Development Control Plan S2.26 Special Entertainment Precincts

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2.26 SpecialEntertainmentPrecincts



Figure2.26.1 –ApplicableLand


Sensitive receivers –landusesthat couldbe adverselyimpacted byentertainmentvenue sound, including; residential accommodation, tourist and visitor accommodation, places ofpublic worship, informationand educationfacilities,healthservices facilities and office premises.

Entertainmentvenues –landusesthatare likelytohost live entertainment, including; entertainment facilities, restaurants, cafes, small bars, pubs, artisanfood and drinkpremises, creativeindustries, functioncentres, community facilities and registered clubs

Sound Category Areas –classificationsoflandin andaroundaSpecial EntertainmentPrecinct


O1. Tosupportathriving, diverse, inclusive,andsafe night-time economy.

O2. Tosupportcreative and cultural industries thatrelyonthe night-time economy, includingthe entertainmentandlive music sector.

O3. Tomanageamenityexpectationsinandaround Special Entertainment Precinctsandmaintain reasonable amenityfor sensitive receivers.

Inner WestCouncil –DraftDevelopment Control Plan 1

2.26.1 SoundCategoryAreasandapplicablesoundlevels


O1. Todefine the maximumexposure toentertainmentvenue sound for eachpropertylocated withinaSoundCategory Area

O2. Tofuture proof new sensitive receiversandentertainmentvenueswithinandaroundSpecial EntertainmentPrecincts withappropriate noise amelioration measures to enable themtocoexist.


C1. Sound Category Areasapply atthe propertyboundary ofapropertyidentifiedinFigure 2.26.1ata heightof1.5mabove the finishedfloorlevel foreachfloorofabuilding

C2. Soundlevelsforeachofthe SoundCategory Areasare detailedin Figure2.26.2below

Inner WestCouncil –DraftDevelopment Control Plan 2
Sound category Area (SCA) Days of theweek Venue externalassessmentcriteria,dBLAeq(15minute) Day/Evening (7amto10pm) EarlyNight (10pmtomidnight) LateNight/EarlyMorning (midnightto7am) Overall Octave bands-dB Overall Octave bands-dB Overall Octave bands-dB dB(A) 31.5 63 125 dB(A) 31. 5 63 125 dB(A) 31.5 63 125 SCA 1 Sun7am toThurs 7am 60 64 63 61 55 59 58 56 50 54 53 51 Thurs 7am toSun 7am 65 69 68 66 65 69 68 66 55 59 58 56 SCA 2 Sun7am toThurs 7am 55 59 58 56 50 54 53 51 45 54 53 51 Thurs 7am toSun 7am 60 64 63 61 60 64 63 61 50 54 53 51 SCA ET Sun7am toThurs 7am 60 64 63 61 55 59 58 56 45 54 53 51 Thurs 7am toSun 7am 65 69 68 66 65 69 68 66 50 54 53 51
Figure2.26.2 venueexternalassessmentcriteria

2.26.2 Acousticrequirementsforsensitivereceivers


O3. Toensure sensitive receiversare designedtoattenuate againstnoise fromexistingandfuture entertainment venues


C3. Submita noise impactassessment preparedbyasuitably qualifiedacoustic consultant demonstrating thatthe proposal isable tocomply withthe soundlevels identifiedinFigure 2.26.3 below withany applicationforanew ormodified sensitive receiver locatedwithinaSound Category Area.The noise impactassessmentmust considerthe soundlevelsspecified inFigure 2.6.1above whendetermininganyattenuationrequired, includingvibration.


C4. Modifiedsensitive receiver applicationsinclude:

a. Externalandinternal alterationstosensitive receivers includingalterationsandadditions toresidential accommodation,

b. Operational changesto sensitive receivers

C5. Where noise attenuationmeasuresimpactthe provisionofnatural ventilation, alternative ventilationmustbeprovidedtoensure the proposal complies withthe National Construction Code.

C6. Noise impactfromother sources, suchasroadand rail mustbeassessedseparatelyin accordance withrelevantStandardsandpolicies

Inner WestCouncil –DraftDevelopment Control Plan 3
Sensitive receiver Period Broadband dBA Octavebandcentre frequency criteria, dB 31.5Hz 63Hz 125Hz Residential accommodation - bedrooms 7am–10pm 30 54 47 41 10pm–7am 25 49 42 36 Residential accommodation –other habitable rooms 7am–10pm 35 54 47 41 10pm–7am 30 54 47 41 Touristandvisitor accommodation(bedrooms & sleepingareas) 7am- midnight 35 54 47 41 Midnight –7am 30 54 47 41 Informationandeducation facilities All times 30 54 47 41 Place ofpublic worship All times 30 54 47 41 Healthservices facility All times 25 49 42 36 Office premises All times 40 59 52 46

2.26.3 Acousticrequirementsforentertainmentvenues


O4. Toensure new andmodified entertainment venues donotunreasonablyimpactonthe amenity ofsensitive landuses


C7. Forthe purposesofthissectionofthe DCPa modifiedvenue includesSection4.55applications that:

a. Increase patroncapacityby15% ormore fromthe original approval, or

b. Increase tradinghours beyond midnightifcurrently restricted tomidnight orearlier, or

c. includenew ormodified external openings(e.g., windowsanddoors), or

d. Anyamendmentstooperational controls inan approved Plan ofManagementthat managessound

Amodifiedvenue does notincludeSection 4.55applicationsfor:

e. Internal alterations, unlesswithina mixed-use building, or

f. The renewal oftrial hours, unlessotherwise requested byCouncil.

C8. Submita noise impactassessmentpreparedbyasuitablyqualified acoustic withapplications foranew ormodifiedvenue.Itmust:

a. Detail physical noise attenuationmeasures todemonstrate the venue canoperate within the ‘venue external assessmentcriteria’asspecifiedinFigure 2.26.2above.

b. Demonstrate compliance withthe ‘venue external assessmentcriteria’(Figure 2.26.2) atthe boundary ofall sites containingasensitive receiver within15m ofthe subjectsite.

c. Demonstrate thatthe venue canoperate withoutbreachingthe sensitive receiver internal noise criteriaspecifiedinFigure 2.6.3.Thisisofparticularrelevance fornew ormodified venueswithinthe same buildingasasensitive receiver.

2.26.4 Mixed-usedevelopments Objective

O5. Tofuture proofcommercial tenancies innew mixed-use developments containing sensitive receiverssothatthe commercial tenancies can be easily adaptedtoentertainmentvenues.


C9. Submitanoise impactassessmentwithanyapplicationformixeduse developments containing a sensitive receiver.It must:

a. Demonstrate thatnon-residential floorspace withinthe building couldbeused asan entertainmentvenue andstill meet the sensitive receiver internal noise criteriafor sensitive receivers (Figure2.26.3)

b. Specifyattenuationmeasurestobedesignedintothe building, future proofingthe nonresidential floorspace asapotential entertainmentvenue. Note: Noise attenuation measuresrequiredbythe noise impactassessment mustbeincorporatedintothe design ofthe buildingatitsinitial construction.

Inner WestCouncil –DraftDevelopment Control Plan 4

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