufacturers. “EUROBAT is discussing this situation with stakeholders in Brussels. While doing so, the association highlights the position of the Battery industry as a key pillar of EU’s sustainable economic development,” he says. Linda Gaines, a systems analyst at the Center for Transportation Research at the US’ Argonne National Laboratory, will also touch on regulatory issues specifically in relation to lithium-ion batteries in a speech entitled ‘Enabling Future Recycling of Li-Ion Batteries’. Gaines, who has a doctorate in physics from Columbia University has written a series of handbooks about energy and material flows in petroleum refining, organic chemicals, and copper industries. These have provided background for studies of technical and institutional issues involved in recycling tyres, packaging, and other energy-intensive materials. Gaines has also examined the costs and impacts on energy use and the environment of production and recycling of advanced-design automobiles, trucks, and trains, and batteries www.batteriesinternational.com

Gaines from the Argonne National Laboratory has also examined the costs and impacts on energy use and the environment of production and recycling of advanced-design automobiles, trucks, and trains, and batteries and studied the potential growth of electricity demand by industry and studied the potential growth of electricity demand by industry and performed technical and economic analysis of alternative fuels, including hydrogen and biofuels. Her most recent work has involved studying ways to reduce petroleum use and other impacts from transport by recycling of batteries and also by reducing vehicle idling. She will speak about lithium-ion batteries, starting with a brief description of their composition, production and end-of-life use. She will compare these ones to lead acid batteries as relates to recycling, and will discuss recent cross-contamination issues and what might be done to alleviate future problems. She also believes that the problems caused by Li-ion batteries at secondary lead smelters will be a big talking point at the event generally. She hopes

to use sessions at ELBC to better understand the lead industry so she I can “help keep Li-ion batteries out of leadacid recycling, and vice versa”!

“Europe has the advantage of a highly sophisticated car manufacturing industry and many advanced electrical engineering and power companies. The European battery industry is faced with tough legislative challenges which makes the economic environment increasingly burdensome for manufacturers” — Dempwolff, Johnson Controls and EUROBAT president Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 27



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ENERGY STORAGE AND THE GRID As one of the fastest growing areas of the global batteries industry, this session of the 14th European Lead Battery Conference covering energy storage will see seven presentations focus on the latest developments and technologies in this sector.

Mission critical for the future The energy storage market at the grid level is set for rapid growth with many companies battling to ensure their solutions secure a slice of what is rapidly becoming a lucrative market. But as yet, it’s only a small slice of the big picture. Driven largely by electronics and plug-in vehicles, the energy storage market as a whole globally is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8% to $50 billion in 2020, with dramatic shifts coming from the transportation industry, according to Lux Research. Transportation applications will outpace electronics growth — attaining an 11% CAGR to become a $21 billion market by the end of the decade. Its faster growth will close the gap with electronics, which still will remain the single largest market valued at $27 billion. But the market for stationary applications is relatively small in comparison but growing fast. It is forecast to be worth $2.8 billion, as it awaits cost breakthroughs. Lux says that driven by solar integration, residential represents the biggest opportunity in stationary energy storage applications — leaping from less than $100 million to $1.2 billion in 2020. A robust downstream industry, innovative financing and strong policies in countries such as Germany and the US are also favourable factors. UPS and backup applications provide the next largest opportunity, with $700 million in 2020 revenues, while renewables shifting at the utility level with $300 million, rounds out the top three. This session at ELBC will specifically focus on the role energy storage will play in the future of the generation of electricity with all the speakers covering this theme. John Wood, the chief executive of

ly launched technologies in security, identity, payment technology, and telecommunications, says he will be very specific in his presentation in the way he describes the progression that has been made in “identifying the value models and attacking the cost models” in the context of projects Ecoult is implementing at the moment. “We have three specific project initiatives that form the underlying support for a distributed storage rollout that we are planning with a major partner,” he says. “The timing around a couple of deals we are doing with customers of that partner will determine how specific I will be able to be in identifying the partner.”

In addition to cost/ performance and bankability momentum, these markets will also require maturity and scale which are the strengths of the lead acid industry — John Wood, Ecoult Ecoult, the developer of the UltraBattery storage solutions, will be up first giving a paper entitled The Implementation of Multiple Capabilities for Profitable Grid Energy Storage Systems, he will discuss the value that energy storage brings to grid stability, renewable integration, and variability management. “I will also examine how to deliver this value via approaches that deliver profit to the full supply chain and unlock the ‘bankability’ accelerator,” Wood says. Wood, who joined the energy storage industry in 2008 having previous-

30 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

Need for scale Wood notes that in addition to cost/ performance and bankability momentum, these markets will also require maturity and scale which, he argues, is one of the strengths of the lead acid industry. Peter Stevenson, senior technical coordinator at Yuasa Battery Europe, will present a paper giving a description of a grid-connected lead acid energy storage system which was commissioned in Shetland earlier this year. Stevenson says the battery used is probably the largest VRLA battery system operating in Europe with 3MWh capacity and 1MW power output. He will present on behalf of several authors from companies involved in the project. These comprise Takashi Yasaki from GS-Yuasa Corporation, which manufactured the battery; Dennis Doerffel from REAPSystems, the Battery Management System integrator; Mick Barlow from S&C Electric Europe, the Power Conversion System maker and lead contractor; and Nathan Coote from Scottish and www.batteriesinternational.com

ENERGY STORAGE AND THE GRID Southern Energy, the system operator. The battery is operated by Scottish and Southern Electric at Lerwick power station. The project was funded through the UK Low Carbon Network Fund to provide data on the benefits of load levelling and frequency stabilization in a small grid with high proportions of wind generation being attached in the near future. GS Yuasa has developed a range of VRLA batteries specifically for load levelling applications, which have unique charge control features. “These have enabled the current project to be completed in a way which would not be possible with conventional types that are used in large scale PV applications for example,” says Stevenson. The opportunity for VRLA to be used occurred because of safety issues with a large high temperature sodium battery, which had been previously installed at the site. Conventional VRLA types were not compatible with the required control strategies, he says. A day trip to the site has been offered to ELBC delegates and a party of eight will make a tour of the plant on September 9. Jack Shindle, vice president of engineering at Axion Power International, and Michael Romeo, research and development manager at Axion Power International, will present on the firm’s PowerCube technology, an advanced battery energy storage system the company has developed. Romeo has been with Axion Power for five years and, in conjunction with his research at Axion Power, he has also been involved in research funded by the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium (ALABC) and the US Department of Energy. Shindle is responsible for oversight and project management of all engineering functions at the firm. He brings 18 years of experience working on materials, process and product development for semiconductor components, fuel cells, hydrogen generation and lead acid batteries.

Behind-the-meter profits The Axion Power PbC batteries can also be for behind-the-meter frequency regulation during times of stable grid power. This is a relatively new concept, Romeo says, but it is gaining widespread traction from both electrical consumers and rate transmission operators (RTOs). Frequency regulation helps correct short-term changes in electrical use www.batteriesinternational.com

After superstorm Sandy ravaged the US northeast seaboard: New Jersey could not use its solar power infrastructure, due to UL1741 requirements, that calls for grid tied solar inverters to stop producing power during grid failure.

that affect the stability of the power system by matching power generation with load, while adjusting generation output to maintain the desired frequency. “Although New Jersey had significant solar power infrastructure, this resource was left stranded after superstorm Sandy ravaged the US northeast seaboard. This was due to UL1741 requirements, which calls for grid tied solar inverters to stop producing power during grid failure,” says Shindle. “Axion Power has developed a system that functions as a micro-grid that, in the event of an extended power outage, will ‘island’ the solar and battery system. The battery bi-directional inverter can then be used to create a micro-grid thereby allowing the solar inverters to continue operation.” Arguably the most progressive RTO

is the PJM network, which is a grid operator for 13 US states, says Romeo. Axion’s PowerCube Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) has been a constant participant in the PJM Regulation Market for the past two years. Axion is compensated by PJM for following their frequency regulation signal when called upon. In 2012, ‘FERC’ passed additional rules that allow for increased pay rates for those assets that respond quickly to the PJM signal. PbC batteries respond in 55 milliseconds. These new compensation rates, paid by PJM, currently average $30 per MWh. The combination of a PbC BESS and a renewable energy source provides to the end user both energy security and a source of revenue that quickly offsets the initial investment required, while offering a source of significant future income.

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 31

14 ELBC FLOORPLAN Farmer Mold & Machine Works Stand 63

Family owned and operated since 1938, Farmer Mold & Machine Works specializes in the design and manufacturing of any type of machinery, including battery assembly equipment, parts casting equipment, and plant automation and process engineering. Further, if you need something that’s not already in our current product line, Farmer can work with you to create custom machinery for your specific applications — whether a new technology or refining an existing process. Our portfolio of machinery not only sets the standard within the industry but is ever-growing. Plus, Farmer provides sales and support for acid dilution systems, plate curing ovens, and semi- and fully automated material handling equipment to several industries worldwide. Our highly interactive and innovative approach to automated machine, tool and die, and mold design follows precise safety standards and utilizes the best materials to produce top-of-the-line machines and equipment that are built to last in 24/7 environments. Contact details: Jim Gilmour +1 727.522.0515 jgilmour@farmermold.com www.farmermold.com

Eco-Bat Technologies Stand 8

ECOBAT Technologies is the world’s largest producer of refined lead with facilities located throughout the globe, in many European countries, South Africa and the United States. Lately, we have increased our commercial presence in Asia with a sales office in Bangkok and agents in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Not only are our facilities world class, ISO 9001 being just one of the many accreditations that the plants operate under, but we also undertake research and development into the improvement of our lead products to give the end user a superior product. Work continues on improving both soft and alloy lead performances, with SuperSoft® being the latest example of our development work. In head-to-head testing, SuperSoft® Ultra advanced recycled lead performed at 100% equivalency to primary lead of 99.99% purity. As ‘Leaders in Lead’ we are committed to the highest international standards and our brands are all LME registered. Whilst our principal activity is the production of lead, the company also produces a number of other products, such as silver, sulphuric acid, polypropylene and sodium sulphate. We strive continuously to improve the environmental performance of our operations by optimizing the use of natural resources and energy. The health and safety of our 3,500 skilled employees and all who come into contact with our operations is one of our core values.


Contact details: Tel: +44 1 629 736 115 Web: www.ecobatgroup.com Email: info@ecobatgroup.com

32 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

Founded in 1969 SOVEMA is the worldwide leading supplier of machinery for lead-acid battery production. Recognizing years ago that automation, lead saving and environmental control are critical to plant efficiency, SOVEMA’s specialists developed state-of-the-art manufacturing solutions for lead-acid battery production. In its own industrial premises near Verona (Italy), recently enlarged, SOVEMA is the only equipment manufacturer capable of designing and producing turn-key battery plants. It is able to supply a complete range of automated systems for the entire production cycle, using an integrated technological approach, starting from the study of factory and departmental lay-out, through to product know-how and plant commissioning by specialized staff. In 2008 SOVEMA acquired BITRODE CORPORATION, one of the most respected global suppliers of electric power conversions systems for EV/HEV battery testing, as well as production and test systems used in the battery manufacturing process. More recently SOVEMA started a new division, “SoLith”, to develop Lithium-ion battery manufacturing technologies. The SoLith team has more than 15 years of experience in process automation design, winding and stacking systems, lamination, electrode punching, tab welding and pouch forming. Sovema is implementing its equipment range more and more, as to improve its market leadership and serve any kind of energy storage manufacturers.



