September 2024
IInside nside Track Track
In This Issue...
Important Dates
August 30thSeptember 2nd Labor Day- RJO Office Closed
September 10th
Payments due in the RJO Office
September 15th
RJO Foundation Scholarship Applications Due
September 23rd
RJO Foundation Art Auction
The following RJO vendors were recently recognized at the Summer Buying Show for their outstanding contributions to our organization
Loose Goods: GN Diamond
Finished Goods: Allison-Kaufman Ostbye
Clock/Watch Citizen Watch Co.
Service/Specialty Products: Edge by Abbott Jewelry Systems
Sales Representative of the Year:
Tim Marr, Ostbye
Ralph Crivelli, Victor Corp
Rising Star Awards: Galinteriors
Overnight Mountings
MDL Diamond Merchants
Friday Night Kick-Off Tower Winner: Parle
The latest RJO news and announcements
RJO is buzzing with excitement as we celebrate breaking yet another Buying Show record! With sales totaling over $22.8 million, the 406 RJO retailers who swarmed to St. Louis came ready to BUY, BUY, BUY! This incredible turnout has crowned St. Louis 2024 the highest summer show sales in RJO Buying Show history. Congratulations, RJO!
This sweet success has us all abuzz, gearing up for the next show We're ready to gather with our hive in Phoenix 2025, where we hope RJO retailers bring the heat once again This show will kick off our new winter date pattern, taking place from February 21-24th We can't wait to celebrate with you!
But the Winter Show isn’t the only thing we ’ re working on This fall is full of opportunities to make your mark, including the RJO European Rock Tour, Foundation Scholarships, and Leadership Committee applications Now is the perfect time to dive into RJO, so be sure to check the back of this page for ways you can connect with this vibrant community!
As always, make sure you ' re staying connected by checking your email and following RJOExclusive on Facebook so you don’t miss a buzz-worthy announcement!
The RJO recently honored the late Mike Pribyl with the RJO Lifetime Achievement Award As president of the RJO Foundation and a steadfast supporter of our organization, Mike made a lasting impact on our community His passing in January 2024 was a significant loss, but his legacy continues to inspire us The award was accepted by the Pribyl family in recognition of his dedication and contributions
Mike Pribyl
Cahill-Pribyl Jewelry & Gifts
It’sback!JoinusfortheRJOFoundation'sannualArtAuction,whereyou canbidonastunningselectionofartworkwhilesupportingagreatcause!
FormerRJOFoundationPresident,MikeDoland,hasdonatedthis stunningandincrediblyintricategalleryofhisoriginalartworkinsupport oftheRJOFoundationHishopethesebeautifulpieceswillhangonthe storeandofficewallsofhisfellowRJOpeersallacrossthenation
ProceedsfromthisauctionwillgotowardsSpringandFall2025 ScholarshiprecipientsaswellastowardsbuildingtheFoundation endowmentforfuturesustainability.Everybidhelpsfurtherthemission oftheRJOFoundation.Readmoreonpage9!
Premier Art Auction Premier Art Auction
Mark Your Calendars! Mark Your Calendars!
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
It’s back! Join us for the RJO Foundation's annual Art Auction, where you can bid on a stunning selection of artwork while supporting a great cause!
Former RJO Foundation President, Mike Doland, has donated this stunning and incredibly intricate gallery of his original artwork in support of the RJO Foundation His hope these beautiful pieces will hang on the store and office walls of his fellow RJO peers all across the nation
Proceeds from this auction will go towards Spring and Fall 2025 Scholarship recipients as well as towards building the Foundation endowment for future sustainability.
Every bid helps further the mission of the RJO Foundation Explore the collection and get ready to place your bids starting now! For more details and to participate scan the QR Code or visit:
Mike Doland is the founder and owner of Doland Jewelers He started the business in 1986 following an art teaching career Mike opened his own jewelry store in 1986 in Bellevue, Iowa and expanded the business to Dubuque and Davenport, Iowa by 2001.
As a jeweler Mike designed and hand-crafted jewelry and competed both statewide and nationally in design contests In retirement and after years of studying and designing with gemstones, Mike has carried the experience into painting. Part of his focus is painting beautiful gemstones that he viewed under a jeweler’s scope throughout his years in business.
As a founding member of the RJO Foundation, former RJO Foundation President, and longtime supporter of our entire organization, Mike’s artwork has raised nearly $40,000 for the RJO Foundation over the years.
The RJO Foundation sincerely thanks Mike for this amazing contribution! We are excited to share his talents with the organization.
The RJO Foundation Board of Trustees has a duty to manage the business and affairs of the Foundation in accordancewitharticlesofincorporation,bylawsandotherdocumentsandthefoundationpoliciesinmeetingthe goalsandobjectivesoftheorganization.
Trustees are stewards who act on behalf of a foundation's constituents, including funders, members, and donors. TheBoardhastheprincipalresponsibilityforfulfillmentoftheFoundation'smissionandthelegalaccountabilityfor its operations As a group, they are in charge of establishing a clear mission, forming the strategic plan to accomplish the mission, overseeing and evaluating the plan's success, ensuring financial solvency of the organization, interpreting and representing the foundation, and instituting a fair system of policies and procedures fortrusteesasapplicabletofoundationoperations.
