Draft Inner West Local Infrastructure Contribution Plan 2022

Page 29

Inner West Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 – DRAFT

Section 7.12 conditions of consent

Section 7.12 complying development conditions.

The conditions specify the type of contribution payable (either a section s7.11 contribution or section 7.12 levy), the contribution amount payable, how the contribution amount will be indexed for inflation, when the contribution needs to be paid, and how to pay the contribution (acceptable payment methods).


Paying the contribution

Timing of payments A monetary contribution required to be paid by a condition imposed on the development consent or the complying development certificate in accordance with this plan is to be paid at the time specified in the condition. Generally, the condition will provide for payment as follows: •

For development where no further approvals are required (for example, a change of use where no building works are proposed) – before the development consent is issued.

For development involving subdivision – the contribution must be paid prior to the release of the subdivision certificate (linen plan).

For development not involving subdivision, but where a construction certificate is required – the contribution must be paid prior to the release of the construction certificate for any works authorising construction above the floor level of the ground floor.

For works authorised under a complying development certificate – the contributions are to be paid before any work authorised by the certificate commences, as required by clause 157(2) of the EP&A Regulation 2021.

Deferred or periodic payments Council will not accept the deferred or periodic payment of a monetary contribution or a levy imposed under this plan.

Indexation A section 7.11 monetary contribution amount required by a condition of development consent imposed in accordance with this plan will be indexed between the date of the grant of the consent and the date on which the contribution is paid in accordance with quarterly movements in the Consumer Price Index (All Groups Index) for Sydney as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Similarly, the proposed cost of carrying out development the subject of a section 7.12 levy is to be indexed between the date of the grant of the consent and the date on which the contribution is paid in accordance with quarterly movements in the Consumer Price Index (All Groups Index) for Sydney as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. 18 11634 Inner West CP_draft_v35.docx April 2022

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