MAC Engineering Stands 40/42

MAC Engineering supplies the lead acid battery industry with high quality downstream battery making equipment since 1965. We offer complete systems for feeding, pasting, flash drying and stacking any continuous or gravity cast plate making technology. From motorcycle and automotive batteries, to industrial and traction, we have equipment to handle any size of battery production. New equipment solutions are now available for punched grids. MAC also offers finishing line equipment for automated Cast on Strap, acid filling, leak testing, heat sealing and more. Contact us today for more information on what we can do for you. Contact details: Doug Bornas Tel: +1 269-925-3295 E-mail: dbornas@mac-eng.com www.mac-eng.com



BITRODE CORPORATION, a Sovema Company, is a leading manufacturer of battery charging and testing equipment with over 50 years of industry experience. By partnering with customers to integrate their unique requirements into each product, Bitrode is consistently able to meet the changing needs of a sophisticated market. They offer an extensive product line of formation and


laboratory test equipment, user-friendly software and manufacturing automation tools appropriate to all battery applications and chemistries. Their manufacturing and engineering facility is based in St. Louis, Missouri-USA with sales and support offices in North America, Europe and Asia. In addition, Bitrode cultivates relationships with industry sales and supply networks around the globe, providing all customers with timely and knowledgeable service. Their focus on quality and commitment to providing superior technical support drives them to be the best full-service manufacturer of formation charging and test equipment for both large and small cell markets. Contact details: John Grimm, Director of Sales & Marketing +1.636.343.6112 info@bitrode.com www.bitrode.com

OMI-NBE provides the best solutions for battery formation and charging: • ACID RECIRCULATION FORMATION • ADVANCED WATER BATH FORMATION • FILLING PROCESS FOR FLOODED & AGM BATTERIES • FINISHING & DISPATCHING EQUIPMENT • ACID PREPARATION, STORAGE AND RECOVERY • TUBULAR PLATES FILLING AND SLURRY PREPARATION • AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT We work in the field of engineering and technologies for the production and charge of different type of batteries (AUTOMOTIVE, INDUSTRIAL, FLOODED or AGM & VRLA), proposing partial or complete solutions which satisfy the customer’s requests drawing to a consolidated and innovative know-how. From the smallest equipment to a complete project for a new plant for the battery charging, we are able to study and supply to you with the best solution for your requirements thanks to our technical knowledge and experience, following your indications if you have any preference about the process, or giving you different choices based on our wide offer. We can take care of your batteries coming from the assembly, starting from the acid and water preparation, forming them with our water cooling systems or with the acid recirculation formation system, test and prepare your high quality batteries for the shipment to your final client and user. Contact details: Email: info@omi-nbe.com Web: www.omi-nbe.com Tel. & Fax: +39 0363 901 981

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 33

14 ELBC FLOORPLAN Sorfin Yoshimura Ltd Stand 40/42

Sorfin Yoshimura Ltd is a global service provider to the energy storage industry. Sorfin Yoshimura Group has more than 30 years industry experience exclusively in the lead acid battery industry. We supply machinery, materials, consumables and other technical services to hundreds of battery makers around the world. Our sales team is dedicated to understanding the needs of each individual battery maker and ensuring that we are supplying machinery and materials aligned precisely with each facility specific needs. When you select Sorfin Yoshimura, you will quickly identify the unique combination of commercial savvy and engineering know-how that has enabled us to become the company that we are today. Our current locations are the USA, Japan, China, France, Brasil, India and Thailand. Please contact any of our locations and get a glimpse of the Next Generation of Power: Sorfin Yoshimura! Contact details: Web: www.sorfinyoshimura.com Email: sorfin@sorfin.com, tokyo@sorfin-yoshimura.jp, qingdao@sorfin-yoshimura.cn, paris@sorfin-yoshimura.fr, pune@sorfin-yoshimura.in, saopaulo@sorfin-yoshimura.br, bangkok@sorfin-yoshimura.th • Europe: 4eme ETG, 31 Rue Carnot, 78000 Versailles, France Phone: +33 1 70 29 49 07 Fax: +33 1 73 79 18 16 Email: paris@sorfin-yoshimura.fr • Brazil: Rua General Jardim 770-10° andar-Cj. 10D CEP: 01223-010- Brazil Higienópolis – São Paulo, Phone: +11 3280-5959 ou +11 3151-2223 Email: saopaulo@sorfin-yoshimura.br • Thailand: 16th Floor, Times Square Bldg. 246 Sukhumvit Rd. Khlong Toei, Bangkok, Thailand 10110 Phone: +662-626-5965/+662-626-5964 • India: Msr Olive, Survey No. 47, Flat No. 804, B. Bldg. Pattanagar Jambhulwadi Rd, Ambegaon Budruk, Pune 411 046 Phone: +91 7387644425, Email: sales@sorfin-yoshimura.in

CMWTEC technologie GmbH Stand 92

Källström Engineering AB Stand 88

Oak Press Solutions Inc Stands 40/42

CMWTEC technologie GmbH has been operating for over 30 years on the national German and worldwide markets and has a reputation for high quality standards, reliability and experience in mechanical engineering. The efficient team works hand-in-hand with our customers, from the initial contact through the various phases, from design, delivery, start-up up to spare parts supply. The company headquarters is close to Frankfurt Int’l Airport, in Germany with good local connections by road and rail, also a shuttle service is always available to customers. CMWTEC machines are based on standard assemblies and can be adapted to various applications according to customer specification and process requirements, allowing customers to select a wide-range of products from standard automatic to high-tech fully automatic machines to meet OEM requirements. Our AGM Premium Finishing Line Equipment, ECO (Economic) Line Equipment, Single machines and complete lines have been worldwide installed successfully in the last decades. The quality stamp “Made in Germany” on all our machines stands for stability and sound workmanship.

Källström Engineering AB is a well known supplier to the battery industry. We specialise in providing custom-designed equipment: for filling all kinds of lead acid batteries, or capacitors; for gel and acid mixing; and, for acid handling.

Contact details: Michael Wipperfürth, Sales Manager Phone: +49 6431 9924 18, Fax: +49 6431 7444 3 Mobile: +49 175 221 3034 Email: mi.wipperfuerth@cmwtec.de, Web: www.cmwtec.de

Contact details: Bo Johansson Phone: +46 40 671 1206 E-mail: bj@kallstrom.com Web: www.kallstrom.com

Recent additions to our product range include: • Compact continuous acid mixing unit • Filling equipment for AGM motorcycle batteries • Filling equipment for bi-polar batteries • Filling equipment for capacitors (acid or alkali) • Four headed filling machine for VRLA batteries • Gel mixing and gel filling • Database for process monitoring Our range of products also includes: acid proof conveyors, weighing equipment, storage tanks and rotary unions. Our after-sales support includes commissioning, maintenance, spares, repairs and equipment upgrades. Källström has its headquarters in Sweden but we serve the whole world.

34 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

Oak Press Solutions Inc. has been designing and building high speed punching systems for over 50 years at our headquarters in Sturgis, Michigan, USA. In addition to our facilities in Sturgis, we also have a technical support facility in China, Europe and India. Our presentation will focus on the various punching systems available from OAK and the newest innovations developed for these systems. The Oak punching systems can be configured for production volumes from 500,000 to 5,000,000,000+ batteries per year. Oak systems can produce lug-in strip or lug-out panels for SLI applications, multi-panel strips for E-Bike or motorcycle applications. Come learn about the advanced battery grid punching technology from the company with the most real world experience in the battery industry. Contact details: OAK Press Solutions Inc. 504 Wade St, Sturgis, Michigan 49091 Ph: +1 269-651-8513 Fax: +1 269-659-4625 sales@oakpresses.com www.oakpresses.com



The Battery Manufacturing Division of International Thermal Systems engineers energy efficient equipment for the Lead Acid Battery Industry. With over thirty-five years of experience and expertise serving, International Thermal Systems offers innovative design in equipment to maximize production efficiencies and minimize energy consumption. Approaching each project as a partnership, the goal of our Engineering Staff is to share the customer’s vision to produce the best solution for the application. Providing a distinct competitive advantage, International Thermal Systems offers a number of patent protected processing solutions. Our Technical Service Department provides international support for ALL makes/models of thermal processing equipment to keep the heat processing equipment running efficiently. Contact details: Susan Hoffmann Tel: +1 414.902.5309 Susan.Hoffmann@itsllcusa.com www.internationalthermalsystems.com

KUSTAN Stand 91

WIRTZ Manufacturing Stand 72 The WIRTZ group of Companies provides global solutions to the world-wide battery manufacturing industry. With state-of-the-art equipment designed and developed by; WIRTZ (gravity-cast, continuously-cast and rolled, punched grid and plate production); OXMASTER (ball-mill and barton oxide production systems, and paste mixing equipment); LEKO (semiautomatic and high speed fully-automatic battery assembly lines); CONBRO (battery filling and formation plants); and BATTERYRECYCLING (turnkey battery breaking lead and plastic recycling systems, including paste desulphurisation).


At the 14ELBC, WIRTZ will demonstrate their commitment to automatically control, and continuously improve critical process variables, in order to ensure that their resulting battery products are of the highest QUALITY, DURABILITY and PERFORMANCE. Contact details: WIRTZ Manufacturing Company Inc.. 1105 Twenty-Fourth Street Port Huron Michigan 48061-5006 USA Tel: +1 810 987 7600 Email; sales@wirtzusa.com

Since 1977, KUSTAN has stood for expertise in plastics, and we are active worldwide in the field of plant engineering. With qualified interdisciplinary teams at our sites in Gelsenkirchen and Rudolstadt, we offer you the entire spectrum of activities from planning to manufacturing and assembly. Our company’s core competencies involve developing and building, manufacturing and assembling thermoplastic systems, containers, pipelines, devices, plant components and special constructions in the areas of water, chemistry, air and technology, as well as maintenance and service. We are certified and recognized as a specialized company as per the Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (German Water Act, WHG). As a manufacturer of thermoplastic flat-bottom tanks and collection vessels with a volume of up to 50 m³, we hold general type approval from the Deutsche Institut für Bautechnik, Berlin. We are certified as per ISO 9001:2008. Our customers are plant operators in various industries, for instance the battery industry, chemical surface treatment, acid dilution plants, tank farms and plants for manufacturing chemicals, flue-gas cleaning systems, flue-gas scrubbers and aerosol separators. KUSTAN offers high quality standards and innovative solutions for every project phase. Contact details: Phone: +49 209 940770 Web: www.kustan.de Mail: geku@kustan.de

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 35


The Accumalux Group performs plastic injection moulding of automotive (SLI/AGM) and industrial (stand-by and motive power) battery containers, lids and accessories. Its area of expertise covers the development and production of battery sets using a variety of plastic materials and thanks to largely automated production, combined with skilled human and logistic resources, Accumalux is in position to guarantee quality, reliability and flexibility. Taking advantage of its highly automated production facilities, Accumalux is able to make world class products with great levels of service. With its production facilities in Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Australia, the Accumalux Group supplies its products to the major battery manufacturers throughout the world. Contact details: Web: www.accumalux.com Email: sales@accumalux.com Phone: +352 367 062

Hammond Group Stand 41

Hammond Expanders is the world’s leading developer and producer of pre-blended expanders for SLI/engine starting, valve regulated, motive power, standby power, hybrid/electric vehicle and solar/wind power applications. With locations in the USA, UK and Malaysia, Hammond Expanders has the ability to supply your battery company no matter where you may be located. Our expanders are custom packaged to provide you with the easiest introduction to your paste mix per a one bag per batch ratio. They are the most technically innovative and reliable available on the market; with decades of expander formulation and experience under our belt, rest assured that you are getting the highest quality product available.Also we are introducing the new K2 range for today’s Partial State of Charge Applications. Contact details Steve Barnes Email: stevebarnes@hammondexpanders.co.uk Phone+44 191 482 7592


Are your customers in the dark about the excellent range of products and services your company provides? Go to www.batteriesinternational.com click on subscriptions for your free trial

AMETEK Fluoropolymer Products

bfs - batterie füllungs systeme gmbh

Stand 38

Stand 10

batterie füllungs systeme ing. klaus oschmann www.bfsgmbh.de

AMETEK Fluoropolymer Products manufactures high purity and corrosion-resistant Fluoropolymer Heat Exchangers and Fluoropolymer Tubing and Piping for lead-acid battery, chemical processing, metalworking, semiconductor, aerospace, and other industries. Our heat exchangers feature braided tubing and thermally fused ends resulting in superior heat transfer within a smaller footprint. AMETEK’s proprietary honeycomb tube sheet ensures endurance without leaks or thermo-mechanical failures common with other heat exchangers. The fluoropolymer resins used are chemically inert to corrosion, ensuring longevity unachievable with exotic metal heat exchangers. AMETEK tubing and piping are made from high- and ultra-high purity fluoropolymer resins to meet specific applications and JIT delivery requirements. AMETEK tubing meets operating temperatures and pressures up to 70 psi. Newly introduced products made from DuPont ECA3000 resins are expected to increase pressure/temperature tolerance as much as 30%. AMETEK Fluoropolymer Products is a business unit of AMETEK, Inc., a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices with annual sales of $3.6 billion.