Responsibilities& Commitment:
Trusteesmayalsobeaskedtoleadorserveon subcommitteesasneeded
Attendanceatspecialeventswillbeevaluated astheyaredetermined
Trusteesareselectedtoserveforatermofthree years.Trusteesareeligibletoservemultiple terms
SothattheFoundationcancrediblysolicitcontributionsfromfoundations,organizations,andindividuals,itexpectstohave 100percentofTrusteesmakeanannualcontributionthatiscommensuratewiththeirfinancialability.
Inaddition,theFoundationexpectseachTrusteetoutilizetheirtime,industryand/orpersonalcontactsandotherresources toeducateandmakeasksofprospectorganizations,corporations,andindividuals
Fiduciaryduty:Thisisadutytoacthonestly,ingoodfaith,andwithaviewtothebestinterestsoftheFoundation.Inherentin thefiduciarydutyofatrusteeistheresponsibilitytounderstandtherequirementsofthedutytodiscloseundertheconflict-ofinterestpoliciesoftheorganizationandcommonlawandtounderstandandadheretothedutyofconfidentiality
Dutyofcare:Atrusteeisrequiredtoexercisethecare,diligenceandskillthatareasonablyprudentpersonwouldexercisein comparablecircumstances Thisisthetrustee’sdutyofcare Thisrequirestrusteestotakethetimenecessarytomake informedbusinessjudgments
Duediligence:Thisisthereviewandinvestigation/researchthatthetrusteesconductbeforecomingtoadecisionona particularmatterorissue Thisincludessignificantrelianceongoodinformation,externaladvisors,onfinancialstatementsand supportfromtheCEOofRJO.Inaddition,annuallytheboardwillconduct,andeachmemberwillactivelyparticipatein,aselfevaluationandgroupevaluation.
The RJO Next Generation Board is comprised of eight RJO members, appointed by the RJO BoardofDirectors,toaidmanagementinunderstandingtheneedsofthenextgenerationof independentretailersaswellasprovideinsighttothecurriculumoftheRJONextGeneration Experience
Responsibilities& Commitment:
TheNextGenBoardholdstwo(2) in-personmeetingsthroughouta calendaryear.Physicalpresence atthesemeetingsisrequired. Meetingsareheldatthe following:
RJOWinterBuyingShow RJOSummerBuyingShow
AttendanceattheRJONextGen Experience Thiseventisheldin theSpringorFall,everyother year.Physicalpresenceis required.
Occasionalavailabilityfor teleconferences
NextGenBoardMemberreceivesuptofour-night’sstayat theshow’shosthotel
Receiveasecondroomforstoreforuptothreenightsstay attheshow’shosthotel
RegistrationfeeandlodgingarepaidfortheNextGen Experience
Apply Today!
The Merchandise Review Committee (MRC) is a group of RJO members appointed by the Board of Directors, each serving a three-year term This committee plays a critical role in shaping the vendor partnershipsofRJO Thecommitteeisresponsibleforinterviewing,selecting,andnegotiatingcontracts with potential partners, ensuring they align with RJO’s standards. This committee also consistently reviews the vendor mix, re-negotiates partnership agreements, reviews membership evaluations, and updatestovendorpoliciesforexistingvendorswithinourorganization.
Responsibilities& Commitment:
Quarterlyreviewofallsubmitted prospectivevendorprofiles (vendorapplications)
Two–threeteleconferences scheduledduringagreedupon timesthroughouttheyear
Attendanceatfive(5)Review CommitteeMeetings Physical presenceatallmeetingsis required Meetingsareheldatthe following:
WinterBuyingShow–held January/February
SpringJointMeetingwithRJO BoardofDirectors(typically heldinApril)
JCKLastVegasShow*-plan onapproximatelyfourdaysin LasVegasforscheduled boothvisits(Friday–Monday)
SummerBuyingShow–held July/August
FallJointMeetingwithRJO BoardofDirectors(typically heldinOctober)
*DuringtheJCKLasVegasShowyouwillhave littletonotimetodoyourownbuying Mosttime isspentconductinginterviews,negotiating contractsandresearchingprospectivevendors
MembersoftheMerchandiseReviewCommitteereceivea stipendfortheirtimeandservice:
BuyingShowMeetings(2)-$2,000Stipend Travel(economyclassairand/ormileage reimbursement)paidbyRJO
MRCMemberreceivesuptofivenightsstayatthe show’shosthotel
MRCMemberreceivesasecondroomforthestoreforup tothreenightsstayattheshow’shosthotel
SpringJointMeeting(1)-$1,000Stipend TravelandhotelpaidbyRJO
JCKLasVegasShow*-$1,500Stipend TravelandhotelpaidbyRJO
FallJointMeeting-$1,000Stipend TravelandhotelpaidbyRJO