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Asset Management Strategy 2022 - 2026

Item No. Strategy Desired Outcome

10 Ensure responsibilities for asset management are identified and incorporated into staff position descriptions.


Responsibility for asset management is defined within staff position descriptions as required and a Responsibility Matrix developed which details the organisational relationships and responsibility with regard to asset management over the asset lifecycle.

11 Implement Improvement Plans to realise ‘core’ maturity for the financial and asset management competencies within 2 years.

12 Report six monthly to Council by Audit Committee/CEO on development and implementation of Asset Management Strategy, AM Plans and Long-Term Financial Plans

13 Resource and undertake regular condition assessments, ensuring that historical condition information is maintained in the AIMS.

14. Develop and implement promotion and training programs.

6 Financial Summary

Program in place to implement continuous improvement and regularly reassess asset management maturity.

Oversight of resource allocation and performance

Improved understanding and decision making.

Improved skills and capability within Council asset teams.

Improved understanding of responsibilities and how staff can contribute to AM improvement and best practice.

A key element in the successful implementation of this AM Strategy is the establishment of a sustainable financial framework upon which the asset class AM Plans may be implemented. This AM Strategy reflects the financial long-term funding plan (LTFP) requirements, that have been developed by Council when developing their current Long Term Financial Plan 2021-203124 .

The financial projections documented in Table 7, will be improved in future iterations of this AM Strategy, as further information becomes available on desired levels of service, improved condition data, asset performance and by incorporation of strategic predictive modelling tools and techniques.

24 Currently being revised.

Inner West Council Asset Management Strategy 2022

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