36 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

Since 1980 the company bfs has been exclusively producing single point watering systems for industrial batteries. The basic element of the system is the bfs plug whose most important operational and flexibility characteristics are protected by key patents. The reliable, well tested mechanism inside the plug allows the battery to be filled with water at pressures ranging from 0,2 to 3,8 bars (3-53psi). Only bfs offers such a unique performance and a variety of specialty plugs to meet specific needs of the battery industry. More than 30 years of research and development have shaped the technology of this system. The production of over 88 million plugs has made the company the global market leader in this field. Contact details: www.bfsgmbh.de info@bfsgmbh.de tel. ++49 8131 36400


14 ELBC FLOORPLAN Batteries International Stand 81

Batteries International has been serving the energy storage and battery industry for over 20 years and has come to be regarded as the definitive source of unbiased news reporting, taking an authoritative stance on all aspects of the business. Batteries International’s editorial team has a reputation for fairness, integrity and impartiality — it’s in the business of trying to serve the $30 billion energy storage industry rather than simply work it for its own good. The batteries business is in a state of flux. All the previous certainties are being challenged. Geographically, manufacturing has moved away from its traditional base in North America and Europe. The work horse of the industry — the lead acid battery — is increasingly being threatened by rapidly developing chemistries funded by governments trying to find out where they can domestic industries a new competitive edge. In this environment there are business opportunities — as well as dangers — galore. Keeping abreast of this rapidly changing world is a must, which makes Batteries International’s fair-minded reporting compulsory reading for the energy storage executive. Batteries International is provided by independent publisher Mustard Seed Publishing. Contact details: 10 Temple Bar Business Park, Strettington, West Sussex, PO18 0TU United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 7792 852 337 Web: www.batteriesinternational.com Email: publisher@batteriesinternational.com

batterie füllungs systeme ing. klaus oschmann www.bfsgmbh.de


Ba eries International Issue 85

Fall 2012

September 10 to 13, 2013

John Petersen: the man behind the blog

Chloride Technical and Trading

modernise and expand production. With well over 40 years’ experience in the industry, Chloride Technical and Trading has developed close links with the world’s leading specialist machinery manufacturers. The company brings together the most appropriate plant and machinery for a particular project and ensures the total integration of new and existing equipment to optimise performance and productivity. Chloride Technical and Trading also supplies plant and equipment for the safe and efficient recycling of scrap batteries and for the smelting of recovered lead. From design, supply and installation to commissioning, training and technical support Chloride Technical and Trading offers a complete yet totally flexible solution.

The secrets behind great lead paste mixing Joining the dots: Jerry Cole, LA smogs, ALABC

Full 13th ELBC L Paris conference review

Battery sales in the heavens: aviation too






Techno-wizardry, new battery alchemies await

Inside track view on main themes of the event


Life outside the meetings: INSI SEE Singapore's other side NT: U CO DIS ON IPTI CR BS SU IAL EC SP

Bringing the industry stry together



September 25-28, 2012

Winter 2012/2013

13 ELBC, Paris


Nickel bucks the trend

Lead acid: the long fight back

New ways of using an old chemistry Ovshinsky recalled: father of NiMH and much more

Petersen: Green electrons and the renewable pipedream

Conference in print: new frontiers of testing open up

Losers all? Failures in Li-ion engineering, not the chemistry Conference blow-outs: The great and the good meet in Nice, Novi

Bringing the industry try together

Chloride Technical and Trading offers a comprehensive range of services to the lead-acid battery industry. The company works with battery manufacturers worldwide to improve profitability and performance by supplying the latest machinery and manufacturing technology. In addition to building and equipping new factories, it also helps manufacturers to

Full conference listing of exhibitors, booths

What the A123 Systems sell-off really means

www.batteriesinternational.com national.com

Isidor Buchmann: the man behind the success story


Lead acid poised for next Asian challenge

Bringing the industry try together

Issue 86

15th ABC, Singapore

Ready for the charge

America's great lithium adventure Has the price tag been worth it?

www.batteriesinternational.com national.com


JJohn h P Petersen: t th the man behind the blog





The inexorable rise and rise of the hybrids Local heroes: our guide to ELBC highlights

Detchko Pavlov: carbon additives power on Portable genius: the hot of the hottest exhibitors

19! GE

E PA Follow our session by T: SE session analysis UN CO

Bringing the industry stry together www.batteriesinternational.com rnational.com




Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 37


Digatron Power Electronics


Battery Technology Source Co., Ltd

29/30 31

3, 4, 5 TBS Engineering 6


LHAM Accurate Mold Company Ltd



LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen


Eco-Bat Technologies


AlfaKutu Ve Plastik San. Tic Ltd.


bfs - batterie füllungs systeme gmbh

11, 12 Abertax Technologies 13

Wood Mackenzie

14 15

MTH Metalltechnik Halsbrucke GmbH & Co KG






Intercontinental Media








Shenyang JUGU Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd




Accumalux Group


Associated Battery Products Pvt Ltd


Biasin Srl


Accuma S.p.A.


Borregaard LignoTech

La Pneumatica Srl / Ferrazza / Degani Aldo


Water Gremlin

Jiangsu Jinfan Power Technology Co., Ltd


Owens Corning


Bernard Dumas SAS


Leader Tech United


Wuhan Hilans Automation Machine Co Ltd


Chem Resist


Källström Engineering AB


BI Magazine



Officina Meccanica Romanese srl

Shandong Jinkeli Power Sources Technology Co., Ltd


Farmer Mold & Machine Works Inc


UK PowerTech Ltd






CMWTEC Technologie GmbH




Sovema Group






Frötek Kunststofftechnik GmbH







Inbatec GmbH

Co-efficient Precision Engineering Inc




CBE Srl & Ecowair


HADI-Group – HADI Maschinenbau GmbH – HADI Offermann


Imerys Graphite & Carbon



Wirtz Manufacturing Co.

ITS –International Thermal Systems Battery Manufacturing Equipment Division


Goonvean Fibres Ltd


Accurate Products

Arexim Engineering (BATTBOX) Ateliers Roche


Continuus Properzi




Jiangsu CEMT Energy Equipment Co., Ltd


Ametek Fluoropolymer Products




Hammond Group Inc


Hollingsworth & Vose


Glatfelter Composite Fibers Business Unit




Alpha Beta Fiberglass Product Co., Ltd


M.A. Industries Porous Plastics Division


101/102 EBC Korea


Batek Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.






Entek International




Dross Engineering




Jiangsu Sanhuan Industry and Commerce Co., Ltd


Raman FibreScience Private Limited


KraftPowercon India Pvt. Ltd



Pütz Prozessautomatisierung GmbH




Quanzhou Yucry Traffic Appliance Co., Ltd




Mac Engineering


Oak Press


Sinoma Membrane Material Company

Sorfin Yoshimura Ltd/Mac Engineering/Oak Press Solutions Inc



Zibo Xinxu Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd


Penox Engineering


ICS Srl (SE.R.I. Group)

KEY — BY COMPANY NAME Abertax Technologies

11, 12

CMWTEC Technologie GmbH

Accuma S.p.A.


Co-efficient Precision Engineering Inc

Accumalux Group


Accurate Products




AlfaKutu Ve Plastik San. Tic Ltd


92 96

Continuus Properzi






Digatron Power Electronics


ITS –International Thermal Systems Battery Manufacturing Equipment Division


Jiangsu Jinfan Power Technology Co., Ltd


Jiangsu Sanhuan Industry and Commerce Co., Ltd


Källström Engineering AB


KraftPowercon India Pvt. Ltd

52 91


Dross Engineering



EBC Korea

Ametek Fluoropolymer Products


Eco-Bat Technologies

Arexim Engineering (BATTBOX)





Associated Battery Products Pvt Ltd




Ateliers Roche


Entek International


La Pneumatica Srl / Ferrazza / Degani Aldo



Farmer Mold & Machine Works Inc


Frötek Kunststofftechnik GmbH


Batek Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. Battery Technology Source Co., Ltd

48 2

101/102 8

Glatfelter Composite Fibers Business Unit

44 73

LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen Leader Tech United LHAM Accurate Mold Company Ltd M.A. Industries Porous Plastics Division

Bernard Dumas SAS


Goonvean Fibres Ltd





HADI-Group – HADI Maschinenbau GmbH – HADI Offermann






Hammond Group Inc





Hollingsworth & Vose


MTH Metalltechnik Halsbrucke GmbH & Co KG

ICS Srl (SE.R.I. Group)


bfs - batterie füllungs systeme gmbh 10 BI Magazine


Biasin Srl






Borregaard LignoTech




CBE Srl & Ecowair


Chem Resist




Imerys Graphite & Carbon


Inbatec GmbH Intercontinental Media

38 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

69 18a


Jiangsu CEMT Energy Equipment Co., Ltd

Alpha Beta Fiberglass Product Co., Ltd


Penox Engineering

Mac Engineering

Oak Press Officina Meccanica Romanese srl

29/30 7 86 6 47 40/42 54 103 74 15 40/42 62



Owens Corning





Pütz Prozessautomatisierung GmbH




Quanzhou Yucry Traffic Appliance Co., Ltd 85 Raman FibreScience Private Limited


Shandong Jinkeli Power Sources Technology Co., Ltd


Shenyang JUGU Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd Shingania

21 18b

Sinoma Membrane Material Company 83 Sorfin Yoshimura Ltd Mac Engineering Oak Press Solutions Inc Sovema Group TBS Engineering UK PowerTech Ltd

40/42 93 3, 4, 5 90

Water Gremlin


Wirtz Manufacturing Co.


Wood Mackenzie


Wuhan Hilans Automation Machine Co Ltd




Zibo Xinxu Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd



Did you know how many individual components the plug of bfs battery filling systems comprises?

35 years of research and development for the battery industry! Competence in production and marketing is the fundament of the company‘s worldwide success Precision engineered quality of each part is the requirement for a perfect functionality and reliability of the bfs battery watering systems

batterie füllungs systeme gmbh mitterweg 9-11 · d-85232 bergkirchen Germany tel +49 8131 36400 email info@bfsgmbh.de www.batteryfillingsystems.com

LEAD FOR LOW EMISSION VEHICLES One major conference theme will be the use of lead batteries in low emission vehicles. As the world comes to grips with reducing CO2 levels, smaller more efficient cars part-powered by renewable energy will become the new norm.

Carbon dioxide, the great fuel saver: why low emission vehicles make ever better automotive sense One of the most anticipated sessions at the 14th European Lead Battery Conference will cover the use of lead batteries in low emission vehicles. Some 17 sessions and papers will take place covering this topic many with multiple authors and speakers. This is a big subject for the industry given the extent to which low emis-

sion vehicles will grow as they are increasingly accepted across the globe. The most widely used batteries for the low emission vehicle market are lead-acid batteries, but other chemistries including nickel-cadmium batteries (NiCad), metal hydride batteries (NiMH), and lithium ion batteries are also making progress in becoming

40 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

better accepted in this sector. The low emission market was valued at $21.1 billion in 2011 and is expected to grow from $27.5 billion in 2012 to $103.13 billion by 2017. Some 826,000 low emission vehicles were shipped globally in 2011 and the number is expected to reach 3,532,000 by 2017. www.batteriesinternational.com


THE field-proven technology.

PGP punching systems from OAK Press Solutions are in battery plants right now producing very consistent, high-quality grids for a variety of applications. OAK’s technology is based on more than 50 years of experience designing and building punching systems and precision punching dies. Now you can join the growing list of companies who have selected OAK for their needs: • 16 battery grid punching systems • 35 battery grid punching dies Choose OAK’s experience, quality and support network. It’s THE proven technology you can trust wherever you make batteries.

