The Leesport Farmers Market, 312 Gernants Church Rd, Leesport, Pa 19533 Deadline: October 31, 2016 Name:________________________________________________ Telephone:____________________________ E-mail:________________________________________________ Website:______________________________ Business Name:_________________________________________ Street Address:__________________________________ City:___________________ State:______ Zip________ Brief Description of Goods Offered:_______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Mail this application to:
PLAA VENDOR COMMITTEE 950 Railroad Rd, Mohrsville, Pa 19541
In addition to your application, please include the following:
A signed copy of the vendor agreement
A photograph of your booth ( if you are a new vendor)
A check or money order made out to PLAA for the booth and/or membership fees as below:
10 x 10 booth space: PLAA Member $75.00_____________ (booth includes one 8ft table and 2 chairs) Non-member $100.00_____________ Do you need a table?
10 x 20 booth space: PLAA Member $140.00____________ Non-member $190.00____________ 8 ft table: Member $45.00______________Non-member $50.00_________________________
Join PLAA窶認arm Member (2 votes) $35.00_____________ (please include membership form with application--on web site) Associate
(1 vote)
Do you need electric?___________ You must bring your own extension cords. Please list the names of people working in your booth so name tags can be made (include yourself). ______________________________
Total Enclosed
PLAA VENDOR FIBER ARTS FESTIVAL AGREEMENT 1. In order to guarantee exhibit space, payment in full is required to be received at the time the application is submitted. It is understood that PLAA will assign spaces based on vendor application requirements.
2. If the vendor space leased by the vendor is not occupied by the time set for completion of displays, such space shall be considered cancelled and PLAA reserves the right to use the space as it sees fit, or to relet such space. The vendor shall remain liable for the rental in full.
3. With regard to vendor eligibility: a) PLAA reserved the right to determine the eligibility of vendors based on products intending to be sold and booth design provided by the vendor on the Vendor Application and booth photograph. Acceptance is at the sole discretion of PLAA. Previous vendors do not need to submit photos.
b) Vendors shall not solicit business in the aisles or in booths other than their own. c) Any children with vendors must not be allowed to run through facility or be unruly. 4. With regard to exhibit spaces: a)
Products and displays must remain in the confines of the allotted booth space rented and may not extend into the aisles.
b) No vendor may dismantle its display until 4pm Sunday. Failure to comply may be cause to revoke future exhibiting privileges with PLAA.
c) The vendor agrees to have removed all display goods and properties from the show building by 7pm on Sunday. The vendor will be responsible for all expenses incurred by the failure to meet this portion of the agreement.
5. Set up is Friday, November 18 from 12pm-7pm. Doors will open at 8am Saturday and Sunday for vendors to complete last minute set-up. Festival hours are Saturday from 9-5 and Sunday 9-4.
6. Exhibit space cancelled prior to October 31, 2016 is subject to a $20 cancellation fee. Cancellation after October 31, 2016 is cause for forfeiture of full payment. In the event of a cancellation, PLAA reserves the right to use the space as it sees fit, including the sale of the booth to another exhibitor.
7. A concession stand is available inside the venue.
For questions contact: Kathy Kenworthy Home: 610-926-6120 Cell:
610-533-3105 I and my heirs, in consideration of my participation in the PLAA Fiber Arts Festival, on November 19-20, 2016 at The Leesport Farmers Market, 312 Gernants Church Rd, L:eesport, Pa 19533, hereby release the Fiber Festival Committee, its volunteers and any other people officially connected with this event, from any and all liability for damage to or loss of personal property, sickness or injury from whatever source, legal entanglements, imprisonment, death or loss of money, which might occur while participating in this event. I am aware of the risks of participation and I understand that participation in this activity is strictly voluntary and I freely chose to participate. I do do not give PLAA permission to use any photographs of myself, my booth or my products for the use of advertising on social media or any other outlets.
Signature Required __________________________________Date:____________________________