Study Groups

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job-embedded, self-directed, student-driven approach to professional learning. designed to establish professional learning communities that strive to increase student learning engage in cycles of action research driven by data. groups no larger than five deepen knowledge and understanding of what is taught, design lessons, take action in their classrooms, assess student results, reflect on their actions and on student results, and take joint responsibility for the students they teach. whole-faculty means that every member at a school is a member of a study group focusing on data-based student instructional needs. The collective synergy of all the study groups advances the whole school.

Improve teacher practices Improve student learning Teachers work Collaboratively Facilitate school-wide change

Five Principles of Effective WFSGs Students are First - What study groups do and how study groups are organized depends on what students need teachers to do.

Everyone Participates - All faculty members are members of study groups.

Leadership is Shared – All faculty take a turn serving as a study group leader and representing the group at the Instructional Council.

Responsibility is Equal – All faculty members are equally responsible for the work study groups do.

How does the model work? Initiation Initiation Determine interest Decide on training Have an orientation

Implementation Analyze data State student needs Categorize student needs Complete individual action plan Form WFSGs based on selected categories Each WFSG designs action plan specifies content of the group’s work Each WFSG implements cycles of action research by assessing specific needs, planning for instruction, acting on the plans and reflecting on student responses.

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