USA / AMERICAS • Sorfin Yoshimura, Ltd. • email: sfink@sorfin.com ASIA • Sorfin Yoshimura Tokyo, Ltd. • email: tokyo@sorfin-yoshimura.jp CHINA • Sorfin Yoshimura Qingdao, Ltd. • email: qingdao@sorfin-yoshimura.cn EUROPE • Sorfin Yoshimura Europe • email: paris@sorfin-yoshimura.fr BRAZIL • Sorfin Yoshimura Sao Paulo • email: saopaulo@sorfin.com.br

Oak Press Solutions Inc. 504 Wade Street • Sturgis, MI 49091 • U.S.A. email: sales@oakpresses.com www.oak-battery.com



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LEAD FOR LOW EMISSION VEHICLES LEAD CARBON: A NOVEL APPROACH TO FUEL SAVING One presentation to look out for is by Michael Romeo and Jack Shindle, two senior executives from Axion Power International who will discuss frequency regulation and hybrid class 8 trucks and specifically how the company’s PbC technology has made these applications viable in the marketplace. The presentation is called ePower Series Hybrid Drive-Train Transport Vehicle — A Novel Architecture for Reduced Fuel Consumption Utilizing Axion Power PbC Hybrid Battery Technology. Michael Romeo is research and development manager at Axion Power International. He has been with Axion Power for five years and has been directly involved in the development, manufacture, and testing of Axion’s lead-carbon battery. Romeo has also been involved in research funded by both the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium (ALABC) and the US Department of Energy. Jack Shindle is the vice president of engineering at Axion Power International responsible for project management of all engineering functions at the firm. Shindle has 18 years of experience working on materials, process and product development for semiconductor components, fuel cells, hydrogen generation and lead acid batteries. He has spent the last 10 years working in, or with, small start-up companies in the energy field. Romeo describes Axion Power’s PbC battery as cutting edge technology with the potential to change the way the world views energy storage. The firm has come a long way from its presentation (and public acknowledgement by BMW in its interest in its technology) at the Istanbul ELBC but has yet to achieve the adoption it had hoped for. “Our high charge acceptance PbC battery is built upon the tried and true lead-acid battery platform, so it is safe and recyclable, but it provides significant improvements with regard to longevity and charge acceptance,” says Romeo. Romeo says in recent years renewable energy generation systems have gained traction in the global market as energy generation costs continue to rise while demand for clean energy solutions has increased. However, the match between the intermittency of renewable power and


the requirements of a stable grid have proved challenging. “This technology, when coupled with Axion’s purpose built electronics systems, allows for solar energy storage and load shifting while providing opportunity for the user to participate in behind-the-meter frequency regulation,” he says. “The frequency regulation model Axion is demonstrating shows significant revenue generation that offsets the cost of the storage system. The product, designed around the PbC batteries’ high charge acceptance and series string voltage stability, holds significant appeal to private consumers and business owners that have been affected by electrical grid instability. “

Romeo describes Axion Power’s PbC battery as cutting edge technology with the potential to change the way the world views energy storage. Romeo reckons that a major positive for the battery market has been the introduction of strict emissions regulations on passenger and freighttransport vehicles in the EU and North America — legislation that has driven the development of hybridized vehicle architectures. The largest user of diesel fuel in the freight-transportation industry is the Class 8 tractor trailer group, which consumes more than 28 billion gallons of diesel a year and produces more than 310 megatonnes of CO2 emissions. “These gas guzzlers were a natural market for ePower Engine Systems to focus on as they advance their series hybrid drive-train technology,” he says. “The drive train is engine dominant —meaning the engine and generator power the truck’s drive motor. The goal is to run the diesel engine at constant speed and so obtain fuel savings, while using a large battery array (56 batteries) to provide boost when the truck needs additional power.

The heavy duty trucking industry has struggled to improve fuel consumption which, according to the EPA’s SmartWay Program statistics, has languished below 6 mpg for years. ePower has been attempting to demonstrate that existing architectures have been designed for acceleration and grade climbing have been overbuilt for hauling loads on reasonably flat terrain (where the majority of their use occurs). ePower has reduced the size of engines, motors, and motor generators; added a vector drive; and installed 56 batteries for boost to the system. “They experimented with various battery chemistries but realized that the best fit for their new vehicle architecture, from a cost and functionality standpoint, was the Axion Power PbC battery,” he says. “Field testing the ePower system utilizing PbC batteries has produced an approximate 35% fuel economy improvement and a comparable reduction in greenhouse emissions.” This has been made economically viable by the PbC’s ability to charge and discharge rapidly while in a partial state-of-charge, along with its ability to self-equalize voltage while connected in series strings. “With these novel characteristics, the PbC batteries are capable of providing power assist during acceleration, while recouping energy during coasting events — ultimately allowing for Class 8 engine size to be decreased from the standard 12.0-16.0L displacement to 4.0-6.0L without sacrificing vehicle performance and showing a full system investment payback potential of less than 30 months, he says. “The system includes a 480V AC three-phase generator that is powered by a small displacement diesel engine. The 480VAC is supplied to a variable frequency drive, which rectifies the AC to DC. The DC power is then inverted back to variable frequency AC, which is used to turn the motor that is connected to the drive train. “The PbC batteries are connected to the DC bus in the VFD and power is allowed to flow in an out of the batteries as required by driving conditions. “The tremendous charge acceptance of the PbC battery, along with its inherent string stability makes it perfectly suited for the application.”

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 43

LEAD FOR LOW EMISSION VEHICLES “Our high charge acceptance PbC battery is built upon the tried and true lead-acid battery platform, so it is safe and recyclable, but it provides significant improvements to longevity and charge acceptance” — Romeo, Axion Power

The drivers underpinning the rapid growth of this market include increases in the global price of petroleum-based fuel; new initiatives taken by different governments; the ever-increasing availability of different HEV models; and the continuous development in battery technology. Restraints on this sector’s growth include a lack of support and infrastructure; power, performance, and higher cost as compared to ICE-vehicle end-user segments. The charging infrastructure market and vehicle-togrid (V2G) technology are two future related opportunities for zero emission vehicle market. Philip Williams, a principal engineer

at Ricardo UK and the chief engineer of the ADEPT (ADvanced Electric Powertrain Technology) collaborative research project, says this topic will be one of the biggest themes of ELBC as a whole. “One of the huge benefits of attending will be to gain a better understanding of the different opportunities for lead batteries in low emission vehicles, and the work being undertaken to further develop the technology for these applications,” Williams says. Williams, who was previously chief engineer of the Ricardo contribution

to a novel semi-robotic aircraft towing tractor, covering vehicle dynamics simulation, control system specification, hydraulic system design, safetycritical software implementation, and on-vehicle test, will be presenting a paper on a specific project he is working on through the ADEPT project, which is supported by the UK’s Technology Strategy Board. He says that the project will apply a 48V mild hybridization to a diesel engine with the additional application of 48V ancillaries and advanced thermal systems and waste heat recovery technologies.

The presentation will describe how the ADEPT project is targeting a C-segment vehicle with very low CO2 emissions — 75g/km — using low cost technologies, including a lead-acid battery

MODELLING DYNAMIC CHARGE ACCEPTANCE A presentation made jointly by five researchers and executives will cover Modelling Dynamic Charge Acceptance of SLI Batteries for Micro-Hybrid Vehicles. The presenters are: Jan Kabzinski, Heide BuddeMeiwes, Ilka Jahn, Julia Kowal and Dirk Uwe Sauer, ISEA-RWTH Aachen University and the well respected Eckhard Karden, Ford R&D Europe, Germany Kabzinski, a PhD student at the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) at RWTH Aachen University, says the presentation will cover the findings of a simulation model designed to represent the dynamic charge acceptance of lead-acid batteries in automotive applications. He says the event will help delegates gain a better understanding of what represents a new modelling approach to simulate DCA and its simulation results in comparison with measurement results.


Eckhard Karden (left). Jan Kabzinski: The ISEA has already developed an impedance-based model that represents effects that cannot be covered by impedance spectroscopy

“ISEA has already developed an impedance-based model. To represent effects which cannot be covered by impedance spectroscopy, physical models were added, such as for gassing,” Kabzinski says.

“Now the part of the model covering DCA is completely renewed, the approach is based on crystal radii distributions and covers main influences on DCA such as short-term history, rest times, temperature and state of charge.”

Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 45

LEAD FOR LOW EMISSION VEHICLES “Our 48V demonstrator will assist global carmakers in their technical due diligence, engineering validation and industrialization of 48V-based micro-mild hybrid vehicles that motorists can afford to buy” — Pascoe, Controlled Power Technologies

“A Ford Focus demonstrator vehicle will be targeted at 75g/km CO2 as measured on the European Drive Cycle, with studies to demonstrate how to reduce CO2 to less than 70g/km, while maintaining a CO2/cost superior to an equivalent full hybrid electric vehicle,” he says. The project, which includes a consortium comprising Ricardo, Ford Motor Company, CPT, Faurecia, the University of Nottingham and the European Advanced Lead-Acid Battery Consortium, has involved a substan-

tial level of innovation. Some of the technological innovations that have been necessary include the development of a low cost switch e-machine based on 48V Belt Starter Generator (BSG) technology; the development of new high efficiency 48V electric engine ancillaries; the fundamental system optimization of the BSG-to-engine enabled with e-ancillaries for best performance/cost; the development of low cost high capacity 48V advanced lead acid battery energy storage; 48V enabled advanced thermal system technology including eturbine and novel oil heating; 48V electric oil pump used to enable base engine efficiency improvements with a novel low loss oil system; and 48V

46 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

BSG engine load control strategies and calibration toolset development for optimized emission feed gas and exhaust gas temperature control. The presentation will describe how the ADEPT project is targeting a Csegment vehicle with very low CO2 emissions — 75g/km — using low cost technologies, including a leadacid battery. “This represents a significant reduction in CO2 over current best-in-class performance, while avoiding the high cost associated with full-hybrid systems. The system has the potential to be widely adopted by OEMs as a pragmatic solution to affordably reduce CO2 emissions while maintaining vehicle performance,” Williams says.



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While North America has often led the way when it comes to electric and hybrid vehicles, many believe Europe is well positioned to catch up due to the fact that it is already well equipped in terms of charging infrastructure. However, China has the potential to shift to low emission propulsion technology faster than its counterparts due to its ability to heavily invest in its development. There are papers that reflect this theme with some presenters discussing the present and future role that China may play in this market. Shawn Peng, the vice president of Leoch International Technology, who is responsible for new product development and external technical exchange, will present a paper specifically examining the present status of lead-acid batteries for stopstart applications in China. Peng, who graduated from China’s Nan-Kai University and has a masters in natural science from Louisiana State University, joined Leoch Group in 2006 as an engineer and was promoted to his current position in 2010. He is now the member of IEC/TC21/ WG2- Stop-Start battery committee, a member of the SAE Stop-Start Battery Committee, and vice chair of the China Lead-Acid Battery Standardization Commission (StopStart Battery committee). He says that within seven years, driven by the Chinese government, the country will be the biggest market for stop-start and micro hybrid EV applications. He believes

that absorbent glass matt (AGM) and enhanced flooded batteries (EFB) ,used for these applications will be produced at a rapidly growing rate in order to support OE car makers to match the Chinese government’s future goal of reducing CO2 emissions and fuel consumption. “International players and Chinese domestic players will end up in competition in the next three years trying to win this market with the latest battery technologies as well as the most advanced equipment to ensure more efficient production in a more energy saving manner,” Peng says. “This is an important topic for everyone who pays attention for global business.” Stop-start automotive applications have become increasingly widespread lately but their initial development dates back to Toyota’s experiments with a Crown Sedan in the 1970. The Volkswagen group led the way in the 1980s and 1990s, though they made little commercial impact at that time. Since 2000 SLI lead-acid batteries (AGM and EFB) have become more widely used across Europe in these attempts to improve fuel efficiency and meet environmental standards set out by the EU’s latest regulations. Peng says that, since mid-2011, the same dynamic has started emerging in China — but at a much faster rate. A new government regulation covering automobile gas emissions is widely expected to stimulate the stop-start market in the next three to five years but the momentum behind this might only peak in 2020.

48 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

The changes are driven in China by a desire to improve the environment smog occurs regularly in many big Chinese cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and has been acknowledged as causing shorter life spans and lung diseases. The government also wants to reduce gasoline consumption. China’s new national energy policy The automotive industry development plan of energy saving type and new energy powered vehicles, 2012-2020, published in 2012, also encourages the Chinese automotive industry — including companies with foreign investors, those structured as joint ventures and domestic companies — to gear up to develop and manufacture more types of hybrid electrical vehicles from the pure electric powered vehicles. Peng says there are many vagaries in the market. The micro-hybrid EV with STT function is preferred by OEM car makers and end consumers due to the cost advantage, the fact that it is relatively easier to develop, and concerns about the unclear future direction of EV technology in China. “In this paper, we will review the status of STT application in China for last few years and will forecast stop-start battery usage in this market from 2015 to 2020. The China AGM and EFB SLI lead acid batteries production capacity trend will be estimated and the specific requirements on AGM and EFB types will be discussed according to China’s unique application circumstance. Future battery technology will also be discussed,” he says.


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LEAD FOR LOW EMISSION VEHICLES “International players and Chinese domestic players will end up in competition in next three years trying to win this market with the latest battery technologies as well as most advanced equipment to ensure a highly efficient production in a more energy saving manner — Peng, Leoch International Technology

Picking up on a similar theme will be Carsten Kaup, the team leader of the Hybrid and Electric Powertrain Systems development group at AVL Schrick in Germany, whose paper is entitled: A 48V Diesel Hybrid with Lead-Acid Batteries is not a Contradiction: It is Reality. Kaup says he will present the status of a joint development research project between AVL, ALABC, Hyundai and Valeo which is related to a diesel powertrain utilizing 48V components. Many of the findings and innovations that have resulted from it could be applicable to other sectors. “48V is a hot topic in automotive powertrain development. Beside micro and mild hybrid functionalities I will talk about electric supercharging which is nowadays especially in focus,” Kaup says.

The LC SuperHybrid One of the more anticipated papers covering this theme will be an update on the LC SuperHybrid programme. The presentation, called The LC Super Hybrid Programme: Addressing Market Demands for an Affordable Hybrid System Solution will be given by Nick Pascoe and Paul Bloore from Controlled Power Technologies, an

independent, clean-tech company specializing in the development of CO2 reduction for the automotive industry. Nick Pascoe, chief executive of Controlled Power Technologies, is a graduate mechanical engineer with early experience in engine development at Ford Motor Company and later work in an automotive engineering consultancy in UK and Germany. In 2007, he led the management buy-in of Visteon’s advanced powertrain engineering activities, including a portfolio of CO2 reduction technology based on intelligent electrification of the internal combustion engine. Paul Bloore is functional safety manager and senior engineer at Powertrain Integration at CPT. He is A chartered mechanical engineer with extensive experience in the automotive industry — he joined CPT in 2008 performing a number of roles covering the portfolio of products under development, with a particular focus on development testing. “Our 48V demonstrator will assist global carmakers in their technical due diligence, engineering validation and industrialization of 48V-based micro-mild hybrid vehicles that motorists can afford to buy,” says Pascoe. “This is particularly as we’re now seeing rapidly maturing definitions of 48V architectures by leading international carmakers, supported by the global tier 1 supply base, and increasingly diverse powertrain and vehicle applications coming from the market.” The LC Super Hybrid programme was conceived by ALABC and CPT

The LC Super Hybrid programme was conceived by ALABC and CPT to show that significant CO2 reduction can be achieved through electric hybridization at low voltages (12V-48V) complemented by the breakthrough of high power density from advanced lead-carbon batteries. 50 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

to show that significant CO2 reduction can be achieved through electric hybridization at low voltages (12-48 volts) complemented by the breakthrough of high power density from advanced lead-carbon batteries. The 48V version of the LC Super Hybrid complements an existing 12V technology demonstrator. The more powerful 48V demonstrator offers greater functionality including torque assist to the petrol engine for launch and low speed transient acceleration. The vehicle also includes productionready electric boosting technology sold by CPT to the tier 1 supplier Valeo based in France.

Second phase results The ELBC presentation by Pascoe and Bloore will cover the initial results from the second phase of development of the 48V vehicle and explore the potential released by the 48V UltraBattery pack coupled with the increase in power and capability of the integrated starter generator. “In particular we’ll be talking about the practical considerations of the activation strategy, including drivability, state of charge management and obtaining improved fuel economy, which have been explored in more detail,” says Pascoe. “The presentation will cover simulation combined with some of the actual test data with the aim of delivering a highly efficient but also very dynamic and enjoyable vehicle package in a cost efficient manner.” The key point of interest is delivering the majority of the benefits of a full hybrid vehicle, but at a fraction of the cost. The new 48V standard — which has been put forward by the VDA, a German automotive body — provides a basis for technology consolidation and is being pursued by numerous vehicle OEMs. It removes at least one of the obstacles to hybridization, that of the requirement for all service staff to be high voltage qualified, but still enables higher power levels and efficiency than that of a conventional 12V architecture. www.batteriesinternational.com

PROFILE: ALLAN COOPER In 2008 Allan Cooper was awarded the International Lead Medal for his exceptional contributions to the lead industry in the fields of metallurgy, production, and battery development, particularly in electric and hybrid electric vehicles. The story isn’t over yet. Battery historian Kevin Desmond reports.

Taking the long view Little did Allan Cooper know as he flew long haul to South Africa aged 22 that half a century later a succession of long — and very long — flights would be part of his protracted working life. Or that the career he was about to embark on, was just a preparation for a yet more important second career. The year was 1961. Allan, who had just graduated at Peterhouse College at Cambridge University with tripos in Natural Sciences and Metallurgy was off to play hockey — he was a University Blue — for a joint Oxbridge team. “After the sporting tour I returned to England with a bump,” says Cooper. “I then had to finish the final year of my so-called ‘sandwich course’ www.batteriesinternational.com

with Richard Thomas and Baldwins (RTB), a major steel producer.” In the UK one fast entry into management is to work for a company for one year, take one’s degree, and then do a final year of work, hence the term sandwich course. Cooper went quite literally from the veldts of the Cape to the thenindustrial heartland of England, first

to Scunthorpe before moving on to the Midlands and then back to South Wales. He was then posted to the RTB Ebbw Vale plant as a tinplate metallurgist. After two years realising that little had changed in his work Cooper decided it was time to move on. Cooper joined Associated Lead Manufacturers in November 1964 (part of the then Lead Industries

“I was hired by a certain Douglas Laidler – the research director — as his personal assistant. His politics were way to the right of Genghis Khan and one of his claims to fame was that he had turned Margaret Thatcher down for a job” Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 51


Left: Cooper was a Cambridge University Blue. Right: Early days after graduation working for steelmaking firm Richard Thomas and Baldwins

Group — later to become the Cookson Group). “I was hired by a Douglas Laidler – the research director — as his personal assistant. His politics were way to the right of Genghis Khan and one of his claims to fame was that he had turned Margaret Thatcher down for a job,” Cooper says. “On joining the company he greeted me by saying ‘Welcome to the lead industry – pipe is finished — sheet lead is nearly gone and lead-acid batteries will probably be replaced by another chemistry’. Well he got the first one right!” After a brief time in London he moved to ALM’s factory in Chester. This was a secondary smelter but also produced various products from lead including sheet, die-castings and shot. Cooper spent the majority of his time there in the smelting and refining department where his steelmaking experience came in useful as he was able to introduce oxygen enrichment to speed up the smelting process. He returned to London as personal assistant to the technical director just before the World Cup football final in 1966 when for the first (and only) time England was the winner. He recalls that his first priority in his move was to find a shop that could install his first colour TV in time for the final — the day after moving in! “At that time there appeared to be little in the way of ‘customer service’ – it was more a question of the phone

being answered to find someone asking for some battery alloy and being asked ‘How much antimony do you want in it? You can have between 3%-11%.’ Or ‘Oh you want some lead oxide — how much and what colour — you can have red, yellow or grey’.

Dispersion strengthened lead … and beyond “After a spike in the antimony price, there was a move to reduce the antimony content in battery alloys — or remove it altogether — as this would have the effect of lowering water loss. I was asked to oversee some joint development work with St Joe Lead (now Doe Run) on dispersion strengthened lead (DSL) which showed promise for a while. “This was in the heady days of the lead industry when the then ILZRO director, Schrade Radke, had initiated the construction of a Lamborghini car with as much lead and zinc on it as possible — Mike Rose, then R&D manager of St Joe, politely declined

to have the brake pipes extruded in DSL! “This work was rapidly superseded as around that time St Joe had hired a certain David Prengaman to work on lead calcium alloys and after our first meeting we’ve remained friends ever since. Work was also going on in developing low antimony alloys and ALM initiated a programme with TBS Engineering by which we would produce the alloy and they would cast it under different conditions so we could mutually assist customers in using these new alloys for the ‘low maintenance’ battery.” It was in early 1970s that love blossomed. Allan met his wife to be Irene while they were both working with Associated Lead, Irene was a sales executive in its export company Almeco. One thing led to another and they married in October 1975. Within a few years they had two daughters — Sophie and Debbie. Recently the two have become grandparents with the arrival of twins, Harvey and Lila. Cooper later had a spell managing

A major problem in demonstrating batteries by retrofitting into currently available vehicles is that these have been about three years in development and probably we take another two years to fit and test the batteries so we are about five years adrift in terms of vehicle development.

52 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014




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PROFILE: ALLAN COOPER the lead smelter at Millwall in London. After this he moved north to Newcastle as R&D Director when ALM relocated its head office there in 1980. “It was ironic,” says Cooper. “As a child, my father had pointed out the lead works to me from the Redheugh Bridge and now I had an office in that very building.” During his time there, Cooper was involved in many projects such as automated battery breaking, polypropylene recovery and a lead/calcium battery strip production line. He then moved into the parent

group working on technical business development and helped set up a joint venture battery separator plant with the US’s Entek Corporation. This plant is still in operation but now back under the control of Entek. The Cookson business had been very active in the takeover market — especially in the US and after the slump in 1987 — did not adequately retrench so he happily took an early retirement package after some 26 years with the company. It was June 1991. Cooper little realized that the end of one career was but the signal for another to start —

This prompted another Insight trial with a retrofitted 144V UltraBattery pack which successfully covered 100,000 miles on the UK’s Millbrook Proving Ground test track with the only noteworthy incident being when the car hit a pheasant at speed on the high speed circuit. That said the batteries behaved impeccably.

Celebrating the 100,000 miles with Mike Kellaway (Provector) (left) and to right Mark Stevenson (Pasminco) and Pat Moseley (ALABC). 54 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014

and one that arguably has been influential in shaping the direction of the entire lead acid battery industry as well as, potentially — and he would probably blush here — changing the way the world drives.

Maternity leave The call to arms came in the form of an unlikely request for assistance from what was then known as the Lead Development Association. “Could I help them out on a temporary six month consultancy contract as one of the technical staff was off on six months’ maternity leave?” says Cooper. “I started in September — without a contract — and stayed (the lady never came back having become pregnant again). Thus my six month temporary assignment has become 23 years, and guess what I still don’t have a contract!” Over the years the LDA has changed from market development to look after lead’s interests on the environmental front. Cooper’s role is now less technical and he is more associated with the successful series of European Lead Battery Conferences — helping on the programme committee and organizing the exhibition. “We first tried the exhibition in Geneva in 1994 and had 14 table top displays,” he says. “This has since progressed to record attendances approaching 800 attendees and over 100 exhibitor booths.” In 1992, shortly after the Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium (ALABC) was set up by the International Lead Zinc Research Organisation (ILZRO) in the US, Cooper was asked to look at ways of setting up a sister organisation in Europe with a sufficient legal entity to enable the ALABC to apply for research funding from Europe. This resulted in the creation of the European Advanced Lead Battery Consortium EEIG in November 1993. This consisted of many of Europe’s lead smelting firms, the major battery producers and other suppliers to the industry. The then chairman of the LDA, Alan Pugh, asked Cooper to put together a research project on electric vehicle batteries for funding from the European Commission’s Brite-Euram industrial and materials technologies programme. Cooper won the project and was chosen as its co-ordinator, So began a long and fruitful association with the ALABC. This was scheduled to be a four year programme involving 13 organiwww.batteriesinternational.com


The industry is going to have to start classifying things differently. Cars may no longer be categorized in terms of litres but instead by torque or horsepower. Ultimately, the consumer will get more out of smaller vehicles zations and costing a total of Ecu3.8 million (₏3.8 million). This was later followed by a further 44 month EU project also on EV batteries costing ₏3.66 million and with 12 partner organizations. By the late 1990s interest in electric vehicles — especially with lead-acid batteries — was beginning to wane and the ALABC started to look at batteries for hybrid electric vehicles where power density is more important than energy density. Although excellent progress had been made in the laboratory in the work to overcome the problem of sulfation of the negative plate when lead acid batteries are subjected to high rate partial state-of-charge cycling — and huge strides had been made in other fields of battery development —

Cooper found it difficult to persuade car manufacturers that lead acid was up to the job.

Novel battery designs It was therefore decided to demonstrate the batteries in a vehicle and an application was made under the UK Foresight Vehicle Programme for funding to retrofit a Honda Insight with battery made up with a novel design of 2V spiral-wound cells modified to have current offtakes top and bottom. A major problem was encountered in tapping into the Honda electronics to essentially fool the system that it was still talking to a nickel metal hydride battery. This proved a very difficult problem to solve and, together with some battery problems, resulted in ma-

jor delays to the project. After one particularly unsuccessful demonstration where the electronics were constantly tripping out, the project was nearly cancelled but Cooper, knowing a solution could be found, pleaded for a little more time. Provector, a long term collaborator with the ALABC, finally solved the problems and the project was ultimately successful in that the car covered 50,000 miles before being retired. The concept was sound but it still needed the right battery to take it further. At this point, enter the UltraBattery. The battery coming from a CSIRO project in Australia was the invention of Lan Lam which combines ultracapacitor technology with lead-acid battery technology in a single cell with a common electrolyte. In one test an UltraBattery outperformed a nickel metal hydride battery on a hybrid test cycle. This prompted another Insight trial with a retro-fitted 144V UltraBattery pack which successfully covered 100,000 miles on the UK’s Millbrook Proving Ground test track with the


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Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014 • 55

PROFILE: ALLAN COOPER only noteworthy incident being when the car hit a pheasant at speed on the high speed circuit. That said the batteries behaved impeccably. Work by Effpower in Sweden on a bipolar design of lead-acid battery was producing some excellent results in the laboratory. “We had been keeping Honda informed about the work we had been doing on the Insight vehicles and they decided to take a more active interest in the work,” says Cooper. “We bought a Honda Civic in 2007 to road test the battery at Millbrook and Honda provided an identical vehicle to exactly duplicate the test running of the retro-fitted car to compare fuel consumption and performance. The battery was put into the car in two large blocks to simulate the split of voltage in the Honda car but this proved to be a mistake as the battery design proved unable to dissipate the heat generated and it dried the battery out. “So we made another attempt, this time with the battery split into four 44V modules. This proved to be better in terms of heat control but unfortunately one of the modules developed a short circuit due to a crack in one of the ceramic bipolar plates. Effpower put this down to a manufacturing defect but it is possible that the design could have been prone to vibration in a vehicle situation. This failure ultimately proved to be a terminal blow for Effpower. “A major problem in demonstrating batteries by retro-fitting into currently available vehicles is that these have been about three years in development and probably we take another two years to fit and test the batteries so we are about five years adrift in terms of vehicle development. A major breakthrough came in 2010 where we met Controlled Power Technologies at the major JSAE Exhibition in Yokohama, Japan. They were exhibiting various CO2 reduction technologies while we had the 100,000 mile Insight on display before donating it to Furukawa who had built the batteries.

Working tothe future “Their common interest in low cost CO2 reduction was to result in future talks between the organizations. This has resulted in us cooperating with them to build two vehicles to demonstrate how the use of a down-sized engine in a vehicle can be performance enhanced by the use of an electric supercharger in combination with a turbocharger to restore drivability.” www.batteriesinternational.com

CPT and EALABC received a Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership Carbon Champions Award in 2012 for their work on the so-called LC SuperHybrid. The electric supercharger is driven by regenerated energy from braking with an enhanced belt-driven starter generator stored in an advanced lead carbon battery. The first vehicle (a 1.4 litre VW Passat) was built with a 12V electrical system and delivered emission reductions of 20%-25% when compared with the 1.8 litre version with which the converted car has similar performance. The added cost is estimated to be somewhere between €750-€1,250 which is well below the add-on for full hybrids such as the Honda Civic or Toyota Prius or plug in hybrids which all have very expensive, high voltage battery packs. This has more recently been followed up with a 48V/12V dual voltage vehicle based on the same 1.4 litre version. This has a much more powerful starter generator (8kW as against 2kW-3kW) allowing provision of direct electrical assist on the engine as well as other functionality such as the option of putting big power users including aircon or water and oil pumps onto the regenerative circuit. “During the last three years, we have been actively demonstrating these vehicles to car manufacturers in Europe and the US with a lot of interest being shown,” says Cooper. “The EALABC is now working directly with Ford and Hyundai in two separate projects to ‘hybridise’ diesel powered vehicles with this system to drive CO2 emissions down below 80g/km. CPT and EALABC received a Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership Carbon

Champions Award in 2012 for their work on the so-called LC SuperHybrid. “As a consequence of this we have also been nominated as one of the UK entries for the European Business Awards for the Environment in 2014. Allan Cooper, now 76 years old, continues to plan ahead: “In the future we might see an increase in the production of smaller engine cars overall. What has been added is a combination of turbo and supercharger to remove the turbo lag and improve the drivability. The potential of direct electrical assist to the crankshaft adds a further dimension. The industry is going to have to start classifying things differently. Cars may no longer be categorized in terms of litres but instead by torque or horsepower. Ultimately, the consumer will get more out of smaller vehicles.” Cooper has no immediate plans for retirement. “Why should I?” he says. “There’s still so much to do!” However, since the arrival of twin grandchildren in November 2012, pressures for creating more spare time have increased but have also resulted in the move of the home office to the bottom of the garden. This he continues to enjoy along with the (too) occasional game of golf. Deep down however, there remains the desire to see one of these low cost, lead-carbon battery-based hybrids on the road. He also wonders what dizzy political heights he might have reached if Douglas Laidler had turned him down as well!

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For almost two decades there has been a growing awareness that the inclusion of carbon could be the most important factor in the development of a new generation of better lead acid batteries.

The influence of carbon on battery design

This potentially technical session will have six different speakers explaining six often very different ways in which the use of carbon in the industry either is or could potentially influence battery performance and design — often with very radical outcomes. Nick Desimone, director of product management at EnerG2, says his firm has made technological breakthroughs in this field. “In recent years, carbon additives have enabled significant performance improvements in lead acid batteries but there is considerable variation in the properties of carbon-based products and their interactions in the NAM [negative active material],” he says. He says EnerG2 has developed a www.batteriesinternational.com

technology enabling the production of ultra-high purity, novel carbons and a broad IP portfolio. “This capability allows the development of carbons optimized for specific applications and performance characteristics, both for present and next generation battery designs,” he says. Ernst Ferg and Bolo Lukanyo, both from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth South Africa, will jointly present a paper entitled Effect of Carbon Nanotube Additives on the Negative Active Mass Morphology of Lead-Acid Batteries at High Rate Partial State of Charge Cycling. Ferg is an associate professor at the university lecturing in the field of electrochemistry and physical

chemistry. Lukanyo is a second year masters student at the university researching lead-acid batteries. Ferg’s talk will focus on the integration of different energy storage systems to improve the life cycle capabilities of the lead acid battery. “We looked at subjecting lead acid cells with relatively small supercapacitors to show improvement in capacity cycle tests,” he says. He says delegates interested in combining energy storage devices in various systems applications will find the presentation of interest.

Morphological change Lukanyo’s part of the presentation will focus on the influence of carbon additives on the negative electrode

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“In recent years, carbon additives have enabled significant performance improvements in lead acid batteries but there is considerable variation in the properties of carbon-based products and their interactions in the NAM” — Desimone, EnerG2 of lead-acid batteries examining a comparison on the morphological changes occurring on different plates, and the improvement in the number of cycles. He says the talk will give delegates an overview on what type of research is being done over the world. Paul Everill, director of technology and lead acid batteries at Molecular Rebar Design, will present along with colleagues Nanjan Sugumaran, lead researcher at Molecular Rebar Design, Steven Swogger, the chief fi-

nancial officer of Molecular Rebar Design, and Diwakar Dubey, general manager of Pacific Batteries, based in the Fiji Islands. Their paper, called Molecular Rebar: Discrete Carbon Nanotubes as a Game-Changing Advancement in Lead-Acid Battery Performance will present the findings of research concerning Molecular Rebar Design’s new carbon nanotube derivative, Molecular Rebar, and the associated products specially formulated for lead acid batteries, Molecular Rebar Lead Negative and Molecular Rebar Lead Positive. Everill earned his doctorate at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts, studying the surface chemistry of biological macromolecules with the goal of developing smarter, more targeted medicines. He eventually moved into the growing field of nanotechnology. At Molecular Rebar Design, he was instrumental in formulating the functionalized carbon nanotubes known as Molecular Rebar into a lead acid battery-compatible additive. He, along with Sugumaran, directs all research-based activities of Molecu-

WATER LOSS Miki Oljaca and Paolina Atanassova, both senior executives at the Cabot Corporation in the US, will present on carbon additives for advanced lead acid applications. Atanassova says that although it is clear that carbon additives have an effect in reducing negative plate sulfation — leading to improvements in cyclability and dynamic charge acceptance — both for valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) and flooded leadacid batteries: “At the same time, other properties such as high rate discharge and water loss can be negatively impacted by the addition of carbon especially at high loadings,” she says. “The presentation will discuss new model and test data on strategies to balance water loss and high rate

discharge characteristics for high carbon batteries while preserving the benefits of high dynamic charge acceptance and improved cycle life.” She says that understanding the fundamentals of higher water loss as a function of carbon loading and properties is critical for identifying solutions where the benefits of carbons on dynamic charge acceptance and cyclability are further increased without a negative impact on water loss. “There is no comprehensive model yet that explains all aspects of how carbon modifies the negative plate morphology and reduces negative plate sulfation, and as a carbon producer we are encouraging the discussion on the carbon properties and what optimization is needed for further advances,” she says.

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lar Rebar Design’s lead acid battery initiatives. Everill says the derivative has many advantages that will be explained including its ability to increase the charge acceptance of lead acid batteries by 200%, its ability to reduce energy losses of lead acid batteries by 15%, its ability to increase HRPSoC and SBA life cycle performance by 250%, and its ability to decrease battery gassing by a mechanism potentially involving hydrogen adsorption. “Although carbon nanotubes have been tested for years as lead acid battery additives, there have been no successful technological implementation because of the negative effects that increased carbon content has on paste rheology and on reserve capacity and cold cranking,” he says. “Only by using the right carbon nanotubes, those that are largely free from impurities and which exist as individualized entities instead of bundled, entwined masses, can the promise of nanotechnology be unlocked.” He believes that the first successful implementation of carbon nanotube technology and its benefits in fullscale battery production will be a big talking point at the conference. On behalf of several other researchers and academics, Manfred Gelbke, the head of R&D and technical customer support at Akkumulatorenfabrik MOLL, Germany, will present a paper entitled the Influence of the Interactions Between Carbon and Organic Expander on the Crystallization Behaviour of Lead in Lead-Acid Battery Electrodes. Gelbke has a doctorate in chemistry from Humboldt University of Berlin and joined the lead-acid battery industry in 1985. He has worked www.batteriesinternational.com


“Although carbon nanotubes have been tested for years as lead acid battery additives, there have been no successful technological implementation because of the negative effects that increased carbon content has on paste rheology and on reserve capacity and cold cranking” —Everill, Molecular Rebar Design as head of R&D and in several other positions at industrial battery producer BAE Berlin up to 1999. In 2000, he moved to Akkumulatorenfabrik MOLL as head of R&D and technical customer support. Since then he has been responsible for development of automotive batteries (Pb-Ca-flooded, AGM, EFB) and battery monitoring systems.

The rise and rise of microhybrids Gelbke says the majority of cars, produced worldwide in the next decades, will have combustion engines. Therefore, the increase of fuel economy of these vehicles is key to meeting the goals of CO2 roadmaps. He says that micro-hybrid func-

tions — start-stop and regen — are important and cost efficient tools to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emission and will be applied very quickly to most of the new car models. The status and trends at regional markets of the world are different and will be discussed in his talk. But he says that the micro-hybrid application is just one part of increasingly complex requirements for batteries in automotive use. “Recent battery development has to improve significantly across several performance parameters as cycling endurance, high power supply and charge acceptance as well as to combine divergent battery characteristics in one design,” Gelbke says. His paper gives a review of the

combination of several increased technical requirements for micro-hybrid batteries and shows the progress in battery development achieved over the past years resulting in improved battery types, AGM and EFB. Both technologies, already used today in micro-hybrid vehicles, will be discussed with respect to their strengths and weaknesses. The po-


This research describes the possible roles of graphene in charge and discharge reactions and notes that she [Kandy Yeung] is looking forward to seeing the other presentations in this session including those by Moseley, Everill from the Molecular Rebar Design, Furukawa from The Furukawa Battery and Valenciano from Exide Technologies. tential for further improvements will also be presented. “Due to the increase of technical requirements for micro-hybrid cars with even more efficient recuperation, work on the next generation of micro-hybrid lead-acid batteries is well underway,” he says. The implementation of the microhybrid function to most new cars has a significant impact on the technical requirements for batteries used in such an application. New automotive batteries have been needed with much better performance, for example, for extremely good cycling capability, very high cold cranking power and much better charge acceptance. “A couple of years ago, many battery experts thought that AGM technology would be the only option for such a combination of difficult requirements. Our paper shows clearly that flooded battery design can be improved in a way fulfilling all requirements of the automotive industry. “Thus, the new developed flooded micro-hybrid batteries give a significant contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions. And, there is room for improvements to even higher charge acceptance resulting in an even more efficient recuperation,” he says. Kandy Yeung, a former engineer for two start-up biomaterials companies

in Seattle, in the US state of Washington who is now studying for her doctorate at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, will present on the benefits of graphene as the negative additive in prolonging PSoC cycle life and sulfation suppression. She says this research describes the possible roles of graphene in charge and discharge reactions and notes that she is looking forward to seeing the other presentations in this session including those by Moseley, Everill from the Molecular Rebar Design, Furukawa from The Furukawa Battery and Valenciano from Exide Technologies. “I have read their publications and it will be a great opportunity to discuss and learn from these outstanding scholars and researchers,” she says. Jusuf Hassoun, assistant research scientist at the chemistry department of the University of Rome Sapienza, will give a report on a lead acid battery containing a carbon additive in a pouch-cell configuration characterized by higher energy density and a smaller size. Hassoun previously worked in an industrial company for three years before completing a PhD in Material Science in the field of advanced lithium ion batteries in 2009. For the last four years he has been visiting researcher at the Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea, and supervised the activity regarding the new generation energy storage systems, such as lithium sulfur and lithium air batteries.

Kandy Yeung: the benefits of graphene as the negative additive in prolonging PSoC cycle life and sulfation suppression

Jusuf Hassoun: carbon additives in a pouch-cell configuration characterized by higher energy density and a smaller size

He has also been co-author of more than 80 papers in international journals in the field of material science, electrochemistry and energy storage systems. He says delegates interested in the progress of energy storage systems will find this talk helpful. He also expects this to be a big theme at the event more generally.

“A couple of years ago, many battery experts thought that AGM technology would be the only option for such a combination of difficult requirements. Our paper shows clearly that flooded battery design can be improved in a way fulfilling all requirements of the automotive industry” — Gelbke, Akkumulatorenfabrik MOLL 62 • Batteries International • ELBC Show Guide • Summer 2014



The taste of

anticipation Ahead of the 14ELBC, delegates will be poring over the schedule, studying the presentations and pondering how to make the most of this annual event. With this in mind, we asked a selection of delegates and speakers what they believe will be the biggest talking points at the event and what they hope to gain by attending. Kandy Yeung, a former engineer for two start-up biomaterials companies in Seattle, Washington, believes a big talking point at the event will be around market projections of lead-acid batteries as well as the latest work on improving the design and manufacturing of lead-acid batteries. “I am most interested in learning the work of carbon additives from other researchers. I am looking forward to meeting presenters from all over the world, in particular Pat Moseley, Paul Everill from the Molecular Rebar Design, Jun Furukawa from The Furukawa Battery Co., and Exide’s Valenciano. I have read their publications and it will be a great opportunity to discuss and learn from these outstandwww.batteriesinternational.com

ing scholars and researchers,” she says. Paolina Atanassova, a senior executive at the Cabot Corporation in the US, believes a big talking point will be around how improvements can be delivered in start stop hybrid cars. Advanced lead-acid batteries, including absorbent glass mat (AGM) and enhanced flooded batteries (EFB), are currently the preferred battery solution for start stop hybrid cars due to their broad manufacturing base, safety and improved performance compared to conventional startinglighting-ignition (SLI) batteries, she notes, adding that the start stop capability will likely be a standard feature in all new cars models. But further improvements are need-

ed to deliver even higher energy savings to the consumers,” she says. “The effect of carbon additives and other expander components on dynamic charge acceptance will be a main topic.” In this context, there are several presentations she is looking forward to attending. “Both the session on “Lead Acid Batteries for Low Emission Vehicles” and “Energy Storage for Future Electricity” have a great selection of speakers and I plan to attend as many as possible,” she says. Nick Desimone, director of Product Management at EnerG2, says a central theme for the conference will be the importance of focusing on lead acid battery research and development

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“The global industrial battery market continues to evolve based on the changing needs of its diversified and demanding customer base. This paper will use industry sales data as well as information gathered from industry experts to analyze both the global stationary and motive power battery markets”

KEEPING PACE WITH CHANGE Mitch Bregman, president of the Energy and Industrial Systems Division at Hollingsworth & Vose where he oversees H&V’s global battery separator business, will present on global market trends for industrial lead acid batteries. Bregman, who has spent over 30 years in the lead-acid battery business and was formerly president of Exide’s Industrial Energy Americas business, says he will discuss the rapid change occurring in the battery industry globally against backdrop of its customers evolving demands. “The global industrial battery market continues to evolve based on the changing needs of its diversified and demanding customer base. This paper will use industry sales data as well as information gathered from industry experts to analyze both the global stationary and motive power battery markets,” Bregman says. “We will examine the trends

Bregman looking for rapid change in global battery industry

and market drivers for each of the markets by region, application, and product line to draw conclusions about the future business outlook for our industry.”

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to allow for continued performance advancements and competitiveness relative to other chemistries such as lithium ion. He is particularly looking forward to Christophe Pillot’s updated market forecasts. “He never fails to provide accurate and insightful outlooks for the automotive market,” Desimone says. Jusef Hassoun, assistant research scientist at the Chemistry Department of the University of Rome Sapienza, believes a big talking point at ELBC will be the role of the lead acid battery as an energy storage system for renewable energy sources as well as the energy density and the costs associated with this. He is particularly interested in presentations on global warming and leadcarbon batteries by Pat Moseley due to the effective relationship between the energy storage system and the mitigation of the global pollution. Philip Williams, a principal engineer at Ricardo UK and the chief engineer of the ADEPT (ADvanced Electric Powertrain Technology) collaborative research project, will be presenting a paper on a specific project he is working on through the ADEPT project, which is supported by the Technology Strategy Board. He says he will be attending other presentations also focusing on 48V vehicle projects. As such, speakers on his radar include Allan Cooper, Carsten Kaup and Nick Pascoe and Paul Bloore. Shawn Peng, vice president of Leoch International Technology responsible for new product development and external technical exchange, believes lead acid battery technologies for the future will feature across the event as major themes. He reckons three areas that will be top of the agenda: mild hybrid EV-high voltage lead acid solutions; micro hybrid EV-12V systems; and renewable energy systems. There are numerous presentations or speakers that Peng is looking forward to seeing. These include the presentation on the HEV, P-HEV and EV market by Christophe Pillot; and a talk on the future of Li-Ion battery recycling by Linda Gaines. In relation to this presentation, Peng says: “This is one key challenge for Li-ion batteries. If recycling cannot be solved, it will mean environmental concerns for the public and governments which will lower the market share for lithium ion batteries” Other topics that will grab his attention include several talks on improvements in industrial batteries and enhanced flooded batteries as well as the use of battery additives. www.batteriesinternational.com


“As a supplier, our main interest is in battery makers’ presentations and namely dealing with battery technology for the micro hybrid market. It gives a general indication on market trends and on technical requirements in which AGM or pasting paper can play an important role” — Sylvie Bayle, Bernard Dumas Jack Shindle, the vice president of engineering at Axion Power International, says a big talking point will be how the battery industry, which he says is working desperately to improve upon renewable energy products from automotive to battery energy storage system applications, can help end users understand upcoming technologies and drive forward acceptance into the marketplace. Jan Kabzinski, a PhD student at the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) at RWTH Aachen University, believes the main topics at the event will be new battery designs and applications, especially in cars. “I am looking forward to attending presentations of renowned speakers on their research, results, methods and new trends in industry,” she adds. Patrick Moseley, a long-time and highly regarded researcher in his field whose previous roles include manager of electrochemistry at the International Lead Zinc Research Organisation in North Carolina and president of the Advanced Lead–Acid Battery Consortium, believes the two main talking points will be: the continuing efforts to optimize the beneficial effects of including certain forms of carbon in the negative plate; and the exploration of the opportunities for lead-based batteries in the stationary storage of electricity (renewables and smart grid applications). Friedrich Dempwolff, vice president of industry and governmental relations for Johnson Controls Power Solutions EMEA, and president of EUROBAT, says a lot of debate can be expected around the issue of energy storage. “Batteries can serve for energy storage purposes for on-grid and off-grid applications which makes them an essential element in the renewable energy debate. One of the urgent issues to be addressed concerns the question of the uptake of renewable energy in the energy grid with batteries offering a technology that is readily available. “However, a regulatory framework www.batteriesinternational.com

is lacking at European level that encourages the use of batteries for energy storage purposes. “Furthermore, I am expecting some interesting presentations and interventions in the session on lead batteries for low emission vehicles. Advanced lead-based batteries in automotive applications play a pivotal role in terms of fuel efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions,” Dempwolff says. In addition to this, he says he is also particular interested in presentations from the session covering the global outlook. “This session includes a number of speakers from the US and it is always interesting to learn about challenges and opportunities that our industry faces on both sides of the Atlantic,” he says. Linda Gaines, a systems analyst at the Center for Transportation Research at Argonne National Laboratory, is another delegate who believes that problems caused by lithium ion batteries at secondary lead smelters will be a very hot topic. “Beyond that, I’m hoping to learn more about the lead industry,” she says. Ernst Ferg, an associate professor at the university lecturing in the field of electrochemistry and physical chemistry at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth South Africa, thinks the conference will focus more on the lead-acid batteries in applications specifically looking at the behaviour of the battery in various demand driven applications that can range from EV to stand by power support. Bolo Lukanyo, a second year masters student at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University researching lead-acid batteries, expects to learn about new designs and future energy storage systems as well as market related developments for lead-acid battery systems.” In particular, he says he is looking forward to sessions covering the use of lead batteries in low emission vehicles and the Energy Storage for Future Electricity session. “This is because these two sessions

focus on the future development and growth in the lead-acid industry, while lead-acid batteries could lose the automobile industry to lithium-ion systems,” he says. “In terms of the global energy storage crisis, what solution does the lead-acid battery have in store for us?” Paul Everill, director of technology and lead acid batteries at Molecular Rebar Design, believes the successful implementation of carbon nanotube technology in full-scale battery production will be a big talking point. He is also keen to hear about other cutting edge research, use the event to help identify new markets and possibilities for his own products and learning where various controversies lie in the field regarding carbon additives. Manfred Gelbke, the head of R&D and technical customer support at

OAK’s Kent Lancaster: advanced lead acid battery technologies generally as well as new equipment and materials for lead acid batteries will be the biggest themes

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“Only the development of enhanced AGM or flooded lead-acid batteries and highly accurate and smart BMS solutions will lead to introduction of much better products based on lead-acid batteries to the market” Akkumulatorenfabrik Moll predicts three main talking points: lead batteries for low emission vehicles, the influence of carbon on battery design and advances in battery technology. He is particularly interested in presentations about micro-hybrids, about carbon or other additives to the active material but also about research subjects as they can be useful for further improvements of lead batteries. Cesare Catelli, general manager and technical and R&D Manager at

PC di Pompeo Catelli, believes the theme of going greener will be a big topic at the event with all the various meanings this may have. Dennis Been, systems sales manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Pyrotek in the Netherlands, also believes the green theme will reign specifically in relation to carbon emissions, the environmental footprint of companies and sustainable technologies. “I am interested in hearing papers by battery producers

AVL Schrick’s Carsten Kaup: “48V is a hot topic in automotive powertrain development.”

ADVANCES IN BATTERY TECHNOLOGY Ed Shaffer, the founder and chief executive of Advanced Battery Concepts, will present a paper called GreenSeal Bipolar Technology for Large-Format, Lead-Acid Batteries. “We will share some bi-polar battery design insights and review our battery performance advantages over conventional lead acid batteries using real comparative data derived from our production batteries and competitor production batteries,” Shaffer says. He says the talk will also discuss the company’s readiness for production commencement and state why we believe its designs will have significant impact on the lead acid battery market. “This is due to the superior performance, cost of manufacture and >45% lead content reduction for the same stored energy,” he says. Grzegorz Pilatowicz, a team leader at the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) specializing in modelling, simulation, diagnostics and life-time estimation of lead-acid batteries, will present a paper called Determination of the Lead-Acid Battery’s Dynamic Response using Butler-Volmer Equation for Advanced Battery Management Systems in Automotive Applications. He says he will discuss what he calls the highly accurate voltage estimation algorithm, which is going to be implemented in the BMS realized by Intelligent Battery Sensor


(IBS), which is installed in the most of micro-hybrid vehicles. “The core of my algorithm (ButlerVolmer equation) is not new but the way how I integrated it in the whole BMS is very novel,” he says. “The novelty is also related to its scalability and adaptivity with different battery sizes, manufacturers, technologies etc. Furthermore, I will speak about its potential as the supporting tool for state-of-charge and state-of-health estimation.”

Smart BMS solutions are important for achieving longer expected life time of the battery systems for both stationary and automotive applications. “Only the development of enhanced AGM or flooded lead-acid batteries and highly accurate and smart BMS solutions will lead to introduction of much better products based on lead-acid batteries to the market,” he says. “Advanced BMS not only know the state of the battery but also actively influence the energy management of the system so that the expected life is significantly increased.” “Using it even standard batteries which are currently present on the market can achieve much longer expected life time and better performance. I would like to appeal to the audience to pay more attention to BMS science because otherwise even the best battery will prematurely fail due to not optimized operation. When you look through the programme of the ELBC you will notice that I am one of the few speakers who will discuss this topic.”

“The industry needs to embrace and invest in product technology to improve performance and cycle life so any of the presenters advocating investment in this area help our cause” — Ed Shaffer, Advanced Battery Concepts

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I will definitely be listening to some presentations about the improvements in the battery design, particularly the paper on Improvements in Flooded Lead-Acid Batteries for a Better Cycling Life Performance under Different Surrounding and PSoC Conditions. Closing the gap with AGM batteries for Microhybrid Applications.” — Grzegorz Pilatowicz and how they cope with rules and regulations and how they turn these into benefits,” he says. Max Mandt-Merck, business development manager at LAP, believes the industry will be talking about the issue of combining lithium-ion and other alternative battery sources such as ultra capacitors. “Furthermore, there might be continued debate on the use of carbon additives to extend service life. I also think, further quality enhancement features for production will be discussed,” Mandt-Merck says. In terms of presentations or speakers he is looking out for, he is interested in looking at presentations regarding the lead supply situation as this links into his company’s system solution. “We are also very interested in learning about lithium-ion-recycling processes, market trends in general,” he says. Sylvie Bayle, R&D manager in Bernard Dumas, says carbon additives in relation to battery performance will be a main point of interest among battery makers as well as the performance of EFB and AGM batteries. “All presentations seem interesting but as a supplier, our main interest is in battery makers’ presentations and namely dealing with battery technology for the micro hybrid market. It gives a general indication on market trends and on technical requirements in which AGM or pasting paper can play an important role,” she says. Kent Lancaster, vice president of sales for Oak Press Solutions, says advanced lead acid battery technologies generally as well as new equipment and materials for lead acid batteries will be the biggest themes. John Wertz, the global product development manager for Hollingsworth and Vose Battery Products, says the start/stop and grid storage market segments will be big themes. “These are proving to be huge opportunities for the battery industry as a whole, however, these segments are

presenting new and different performance challenges. Battery manufacturers and suppliers will need to bring a very high level of creativity and innovation to the market in order to meet these challenges,” he says. Dario Cericola, an application scientist in the R&D Laboratory of Imerys Graphite and Carbon (formerly TIMCAL Graphite and Carbon), says advanced lead acid batteries and carbons in the negative plate will be the big themes. Cericola is also interested in any presentation dealing with carbons in advanced lead acid batteries, “in order to follow the recent trends in this field”. John Wood, the chief executive of Ecoult, believes new market opportunities along with the protection

“In terms of the global energy storage crisis, what solution does the lead-acid battery have in store for us?” of existing markets against alternate technologies will be the major themes. In this context, he says he is very interested in the technical programme. “There are a number of topics of interest that we are working on in real time,” he says. Peter Stevenson, senior technical coordinator at Yuasa Battery Europe, expects energy storage in the context of increased renewables generation to be a hot topic for industrial battery application. “In addition to this, for automotive the rapid penetration of idle-stop systems and their effects on SLI battery construction should be interesting,” he says. “As will the proliferation of alternative battery technologies in commercial use and their effect on lead acid markets.”

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Ed Shaffer, the founder of Advanced Battery Concepts, says that the ELBC is typically automotive focused so stop/start technology will feature highly. “In addition, carbon additives to improve battery performance and other methods of increasing battery performance such as cycle life and PSOC will be topics,” he says. “The industry needs to embrace and invest in product technology to improve performance and cycle life so any of the presenters advocating investment in this area help our cause.” Grzegorz Pilatowicz, a team leader at the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), believes the main general talking points will be: 48V systems for extended micro-hybrid vehicles; understanding of the role of carbon and mechanisms, which improve the performance of the lead-acid batteries; new designs and changes, which could be done to improve the expected life time, dynamic charge acceptance and the like; hybrid systems where lead-acid batteries are installed together with lithium-ion batteries; improved manufacturing; and application related reports (mainly automotive applications but also stationary ones). Pilatowicz is looking forward to the presentations, where companies Moll and JCI are involved. “It is because their studies are usually very informative and well presented. In addition to this, I will definitely listen to some presentations about the improvements in the battery design, particularly Improvements in Flooded Lead-Acid Batteries for a Better Cycling Life Performance under Different Surrounding and PSoC Conditions. Closing the gap with AGM batteries for Microhybrid Applications.” www.batteriesinternational.com

SUPPLIERS’ FORUM The suppliers’ forum represents a chance for different companies representing a diverse range of industries, chemistries technologies to showcase their wares. Batteries International contacted some of the speakers for a taste of what delegates should expect.

It’s show (case) time! Divided into a larger number of smaller presentations, each speaker in the suppliers’ forum gets just 10 minutes to pitch their latest product developments. This session comprises a wide range of presentations from companies often involved in highly technical industries — yet also ones that can be extremely important to the batteries industry and have the potential to revolutionize the way it operates. Björn Mentzer, vice president of marketing and sales, at Abertax, will present on the latest developments in battery monitoring devices, specifically devices that can be accessed online and controlled remotely. Specifically, he will cover technology developed by Abertax. During a recent exhibition in Hanover, he says the www.batteriesinternational.com

company enjoyed huge interest in the product. “Our system is like your doctor having a control device that automatically tells you your health status, so they can advise and also detect in advance illness. What is still only part of the future for humans is available from Abertax,” Mentzer says. Mentzer says the presentation will cover the firm’s field experience with online battery monitoring units and how much companies can save by using the system. He says delegates attending the presentation will also see the potential of the system from an R&D perspective. The Battery Management System developed by Abertax, a wireless e2BMU solution, provides battery data through the internet in real time. “This paper presents the innovative

design concept of this solution and the flexibility it offers, to ensure vital basic battery information through an internet website,” Mentzer says. “The battery data is continuously monitored, stored and analyzed by dedicated software, which automatically takes the necessary actions to ensure reliable and safe battery operation. “The data is sent periodically to a webserver. The results of various fleet operations in different motive power applications spread out all over the world will be presented. The field experience and results will demonstrate the huge advantages of using this battery monitoring technology especially battery leasing and rental applications. The paper will also address the financial savings when using this technology.”

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“As complex applications like start/stop automobiles continue to increase demands on battery performance, it has become critical to understand how each component of the battery behaves with respect to the overall system” — John Wertz, Hollingsworth & Vose

“With increasing competition within the battery industry, our solution marks an important unique selling proposition for your process and it saves costs” — Max Mandt-Merck, LAP Cesare Catelli, general manager and technical and R&D manager at PC di Pompeo Catelli, will discuss ways of improving the curing process for the production of lead-acid battery plates with reduced energy consumption and better crystal morphology. In 2006, Catelli was a finalist at the International Award for Energy and Innovation, organized by the ALTRAN Foundation in Paris, with a project on improvements in lead-acid battery capacity with a new production method. The presentation’s full title is: Standard Curing vs Continuous Curing: Advantages and Results of an Innovative Approach to the Curing Process.

Dennis Been, systems sales manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Pyrotek in the Netherlands, will present a paper entitled “Enhancing the Value of Lead Drosses and Wastes.” It will examine how Pyrotek can support lead-acid battery producers to improve performance by enhancing and recovering valuable lead out of lead skimmings/drosses. Been has over 15 years’ experience in various areas of the aluminium, zinc and galvanizing industries. The co-author of the paper will be Peter Jetten, Pyrotek’s global product manager for waste management systems. Been will give details on the short return on investment in Pyrotek pro-

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cessing equipment that, he claims, can improve the financial bottom line of a battery producer. Additionally, it will show how using the equipment can help producers reduce their waste footprint. Max Mandt-Merck, business development manager at LAP, will present on laser-based measurement solutions designed to measure pasted plate thickness and lead strip thickness. His focus will be on the commercial aspects of implementing such a measurement. “With increasing competition within the battery industry, our solution marks an important unique selling proposition for your process and it saves costs,” he says.

Expanders too Ian Klein, from Penox Group in Germany will present with Andrea Saletti from Midac Batteries in Italy. Penox has developed a range of expander mixes, which it has started to sell to the batteries industry. Initial results suggest the materials are performing very well with charge acceptance significantly improved (+25%) but a slight increase in the water consumption observed which is being worked on with improvements already seen. www.batteriesinternational.com

SUPPLIERS’ FORUM All results are verified by Italian battery producer Midac Batteries and confirmed by other customers, says Klein. “The increase of charge acceptance was achieved without using any ‘fancy’ carbon additives like graphite or activated carbon. During our short presentation we want to explain our point of view that is more related to the mechanisms of acid exchange within the plates and adjustment of pore sizes and control of crystal structures for active materials during discharge operations,” he says.

Pasting papers Sylvie Bayle, R&D manager in Bernard Dumas with responsibility for developing tomorrow’s AGMs and micro glass pasting papers for the battery industry, will present on the implications and benefits of using a pasting paper made of micro glass fibres to design a VRLA and/or an EFB. She says recent product developments will be presented and compared to other solutions and any battery makers using a pasting paper in their plate making process will find the talk of interest. Kent Lancaster, vice president of sales for Oak Press Solutions, a supplier of battery grid punching systems, will discuss some of the refinements the company has made to the OAK Punching Systems over the past year, which he says are designed to improve the quality of the grids it produces and simplify the operation of the equipment. “Battery manufacturers are being challenged by the ever increasing demands on battery performance and need to improve production efficiency in their facilities,” Lancaster says. “The battery grid punching system from Oak Press Solutions can help address the demands of the end customer and the needs of the manufacturer.” He says punched battery grids provide superior performance when compared to grids produced by other technologies. “And the punching system from Oak not only produces very consistent grids, which increases overall plant efficiencies, but it also produces grids at a very high production rate,” Lancaster says. John Wertz, the global product development manager for Hollingsworth and Vose Battery Products in charge of separator design and development, will talk about work the company is doing developing a new www.batteriesinternational.com

generation of measurement techniques and specifications that will help define the way the AGM separators perform. “As complex applications like start/ stop automobiles continue to increase demands on battery performance, it has become critical to understand how each component of the battery behaves with respect to the overall system,” says Wertz. “At H&V, we are working to develop next generation measurement techniques and specifications which will help to define the way the AGM separator performs in situ. Our overarching goal is to help our customers improve the performance of their batteries to meet the demands of tomorrow’s applications.” He adds that AGM separators serve as an active part of the battery system. “Choosing the right separator can positively influence battery performance characteristics such as capacity and cycle life, as well as impact production rates and processes. H&V has developed testing and measurement techniques which will more accurately depict performance throughout the life of the battery system.” Previously at H&V, Wertz has led advanced product development teams in battery separator, fuel carbon composites, liquid filtration and nanofiber media. Before joining H&V 12 years ago, he spent 15 years in battery and electrochemical capacitor design and development with Johnson Controls, General Motors and Trojan Battery Company.

Abertax’s Mentzer, will present on the latest developments in battery monitoring devices

Carbon, carbon

Cesare Catelli: ways to improve the curing process for lead-acid battery plates

Dario Cericola, an application scientist in the R&D Laboratory of Imerys Graphite and Carbon (formerly TIMCAL Graphite and Carbon) dealing with various battery systems, will describe a number of products developed by Imerys that can be used in lead acid batteries. “Imerys Graphite & Carbon has a highly diversified carbon portfolio for application in lead acid batteries that satisfy all manufacturer carbon requirements,” he says. “The TIMREX CyPbrid grade, which is specifically developed for application in advanced lead acid batteries, is a hybrid carbon that combines key properties of graphite and carbon blacks. “It also exhibits easy handling and processing and significantly boosts the negative plate performance concerning charge acceptance and cycle life in HRPSOC operation.”

Dennis Been, from Pyrotek, will present a paper entitled “Enhancing the Value of Lead Drosses and Wastes.”

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